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Author Topic: The Legend of Zelda: Cries of the Stone (need programmer)  (Read 3784 times)

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The Legend of Zelda: Cries of the Stone (need pr...
« on: November 27, 2006, 04:21:57 am »
Hey everyone! I am looking for people who would like to help make a game that has been in the planning stages for a pretty healthy length of time and has an awesome story and concept.

Cries of the Stone takes place hundreds of years after A Link to the Past and Link's Awakening. In a time when Hyrule is in decline falling from its Golden Age, a great evil crosses the land. No one knows of the legends of the past, they are nothing but whispers on the wind was the earth takes its last breath before evil has taken over Hyrule.

A young boy named Link is returning from Calatia to see the Royal Family. He had a dream that he was destined to meet the King and Princess of this Kingdom. As he entered the Lost Woods, he found a young woman being attacked and saved her. Her name was Impa, and introduced herself and told him the story of how the Royal Family is hidden within secret caves in Hyrule awaiting the chosen one. She also tells him how the princess had been kidnapped. Link decided to lend a hand and help Impa out in retrieving a lost item from the Cave of Dragons. Upon doing so, he found a Triforce Shard. She told him this was one of the eight shards of the Triforce of Wisdom the princess broke up before being taken off. If all of these are found, the path to the princess will surely be shown by the goddesses.

Link then sets on a quest well known to us all as the original Legend of Zelda. This time around, a deep and dark story is told, side quests will be gone on, more items than ever imagined, and fourteen dungeons to travel through. New locations to the original story, as well as many characters and villages. This is the true story of what happened during that initial story. As Link traveled the land, learning the history of his ancestors that had gone before him through finding pieces of the Gossip Stones. However, the story does not end on Spectacle Rock. The true story, the true evil, the true ending the leads into the future of Hyrule is told as Link enters a story (not neccessary for the game), but will tie every single Zelda game together unlike ever before. With the true evil that was there all along, and the true ending of The Legend of Zelda.

I have pretty much all of the concepts hammered out, the areas mapped out, and way the story will go. Definitely up for ideas if anyone's interested in helping with the game! I would definitely love help...and if you're interested I will tell you the entire story of the game and what it entails entirely! Thanks!!

Since I see people are looking at it and not posting...I will basically tell what's going on.

Basically it's the same idea as the original game, but the dungeons are pretty different. The first dungeon, Cave of Dragons, is going to be pretty much an up-to-date replica of the original dungeon. How Link gets the wooden sword is the same (from the man in a cave). However, after that is where the similarties differ. The areas of the game include:

Lost Woods
-Cave of Dragons (Dungeon 1)
-Mido (Town)
Faron Forets (Dark Woods)
- Dekuto
-Forest Temple (Palace of Time)
Misery Marsh
-Calaboose (Dungeon 2)
Hyrule Field
-Lon Lon City
-Karkariko Village
--Methesula's Grounds (Dungeon 3)
Lake Hylia
-Ruto (Town)
Death Mountain Range
-Mt. Crenel
--Picorri Village
-Death Mountain
--Lava Lake (Dungeon 5)
--Spectacle Rock (Dungeon 9)
--Goron Mines (Town)
-Zora's Sanctuary
--Zora's River (Dungeon 4)
-Crater of Darkness (Final Dungeon)
Ruins of Hylia
-Old Kasuto (Town)
-Hyrule Castle (Dungeon 6)
-Temple of Time (Palace of Twilight)
Crystal Coast
-Port of Outset/Gardens of Passion (Town)
-Ooccoa Shrine (Dungeon 8)
Sands of Rajma
-Nabooru (Town)
-Twilight Palace (Dungeon 7)
Island of the Moon
-New Kasuto (Town)
-Tower of the Gods (Palace of the Wind)
Eastern Canyon
-Lynnadore (Town)
-Eastern Palace (Palace of Light)
Dragon Roost Island
-Rito Shrine
Island of the Stone

