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Author Topic: Youtube changes  (Read 3498 times)

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The only Canadian?
Youtube changes
« on: April 16, 2009, 01:03:11 am »
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YouTube's navigation tabs:

Remember what those tabs say. Because as of tomorrow (16/04/2009), they will be changed to "Movies, Music, [TV] Shows, and -- last but not least -- Videos" (i.e., user-generated).


And now, a rant from a dude on another forum I go to:
Quote from: Neo 2.3 Hylan
So YouTube, a site based around videos, the majority of them being user-generated, is going to push the smaller channels like my own to one side and focus on premium content after all the trouble with Viacom, Warner Music Group, English Premier League and so forth. I mean on one hand, this would reduce the chance of yet another lawsuit; but on the other, channels like mine and yours are going to be quieter than ever and with the premium content as its main focus, anything that might fall under Fair Use (parodies, commentaries, criticisms etc) is going to be removed.
We, the small users got YouTube the popularity and social impact it has, and we're just going to pushed aside? What, no flowers at the door to say "thanks for the support"? "thanks for getting us where we are today"? You're !@#$% welcome, GOOG. Here's something you should consider.
End rant.

And now, Bran's. Because everyone loves Bran's opinion, right?

Quote from: Bran
Youtube has never had a very smart business strategy. For some reason they thought that promoting horrible viral videos and vlogs was going to make them money. If they had promoted episodic content, or people that actually made good videos frequently (i.e., amateur filmmakers), people would have actually visited the site more frequently and hit more ads. One of the fundamental goals of every web-based business is to have people coming back to the website regularly; Youtube utterly failed at that. They have a partner system in place that makes it seem like they're trying to promote regular content, but they don't do anything to promote their partners. There's no reason to even have them. This change in Youtube is just another pathetic, attention-grabbing scheme from a dying website with a bad reputation. :rolleyes: For actually good amateur videos, Blip is much better. They actually encourage people to make regular, good content rather than garbage.

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Re: Youtube changes
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2009, 01:22:10 am »
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Quote from: Bran
Youtube has never had a very smart business strategy. For some reason they thought that promoting horrible viral videos and vlogs was going to make them money. If they had promoted episodic content, or people that actually made good videos frequently (i.e., amateur filmmakers), people would have actually visited the site more frequently and hit more ads. One of the fundamental goals of every web-based business is to have people coming back to the website regularly; Youtube utterly failed at that. They have a partner system in place that makes it seem like they're trying to promote regular content, but they don't do anything to promote their partners. There's no reason to even have them. This change in Youtube is just another pathetic, attention-grabbing scheme from a dying website with a bad reputation. :rolleyes: For actually good amateur videos, Blip is much better. They actually encourage people to make regular, good content rather than garbage.

Theres a lot, and I mean A LOT wrong with this quote. Firstly, youtube makes millions and millions daily, or some stupidly high amount. Also, there are millions of vistors daily, and millions of videos uploaded daily. FURTHERMORE, If I remember rightly, Partners can get money from youtube, and such...Also to cool youtube "dying" is pretty naive...Youtube is far from dying. Its just full of !@#$%.

Finally, Blips crap, try Vimeo.


The only Canadian?
Re: Youtube changes
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2009, 01:25:59 am »
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<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V025E_b5I4g" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V025E_b5I4g</a>
^Video on some of the changes.
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Re: Youtube changes
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2009, 01:28:53 am »
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<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V025E_b5I4g" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V025E_b5I4g</a>
^Video on some of the changes.

That answers my question on how that annoying talentless fuckface Fred got so popular.
Re: Youtube changes
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2009, 02:27:50 am »
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<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V025E_b5I4g" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V025E_b5I4g</a>
^Video on some of the changes.
My god that is the most bias, unsubstantiated, video I've seen in a while.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2009, 02:48:14 am by Infini »


Wake the Beast
Re: Youtube changes
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2009, 02:47:00 am »
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I feel like people are making a huge deal over crap. Seriously, who the hell cares?

