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Author Topic: Darkness Within  (Read 424 times)

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Darkness Within
« on: April 14, 2007, 05:15:41 am »
Chapter One

   There was once a golden period of time when the heroes and loyalty ruled the realm, a time when the Hero of Time was the authority of Hyrule, the bringer of good. His name was link. Once Link was known for his bravery, known for his victory of the darkness of evil, But now no one entertained thoughts of that golden time that was not so long ago. Sweet memories of link riding Epona with the princess across the fields, the memories of the good times when a hero was easy to call upon. Those times were gone now. Link was not known as the Savior of Hyrule anymore, he now was labeled the fall of Hyrule. No matter how much of a hero link was he was still a human, and the temptations of the human desires applied to him as well as anyone else.

   It all started about 2 years ago when Midna left the realm of light, link was grieved about it for months and months, he became a hermit in the town of Ordon, people whispered tales about the hermit that was so reclusive, tales that were true, and tales that were lies. Link had not taken care of himself for quite some time so he had an unshaved beard, and long tangly hair that got into his piercing blue eyes. Finally after months of just sitting mechanically and doing only what was needed to survive, link decided to end his pain. First he thought of using the master sword to quickly end his life, but he soon found that impossible to do, for if he killed himself than there was no chance of seeing Midna. He decided on a course of action, but first he needed to research something.

   The grass was damp after the rain from the last night, and it squished pleasantly under his leather boots, he was wearing a robe with a deep hood, that way he wouldn't be delayed by someone recognizing him. He laughed to himself quietly as he thought of how far he had gone from before he had met Midna. He had not progressed well at all, sure physically he was at top performance, but mentally and emotionally he was a wreck. As he entered the castle town, people would stare at him for a few seconds and then go on about there business not noticing a thing. Not noticing that his eyes were sunken or the gaunt grimace that was upon his face.

   He entered the library quietly and starting looking the right book, finally after about twenty minutes he found the right one. The book was Titled "History and Myths of Hyrule" As he flipped onto the first page he immediately drunk every word in taking all to heart. He learned of the three goddesses, Din, Farore, Nayru, he learned of the desert race that once inhabited the Gerudo Desert, He learned of the problems that occurred from the same Ganondorf, that had tried to over take Hyrule for about his fifth time. And finally he learned what he wanted to know. About the Triforce.

Chapter Two.

   Link read, and read, and read until his eyes hurt, he reread the same words over and over again until he could memorize the words with his eyes closed. There was one particular sentence that had him rereading it over and over again. "and who so ever touches the Triforce will have his wish granted, but be warned for if you do this for your own power or benefit, things will not turn out as planned." He thought about that and decided that his wish wasn't for greed or power, and that things would go smoothly. He knew deep in his heart things turned out as they should, but he had no care for what was supposed to happen he only had care for what was to happen. The next part of his idea required the Artifact itself, the three golden Triforce pieces. Link had already acquired one of the Triforce peaces, but the Triforce piece left him when his quest to revive Hyrule from the twilight ended. He also knew who once possessed the other two Ganondorf possessed the Triforce of power, and Zelda had the Triforce of wisdom.

   Link already knew by the sinking feeling in his gut that neither still possessed the artifact that he needed. Quickly he headed from the library, with the book concealed in his robe, He ran and ran too the Ordon forest stopping only to get a drink from the springs. He headed to the temple of time, the book said that the Triforce was kept in the Sacred Realm with the sages. He entered the temple and realized what he was missing, Royal blood, he could only open the portal to the Sacred Realm by Royal Blood, or the Royal Families Symbol Item. "Damn it" swore link under his breath, he was already in a foul mood and the revelation of what he needed didn't relieve him at all.

   Once again link found himself running across the plains to the castle, by now it was late night, and there were many dark creatures prowling around, for the first time in about two years he had to use his sword, he was running as fast as his legs would take him, suddenly a Boko Baba tripped him, all the anger that was bottled up in him was quickly released, in seconds there was plant blood on his tunic, and there was little remains of the enemy. He quickly scaled the wall of the castle and hopped into the princess's window. There the princess sat reading reports on the security, problems, and the taxes. She sighed tiredly until she saw a flicker of shadow to her left, within seconds came the clang of two blades matching. Clang. "you better put that away princess, you might hurt someone" chuckled link. "link" breathed the princess and they were soon wrapped into a friendly embrace.

   Link tapped his shoes impatiently as the princess recounted all the problems about everything. He then interrupted her, "princess, I'm not here to return to duty" her face showed her disappointment. "well than what can I do for you?" asked the princess. "i need a favor, your of the royal blood, i need you to come with me." "where?" asked the princess carefully. "to the temple of time." Answered link briskly, "we will leave tomorrow morning then." the question stated, she didn't need to know the details of the situation, for she knew that if there was one person she could trust, it was link.

Chapter three.

   It was very early in the morning, Link was saddling Epona, and the princess was saddling her steed. They rode a while until, they finally came upon there destination, there was a new bridge put in to the temple of time, it was set in by Link himself, in case he needed easy access he was never worried about someone stumbling upon it, for it was well hidden. They came upon the altar in the beginning of the temple, "well what do we do now?" the princess asked, "I thought you would know, you are of royal blood." answered link who was very frustrated. The princess Unclasped a piece of material from her neck. The material was from the original Ocarina of Time, the royal families symbol item. She then laid it down on top of the alter.

