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ZFGC Weekly
« on: January 04, 2009, 07:39:51 am »
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Volume 7, Issue 1 - January 4, 2009
irc.windfyre.net #zfgc
This week's banner courtesy of Yubel and icon courtesy of 4Sword

1. Community Announcements  (Ctrl+F CA2)
2. Best of the Forum  (Ctrl+F BF2)
3. Weekly Awards  (Ctrl+F WA2)
4. The Big Question  (Ctrl+F BQ2)
5. Featured Project: The Legend of Zelda: Guardians of Hyrule by Aliento, Pyru, and Trevor (Ctrl+F FP2)

Community Announcements (CA2)

-- The Character Contest 2008 has progressed to the last match of the first round. Previous match winners decided this week have been - Jar, ¡Jalapeño!, and Capsy. The current match is between Grizzle and Sarah Palin.

-- walnut100 has joined the news team. Not sure exactly exactly what is going to happen, but hopefully there will be more variety in upcoming news items.

-- AoDC/Direct has been reinstated as a moderator. You'll see him in blue and if your an American you'll see him online when you should be sleeping - he's from Australia, I think.

-- ZFGC Radio still has some broadcasts going. If you are interested or bored with nothing else to do, look in the stickied topic in Community Speak to see if there is an update accompanying a broadcast date and time.

Best of the Forum (BF2)

Picking Favorites.
Quote from: eyeCube
Thinking back on it, I love every single Zelda game released. My favorite is probably Ocarina of Time, but it may be Wind Waker or Four Swords Adventures (if not just for the kickass multiplayer ability). What's yours? I did a little research and these are the 13 I found. If, for some reason I forgot any, tell me and I'll add them. You may choose 2 options.

High School Was Odd Enough.
Quote from: skully
Back in highschool, in the 8th grade me and my friend john somehow convinced my super relaxed english teacher to let me bring in my playstation and set it up in the storage room during school hours. We were making some kind of video power point thing... Supposed to talk on camera or something. Anyways, by some strange manner, I ended up recording myself playing parasite eve in a cramped little storage room for my entire english class for about 3 weeks. Then we just made an AMV out of it and got like 95% somehow....

Go figure.

Shinigami <3 Zunes.
Quote from: AoDC

Appears to only be occurring to 30gb models. Since I don't own a Zune I can't confirm any of this but there is a response from Microsoft. Anybody have a Zune experiencing the issue?

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081231001859AAjULM2 < Proof

Weekly Awards (WA2)

Graphic Rip of the Week
4Sword's MC Ball & Chain Soldier Rip
Quote from: 4Sword
Collection of 18 animated, optimized sprites of the Minish Cap Ball & Chain Soldier standing, walking, spinning, and casting a ball and chain.

Significant credit to Windy for use of his VBA Ripper tool. However, even with that, some of the graphics assembling had to be done manually as the chain sprite would overlap and blank out the soldier for some directions.

Custom Graphic of the Week
Mamoruanime's Blaster Master Tree
Quote from: Mamoruanime
This is a major WIP right now, so yeah. Anyway-

Audio of the Week
Q.K.'s Urban Twilight
Quote from: Q.K.
Hmm I wrote another piece today. Not sure what I think about this. Anyways it's set kind of around late afternoon, and as the piece goes on it gets darker, etc. At least that's the idea I built the song around.


Engine of the Week
DJvenom's Fireworks Example
Quote from: DJvenom
A small example I made for Cuccio in GM6, but figured why not open sauce it? Could be useful for festivals in Zelda Games.

I apologize for the entirely over-complex code! I hate GM's internal particle system so I go about it pre-5.0 style :P ENJOY!


Big Question (BQ2)

Last week's question:What are your New Years resolutions?
Summary of answers: There were a lot of replies. Of which, working on or finishing a game was the most frequent answer. Otherwise, answers entailed life goals or other personal interests.

This week's question: Should the next Zelda game for either the Wii/DS continue to make extensive use of the Wii-mote/touch-pad or would it be better if more traditional controls were used?
Join the discussion at: http://www.zfgc.com/index.php#?action=news&sa=read&id=32993

Featured Project (FP2)

Second Appearance!

The Legend of Zelda: Guardians of Hyrule

Developer: Fangasm Games
Release Date: November 4, 2008
Genre: Action/Adventure
Language: Game Maker
Player(s): 1


Author of this week's issue: 4Sword
« Last Edit: January 04, 2009, 07:43:07 am by 4Sword »
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