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Author Topic: ZFGC friend?  (Read 6355 times)

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Re: ZFGC friend?
« Reply #20 on: November 29, 2006, 11:06:05 pm »
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Boohoo. Maybe if you stop being such a little kid and being an attention seeker, real attention will come to you.
Re: ZFGC friend?
« Reply #21 on: November 29, 2006, 11:38:59 pm »
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After all that I have been through on ZFGC, people still see me as just a random member.
Welcome to my world. Ive been here since pretty much, the beginning, but hardly a single person on here (if that) really even know me that well. I used to be more known and popular, because I involved myself more. But the fact is it really just doesn't mean much. So I stopped caring about how people view me. I am never on anybodies friend list, or anything like that. I am just kind of a shadow behind some of the newer member's strong and sometimes annoying personalities.

But whatever right? If you let all the small, insignificant matters like this get to you, you will never fully enjoy this place. I found the real joy of being here came, when I stooped giving a !@#$% about what people thought of me, or how I was proceved by the community in general, if I was known, or respected for my actions. Even though I am not all that big of a Zelda fan, or video games in general, and this place hardly has anything to offer me, I just enjoy hanging around here. Now days, I could care less if I even had a post count, or if I wasn't even a certified member, or whatever my title says. Once you stop comming here to play the mini-community game and gain status you will have a good time.

And being old, or being on a lot doesn't make you special (trust me). Ask yourself what you have done for this community, or what you being around means to it, or how you have shaped it. And if you have played any part, do you really need a special title to feel important? Some people with this title I don't respect at all, or in my eyes haven' done anything special for this community, and them having a title doesn't change my opinion whatsoever, and then their are some with this title(or without) who I respect, and look up to. But it's because I always have. Not because of some little word under their name.

cpp: I remember you :D

(It had to be done >_>)

« Last Edit: November 30, 2006, 01:47:27 am by cpprograms »
We may be human. But we're still animals.
Re: ZFGC friend?
« Reply #22 on: November 29, 2006, 11:50:50 pm »
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And if you have played any part, do you really need a special title to feel important?
It sure makes Pyru feel important. >_>

No, I'm a self-important git anyway. I don't need any titles to tell me that.
Re: ZFGC friend?
« Reply #23 on: November 29, 2006, 11:51:21 pm »
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And if you have played any part, do you really need a special title to feel important?
It sure makes Pyru feel important. >_>
Who cares what pyru, or anybody might think in their head? If they think they are important etc. What do you think? I judge people here based on who they are, not what some title says they are. So does everybody. You need to realize that.
We may be human. But we're still animals.
Re: ZFGC friend?
« Reply #24 on: November 29, 2006, 11:58:45 pm »
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And if you have played any part, do you really need a special title to feel important?
It sure makes Pyru feel important. >_>
Who cares what pyru, or anybody might think in their head? If they think they are important etc. What do you think? I judge people here based on who they are, not what some title says they are. So does everybody. You need to realize that.
And yet everyone treats me like !@#$% no matter what I do.

Boohoo. Being emo won't solve that.

Seriously, whining because you don't get to see one measly staff board - that no-one posts in anyway - really isn't worth it.


shut the fuck up donny.
Re: ZFGC friend?
« Reply #25 on: November 30, 2006, 01:15:43 am »
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After all that I have been through on ZFGC, people still see me as just a random member.
Welcome to my world.
Who are you again?

tight butthole, you make your own reputation you cant expect it to just come to you. Myself, I went on an activity !@#$%-fest back in the Invision days, and managed to become more known to people. Then i became mod because i shone out to the administrators, to be both unearthly active, and... capable.
Now, i'm fairly quiet, retracted and not really noticed. I don't know whether people recognise or respect me anymore, or even know who I am... I don't really care, and neither should you, so what if a member joins tomorrow and they get modded, the admins are freaks, get over it! >=D
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Re: ZFGC friend?
« Reply #26 on: November 30, 2006, 01:23:51 am »
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I've been here since October 8, 2003 and I don't have the ZFGC Friend title.
Let's see, I've:
- Aided Kirby changing dates (that's when I was a head mod for 15 minutes lolol)
- Been nice to most new members
- Half-opped in the chat room
- Opped in the chatroom
- Am pretty great friends with most of the staff
- I'm to lazy to put anything else

You see me caring?
I'm glad I've been able to aid the community and made alot of friends.

