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Author Topic: Saddam Is Dead  (Read 4444 times)

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Re: Saddam Is Dead
« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2007, 08:22:48 pm »
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Most civilians that the US has killed were A) in the line of fire, B) were actually terrorists in civilian clothing or C) isolated incidents.
So? The things that you said could've easily kill hundreds of people.
When you give me a number and proof, you might change my mind. But I doubt anyone does a report about how many people US killed in the past 6 years.
Why would US government show a report of their own killings?
And after looking Andrew's video, It just confirms that US government (including Bush) misleads people.
They want a war, even if it isn't necessary.
It's crazy...

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Re: Saddam Is Dead
« Reply #21 on: January 02, 2007, 08:53:22 pm »
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God, you people take everything to the extreme.  All that video showed was that the media's arrogance and that they are only interested in ratings and/or selling papers rather than get the news right.  That is not to say that they do not get the news right most of the time, however.  That video included a dispute between a public and a private document.  The public one said that there was the possibility if not certainty that nuclear weapons would exist.  The private one said that there may be.  It is the same message, but it is reworded a little.   

There also has not been a definitive number of civilians killed, but I bet that the number is exaggerated.  The number is not the number of civilians killed by US and coalition forces, but rather a number of civilians that have died as a result of the conflict.  My previous reasons for their deaths still apply, but the number increases when you include the number of Iraqi civilians killed by Iraqi terrorists.  The US and coalition forces are not blindly killing everybody, and if they were it would be reported.  But, as they are not, it also is not. 

Also, an attempt on Saddam's life does not justify using nerve gas to kill the people he feels was his opposition.  I also remember an incident where he cut the hamstrings of an Iraqi soccer/football team for losing in the World Cup, but was that too justied. 

And yet Andrew, you are trying to imply that because Kuwait was once part of Iraq that what Iraq did was somewhat more allowable.  Killing is still killing, and they were not the same country then.  Genocide is really just a grand attack and killing of a certain people, so in that way it was a genocide.  And yes, at trial Saddam even said that he was responsible for those things he did.  It does not matter who carried it out, he ordered it.

If we did not go into Iraq, there would still be violence.  It would just be as pronounced as much because it would not be a full war.  It would get there in time though.

Finally, I will go after your last points
1) Conflicts have casualities, duh, nothing is ever a perfect operation
2) Conflicts have casualities, duh, nothing is ever a perfect operation
3) Overblown information
4) You really had no point there, you could have just combined it with the last point
5) That is different too.  The prison thing you are talking about was with corrupt guards who attacked naked crawling men with dogs in Texas.  Bush was the governor, but he really did not know about that stuff to deal with it effectively.
6) Outlandish and they will not go through.

Re: Saddam Is Dead
« Reply #22 on: January 04, 2007, 01:18:15 am »
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Now that Saddam Hussein is dead by hanging, what do you think the repercussions are going to be in Iraq, if any?
It'll remain the same as it always has for the last... forever.  They've always been fighting, always will be.

Did he recieve fair justice, or was the court unbalanced?
Definitely not.  It was a long trial, and they came to the same conclusion as one of our courts would have.

What will happen to the troops still over there, will the "war's" course change for the better/worse?
Stay the same.  It won't help, won't hurt.

What are your opinions of this subject?
I'm way glad that he got capital punishment.  Although what he did was far greater than a simple capital offense.
Re: Saddam Is Dead
« Reply #23 on: January 04, 2007, 04:15:40 pm »
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Did he recieve fair justice, or was the court unbalanced?
Definitely not.  It was a long trial, and they came to the same conclusion as one of our courts would have.

Wasn't one of his lawyers assassinated early in the trial?
Re: Saddam Is Dead
« Reply #24 on: January 04, 2007, 11:42:10 pm »
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Did he recieve fair justice, or was the court unbalanced?
Definitely not.  It was a long trial, and they came to the same conclusion as one of our courts would have.

Wasn't one of his lawyers assassinated early in the trial?
It wasn't *just* one of them... but I'm not exactly sure if you're trying to say that makes the court unbalanced or not??

Might I ask for some clarification?  Thanks!
Re: Saddam Is Dead
« Reply #25 on: January 05, 2007, 03:48:28 am »
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Yes, one of the Lawyers was assassinated, but regardless, that wasn't the court's fault.  Also, even if Justice was give to Saddam fairly, there still would have been enough evidence to have him put to death, or at least given life in prison.  Also, because he's actually dead, it puts to rest all the  rumors that he could escape or be broken out and rise to power again.
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