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ZFGC Weekly
« on: January 11, 2009, 12:58:57 am »
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Volume 7, Issue 2 - January 11, 2009
irc.windfyre.net #zfgc
This week's banner courtesy of Yubel and icon courtesy of 4Sword

1. Community Announcements  (Ctrl+F CA2)
2. Best of the Forum  (Ctrl+F BF2)
3. Weekly Awards  (Ctrl+F WA2)
4. The Big Question  (Ctrl+F BQ2)
5. Featured Project: Pokemon Puzzle Revolution by Pokemar (Ctrl+F FP2)

Community Announcements (CA2)

-- The Character Contest 2008 is in the second round. The ongoing and soon to close match is between Ntharcan and the Fartriloquist.

-- A friendly reminder has been posted regarding contentless posts. Simply posting quotes is prohibited.

-- With others brought in, the news will soon be updated with new and dedicated items. These will likely happen sometime before February. Items under consideration are a Graphics Update, a Project Roundup, etc. More information will be laid out upon launch.

-- The Project of the Week is subject to change. The Project of the Week will last out the month of Jamuary and in February it will be replaced by the Project of the Month. Until then and even then after, choosing the awarded project will be done by a group of people rather than yours truly. During the month of January though, if you think there is a project that should be Project of the Month for February, let me now.

Best of the Forum (BF2)

Walnut100 is Confused, He Hurts Himself in Confusion.
Quote from: walnut100
My 21st birthday was on the 7th, so I went out with a bunch of friends tonight. The bouncers at both of the places we went to stared me down and checked my ID like four times.

I had tons of people staring at me. I ran into a guy I knew and he burst out laughing.

This is the shirt - it was a Christmas present (I still play Pokemon on DS a lot).

Does this Quote Induce It?
Quote from: Tabby
Well I think I just had mine, it lasted 10 seconds... or maybe more... or less... Didn't really check the time. But it felt like 10 seconds, you know it's just a guess I can't really guarant.... <___<
Eehew, I really don't like the déjà vu-feeling, it's too weird, lulz.
What's YOUR opinion on this and what's YOUR probably longest déjà vu? Hopefully you all just happened to have a little déjà vu experience, that would make this topic even (<__<) more interesting...

By the way I do not believe that déjà vu has anything to do with the matrix... It's just a disturbance in the force

Feeling Old Yet?
Quote from: FISSURE
They're apparently selling some metal $20 with the WTC on it.

Advertising it with !@#$% like "It has the gleam that the towers did on that fateful morning" Are people still buying this crap? I would think 8 years after it happened people would stop trying to milk a national tragedy.

Objection Overruled. Case Dismissed.
Quote from: Shefali
Topic locked.

Weekly Awards (WA2)

Audio of the Week
DJvenom's Reworked Remix
Quote from: DJvenom
http://www.yoroshii.org/Area3.mp3 [OLD]

http://www.yoroshii.org/Tres.mp3 [NEW]
Some might recognize this. I know it's a bit messy sounding at the moment, but C+C please :)!

3D Model of the Week
Tlozpop's 3D LTTP Church
Quote from: Tlozpop
I wanted to improve my 3d modeling skills (the few I had) so here is the beginning of the church from A Link to the Past based on this artwork: http://thehylia.com/media/albums/images/alttp/scene_36.jpg

I did this in Low poly modeling with 3Dsmax 2008
Some opinions?
See you later for some updates.



GML Help of the Week
4Sword's Continued Code Explanations
Quote from: legendarylugi
The title says most of it.  XD

In GML, I'm trying to make it so if a cursor is in a given position, and you press a direction key, it jumps to a designated position.

But where it jumps to needs to be based on the object's current position. I tried having it Check Object and then Jump to Position, but that doesn't work (and I wouldn't expect it to).

So is there a function for "If object is at a given position, perform the next action," or something similar? I'm sure the answer is incredibly obvious, but for some reason it eludes me.

Big Question (BQ2)

Last week's question: Should the next Zelda game for either the Wii/DS continue to make extensive use of the Wii-mote/touch-pad or would it be better if more traditional controls were used?
Summary of answers: The majority of the answers favored traditional movement. If more accurate systems presented themselves like the Wii Motion Plus, however, inclusion of that would be alright.

This week's question: Do you Homebrew (running unofficial code or applications on a gaming console)?
Join the discussion at: http://www.zfgc.com/index.php#?action=news&sa=read&id=33113

Featured Project (FP2)

Pokemon Puzzle Revolution

Developer: Pokemar
Release Date: January 8, 2009
Genre: Puzzle/Action
Language: Misc./Wii Homebrew
Player(s): 1-4


Author of this week's issue: 4Sword
« Last Edit: January 11, 2009, 03:48:17 am by 4Sword »
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