Serious Business.

.TakaM was here.
so my friend stole a giant bag of ketchup out of the ketchup pumping things and brought it to our table and we took it in the bathroom and i smashed it over the sink and kicked it around the bathroom and smeared it everywhere and we all took turns kicking the ketchup out of it and when we were done it looked like an african village was murdered in the bathroom
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shut the fuck up donny.
Re: ZFGC friend?
« Reply #27 on: November 30, 2006, 01:29:02 am »
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I'm glad I've been able to aid the community
I think that's what I was trying to say >_>. I did my bit for the community, without thinking about what i might get in return... well apart from when Andrew told me to lick a german toad in front of all the moderators.. and he told me i'd get some Vash-Lovin for it... now that was good...

i mean ...


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Re: ZFGC friend?
« Reply #28 on: November 30, 2006, 01:36:21 am »
And if you have played any part, do you really need a special title to feel important?
It sure makes Pyru feel important. >_>
Who cares what pyru, or anybody might think in their head? If they think they are important etc. What do you think? I judge people here based on who they are, not what some title says they are. So does everybody. You need to realize that.
And yet everyone treats me like poo no matter what I do.

Boohoo. Being emo won't solve that.

Seriously, whining because you don't get to see one measly staff board - that no-one posts in anyway - really isn't worth it.
So, you're saying that I should just shut up, let everyone treat me like crap, and die knowing that nothing I really did mattered? Nothing I do in real life really matters, so what I do is try to go on the internet to make friends.  I thought I made a lot, but then as I stayed on ZFGC, they ended up to be real jerks to me. I probably only have one true friend left, AoDC, because he actually talks to me and trusts me, and I trust him. He doesn't care about my status, but a lot of other people on here only care about people with status, and step on the rest. (not all, I mean a lot) I understand that status won't make me have true friends, but I have always wanted to show them that I am not nobody, to make a name for myself. I don't give a !@#$% about this status now, but I'm still mad about the fact that I can't win.

Calm down, who cares if you don't got the ZFGC friend name. I'm sure there were a lot of people involved with the TRM impeachment. Just ignore what Pyru says and get on with our lives.
Re: ZFGC friend?
« Reply #29 on: November 30, 2006, 12:26:30 pm »
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And if you have played any part, do you really need a special title to feel important?
It sure makes Pyru feel important. >_>
Who cares what pyru, or anybody might think in their head? If they think they are important etc. What do you think? I judge people here based on who they are, not what some title says they are. So does everybody. You need to realize that.
And yet everyone treats me like poo no matter what I do.

Boohoo. Being emo won't solve that.

Seriously, whining because you don't get to see one measly staff board - that no-one posts in anyway - really isn't worth it.
So, you're saying that I should just shut up, let everyone treat me like crap, and die knowing that nothing I really did mattered? Nothing I do in real life really matters, so what I do is try to go on the internet to make friends.  I thought I made a lot, but then as I stayed on ZFGC, they ended up to be real jerks to me. I probably only have one true friend left, AoDC, because he actually talks to me and trusts me, and I trust him. He doesn't care about my status, but a lot of other people on here only care about people with status, and step on the rest. (not all, I mean a lot) I understand that status won't make me have true friends, but I have always wanted to show them that I am not nobody, to make a name for myself. I don't give a !@#$% about this status now, but I'm still mad about the fact that I can't win.

Calm down, who cares if you don't got the ZFGC friend name. I'm sure there were a lot of people involved with the TRM impeachment. Just ignore what Pyru says and get on with our lives.