   There was a flash of light and then they were suddenly standing on nothing, in the distance link could see steps forming that lead up to another altar, link could see the Triforce on top of the altar. "Why have you come?" asked a deep voice. "I link claim the Triforce as my own." And with that said he rushed forward and grabbed the triforce. The Triforce radiated pure power into him. "I wish that the twilight Realm and the Light realm Merged!" "link NO! you have no idea what your saying" Zelda screamed, as she tried to intervene. There was a series of flashing light, and zelda could see links piercing blue eyes turn white. Link's wish came from his own needs, his own need to see Midna again. Links could not think of anything different than himself, he knew he was turning against his own people, but he felt power, he felt good.

   "link" Zelda whispered sadly as she realized what she had to do. However before she could attempt what was required of her duty there was a great battle, There she saw four sages locked into combat with link. The sages swordplay was legendary, but link had the power of greed, and the Triforce with him. On the top of his hand there was the symbol of all three Triforce peaces. By then link's transformation was complete, he had straight black hair, Black tunic, and then white eyes. He then decided to test his powers.

   He decided to test one of the things that was said in the book about Hyrules history, it had said that the person that had the power of the Triforce could almost accomplish anything if they concentrated and summoned the power of the Triforce, however it had said that if used too much that it could and would corrupt the purest of hearts. Link smiled devilishly, looked at the sages, and then concentrated thinking of what to do with them, within moments the Triforce symbol on his hand was shining bright, there was a big bang, and then smoke started drifting off of the corpses of the four sages. "link felt heat rising towards his back, quickly he looked and found, that Zelda was in deep chant. "Zelda Stop that!" link warned, "i cant, its my duty to protect Hyrule" tears were now making there way down Zelda's cheeks, "Zelda this is the last warning!" Link told her, fine have it your way, link whipped out the master sword out of his sheath, blisters formed over his hands and he felt pure agony, now that his transformation to the dark side was complete, he couldn't handle the sword of evils bane.

Chapter Four

   "Arggggh" link growled as he jumped forward, he took his hunting knife out of his leather strap, he felt all his anger controlling him, he lost all touch to reality. about fifteen seconds later he found himself standing over Zelda's corpse. now there was no sages, no princess, and no great force to oppose him. He called upon the power of the triforce, and then he left the sacred realm, he appeared over the alter and grabbed the piece of Ocarina Material that was still on the alter. He looked around and noticed that his eye site was different. He could see perfectly, but there was a different texture to the particles in the air. Then he remembered his wish. He looked around and he found the world in utter turmoil. The Hyrule castle was replaced with the towers of the Twilight Realm, but in other places there were Hyrule buildings instead of twilight.

   The Light, and Dark realms were both merged, but they both had traits from the different one. Where Hyrule buildings once stood, there was twilight buildings, where Twilight buildings once stood sat the Hyrule buildings. There was a battle already starting. The guards panicked, with Zelda missing and twilight suddenly there they felt that there was a connection. The people still had there bodies, since it was half Hyrule, half twilight, though there was something different with there bodies, All the sudden an attack was launched on link, guards figured him to be a twili Leader or some type of high rank person, In seconds the elite guard of Hyrule was obliterated, every time link killed he sunk farther into the darkness that had become his comfort....

   Link knew he wouldn't be able to take care of all the work by himself so he recalled a spirit that had a knack of coming back, a spirit that link knew would appreciate the irony of serving him. He called back ganondorf, He gathered the pieces of Ganons spirit and gave him his old body back. As soon as Ganons form solidified he launched an attack, within seconds link had obliterated Ganon. about two minutes later link recalled his spirit once again. "its quite useless attacking me you know" pointed out link. "hahahahaha, you've got spunk kid, but do you have the spine to kill without remorse?" asked a grimacing Ganon. Link then gave Ganon a vision of Zelda's death. "that should be proof enough" answered the black clad fallen warrior.

Chapter Five

   Ganon had sworn his allegiance to link after the vision. Link was in need of a weapon, so he took all the power he could from the Triforce and molded the pure power into a long sword. Ganon looked up at link in respect, what Ganon had tried to accomplish all of his life's, link had done in about a few weeks. Link now could only think of power, his thoughts flickered every once in a while back to Midna, but he would push those thoughts away and plan his next goal. Link lived to conquer the Twili and Hylian races, Ganon, and link mustered a huge force of men that wanted power, people that were full of greed.

    Ganon, and link together took on hundreds of soldiers without getting a scratch. Finally it happened. Link's first confrontation with the reason he was like this. The confrontation with his lost love. He was charging the twilight army with Ganon at his side, when Midna came charging out at the front of her army, She was stained with blood, although you could tell it wasn't hers, She came swinging a huge broadsword, with a swipe of her arm twelve of Link/Ganon's troops were felled.

   Link was fighting with eight people at once, he called upon the triforce and killed them all with one hit, he loved the thrill, the exhilaration as he fought against the odds, he sensed a sword coming at him. He turned to block it, and faltered, the delay cost him his arm though. Midna doesn't even recognize me, Thought link. Sorrow his invisible enemy struck him, as he realized how much he had lost after his transformation. He turned all the sorrow into anger, he lifted up his hand and then his Triforce symbol started to glow, the familiar feeling of power creeped into his arm and he released it. However before the energy could even strike her, she lifted up her hand and stopped it, she let it dissipate, and then said "you forget link, we Twili have magic as well."
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