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Author Topic: Telstar  (Read 1865 times)

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« on: June 26, 2006, 02:53:37 am »
This is about how a great Defender becomes the thing he hates most.

Party Members[No sprites yet<sprites in progress>]:

Sirius Nolky:
Species: Human
World: Light
Age: 30
Starting class:Defender, Dark Defender
Second class: Hell Defender
Final Class: Hell Gaurdian
Bio:The hero of the story. He was a popular Defender that if you were ever in need of protection he'd be the best choice. Until one day he got cursed by an evil demon. Weilds Axe an swords.

Michael Edge Barret:
Gender: Male
Species: Human
World: Light
Age: 15
Starting Class: Ninja
Second Class: Assassin
Final Class: Red Ninja
Bio: A cowardly ninja who seems to know Sirius and is told to have the blood of a Hero. Wields Katanas.

Gillon Smith:
Gender: Male
Species: Dragonian
World: Light
Age: 25
Starting class: Lancer
Second class: Harpoonist
Final Class: Great Lancer
Bio: A strong lance weilding man from the mountain of Dragoveille. He seems to know about the demon man who cursed Sirius. Weilds Lances.

Gender: Unknown[possibly Male]
Species: Minus
World: Minus
Age: possibly mid 20s
Starting class: Minus Mage
Second class: Minus wizard
Final class: Minus Sage
Bio: Unlike Mages of the Light world, Minus Worlds Mages are not only great with magic[far superior to the Light worlds mages] they are also above average physical fighters. Myst has a hazzy past and nothing is really known about him/her. Weilds Claws.

Isabelle ???:
Gender: Female
Species: Human
World: Light
Age: 17
Starting Class: Beast Master
second " ": Beast Princess
Final " ": Beast Queen
Bio: A young girl who Sirius and the others find lieing face down in the sand by an ocean. She seems to have forgotten her past, but Danielle seems to think she looks familliar. Weilds Musical instruments.

Danielle Moon:
Gender: Female
Species: Human
World: Light
Age: 16
Starting Class: Priestess
second: High Preistess
final: Holy sage
Bio: A young girl traveling with 4 other girls who Sirius saves early in his adventures. Sirius' curse takes him over and he kills two of the girls and final gains control back before killing Danielle. Later in the game they meet again and the 3 girls join up with him permanetly after finding out he had no control over what was happening. She is sisters with Ginger and Melody.
She weilds staffs.

Ginger Moon:
Gender: Female
Species: Human
World: Light
Age: 18
Starting Class: Alchemist
second: Engineer
final: High Alchemist
Bio: A young girl traveling with 4 other girls who Sirius saves early in his adventures. Sirius' curse takes him over and he kills two of the girls and final gains control back before killing Danielle. Later in the game they meet again and the 3 girls join up with him permanetly after finding out he had no control over what was happening. She is sisters with Danielle and Melody. She weilds hammers.

Melody Moon:
Gender: Female
Species: Human
World: Light
Age: 14
Starting Class: Bishop
second: Templar
final: Templar Captain
Bio: A young girl traveling with 4 other girls who Sirius saves early in his adventures. Sirius' curse takes him over and he kills two of the girls and final gains control back before killing Danielle. Later in the game they meet again and the 3 girls join up with him permanetly after finding out he had no control over what was happening. Sisters with Danielle and Ginger. Uses  Rapiers.

Jessica Veil:
Gender: Female
Species: Dragonian
World: Light
Age: 23
Starting Class: Caller
second: Summoner
final: High Summoner
Bio: A good friend of gillon who is in love with him. They have known each other since they were young. Jessica gets kidnapped by a Lizarian so Gillon has to join up with Sirius and Edge to save her. After she is saved they both join up permanetly. She weilds whips.

Boris Greives:
Gender: Male
Species: Human
World: Light
Age: 40
Starting Class: Light Weight Boxer
second: Middle weight ""
final: Heavy Weight ""
Bio: A great boxer who has a great power called a titan form.  Sirius, Edge, Gillon, and Jessica see him fighting another boxer when they go looking for an INN. Boris uses a "Titan" move that instantly kills the other boxer. It turns out the other boxer held the soul of a demon inside him so Sirius and his group had to help him fight it. After they defeat it Boris thanks them and is indebt of them for saving him. Weilds Boxing gloves.

