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Author Topic: [Submission] Farin  (Read 5322 times)

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[Submission] Farin
« on: June 09, 2012, 07:23:31 am »
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Okay we have been making a lot of NPC's  already, but the main characters are a bit left out. This is also a bother as there can be conflicts or confusion surrounding them. So  with I create a few topics, where everyone can pitch in to help and the KoT staff will alter the first post to reflect the current setup of the character.

Name: Farin (Real Gerudo King)
Age: 37 years old
Race: Gerudo Male
Location: Hyrule Castle Town poor side
Re: [Submission] Farin
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2012, 07:23:48 am »
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I don''t have much time at the moment, but a description will have to be build from the GDD and maybe added additional content to them.
Re: [Submission] Farin
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2012, 08:49:44 pm »
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Well, let's see.  we know he's kind hearted, but is a Gerudo King.  As a leader, he must be pretty damn wise.  Based on his appearance, he also would seem to be intimidating as !@#$% and looks like the type to get !@#$% done.  I picture him being the type who isn't terribly strict, but isn't a push over.  Calm, relaxed, but at the same time serious and well spoken is how I picture his personality.

i love big weenies and i cannot lie
Re: [Submission] Farin
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2012, 11:07:14 pm »
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Being that this character is critical to the story, I'm bumping this thread back up.

i love big weenies and i cannot lie
Re: [Submission] Farin
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2013, 05:00:35 am »
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Bumping again.

i love big weenies and i cannot lie
Re: [Submission] Farin
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2013, 10:21:41 pm »
  • It's just Max.
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Whoops, yeah, we should get on it. Let's start with his history, taking cues from the story. I think the problem with these main characters is that nobody feels authorized to make a definitive stance on their histories and personalities. I'll just go ahead. We can obviously change anything if there are better ideas, but I'll flesh out my idea of Farin's story, which is the game's background story.

Farin, being a male Gerudo, was born as royalty. However, as the third Gerudo king to be born after the Gerudo's exile, after two weaker Kings who failed to change the situation, there were very few who looked to him for salvation. He was raised in the Desert Palace, the Gerudo's stronghold, around a beaten people on the verge of giving up hope. Learning that these were his people and his responsibility at a young age made him grow up with both a compassion for the down-trodden and a teeth-clenched determination that would define his personality for the remainder of his life.

When Farin was a young prince on the verge of coming of age, Ganon returned from the dark realm. Finding that the Gerudo women had more respect for the female warlords -who provided practical things in their conflict with the Shiekah- than for the idealist young King, he labeled Farin as a removable obstacle. Ganon secretly arranged for Farin to be framed for murder and executed.

Ganon's plot almost worked. However, the execution was stopped through the intervention of a Gerudo witch named Syrup, who didn't believe Farin had murdered anyone. Farin was wounded, but escaped from the Gerudo city to wander the desert, while Syrup was also forced to flee the city, traveling to Hyrule and eventually setting up her potion shop and taking on an apprentice.

The Gerudo decided that their male leaders hadn't helped them in hundreds of years, and indeed, seemed to be becoming more corrupt. Faith in the Kings was given up, and complete control went to the female warlords, who focused on their conflict with the Shiekah.

Ganon had an opportunity, as his goal was only to get the cogs to unlock the triforce. With the true Gerudo king out of the picture and presumably dying in the desert, Ganon would be unopposed in declaring himself to be the Gerudo king. He made preparations, then traveled to Hyrule.

Farin wandered the desert, staggering from his wounds, and finally happening across a hidden oasis on the brink of death. An aged Shiekah hermit living in a hut helped him recover, spending a month tending to a fevered, incoherent Gerudo, then much longer helping him recover enough strength to travel, as well as training Farin in some of the Shiekah stealth arts. When Farin was well enough, the Hermit gave Farin a cloak and pointed him toward Hyrule. Unsure of what else to do, Farin took the hermit's cloak and advice and traveled to Hyrule Town.

He entered the town disguised, and stopped at a tavern for food. All around him, the town was abuzz with rumors of a Gerudo King visiting the town. Farin was initially paranoid, thinking they were talking about him, but by and by, he realized someone else had visited the royal family, claiming to be the Gerudo king, and had won their favor with treasures stolen from the Gerudo desert temples.

