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Author Topic: Recruiting Board  (Read 2228 times)

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Recruiting Board
« on: December 17, 2008, 02:39:35 am »
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So yeah, couple suggestions for the recruiting board.

1. Let it be a two way street

Make it apparent that people who are looking to work on a project can leave a thread detailing their skills and experience, potentially with samples of their work so people can instead find them.

2. Enforce that threads should follow a specific format

When I see [Recruiting] Legend of Zelda: Wally's Nuts that tells me two things.  That you're looking for help and the name of the game (shock, a Zelda Fan Game on ZFGC) which is next to nothing.  I get a board of this and I end up getting virtually a bunch of black boxes. 

Threads should follow a standard like [Recruiting] Experienced GML Programmer and Spriter and maybe a brief one-liner on the project in the thread description.

There I get what you need, a brief idea of what you're doing, and can actually decide if I have any interest before going into the thread. 

Similarly you could have [For Hire] Experienced Programmer (XNA, GML, C++, OpenGL).  Maybe with a description like, Willing to work on Zelda and non Zelda games.  There recruiters can see exactly what they're getting and can look at some samples of their work. 

This type of organization also helps people weed out complete amateurs.  [Recruiting] 2 Experienced Programmers, a Musician, and Spriter would wave a red flag to most.  I'm guessing it'd also lend itself well to searching threads by tag (Recruiting or For Hire) and profession as an added bonus.

It would require moderation to make sure requests are well represented and maybe some guidelines on what constitutes a Beginner, an Intermediate, and an Experienced member.  Though that's pretty obvious for anything but Programmer which boils down to year experience, languages proficient in, and projects worked on with samples.

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