Rukifellth Miers aka Black Beard:
Gender: Male
Species: Remorian
World: Light
Age: 50
Starting Class: Pirate
second: Pirate King
final: Pirate Emporer
Bio: A evil and destructive Pirate who steals from the rich and poor and if someone gets in the way of his mission  he'll kill them. Sirius goes in a 1-on-1 match against him and when he loses he decides that if he joins up with Sirius he'll be even more of a threat. Weilds rapiers and pistols.

Those are the teammates. I'll be making there sprites from FF3 ones :P

Here is the second version only one is fully completed so far.

all the others are basically just the original version but with the color scheme of what the final sprites will look.

there giga abilities that i've thought of are[each character gets 2]
Giga Gear-Sirius
Giga Flare-Myst
Giga Punch-Boris
Giga Beam-Rukifellth
Giga Moon-Danielle
Giga Knight-Jessica
Gigan Queen-Jessica

Titan abilities i've though of[each gets 2]
Titan Barrier-Danielle
Titan Ring-Sirius
Titan Barage-Boris
Titan Bomb-Rukifellth
Titan Shards-Edge
Titan King- Jessica
Titan Wizard-Jessica

Hero abilities[only Myst,Edge, and Sirius get these, there the most destructive spells/abilities, and there is only 1 per]
Hero Summit- Sirius
Hero Moon- Edge
Hero Dirge- Myst

Sol edit: Posted merged.
Buster Edit: Added pics besides name[also i'm trying to make them look cel shaded.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2006, 08:01:30 pm by Buster »
Re: Telstar
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2006, 05:23:25 am »
  • Don't Worry Sir, I'm From The Internet.
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looks pretty cool. have you started on it or is this just ideas for it?
Grimace is the demiurge, the creator. From him all things in McDonaldland have sprung. He is not a sin, he's not a menu item, he's just Grimace. He exists. He rolls his lidless eyes and flaps his lipless mouth, formless and terrible, a protean idiot thing from the depths of pre-history.


Re: Telstar
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2006, 05:22:03 pm »
Yeah i have started. :P
Re: Telstar
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2006, 04:52:33 pm »
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This looks SWEET! How many party members do you get at one time? I suggest 4. 5 would be cool, too (FF4-style ;D) Also, what are you making this in? What will the battle system be like? (I mean in-depth stuff, like turn-order, point-of-view, turn-based or ATB, etc.) Also, how is character progression gonna work out? I majorly suggest some level of customization... like skill point allocation.

Oh, you know what would be sweet?? If you did it like you get AP and you use them to pick the abilties you want, like FFT. That would freakin rock! :D Or if you did like Diablo II-style (Like FFT, but you need pre-requisites for some abilities.)

BTW, sorry if I sound like an ass. I tend to do that. I just like to come up with ideas. :P


Re: Telstar
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2006, 04:30:13 am »

How many party members do you get at one time? 6

What are you making this in? GM most likely

How is character progression gonna work out? Most of the character developement will come through Edge[becomeing more of a heroic, and good hearted person],and Sirius...but not in a good way.

Oh, you know what would be sweet?? If you did it like you get AP and you use them to pick the abilties you want, like FFT. That would freakin rock!  :D Or if you did like Diablo II-style (Like FFT, but you need pre-requisites for some abilities.)

I don't know if i have that great of game making skills to do that.

also soon i'll be posting a pic of the characters in battle. :P


Re: Telstar <screenshot> :P
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2006, 04:07:25 am »

btw yeah i know the room is the crystal room from FF3...but it's gonna be edited a bit this is just the phase one of the room, and there actually is a crystal in the room.

Cause the party through out the duration of the game are looking for the evil demon named Sivs brother which is a crystal called Tetsai or the Tiamat Crystal.

The games original name was going to be Final Fantasy Crystals, but i changed it to Star Chronicles III: Crystal Quest II, then i changed it to Crystal Quest II, then Edge Quest II, now it's Telstar
« Last Edit: July 06, 2006, 04:10:20 am by Buster »


Re: Telstar
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2006, 04:12:54 am »
Looks cool, nice characters, but I seriously reccomend coming up with a better story than the everyday 'crystals, possessed king, etc' story :/


Re: Telstar
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2006, 04:18:51 am »
I am thinking of a new story like everyday but it still has to do with Crystals in some way cause the main villain of the 5 part series is a crystal well 40% crystal, 40% demon, 20% human.
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