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Author Topic: [idea] The Legend (Life) of an Octorok  (Read 3289 times)

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[idea] The Legend (Life) of an Octorok
« on: April 10, 2012, 01:48:37 am »
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I have just about zero knowledge on how to go about actually making a game, but thought this would be neat. Player takes control of an octorok. GBC graphics. It'd be more RPG oriented than Zelda games. The player would start with just one move: spitting rocks, and one heart. Leveling up you could add a few stats to evolution, health (each stat gives you a piece of heart), and armor.

Evolution could lead to upgrades like being able to swim, spit rocks farther, stronger rocks (deal more damage), new attack types (like lunge attack or something), and possibly the weirdest one I thought of: # of eggs laid. When you reach an evolution checkpoint for increasing the # of eggs laid, you can have more spawn to fight with!

If you find another female octorok you can mate with them. There'd be certain times when all male octoroks are looking for a mate, so there will be dozens of male competition to kill, and few females. By mating with a female she will follow you around for a bit, and if you protect her and keep her alive she will birth your children. At that point she leaves you, and you have a number of tiny octobabies to fight by your side. They will be small and die quickly, but can swarm enemies and be super helpful and awesome.

When a male notices your female is pregnant, they will try and kill her. It's a rough life for an octorok, but they don't want more male competition, so they kill her only to kill all your unborn spawn. Through evolution you will get abilities to reach new areas with larger, harder enemies. There could even be a town full of Hylian guards. The goal is just to get as many points as you can, by killing things.

Link could even be a random encounter who's really strong and has good A.I., all his items, etc.
Re: [idea] The Legend (Life) of an Octorok
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2012, 02:02:11 am »
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That actually sounds pretty interesting.  I'd love to see it done.
Re: [idea] The Legend (Life) of an Octorok
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2012, 02:33:40 am »
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I thought so as well. By killing enemies you'd get experience points and survival points. There would be a highscore table for people with the most survival points. Those who progress to farther areas would face much harder enemies, and get much higher rewards for not just staying in the easier areas. You'd also lose survival points for dying.

I like the idea of the survival point highscore table, because if I ever do find a way to get some help together and make this a reality it's easiest to stick with an arcade style game. That would be the normal "life" mode, where you just save your progress and continually survive and progress through the world trying to not die much and kill as many others as you can to stay at the top of the score table.

There could also be different small maps and smaller arcade modes with their own highscore table for each map. These would be timed games, and you get 10 minutes or something to survive. Some of them could be a more moderate difficulty with normal mating seasons and normal enemies. Others could be constantly in mating season so you have to continually fight an onslaught of other octoroks, who could all have females to protect and impregnate as well, meaning they could also have children. If you don't have as many children as they do they could overrun you.

One small map could just be Link and a group of Hylian guards going out an octorok hunt, and you'd start at a certain level with pre-set abilities/stats and maybe some children to start with, no females or other enemies on the map.
Re: [idea] The Legend (Life) of an Octorok
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2012, 09:34:06 pm »
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ever heard of a game called fantasy online? you walk around as a little RPG character. killing tons of kinds of enemies for XP, doing peoples quests, which is usualy like go kill this thingy. and then you get cash and skills and can buy armor and swords and bows and such. your game reminded me so much of it. and i can picture this ocktork running around zelda land, then he sees a level 50 link and hauls ass running away. then goes and finds a chick ocktork. i dont know. the game sounds like the kind of fan game i really enjoy playing, and i would love to see something like this done. its fun. its different.
Re: [idea] The Legend (Life) of an Octorok
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2012, 01:38:26 am »
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I'd really love to do this. If anyone wants to program this game I'll help with the design and graphics. Unfortunately I can't do anything more than that. I have not heard of that game Whitay, but I was thinking less RPG elements like those and more just the leveling up idea. Glad you like the idea! Hope something can come out of it, even if it's a less ambitious version of the original idea. :P
Re: [idea] The Legend (Life) of an Octorok
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2012, 05:15:39 pm »
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I must say this idea is awesome, I would make it more like a zelda game, in which you get as items different type of bullets, and in which you can change into the water octorok, and the final boss is link :P.
Re: [idea] The Legend (Life) of an Octorok
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2012, 09:32:35 pm »
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That actually is a better idea. I've just been in RPG mode so I've just daydreamed on how cool a RPG Zelda game would be... That would likely be easier to make as well. I guess there could be hidden upgrades for how many eggs your female will lay, and you can find various shell types to have more defense, or swim (blue shell). The upgrades for amount of eggs wouldn't make sense really..

Maybe you'd find them like pieces of heart. Pieces of an octorok mating tips book? :P


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Re: [idea] The Legend (Life) of an Octorok
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2012, 09:40:04 pm »
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Can Octoroks read? xD Most animals use scent or body language. Maybe you can combine Ocarina with Pieces of Heart to create a sort of mating dance.
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Re: [idea] The Legend (Life) of an Octorok
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2012, 12:10:37 am »
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That's actually a good idea! There could be a little song the octorok has to sing to the female to mate, and you can find some sort of tribal octorok sign posts here and there, hidden in caves or behind mini-boss type enemies. By reading the sign you learn a few more notes in the song, yielding more and more children each time.

If this game gets made, it'll probably not be E for everyone... The actual octorok sex scene I'm picturing as the player mounting the female and some humping. It'd be hilarious :P

The whole concept of raising children just to use for murder, with the intention that some of them could die each time, is pretty dark. Protecting the pregnant female from male octoroks who want to kill her isn't very kid friendly either.
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