The main problem I have with these arguments is how popular these people think they are by uploading videos onto YouTube. People revel in their so-called Internet popularity just because of what they put on YouTube.

I go onto YouTube mainly to listen to new bands, and to watch covers. Sometimes I watch YTWatchdog vids because he's lulz.

I may be incoherent due to brain damage (due to studying), but my main point is: I don't care. Also, I stopped playing that stupid video at the 30 second mark or something because I could foresee the bias in it.
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Re: Youtube changes
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2009, 03:01:42 am »
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O_O how is youtube not good with business decisions? Someone needs to take business classes... No... A business class will teach enough to show that they're on the right track financially.

Anyway; I like these changes.
Re: Youtube changes
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2009, 03:13:56 am »
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Who cares about the changes, Youtube changes all the time.

Edit: Rather, let me fix that.

Youtube changes more often than facebook.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2009, 03:15:54 am by Porkchop »
!@#$% I lost my entire post, god dammit.
Re: Youtube changes
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2009, 07:41:30 am »
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<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V025E_b5I4g" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V025E_b5I4g</a>
^Video on some of the changes.
Damn, this guy has a mad on against Disney. What did he do, got on the blacklist to Disney amusementparks or something.

Well, my thought on this is: IT IS ABOUT !@#$% TIME YOUTUBE DID THIS. You might ask why! Well let me start out with saying that I don't have a youtube account, nor do I go to youtube that often. I think that 99.99999999999999999999999999999999...% of the homemade movies on youtube are crap. I don't want to hear 'thank you messages' or other kind of reactions to videos or news events. There are also many piracy videos. Meaning that episodes of real TV shows are put in crappy quality on youtube for everyone to view. Which results in a lot of lawsuits and copyright cases against youtube. Which cost a lot of money. The ratings system also sucks, because I've seen more than once that talented people get 1 star or lower and crappy homevideos get 4 or higher. Which makes me believe the ratings system can be fixed and corrupted.

It looks to me that in this new setup, youtube is becoming a TV provider, like cable TV. Here in the Netherlands there are some providers of digital TV (Tele2 and Ziggo) who provide this video on demand business and have free available reruns of aired episodes (www. uitzendinggemist.nl, show TV shows of dutch public programs already aired).
With television the problem is that to watch a show you need to be in front of your TV at a certain time or you need to record the show (and hope all goes well). Additionally TV shows are always competing for the prime time slots, resulting that some really good shows get low ratings and get canceled and crappy shows get high ratings.

In the new setup the television and music companies get there own channel to put the shows and music on in high quality for people to come and watch, whenever they want and have the time. Additionally, people like me don't need to get run over by a stampede of crappy homevideos, that we don't even want to know they even exist. You might say, "But talented people don't get viewed anymore.". Well I wouldn't be surprised if television and movie companies have a small department of people going through all the youtube homevideos looking for copyright infringement and new talents.

I would say youtube go ahead and make my day and I'll be smiling like this:

Dantztron 3030

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Re: Youtube changes
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2009, 03:39:41 pm »
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Part of me is upset at this, especially as an amateur filmmaker. User-generated content is what makes YouTube unique: you can find media there of a distinctive variety that simply doesn't work anywhere else, and it allows people like me to have a place to share our work. Putting emphasis on the big corporate entities seems to detract from that.

However, I also think both YouTube and Google are far from stupid, and especially considering Google's support of the open-source movement, I don't think amateurs will at all be shoved under the rug. And so what if they are? Another video-sharing site will rise up and take YouTube's place in that arena.

tl;dr who cares? Some of you guys are overreacting way too much.
well i dont have that system and it is very hard to care about everything when you are single
Re: Youtube changes
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2009, 03:51:12 pm »
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The only thing I wanna know is, WHATS GONNA HAPPEN FOR THE UK?
Am I not right in thinking youtube is preventing all UK users from viewing music videos? What would be the point in the music video tab for us?
Re: Youtube changes
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2009, 05:11:57 pm »
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Bertfallen. It wouldn't surprise me if they would apply region filtering, which would prevent non-US visitors to view US only videos and non-UK visitors to view UK only videos. But that would more with the corporate channels.