Those are the areas, pretty much the idea is that once Link finds all the Triforce Shards and defeats Ganon in Specatcle Rock, Princess Zelda is saved and returns to the cave where the Royal Family is hidden. The game has a different Hyrule after you win and things go back to normal. Eventually, Link will hear rumors that something had happened to the Royal Family and go and find out that the Zelda he brought there wasn't Zelda...but was a King of Darkness who was using her to find where the ancient Gossip Stone was hidden. Finally, Link learned that he is holding the pieces of the Gossip Stone. During the game, Link will find Gossip Stone Pieces throughout Hyrule which will tell him the stories of the past, and also give him powers when he holds them in his hand (which takes up an item spot). Some may be extra armor, others are the ability to see things he wasn't before. But once he assembles these, the Gossip Stone tells him to awaken the ancestors of his past. So Link travels throughout Hyrule to find the four Palaces of the Past and allow the Gossip Stone's tear to fall on the Pedestals of Time to open the palace. Once Link awakens each of his ancestors spirits (by finding the Artifacts of the Past; Ocarina of Time, Moon Pearl, Wind Waker, and Mirror of Twilight), Link then heads to the Crater of Darkness to find that the true King of Evil is Kaepora Gaebora. Zelda gamers know him as the owl, but Kaepora is infact one of the original sages who built Hyrule, worshipped the goddesses, and sealed and created the Sacred Realm. However, he betrayed them all when he hid himself as an owl and they were attacked by the people who would eventually become the Twili. He then waited centuries and kept luring the three chosen together to assume his power as a god next to Din, Nayru and Farore where he should've been. Once this battle is over, Link carries Zelda out of the crater to find she is dying. They exchange a few final words and then Zelda dies. He takes her to Impa, and they both lay her in a palace of a tomb. Once sealed, Link walks away only for the words "...to be continued" to come onto the screen. In reality, Zelda is not dead, Kaepora placed a curse upon her so that she would sleep eternally. She is the sleeping princess of The Adventure of Link.

What do you guys think so far?

.TakaM edit
posts merged, please refrain from triple posting in the future.

« Last Edit: November 28, 2006, 09:02:07 pm by AberFitch1220 »


Re: The Legend of Zelda: Cries of the Stone
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2006, 06:42:41 am »
Hey no need to triple post, it's against the rules =P. Although this game looks interesting! I can't wait to see a demo!

Edit: This post is also against the rules, I'll edit it for reference, rather than deleting it.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2006, 08:08:39 am by Andrew »


Re: The Legend of Zelda: Cries of the Stone
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2006, 01:15:47 pm »
I would love to see a demo, too. I have some engines from a guy who was previously working with me...but our communication dwindled until the game was left along for a while. I am very poor with actual programming, which is why I would love to find to a find a program director for the game.


Re: The Legend of Zelda: Cries of the Stone (nee...
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2006, 01:45:34 am »
is no one really interested? :(
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Cries of the Stone (nee...
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2006, 09:08:41 am »
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lol is all I can say when I read your topic title! Why do you say? Well really simple you want to make a Zelda game. Yet you need a programmer. Seriously when you want that your Zelda game is gonna be something. You have to learn programming otherwise your game will never be something.
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Cries of the Stone (nee...
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2006, 11:22:59 am »
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Well...I think it's a good story and stuff but... uhh if you don't know how anything about programming I advise you to make a more simple game. No need of 14 dungeons for a game to be good. It can have only 3 and be pretty decent. We all want to make a game to compete with Oot but, for startm make it simple!  ;) Good luck.

Currently Listening to: Mos Def - Summertime
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Cries of the Stone (nee...
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2006, 01:27:08 pm »
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Good luck finding someone who'll devote the next three years of their life to making your fantasy a reality.

Do yourself a favour - why don't you contact some of the other people who have never done anything like this before but are trying to recruit teams? With no evident coding/spriting skills of your own this is not going to go anywhere. You won't do it alone, and there's nothing here to make anyone choose to join your project over another. Sorry, but I want to see more fan games succeed and they're never going to if they continue like this. :(
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Cries of the Stone (nee...
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2006, 04:51:20 pm »
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I just think you need to cut some stuff out of it is all :-\ I really like your gossip stone idea, but just keep it to that. Lower the dungeon count to about 5, make only one quest, and dont try to mix all the zelda games together, people have tried this and havent suceeded>_>Do something original with this and youll have potential.  Rewrite the story to something a little more original,about the gossip stones and why you need them. If you want I MIGHT,listen,MIGHT, be able to help you out with some coding(part time) IF:You take what I said into consideration,and learn to code yourself because I cant devote my time to this.


