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Author Topic: Just not interested in new Zelda games anymore  (Read 1646 times)

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Just not interested in new Zelda games anymore
« on: May 10, 2012, 01:44:35 pm »
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I think I started losing interest with Wind Waker.
It wasn't the graphics that threw me off.  It was boredom.  I never felt compelled to finish the story.  The characters seemed lack-luster to me.  Essentially, I felt like I was just trying to beat a game instead of enjoy it.

Then came, Twilight Princess.  I was like,"Alright, this will be awesome."  Then after a few hours, the boredom set in again.  This time, instead of sailing for half the damn game, I was on horseback.  The characters again seemed dull to me.  I enjoyed Link's backstory more than Wind Waker but that was probably me just being biased since it was an adult version of Link.  Needless to say, I think I finished or got near finished obtaining the third piece of whatever you were collecting then quit.  I watched the ending and all cutscenes leading to the ending from where I quit playing via youtube and was not impressed.  I actually saved myself time by doing it that way.

Last, here comes Skyward Sword.  I was very tempted to purchase a Wii again just for Skyward Sword.  Then I watched a roommate play it for about an hour.  It looked like the most boring Zelda game I had ever seen.  I watched him collecting some spirit crap or something.  While he moved very quickly, it seemed to drag on, even to the point where he was grunting about how long it takes to get through those sequences.  I noticed no real overworld again or something.  Then he told me he dumped 50 hours into it.  Jesus Christ, that is too !@#$% long.
No thanks.

Sad to say, unless the Wii-U Zelda truly impresses, I am afraid the only "new" Zelda game I will enjoy s the 3DS remake of OoT whenever I get around to it.

Ocarina of Time was ironically the first 3d Zelda game but the only one I really enjoyed.  Majora's Mask wasn't bad by any means, I just enjoyed OoT so much more.  It felt so open that I could do whatever I wanted, sequence break somewhat, and just explore.

Majora's Mask had the damn 1 hour before you had to reset time, where as I remember being a kid and just trying to find all sorts of little things in OoT for as long as I wanted.  I didn't feel compelled to have to continue on with the damn game.  When I got around to continuing the story, it felt great and never boring.

WW just seemed to have no real draw for me. I tried exploring to find different things but it was boring since I saw was water.
TP made me feel like I HAD to continue questing as the overworld felt too large for it's own good or something.  Hard to explain but trust me, it wasn't a good kind of compelling.
SS looks to me from what I have watched others play to be even worse.

In the end, I think a reason I don't enjoy the 3d Zelda games since MM is because they force themselves to be too big.  Ocarina of Time seemed like it took long to beat but it really didn't.  Now, I can easily fire up the game and blow through it pretty quickly, in one sitting in-fact.  In this short time frame, the game is still just as full of story as it was the first time I beat it.
Majora's Mask was similar but I always felt like I was being forced by the 1 hour limit.

Other games have had similar effects to me the more I reflect back:
 Resident Evil 2 always seemed like it was a great, long game.  Now I breeze through it.  Think my fastest time was around 2 1/2 to 3 hours.  Always enjoy every play-through of it.  Every Resident Evil game before and after I have played, I enjoyed because they all share a similar story-telling pace and don't feel like they forced themselves to become longer games.
Metal Gear Solid was a long game when I first beat it as a teenager.  The story was just so awesome and epic.  I think my first play-through took me like 5 or 6 hours because of restarts and whatnot. Every other Metal Gear Solid game stuck with the long,movie-esc play-through which is probably why I enjoyed it.  Even though the games are very linear, it actually is ENJOYABLE to go from a to b.

Well, if you read to this point, I just hope you understand.  I hope Nintendo does some changes to the Zelda franchise or considers making a 2d game again at some point.  The only way I think they could keep the super long drawn out play of the recent games would be to add jrpg features such as levels and stats.(probably heresy to some of you).  As an example, Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 are pretty long games.  There were times even in those awesome story line that the game seemed to drag on.  It didn't really bother me as I took this as an opportunity to grind my levels out some...the Zelda franchise has not offered that since Adventure of Link(which is a great game, imo).
The only reason to kill monsters while moving from location a to b to continue the plot in a Zelda game is...well...currency, if that.  It's just that, the last time this wasn't a problem was in OoT and MM for the 3d games.