Why ignore what I'm saying? I'm saying the "Friend" status isn't a big deal and to calm down anyway, because it's really not worth it. Geeze...
Re: ZFGC friend?
« Reply #30 on: November 30, 2006, 02:11:36 pm »
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Look, BlueMonkey. I speak only for myself in this, but I'm sure other people feel the same way. After this... well, honestly, tantrum you've thrown over this, I respect you much much less - as a member and as a person. People get respect and attention without realizing it. There are some people here, who, even though they don't hold a position of power, or even post much, I see them and respect them. And some who do, whom I don't. I'm sure there are people who respect you here. And I used to, a bit. But I can't honestly say I do anymore. I know what you feel like, man, but - it's not that big a deal, seriously. People here do respect you. You wanna make friends? Go into the IRC rooms, and chat with people, or whatever. Get involved in a fangame project here or something. But don't whine about a status. Gourry is a "ZFGC Friend", and, I think he's pretty much an ignorant moron. And I don't mind saying it. To use my favorite quote (again) - "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
Re: ZFGC friend?
« Reply #31 on: November 30, 2006, 10:01:41 pm »
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Look, BlueMonkey. I speak only for myself in this, but I'm sure other people feel the same way. After this... well, honestly, tantrum you've thrown over this, I respect you much much less - as a member and as a person. People get respect and attention without realizing it. There are some people here, who, even though they don't hold a position of power, or even post much, I see them and respect them. And some who do, whom I don't. I'm sure there are people who respect you here. And I used to, a bit. But I can't honestly say I do anymore. I know what you feel like, man, but - it's not that big a deal, seriously. People here do respect you. You wanna make friends? Go into the IRC rooms, and chat with people, or whatever. Get involved in a fangame project here or something. But don't whine about a status. Gourry is a "ZFGC Friend", and, I think he's pretty much an ignorant moron. And I don't mind saying it. To use my favorite quote (again) - "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."

mgzedit: please try to add a bit more to your posts
« Last Edit: November 30, 2006, 11:01:25 pm by MasterGohan Zero »
Re: ZFGC friend?
« Reply #32 on: November 30, 2006, 10:09:46 pm »
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Um, what the !@#$% was that?

.TakaM was here.
so my friend stole a giant bag of ketchup out of the ketchup pumping things and brought it to our table and we took it in the bathroom and i smashed it over the sink and kicked it around the bathroom and smeared it everywhere and we all took turns kicking the ketchup out of it and when we were done it looked like an african village was murdered in the bathroom
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Re: ZFGC friend?
« Reply #33 on: November 30, 2006, 10:15:44 pm »
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My tantrum was fake, I admit. I decided to do this to !@#$% you guys off on purpose, because of the fact that ZFGC is getting a little boring. I tried to make it sound as real as possible so noone suspected it was fake. But, I got you guys. Hahahahahahahahah*isbanned*
Re: ZFGC friend?
« Reply #34 on: November 30, 2006, 10:21:34 pm »
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My tantrum was fake, I admit. I decided to do this to !@#$% you guys off on purpose, because of the fact that ZFGC is getting a little boring. I tried to make it sound as real as possible so noone suspected it was fake. But, I got you guys. Hahahahahahahahah*isbanned*

Like anyone believes that.
Re: ZFGC friend?
« Reply #35 on: November 30, 2006, 10:22:06 pm »
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lmfao, yeah, and hell is freezing over, nice attempt at a cover up.

.TakaM was here.
so my friend stole a giant bag of ketchup out of the ketchup pumping things and brought it to our table and we took it in the bathroom and i smashed it over the sink and kicked it around the bathroom and smeared it everywhere and we all took turns kicking the ketchup out of it and when we were done it looked like an african village was murdered in the bathroom
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Re: ZFGC friend?
« Reply #36 on: November 30, 2006, 10:23:25 pm »
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My tantrum was fake, I admit. I decided to do this to !@#$% you guys off on purpose, because of the fact that ZFGC is getting a little boring. I tried to make it sound as real as possible so noone suspected it was fake. But, I got you guys. Hahahahahahahahah*isbanned*
seems like an excuse to justify your actions >.<
Re: ZFGC friend?
« Reply #37 on: November 30, 2006, 10:25:51 pm »
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Think what you want, I don't give a !@#$%. It still was a joke, wether you think it is or not.
Re: ZFGC friend?
« Reply #38 on: November 30, 2006, 10:30:51 pm »
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This is not a topic for jokes. Your questions have been answered about ZFGC friends, if there is nothing more to add to this topic of worthy posting value, then consider it locked.
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