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Author Topic: Four new skins - Please add them!  (Read 4155 times)

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Four new skins - Please add them!
« on: December 26, 2011, 04:09:24 am »
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I'm sure some of you remember our nuZFGC project from a while back, when we wanted to make a new website, new skins, upgrade the forum software to 2.0 (Obviously this much is done now), and put in some new community driven things. All that fell through ultimately, of course, but we still have the skins sitting here.

Now that we're on 2.0 I think it'd be nice to be able to use these old skins. We've got Deku Brown, Kokiri Green, Goron Red, and Zora Blue, and they all look really nice and would complement the two skins we have already perfectly. They were made for RC2 I do believe but they should be compatible with the site out of the box. You can ignore the site files, the only important thing here are the theme folders.

I would LOVE to be able to browse the site with the deku theme personally, and I hope you all consider adding these :D

Credit to Porkchop for making these skins btw
« Last Edit: December 26, 2011, 04:11:39 am by walnut100 »
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Re: Four new skins - Please add them!
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2011, 04:16:33 am »
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While I'm not an active member, and this is just my own opinion (and being a little biased), I do agree.

I think the current green skin, while being here quite a while, is a bit much on the eyes, at least for me, and is pretty old by this point. The new Vaati skin is an improvement, because it's darker (like my soul), but it still seems kind of off to me, like the colors don't mix well. Again this is just my opinion, if others agree or disagree that's fine.

When I made these ones a while back, I was pretty proud of them, and thought they were nice. Unfortunately no previews up anywhere for you guys to see, since the nuZFGC stuff was taken down off GD-U a while ago, but if you want you could throw one up (perhaps the Deku theme, my personal favorite) and see how it fares, if it's fully compatible and such, maybe put the other three up as a test, see how people like them.
!@#$% I lost my entire post, god dammit.
Re: Four new skins - Please add them!
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2011, 05:19:14 am »
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Thank you, I'll look into adding them and/or using their color schemes to improve the look of the current themes. Well I will look through the Deku theme first and try to make it work with the SMF installation, with things like the custom Display and PersonalMessage sidebar, and with the top menu bar. I have to move to Texas over the next few days and should start work around January 9th but I should be able to get around to it by doing the testing/converting on my localhost through wampServer.


Re: Four new skins - Please add them!
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2011, 08:07:25 am »

I'm sure some of you remember our nuZFGC project from a while back, when we wanted to make a new website, new skins, upgrade the forum software to 2.0 (Obviously this much is done now), and put in some new community driven things. All that fell through ultimately, of course, but we still have the skins sitting here.

Now that we're on 2.0 I think it'd be nice to be able to use these old skins. We've got Deku Brown, Kokiri Green, Goron Red, and Zora Blue, and they all look really nice and would complement the two skins we have already perfectly. They were made for RC2 I do believe but they should be compatible with the site out of the box. You can ignore the site files, the only important thing here are the theme folders.

I would LOVE to be able to browse the site with the deku theme personally, and I hope you all consider adding these :D

Credit to Porkchop for making these skins btw
These were made on RC1's code-base. How I can tell are through simple tests(these break on stable, just do a simple TEST to see what I mean). I back-dated these to around RC1.1's release time(looking at the modified dates on the files) and the theme files resemble that of what the original SMF templates were BEFORE the templates were rewritten in RC2! Porkchop's gonna have to rewrite them. I can provide a helping hand in this since I have worked with SMF down to its core just by sheer curiosity. Or unless someone else wants to take up the challenge, then fine so be it lol.

EDIT: If one were to look inside of the files, you would find that these are infact, RC1 templates:
Code: [Select]
// Version: 2.0 RC1; index by viewing index.template.php. These files are useless, they're gonna have to be rewritten.

EDIT #2: Seems just rebasing the theme on Core 2.0.2 doesn't magically fix everything either. The CSS classes as well as the overall HTML has been changed at a bigger level than I anticipated. Though some original things can carry over, it's easier just to spend some time redoing the theme and possibly make a better design, just with inspiration from the original. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" just can't apply to a piece of software that was constantly ongoing huge changes. From the looks, SMF devs were intending to break away from having excessive HTTP requests + re-implemented some design cues and features using alternative methods(the most notable one are the menus, but wait.. there's more).. 4Sword, I hope you won't just accept these files in their current state or even bother trying to fix them. There are more important things to worry about on ZFGC, such as rewriting(if it hasn't already been done) the main site or doing whatever is needed to bring it back online. There are two perfectly working designs that are good enough to ease the transition to SMF2, which in itself is a big transition. Heck, even the Community Project needs attention and that alone is far more important than additional themes to maintain.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2011, 09:12:51 am by thestig »
Re: Four new skins - Please add them!
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2011, 02:10:05 am »
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I wasn't aware that such a big change was made since RC1. Looking at the stuff now. Think I might redo them from scratch then since I get some more practice, haven't done it in quite a while.
!@#$% I lost my entire post, god dammit.
Re: Four new skins - Please add them!
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2011, 03:47:52 am »
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If you want a copy of the Minish Theme to work with, I can put it in a file and give you a link to that file. Also while I am liking certain color aspects of the themes nuZFGC themes, some of the use of Zelda images and non-gradients makes the themes look less professional or clean. I don't know if that is just the broken theme appearance because I was testing it in SMF 2.0.2 but what I am trying to get at is if the Deku theme is going to be used here, it'll have to be tidied up a bit. I am not saying the Minish and Vaati stuff I did is perfect (mainly it was an improvement of the last default and a quick inversion and shift for a dark theme), but that maybe our two ways of doing things can improve upon each other.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2011, 05:45:03 am by 4Sword »


Re: Four new skins - Please add them!
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2011, 04:46:14 am »
I wasn't aware that such a big change was made since RC1. Looking at the stuff now. Think I might redo them from scratch then since I get some more practice, haven't done it in quite a while.
:) That's not such a bad idea. Well, to be honest, it shouldn't be too hard to replicate the changes in SMF2.x "stable" since you based the original theme off of Core anyways, right? It was the matter of applying the color scheme and some different design cues to the core theme. I tried this theme on RC1 and I really do like how nice it looks. Such a shame that it's kinda useless on stable, but hey.. you've made something awesome before, what's stoppin you from doing it again? ;O
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