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Author Topic: Maintenance, Server Change & Other Stuff  (Read 3316 times)

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Maintenance, Server Change & Other Stuff
« on: October 01, 2007, 01:12:16 am »
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Alright my friends. I was going to spring a random server change on you guys today, but I decided I'll wait until mid-next month. This will give Kirbs and I a chance at getting stuff organized before it happens.

To minimize costs of both other projects and ZFGC I have decided to go half-way price wise with a friend of mine on his reseller account. I recommended he use surpass a few months ago, and we had been planning on doing this for the past few months, but due to my laziness i never got around to actually doing it. The plan was to do it this past week, but do to an unfortunately busy week at work (Air Conditioning died in the server room -- mind you its always *HOT* here) I was a bit tired and busy. Then my desktop decided to take a dump (second time in three weeks, first power supply, now AGP slot died). None the less, lets just say I didn't get a chance to do the *transfer* yet this month.

You can expect it to happen next month, most likely towards the end of the month I'll keep you updated.

I've sent kirby a text message (in hopes he'll come on soon) to discuss the maintenance that needs to be done. If not that will be delayed until later I suppose.

I've been working on a new layout for Windfyre, with that I hope my-not-so-awesome design skills will increase and hopefully I can assist Windy in finishing off the ZFGC layout, as I said before the back-end coding is mostly done its just the design portion we need completed. My layouts are mostly done in CSS and aren't that impressive. I normally have a minimalist clean look: http://osesg.org/index2.html (A project that never happened -- torch gets credit for the design elements i did the overall 'html/css part'). -- Yes I'm aware the bg image is messed up. :) -- Thanks :)

None the less thats whats up on my end. If you have any questions or thoughts please let me know.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2010, 02:49:20 am by 4Sword »
~The Gaurdians of ZFGC~
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Re: Maintenance, Server Change & Other Stuff
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2007, 03:06:33 am »
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~The Gaurdians of ZFGC~
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