Well, this went alot longer than I thought.  I guess I just let my thoughts guide my fingers.  Anyway, that is how I feel about the Zelda franchise in regards to the 3d games(haven't really played PH or ST but I won't since the controls are retarded gimmick !@#$%).  The 2d games still feel great as they seem long but that is do to very well done game design and story development.
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Re: Just not interested in new Zelda games anymo...
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2012, 04:12:26 pm »
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I completely agree with everything you say but Wind Waker was quite good in my opinion. It was the point where I began slowly losing interest though. I bought the Wii with TP on release date JUST for TP but I found the game incredibly boring too. It was good until all the wolf stuff and I COMPLETELY lost interest at Kakariko Village...so much so that I sold the Wii and game a week after I bought them lol
Skyward Sword looks boring to me too(too much flying...no overworld etc) Im REALLY hoping the Wii U Zelda will impress me. Youre right about them trying to be too big now. I think LTTP and OOT were perfectly sized.
Re: Just not interested in new Zelda games anymo...
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2012, 04:43:04 pm »
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I agree that SS isn't really that good. The silent things you refer to are the Silent Realms, there's quite a few of them >:(

Re: Just not interested in new Zelda games anymo...
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2012, 08:28:56 pm »
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I have not played Twilight Princess or Skyward, but Wind Waker was awesome. I also loved Majora's Mask because it was so different from other Zelda games. Zelda II is actually one of my favorites, I did beat the game and was very impressed by the difficulty, not so much the story obviously.

I think the series has such incredible potential, but they need to keep doing totally different things with it. They can't just change the graphics style, set the game somewhere different, and have similar but different item-collecting / dungeon crawling / repetitive boss runs in each new game.

I'd like to see a Zelda game for example, where you play as a different character. Some random Hylian, or other race. There is so much potential yet every game you're Link. Every game you're saving Zelda from evil. Every game you're doing those puzzles and figuring out the one thing you need to figure out on a boss before you repeat it until he's dead.

Open world, some different RPG elements, full fledged RPG, faster pace, slower pace, ... anything.


Lamar Odom
Re: Just not interested in new Zelda games anymo...
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2012, 10:11:41 pm »
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It's so interesting. I thought I felt the same away about Zelda as you foreshadower. I didn't even play Twilight Princess because I couldn't get into it. But I bought a Wii just for Skyward Sword. At first I didn't think I could get into it. It was really difficult to play and the music didn't seem as good as the other games. But I kept at it. It was like learning how to play video games again. I remember when I first played Sonic the Hedgehog 2, I sucked so badly at it. It was the same with Skyward Sword. As I played, I absolutely fell in love with it. I think it is the 2nd best Zelda game of all time following Ocarina of Time. It completely blew my mind. After playing it, I feel like I can never play a regular controller based Zelda game again. Actually shooting with the bow and really fighting with the sword. It was incredible. I also really grew to love the story. This Zelda game made me feel for the other characters like no other game had done since Ocarina. I didn't give a !@#$% about Link's sister in Wind Waker or any any of the characters in Majora's Mask. In this game, I actually cared about Groose and his development throughout the game. What separated this game from the rest was the development of the characters. It was like a movie. I absolutely hated this guys guts but grew to love him as a character. Right when I finished the game, I was super bummed because I knew that the experience was over. I wanted to play it over again immediately. It was definitely a lot different than past Zelda games, but I felt it evolved the series in the drastic way that Ocarina evolved it from A Link to the Past.
Re: Just not interested in new Zelda games anymo...
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2012, 11:40:18 pm »
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Wow...  It seems I may be in the minority here, but I thought Twilight Princess was amazing!  It was almost up there with OOT for me.  The graphics were perfect and the little things they put in like the text being too small to read when you are listening to someone too far away from you to hear made the game come alive for me.  I loved the horse back fighting sequences and the environment.  It was perfect in my opinion and I want a sequel to it.  As far as SS goes though... Meh.  I have beaten three levels so far and then I haven't touched it in like 4 months.  The motion control is cool, but I don't know.  It just hasn't drawn me in like OOT and Twilight Princess did.  I am still a fan of Zelda games... and making zelda games...
Re: Just not interested in new Zelda games anymo...
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2012, 09:21:48 pm »
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Aero, no you aren't. I think TP was a good game as well.