I've searched some more youtube clips about this topic:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IA99RsbQUxs" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IA99RsbQUxs</a>
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2YtJP1cxJE" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2YtJP1cxJE</a>
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNc2Rl4FOhA" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNc2Rl4FOhA</a>
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOtUfeeVhRU" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOtUfeeVhRU</a>
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YN8tGce4KSg" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YN8tGce4KSg</a>

These clips are also a perfect example why I think homemade youtube clips are crap. Why would I want to see a screen filled with crappy face and hear those dull voices. If I want that, I go to the city. Those people are more entertaining. If you want to give your opinion write a blog, post on a forum or start a written column.

(Mods: sorry if it seems like trolling, but I needed to get this of my chest. Therefore I'm sorry)
Re: Youtube changes
« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2009, 08:53:13 pm »
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!@#$% I lost my entire post, god dammit.
Re: Youtube changes
« Reply #13 on: April 16, 2009, 09:14:31 pm »
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These clips are also a perfect example why I think homemade youtube clips are crap. Why would I want to see a screen filled with crappy face and hear those dull voices.

That's true of the majority of YouTube, but there's a few really interesting, awesome people that post videos there so that's why I like YouTube.  I just ignore the stuff that's crap.
Re: Youtube changes
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2009, 09:36:43 am »
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Re: Youtube changes
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2009, 03:38:17 am »
The only thing I wanna know is, WHATS GONNA HAPPEN FOR THE UK?
Am I not right in thinking youtube is preventing all UK users from viewing music videos? What would be the point in the music video tab for us?
I know exactly what you mean- every time I try viewing a music video on universal's channel, I can't because of forced region filtering. The same goes even for non-partner channels. I just find myself asking, "What the hell's the point in region filtering on the INTERNET?". Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't "internet" an abbreviation of "international network". The way Youtube's doing things, you'd think it was the natnet, or something. We should be able to view those videos, I see no reason why not. It's not costing the companies anything, Youtube's a FREE site, touch wood.

Bertfallen. It wouldn't surprise me if they would apply region filtering, which would prevent non-US visitors to view US only videos and non-UK visitors to view UK only videos. But that would more with the corporate channels.
The thing is, the amount of region-filtered stuff that we can't view is nigh-100% American. And the UK doesn't make jack all if anything that region filtering would even be necessary for. Youtube's just driving me insane, I swear. I know I shouldn't really care about a website, but I do. I've known it for years, since it was entirely user-generated, before Google bought it and shoved it back in our faces. It just makes me kinda sad it's turned into this, ya know?
Re: Youtube changes
« Reply #16 on: April 19, 2009, 03:25:03 am »
  • CRUNCH! I'll add it to the heap!
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As long as I still have my soapbox, I'm happy.
And now after years of mocking him the pretending he played a massive part in our lives when really we couldn't care less just to ease our consciounse over said mocking healing can begin <_<

It's Steve Irwin all over again.
Re: Youtube changes
« Reply #17 on: April 19, 2009, 09:40:03 am »
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The thing is, the amount of region-filtered stuff that we can't view is nigh-100% American. And the UK doesn't make jack all if anything that region filtering would even be necessary for. Youtube's just driving me insane, I swear. I know I shouldn't really care about a website, but I do. I've known it for years, since it was entirely user-generated, before Google bought it and shoved it back in our faces. It just makes me kinda sad it's turned into this, ya know?

Well I don't know about how much Youtube uses region filtering. I have often gone to the BBC site to try and watch new clips from great british series like Doctor Who and spin-offs. Only to find out I wasn't allowed to watch because I was dutch and not british. For crying out loud! The Netherlands is just across a pond from the UK and I have been able to watch BBC on cable and from the ether. Why should I not be allowed to visit the BBC website on the "inter"net.
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