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Author Topic: [Request] Z:LTTP arrow shooting  (Read 998 times)

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[Request] Z:LTTP arrow shooting
« on: December 05, 2007, 04:46:57 pm »
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Hello all ZFGC members, I'm in great need of a arrow shooting script/example for my Zelda game I'm working on.

it is not a must that the arrow shooting object are exactly the same as in LTTP.

I'm using Game maker 7 registered
thanks for reading this and i should appreciate if someone could make a script or example that i could use.( ofc i will give the person who help me credits)

// Jegge   :D
Re: [Request] Z:LTTP arrow shooting
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2007, 09:21:53 pm »
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well, I don't have an example ready or the time to make one. ( this week I'm only home to eat, sleep, and a few minutes to read mail and forums, the rest of the time as all spend at the office)

But I can give you an idea about how to create this, as I don't know how good you are I will describe itin  a simple ( certainly not most efficient ) way to create this.

When you press you item activation button execture a script calling for scr_arrowshoot.
in the script part of gamemaker create a script with similar name.

Inside this script let it check which side your player object is facing towards.
( using your global.direction or similar global)
Then let it create an obj_bow and obj_arrow with a sprite facing equal to the direction of the global.
In the bow object create event use an alarm to let it destroy itself after a short time
In the arrow object place the speed in the creation event and let it move in a direction equal to its sprite.

when you press your item activation button, a bow and arrow appear, after short time the bow disappears again the arrow is moving into the direction you want it to go.

I hope this simple text example is enough to help you with this.
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