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Author Topic: Theif Be Damned - A Elder Scrolls Short Story  (Read 1051 times)

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Theif Be Damned - A Elder Scrolls Short Story
« on: May 01, 2006, 02:30:51 pm »
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Why did I do it? I was just sitting at the pub, drinking, when I saw his ugly imperial face. His deep eyes shining of self-loathing, and something else, something strange. He was talking with some more of the pig-headed Cyrodiils, two of them, while a stone-faced Bosmer watched over them quietly, adding to the conversation here and there, but otherwise remaining silent while the imperial pigs spent ghastly amounts of money on enough alcohol to kill any man. I hated looking at them, but couldn???t look away.

They had so much money, it was entrancing, and they had it just lying it on the table in front of them, more money than I would earn in a years honest work. How it gleamed, it shone brighter than stars in the sky. I wanted it, I wanted all of it, all that gold, it should have been mine, all mine.

I saw the Imperials get up and leave the Bosmer nursing his drink, I saw it out of the corner of my eye, which was still fixed on the gold. What happened next is a blur, I can almost remember the Bosmer finishing his drink and walking up to the bar to get another, me standing up, my hand touching the gold, my hand putting it in my pocket, me walking to the exit, glancing over my shoulder, seeing the Bosmer smiling sadistically as he picked up the drink he???d just bought. Me opening the tavern door and walking out, returning home, locking the door, locking the gold in a chest, crawling into my bed, and falling asleep.

I woke up hot and sweaty after a nightmare about a women at a lake, a women crying blood tears. The first thing I did, despite the strange, unnatural hunger I was feeling, was check the gold. To my horror, it was gone, and in it???s place was a note.

Dear thief,

My name Is Joe Peterson, but you can call me ???Sticky Fingers???. I am a friend of the Imperial you robbed. You saw me, I went to get a drink right as you stole the gold, remember? Of course you do.

I could have killed you when I broke into your house and reclaimed my friends belongings, but instead I decided to help you and your thieving ways. If you are reading this then three days have passed, and you have woken up. That is correct, three days. You see, all four of us drinking there were vampires, members of the illustrious bloodline called the ???Berne???, and now so are you.

Do not be afraid though, as I left you a ???present??? downstairs to help you quench your hunger. Remember, you are a creature of the night now, you will need to drink blood to survive, the sun will burn your flesh, and if people learn about your secret they will try to kill you. But they are advantages, a vampire can hide his face by using blood magic, a vampire can change his physical form, even into mist. Some vampires can even communicate using telepathy, but not you, your bloodline has not yet unlocked that secret. You will be stronger, faster, better than any mortal, and you will be able to move so quiet even the mouse will envy you (very useful to a thief like yourself).

Now, stop reading and Go, less the hunger should claim you and you become the mindless machine of murder that gave our kind it???s bad name.

Your Sire, Joe ???Sticky Fingers??? Peterson

P.S A word of warning - If you do become a mindless creature of murder, you will not meet me again unless you wake up as my stake and your heart meet.

As I read these words my heart grew heavier and heavier, and soon I began to cry, but my tears were red, I was crying blood tears. Why did I do it?

I stumbled down the stairs to find myself met with a woman, she was a Dunmeri, like me, and about the same height. She had long, flowing black hair, and deep red eyes. But I paid attention to none of this, nor did I pay attention to the tattered rags she used as clothes. My focus was on her neck, or more importantly, the blood pulsing through the veins near her neck.

Again this part is a blur, I remember stepping forward, no longer weeping blood, I remember breathing heavily on her face, seeing the fear in her eyes. I can see myself biting hard into her neck, she was doing nothing to resist, the gaze she gave me what I can relate only to a zombie.

I killed her, I let her bleed into my mouth, until they was none left. I let her body fall to the floor, in disbelief of what I had just done. ???Some present??? I thought bitterly as I cursed the name Joe Peterson, but above that, I cursed myself. Why didn???t I stop myself, why couldn???t I? And then I realised, I had become a monster. I would do that again and again until some vampire hunter put a stake through my heart. I was damned. In that instant, I knew I couldn???t exist like that. I stepped forward, put my hand on the door, and broke it down with a single push. Sunlight filled the room. This brings me to where I am now???burning.

I can smell my own body as it burns under the light of the day. I can hear people screaming at me as I in panic, but I don???t care. I can see guards rushing over to me, but I don???t care. All I care about is this, the flames engulfing my body. I can feel myself going, my knees buckle below me and I fall to the ground. The sounds stop, the feeling stops, my vision fades, and I die...


A lone Bosmer sighed as he watched through the inn window as the body turned to dust, standing out of the way of the suns rays, behind a curtain, he would not burn like that vampire had.

Some people just cannot live with being dead??? He whispered to himself, as guards ran towards the dust, as children cried while their parents shielded their offspring???s eyes ???And many more cannot stand to look at the dead.


Well, what do you think?
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