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Author Topic: Why would anyone prefer the Japanese version of SF2: the animated movie?  (Read 3984 times)

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Re: Why would anyone prefer the Japanese version...
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2008, 05:14:01 pm »
  • I murder your toys as well
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This topic is a fine example as to why ZFGC has been !@#$% recently.

:) I take full responsibility. I'm a !@#$% leopard who can't change his spots.

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Re: Why would anyone prefer the Japanese version...
« Reply #21 on: May 18, 2008, 05:53:49 pm »
  • Modrill made the avatar. I command you to like it.
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........desu?  *shot*

desu is a verb, the verb "to be". Watashiwa Moulinoski desu. (I Moulinoski am.)

So... If that's being used as a noun for crazy Japanese-loving people... Let's just say we need to reenact the ending to Mother 3...

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Re: Why would anyone prefer the Japanese version...
« Reply #22 on: May 18, 2008, 06:03:36 pm »
  • I murder your toys as well
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........desu?  *shot*

desu is a verb, the verb "to be". Watashiwa Moulinoski desu. (I Moulinoski am.)

So... If that's being used as a noun for crazy Japanese-loving people... Let's just say we need to reenact the ending to Mother 3...


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Re: Why would anyone prefer the Japanese version...
« Reply #23 on: May 18, 2008, 06:46:43 pm »
  • Modrill made the avatar. I command you to like it.
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The... The heck?! O_o What is that thing? Desumon?!

My Brawl FC is 1289-8196-4511. Don't expect me to be on all the time though.
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Re: Why would anyone prefer the Japanese version...
« Reply #24 on: May 19, 2008, 09:11:59 am »
  • ^Not actually me.
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Streetfighter 2


"Weeaboo?" as the sole content of your post doesn't really *count* as content, rather it's blatant trolling and spam <_<;;... Try to have more content next time.

Stating an honest opinion is spam now, guys. Let's delete the entire debates board.

Erm. *cough* Swiftu;

"Weeaboo" has always been an offensive term, making it trolling. Refer to the rules.

One word posts stating JUST Weeaboo in a post is spam... so lets see... 2 rules broken o.0;;... It doesn't matter if it's an "honest opinion"; I could post "!@#$%." directed towards someone and do you think that would be appropriate? <_< It wouldn't be, and it isn't.

I've said before, and I'll say it again..

Nobody has the right to not be offended. You not allowing switfu to say Weeaboo is offensive to me.

Swiftu never said it.

Also, me enforcing the rules is probably offensive to you too, and to that I say "cya later Lunar :D"; you see how that works? The staff isn't here to make *you* (single rule breaking entity) happy, but rather make sure the masses (larger group of people who dont break the rules habitually) feel comfortable browsing the forums. "Weaaboo" pisses off a large part of our demographic, and so I exercise the right to say "you're trolling by using that term, stop using it on these boards." and politely suggest going back to a forum that appreciates such a stupid term. While I exercise the right to enforce the rules, you privilege the right to browse the forums, and adhere to whatever guidelines and rules the staff makes. It's a very... very simple design. There's absolutely no reason it should be difficult for a !@#$% leopard to act like an adult and conduct itself maturely; it has nothing to do with your spots. Also, please note, that if your "spots" break the rules, we can simply say "no !@#$% leopards" allowed, and be done with it.

I'm also a firm believer that for you to complain about the rules, you should at least be mature enough to follow them. Why would we want to change the rules for someone who cant keep them anyway? Posting Ascii art of "DESU" is obviously spam, so while I could have taken your post before that seriously, I'm sure as hell not looking at it as valid now. There are ways to conduct yourselves intelligently, and if just for once someone would finally *get* that, perhaps things wouldn't seem so unfair to you. What's unfair is the staff constantly having to clean up the filth of this forum from the same people day in and day out. I personally have become tired of babysitting, and debating on whether or not certain people should be banned, when its quite obvious they should since they do not know how to follow rules.

You (the individual poster) choose how you take each action on this forum. We (the staff) choose how we deal with those actions, and we deal with them based on the guidelines of the forum. It's simple. On that note, this thread is now locked. It's a spammy cesspool.

« Last Edit: May 19, 2008, 09:32:33 am by Mamoruanime »
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