Re: The Legend of Zelda: Cries of the Stone (nee...
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2006, 05:22:21 pm »
Well here's the thing, I actually was learning to do stuff from the guy who I used to work with. And then we kind of lost touch. Like I started to make the mapping for the game, and he taught me that and I really learned. I am willing to learn and would definitely like to learn. I definitely do have a shorter version of the game...I mean the game could definitely be made as the second part (with Link searching for the power of his ancestors), and then later on make the beginning part of the game? I know my game is big...but when you see people making Ocarina of Time 2D and Majora's Mask 2D...I just feel those are very unoriginal fan games and games that are very large, as well. I am taking a game and using it as a pallet for an original game...trust me when I say this game will vary greatly from the original Zelda game. I just thought using a game that didn't have much of a story to it (I am sure due to lack of technology) would be cool to see a different version (kind of what Nintendo did with Metroid: Zero Mission).

I would just like to get as much people together to make an awesome Zelda game...the type of game we've always wanted. With nostalgia, but brand new. A huge quest with a great story.

I really appreciate all points of views you guys are giving, and it is definitely making me think of ways to make this work, so thank you
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Cries of the Stone (nee...
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2006, 07:33:42 pm »
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You can't tie Zelda together, it just doesn't work, it is cool to imagine, but just not a good idea.
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Cries of the Stone (nee...
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2006, 08:33:42 pm »
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Yeah...I mean you have great motivation, and an awesome idea...but those alone don't get things made. Break it down into something smaller, especially if you have little to no experience in programming or game making as a whole. Whenever you're an uber pro you can come back to this idea and give it a shot, cause then you'll probably be hailed as a Zelda fan game God, but till then...take it down a notch or 7.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Cries of the Stone (nee...
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2006, 09:01:30 pm »
I will probably most likely postpone this project until I know enough to come back to it. Because the story behind it ties the Zelda games together very well and shows that there is a timeline, and there is a connection between all the stories that makes absolute sense and isn't a headache to understand. But I will probably do a side-project on my own until I can understand programming. Now I just need someone to help me with that to show me some stuff.
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Cries of the Stone (nee...
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2006, 09:54:19 pm »
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I'm not saying there is no timeline, but finding ancestors, that is trying to bring Zelda together, in an impossible way, try it, it won't work.


Re: The Legend of Zelda: Cries of the Stone (nee...
« Reply #13 on: December 04, 2006, 06:10:42 am »
How do you believe it won't work? It works storywise...it works mechanic wise in terms of gameplay (and that mechanic actually backups the story that is going on in this game...so they all actually help each other in a way I didn't anticipate). The idea that each Link is part of a lineage is something that is not "impossible" to get to work...I think that statement is a little naive. Infact, I think its extremely naive to say that...considering you don't know the entire story and the entire theory behind what this game is trying to say. I feel bad for you...feeling ideas are impossible to get across and work out...its never good for an artist to use the word impossible...

You're not "finding" the actual ancestors. There's no Link from Ocarina of Time waiting in a dungeon.

It's less about the "timelime" and more about the connection between the heroes of the various games...and when it comes down to it the idea is very strong, and its in a way (not exactly how I am doing it), but pretty much been done in Zelda games before...
« Last Edit: December 04, 2006, 01:25:43 pm by AberFitch1220 »
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Cries of the Stone (nee...
« Reply #14 on: December 04, 2006, 06:25:04 pm »
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I know my game is big...but when you see people making Ocarina of Time 2D and Majora's Mask 2D...I just feel those are very unoriginal fan games and games that are very large, as well.
Those people are mostly really experienced and/or have a good team, which isn't really your case.  ;)

Currently Listening to: Mos Def - Summertime


Re: The Legend of Zelda: Cries of the Stone (nee...
« Reply #15 on: December 04, 2006, 10:10:15 pm »
I realize that...that's why I was hoping to make a team and learn how to do things
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