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Author Topic: The dangers/benefits of national pride  (Read 5989 times)

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Re: The dangers/benefits of national pride
« Reply #20 on: August 08, 2006, 12:47:18 am »
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"Why does the rest of the world think that we are egotistical and self centered, and that we don't give a damn?"
Well, the self-righteous Ted Kennedy would have us think that we're savage, egocentric people whom kill Iraqis for fun and oil... but generalizations with that have no real basis (btw, I just read Ted Kennedy's book... that's why I'm using him as an example).  I think that most American's DO care about others, and that simply because countries such as France cares more about getting rich, then they do the saftey of America: they use us as a scapegoat.  Terrorists do it to: it was America!  They provoked us by coming to war against us after we killed hundreds/thousands/w/e of innocents, or threatened to do so!

So I'd say that we're more of an excuse for other countries to use.  Big, bad, egocentric America policing the world.  As the French prime minister slips a million dollars into his pocket after selling supplies to Iran being used to make nuclear weapons.

What Europe doesn't understand is that after Isreal... and after America: they're next.

And I guess I should quit saying France, and say "France's leaders", because there are a whole lot of awesome French people out there.  My mistake.

And for being against of national pride, Pyru: you sure have a lot of pride yourself (btw, defintion of pride: emnity toward another [noun]).  Why else would you hate the US so much?
Re: The dangers/benefits of national pride
« Reply #21 on: August 08, 2006, 05:17:33 pm »
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Who or what's your source. Is that from Kennedy's book?
Are you reffering to my comment on corrupt French leaders slipping money in their pocket from sales to groups such as Iran, helping them along in their quest to make nuclear weapons?

I thought that was common knowledge by now (but then again, I'm the guy who watches Bill O'Reilly and Fox News, so I'm not always sure what ABC's and MSNBC's saying... although I'm pretty sure CNN mentioned it a few times), but if you need, I'll get you a source (although at this point, I'd like to advertise an excellent book I read on the corruption of th U.N. titled "The U.N. Exposed").
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