TFS: I respect your opinion. From what I read is that you like games where you can immediatly step into the action. Go from dungeon to dungeon, without all the events in between. Personally I like the way how the Zelda games have been developing. Ever since Majora's Mask Nintendo has been putting more development in the narrative of a game. Gradually setting up the event and motivation for Link to journey and adventure. It also takes you a longer time before you get your sword and are allowed to go through your first dungeon. Let's face it, every Zelda game before MM you can get your sword and shield and start exploring your first dungeon within 10 minutes or so. While with TP and SS it takes an hour or two to get your sword and step outside the village you start in. Here they start with you interacting with the people of your village and getting to know them. In OOT the Kokiri, with the exception of Saria, serve only as tutorial or block your path. There is no getting invested in these people. OOT's story is also very shallow and a large part had been written for ALttP's backstory already.

Zelda will never be an RPG. Simply because it is an Action-Adventure. Although SS did put some RPG elements in it. The weapons can be upgraded with the treasures you collect. Same for the potions but then with bugs. You also have a limited pouch space thus before you set out you need to consider what you are taking along. Do you take an extra potion or a spare shield. Or even some more bombs and arrows. Or do I bring a medal along that has some positive effect.

To me SS is a better game than OOT. It has a better story. More likable characters, better developed characters. Great graphics and music and the motion controls show why you would buy the Wii. Seriously I don't think I'll be able to play Zelda with regular controls ever again. Well, maybe a Four Swords WiiU. It is enough inovating to feel new again, while at the same time staying true to Zelda's core concept. And face it. If it wasn't and would change drastically, people would complain that it isn't a Zelda game and just another IP with the Zelda franchise slapped onto it.

I'd like to see a Zelda game for example, where you play as a different character. Some random Hylian, or other race. There is so much potential yet every game you're Link. Every game you're saving Zelda from evil. Every game you're doing those puzzles and figuring out the one thing you need to figure out on a boss before you repeat it until he's dead.
They did that and it is called Freshly Picked Tingle's Rosy Ruppeeland.
Re: Just not interested in new Zelda games anymo...
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2012, 12:13:39 am »
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The first zelda gmae I ever played was Ocarina of Time. I remember as a kid, my father would help me play the game through. I was especialy afraid of those humanoid redeads and poe ghosts. To me, Ocarina of Time was one of the best zelda games made. I'm sure the other ones are great as well, but it's probably because I was brought up on this one first. The temples had a intimidating feel to them, so did the bosses. It took about a year for the first time playing it.(Nothing like a good long game)


Re: Just not interested in new Zelda games anymo...
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2012, 05:26:13 am »
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I have to say Twilight Princess felt like a chore to finish, and I literally stopped playing Skyward Sword after getting the sword... it's just not captivating like Wind Waker. Wind Waker was by far the most fun I had with a Zelda game.
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Wake the Beast
Re: Just not interested in new Zelda games anymo...
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2012, 12:18:28 pm »
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For me, Skyward Sword was the biggest waste of money. I'm sure it's a great game, but the whole motion control all the way thing really ruined it for me. There were certain moves that were just not fluid and hard to accomplish. I really wish they had made an option to remove the motion dependency for this game.
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Re: Just not interested in new Zelda games anymo...
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2012, 01:23:07 pm »
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Don't want to be spoiled so I'm not reading all this. I still plan on playing this game, but really...not that interested anymore either. Twilight Princess still got me excited, but mostly because I bought it when the Wii came out. In retrospect the game did not really leave that much of an impact. That could just be age/nostalgia though. For me to play Zelda:SS means buying a new Motion+ controller as well. Just a bit too expensive. I will probably not even buy the Wii U.
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