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Author Topic: British tabloids PSP vs. DS  (Read 1314 times)

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British tabloids PSP vs. DS
« on: August 24, 2006, 01:26:22 pm »
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British news papers are renowned for stalking celebs and annoying the hell out of grieving families, the way I see it celebs choose to be in the limelight so they deserve everything they get from our news papers but you know what grinds my gears? Journalists who clearly haven't got a f*ckin clue what they are writing about, in todays "star" (a classy paper, make no mistake-yeah...right) they started a new feature about videogames, firstly they did a round up of new consoles, including the Wii. in this article they exclaimed "Wii has no joystick" WRONG! this might seem petty but it annoyed me, but then...over the page was a PSP vs. DS article. Here they compared the two consoles side by side, for the PSP they showcased a UMD video, Tomb Raider and GTA, to show off the DS's capabilities they chose Nintendogs The Rub Rabbits (feel the magic xx-xy) and um...tetris...WTF? they chose a toy, a collection of mini games and an ancient puzzle game compared to the PSPs 2 best games. I mean come on, they coulda showed off Metroid Prime Hunters, Mario Kart or what about the beautiful Trace Memory?

They finished the comparison by saying the PSP has the edge cos its a multimedia machine aimed at adults while the DS is a kids console, ignorant idiots, if i want to watch a movie I'll watch it on my cinemax TV not get neck ache staring at my PSP for 2 friggin hours, again, music...I have an ipod, dont have one? MP3 players can be bought for ??10 nowadays so why bother with the PSPs mp3 playing abilities? At no point did they mention that the UMD videos are a resounding failure!

Don't take this rant as a fanboys crazed B/S, I love my psp and my ds but my point is that this writer is obviously either an idiot who clearly doesn't know what he or she is talking about choosing 2 crappy examples out of 3 to show off the DS or a PSP fanboy who can't for one minute look from behind those rose tinted glasses and see that the DS is as good as the PSP albeit in very different ways, PSP has the horse power but DS has the ability to be different and new and something the PSP will never be, Original.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2006, 01:30:19 pm by Uppy »

Re: British tabloids PSP vs. DS
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2006, 01:40:31 pm »
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LOL yeah good idea, it happens in alot of papers though, I swear they have chimps instead of journalists, one time, when the first smash brothers came out there was a review in the Sun news paper repeatedly calling mario "malky mario" still never quite figured that one out....again when OoT was released the mail called link a gnome and the same paper urged parents not to buy their kids pokemon games because they "depict animal cruelty"  *dies*


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Re: British tabloids PSP vs. DS
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2006, 01:50:39 pm »
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Too many Journalists are idiots.

I don't read the stuff. The two best stories the Sun ever came up with were 'X breast enlargements' and 'The gran who beat up a robber by accident'.

Its not just things like games (eg: Vice city article, and i had my dad asking me if you rape in that game. .ARBGH. >_> ), but issues that affect how people percieve what the goverment is doing, and basically feed desirable and hatefull opinions onto everyone about whatever the current hot topic is - Taking the most enterntaining route, and getting people motivated.
But journalists writing articles - They don't KNOW the subjects. They almost never do, and rely on someones opinion, often people like Jack Thompson.

What i really hate is reading the amount of emotion in an article - They journalist uses so much tone - Their conviction is Sooo strong, and yet they dont truly understand, and are faking much of that emotion for entertainment (or conversable/retransmittable) value.

Its dispicable.

Like during the whole Immigrants issues period, they would make articles with such idiocy that made anyone who's done high school geography laugh; Doesn't stop thousands of people then believing such a journalists 'opinion'.


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.... I ♥ Sol ? wtf how long has that been there? >_> *rrrrrrrrar*
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Re: British tabloids PSP vs. DS
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2006, 04:26:06 pm »
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Its so true, then again most Sun/ Star readers fall into two catagories 1) those who buy them cos of a) the breasts and b) cos they know its Bull pie and buy it for a laugh or 2) Have the IQ of a single cell organism and really believe everything thats in those papers. Honestly who reads this stuff and uses these reviews to purchase games? Do you really part with ??40 cos The Sun says "Tomb Raider R0X0R!!11! M4R10 is for L0Z0RZ!".

As for the whole immigration thing, I agree that as usual they blew it out of proportion, its called scare mongering and the Sun is quite well known for it. If you ask me the whole thing is boardering on racism.

Re: British tabloids PSP vs. DS
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2006, 05:25:13 pm »
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I don't think the PSP is better than the DS, nor do I think the DS is better than the PSP. They both have their good and bad qualities, but ultimately they're completely different handhelds with completely different goals and capablities.

Although, I do tend to use my PSP more, but that's mostly because

1) I got it more recently
2) I don't have any other kind of mp3/movie player, and it's perfect for listening to Dragonforce in the car

"It is a terrible thing for a man to find out suddenly that all his life he has been speaking nothing but the truth" - Jack, The Importance of Being Ernest
Re: British tabloids PSP vs. DS
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2006, 08:02:27 pm »
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Well the DS sells so much more then the PSP it shows me clearly who is better.
Re: British tabloids PSP vs. DS
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2006, 08:34:11 pm »
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i !@#$% hate idiots that spread wrong info therefore generating more idiots (well, just making idiots even more stupid, that then gang up on you and tell you you're wrong when you know that you're not as a fact, yet you still cant win and have to be humilliated like that lol)

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Re: British tabloids PSP vs. DS
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2006, 10:37:58 pm »
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Damn ignorants... Same thing here, in the magazines (that are not mainly aimed at gaming), they use to interpret wrongly the Nintendo stuff, even (And I'm so damn sure of that) without knowing a ---- about it or any of Nintendo's stuff... Therefore they use to support Playstation all the way... And that's so freaking annoying - if I wanna shoot at something - I would go to army, if I wanna race cars - I ----ing buy one, if I wanna be a moron and be a bad guy - I ----in' become it, and if I wanna have fun I play RPGs, MMORPGs and Nintendo stuff... xP
I suggest sending a letter to Nintendo UK saying that those ignorants are slandering Nintendo randomly... :P
Re: British tabloids PSP vs. DS
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2006, 02:34:50 pm »
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I don't think the PSP is better than the DS, nor do I think the DS is better than the PSP. They both have their good and bad qualities, but ultimately they're completely different handhelds with completely different goals and capablities.

Although, I do tend to use my PSP more, but that's mostly because

1) I got it more recently
2) I don't have any other kind of mp3/movie player, and it's perfect for listening to Dragonforce in the car
HM to me my PSP which i took a black marker to it and cut of PS and put SNESP :P and loaded it with Nintendo Roms lol so, sony made me really hate them, lol and i got a sony pc :P
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Re: British tabloids PSP vs. DS
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2006, 09:13:45 am »
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Let me say something; It's a journalist's job to make up !@#$% that gets readers. They dont care about facts, they care about the money they get paid.
the a o d c
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