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Author Topic: The Heart Of Darkness - A The Elder Scrolls Short Story  (Read 1085 times)

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The Heart Of Darkness - A The Elder Scrolls Shor...
« on: May 01, 2006, 02:29:51 pm »
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In the heart of the darkness, a lone voice echoes. It comes from deep past the twisted structure of the ancient tomb, deep past the sunken cage where innocent prisoners of worship and sacrifice once dwelled, deep past the metallic statues of the gods of darkness, deep in a hidden part of the ruin. In a small room lit only by candlelight, a figure kneels before a statue of Gold and Ebony, a statue of his lord and master, a statue that represents his life, believes and triumphs, as well as his mistakes and failures. It is a statue of a god, but not just any god, it is a statue of Molag Bal, the Daedric Father of monsters.

???What would you have me do, my master???? the figure says in a dark, hollow voice to the statue before him.

In reply a demonic, menacing voice filled the room ???My pet??? it said ???Why do you insist on always doing work for me? Well, if you want work you shall get it.??? They was a short pause as if the Voice was trying to think ???Go to the Redoran City of Ald???Ruhn and kill a Nord by the name of Jason Terru. He is another one of my worshippers, but he betrayed me and revealed the location of a group of my servants to the Redoran. He does not know I know, he told me he was ambushed and only he survived. He will know you are coming, but he believes you are there to protect him. The fool!??? the voice boomed ???Go now, Traitors Deserve neither life nor mercy!???

???Yes, my master.??? The figure said before pulling up his hood and walking out of the room, a sinister smile on its face.

This is what it???s like to be Seth Acred
You have lived in the Darkness your whole life,
You hide in it and are afraid to step out
You want to scream out at the night,
To tell it to stop leaving you in the dark,
But all you can do is cackle
As you blade slices through the hearts of your enemies
And you burn their souls.
For in truth you take pleasure in the darks bitter embrace,
And yearn for it to take you again,
To leave you breathless,
And leave those around you lifeless.
This is what it???s like to be Seth Acred,
For now.


Pain is a blessing. It shows us our true selves
Rips off out skin and reveals the face within.
All else is an illusion
Feelings come and go,
But pain will always exist within us


???Fear not, a new warrior will be here shortly. When Seth Acred comes he will take care of you.??? The voice echoed through the mind of Jason. ???Thank you.??? He replied to the voice, as he scanned it for any sign of treachery, something felt wrong, but aside from a strange emphasis on ???take care??? he found none.

Jason was feeling quite pleased with himself, he had managed to stab a Daedric Lord in the back and get away with it. The Redoran paid him well for the information, it was enough the book himself a boat of this island, soon all his troubles would be behind him. He smiled at the thought.

And he???d even have a body guard for a bit, until he reached Khuul where he would dispose of Seth and escape to Solsthiem. To safety, once again he could return to the Skaal and live in happiness with nature.

The creak of an opening door brought Jason out of his thoughts and back into reality. He turned around to find himself face to face with a figure wearing a black hooded cloak that hid his face, except for the bottom half, the Ash grey skin and the deep grey lips revealed him to be a Dunmer, as did the fire that glowed in his eyes.

???Seth Acred, I have been expecting you. Come, we must move quickly if I am to escape the chase of the Redoran.??? Jason hastily lied. His reply was a grunt that could have been a laugh, Jason???s heart filled with fear.

They was a blowing sound yet at the same time sucking, the sound of Magicka being used, followed by the sound of a lock clicking shut. The cold that had gathered around Jason froze his heart completely as the menacing figure before him unsheathed his blade, a beautifully crafted but sinister looking and deadly Silver Claymore.

???I knew it was too good to be true?????? He muttered as Seth advanced on him.

???I knew?????? And he got no further, they was the sound of Silver slicing through flesh as Jason???s head left his body and landed on the floor with a hollow thud.

Seth could have sworn he saw the head mouth ???I knew??? one more time while it lay on the floor.

"Very good, my pet." A voice in Seth's mind echoed sadistically, "Return to the shrine. I have a reward for you..."

Seth smiled, his masters rewards were always good ones, slipping on a small, glowing ring he vanished, leaving the decapitated body of Jason lying on the blood-stained floor, his head staring blankly at the ceiling barely a metre away.


Well, what do you think?
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