Penniless, Farin settled into the poor section of town, planning to gather information to reveal the false King. While in the slums, he was also reminded of the dejected, downtrodden attitude of his subjects back in the desert. He became very sympathetic, and when he found two homeless, orphaned children (Sam and Charlie), he took them in. He passed on some skills he learned from the Shiekah hermit, which they adapted to help feed themselves on the streets.

In the years Farin has been living in the slums and gathering information, he has discovered that the false King has no intentions of helping the Gerudo, but has been using the royal family to search for the legendary triforce, which Farin heard about from the Shiekah hermit. The false king seems to be discovering the locations of cogs, keys needed to get at the triforce, but for some reason, he hasn't yet left Hyrule Town to retrieve them. Farin also grows suspicious that the false king may have been the one who framed him for murder back in the desert, and becomes more determined to keep his true identity secret.

Farin continues to take in street children and teach them skills to help them survive. He keeps his true identity and mission secret from them as well, not wanting to alarm them with problems of politics and kings, when their problems are finding the next meal.

One day, Farin hears of a meeting in the market between the Gerudo king and some sort of courier. Hoping to find more information on the false king's quest and find out why he hasn't left to retrieve the cogs, Farin tails him. As the meeting is happening, however, a young boy is caught stealing bread. A guard, sword drawn, chases the young boy, heading right past Farin, who inconspicuously stretches his leg out to trip the guard. The clamor allows the boy the turn down an alley and escape, but draws the false King's attention. Farin and the king make eye contact, briefly, before Farin pulls up his hood and slips away.

On his way back to his hideout in the slums, heart beating with the thought that the king may have discovered him, perhaps recognized him as a Gerudo, Farin happens across the boy from the market, who thanks him. Farin asks the boy's name, who gives it to him.

"Well, you're quick on your feet, but you look like you could use some help. A family. Why don't you come home with me, Link?"

And so our story begins.

So anyway, obviously I'm kinda making a little bit of additions to the current story. I didn't remember if the Gerudo had started following Ganon, or if they didn't really know about him, or if they didn't care, they need to focus on surviving in the desert, or what. So I decided they embraced their exile after Farin seemed to fail them, and turned completely toward finding water and fighting the Shiekah.

I also gave some thought to what each character might not have conveniently always known. For example, Ganon has been sticking around the Hylian Royal family. Presumably, he's been doing secret research, so he must not have known something. I decided Ganon knew that the Triforce was locked deep in the castle, and that there were several cogs needed to get the machinery working to open it, but he didn't know where they were, and in the course of researching where they were, he found out he couldn't get at them himself.

And then Farin, since the Gerudo have been exiled for a long time, he knew practically nothing. Which I think fits a little better with the story, rather than knowing all and stop Ganon, he's still trying to figure out what Ganon's doing while Ganon has the upper hand and manipulates him into a trap. Farin continues gathering information from inside the prison, though, and by the time Link has the last cog, Farin basically has the whole story.

Also, I stuck Syrup in there. It's not necessary, but I thought it'd be cool. Anyway, he story is that she's a witch, and therefore saw the truth. She knew that she had to stop this innocent man's execution. As Farin was about to be executed, she swooped in and stopped it, breaking Farin's chains and telling him to run. He ran toward the city's gates, pursued by guards who cut him up, but didn't kill him. Syrup held them off as long as possible, but was outnumbered. She conjured a billowing wall of smoke and flew off on her broomstick toward Hyrule, knowing that the Gerudo would never chase her there.

Once there, she mainly tried to move on from the past. She opened a potion shop, and took on an apprentice, Maple. Syrup never told her past to Maple, but when Maple brought back news of a Gerudo king, she could tell Syrup was initially elated, but after consulting her crystal ball, rather angry. Syrup told Maple that the king was an imposter and was trying to use the royal family to get into ancient secrets, but she wouldn't speak further than that. Maple left after this to train herself, but her attitude toward the Gerudo King was influenced by it, and that's one reason the Hero's shade met with her.

Anyway, looooooong post! Wow...
« Last Edit: July 09, 2013, 01:25:39 pm by Donotfeedthemax »
Re: [Submission] Farin
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2015, 05:19:59 pm »
  • It's just Max.
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So, just going through NPCs, and this backstory still hasn't been settled on, but with the story as fleshed out as it is now, I think it fits rather well. I guess it doesn't matter whether we officially accept Farin as an NPC because he'll be there no matter what, but it would be useful to settle on his backstory.
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