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Author Topic: Gator-head  (Read 2845 times)

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« on: May 04, 2012, 10:14:25 pm »
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"RRRGHRH", Gator-head growled, slowly coming to from an uncomfortable unconsciousness.

"Excellent question, my friend." a decidedly unfriendly voice responded from the shadows of the white room.
Gator-head looked around. He was strapped to some sort of operating table. Harsh lights shone down on him, heating his reptilian blood.
"Oh, I'm terribly sorry, I haven't introduced myself." said the voice, as the operating table rotated to an upright position. "I am Doctor Hawthorne, PhD."
Gator-head gave the doctor a once-over. He was wearing a white labcoat. His bald head was punctuated by a jagged scar over his right eye, and a black handlebar mustache. He couldn't have looked more like a cliched evil doctor if he had been trying. Perhaps he was trying.

"In response to your earlier question of where you are, you are in one of the operating rooms of my lab. You are the result of a particularly excellent experiment indeed."
"GRAGRGH" Gator-head said, with displeasure.
"What sort of experiment? Well, look for yourself!"

A mirror swung down from the ceiling, and Gator-head looked at himself. To his horror, his head appeared to be that of an Alligator. Or maybe a Crocodile. It definitely did not look like that before he had been kidnapped and taken here, though Gator-head couldn't remember the details of his life before this rude awakening very clearly. Regardless, the new head explained why he was only talking in guttural growls.

Doctor Hawthorne began to laugh maniacally. He had really nailed this evil doctor role.
"That's right! You're the world's first human-reptile hybrid! Or at least, the first one to survive" he added under his breath
"A cure? Well, I do still have your old head in cryogenic storage, I'm sure it could be reattached. But that's really not important to me. I've learned all I need from this experiment, and with that, I bid you adieu."

With a mechanical whir, the operating table rotated to a full upright position. A segment of the floor, directly under Gator-head, slid open, revealing a shaft with no bottom in sight. The binds released and Gator-head fell into the pit, the sounds of Hawthorne's laughter ringing in his ears.

"RRRGHRH", Gator-head growled again, slowly coming to from an uncomfortable unconsciousness again. He was in a dark alley, lying in a puddle. It was very cold. He was still wearing white loose clothing from the lab, with a barcode printed on his shirt. He didn't remember who he had been, but now he was Gator-head, and he would find Doctor Hawthorne and get his head reattached, or die trying.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2012, 11:53:29 pm by NickAVV »
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Re: Gator-head
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2012, 04:24:11 am »
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I want an Android side-scrolling platformer metal gear style spy game of this, pronto.
Re: Gator-head
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2012, 01:09:58 am »
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Gator-Head approached the cliffside facility with caution. It loomed before him. Smoke billowed from tall chimneys, blocking out the full moon. The building was incredibly well guarded, with high barbed wire fence, a moat of some unspeakable liquid (Gator-Head imagined it was probably waste product from the unthinkable science taking place behind the smooth white walls), and a large sign that said "Keep Out". In fact, there didn't appear to be any entrance of any kind.

Gator-Head wasn't even sure if he had the right building. Since his unceremonious exit from Dr. Hawthorne's lab, he had made his way through the seedy underbelly of town, beating answers out of anybody who looked like they might know. His scaly skin had protected him well in the barfights, and his interrogations had led him here. Regardless of whether or not it was Dr. Hawthorne's lab, it was a shady place, and he was sure that he could find more information inside, if he could only find a way in...
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Re: Gator-head
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2012, 01:42:40 am »
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Some awesome fan-art from the talented Moldrill (roughly colored by me in photoshop) (and I'm too lazy to walk down two flights of stairs to the scanner, and I sincerely apologize for this fact)

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