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Author Topic: Religious debates - things we simply cannot live with.  (Read 2485 times)

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Religious debates - things we simply cannot live...
« on: January 22, 2007, 04:37:36 pm »
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Ah, hello. So, posts in the "door-to-door atheists" topic are appearing again. Well, they've always been appearing, but whatever. Oh, and notice something? The topic was originally about the idea of actual door-to-door atheists. Now, it's quickly become yet another debate on whether Christianity could possibly be true, with all on one side sticking to the usual arguments (logically, there's no way of proving it, so why do it?), and the other side is too (we truly believe it and do have faith in it, so you can't make us change).

Also, people are stupid. Everyone's arguing from a very, very limited perspective. Nobody gets anywhere at all. And one reason is, people are making assumptions that are not only absurd to make in ordinary life situations, but even more so in a debate. Like, anyone who doesn't believe in God is an atheist/satanist/sinner, or everyone who does condones all church actions including those that are clearly wrong. It horrifies me to go into these topics and see smart people passionately arguing, and being entirely stupid about it.

Another dumb thing? Swearing and getting all mad in your posts. It only destroys the credibility of your argument to the reader because, honestly, you come off as being unstable and crazy. Also, randomly inserting insulting, biased, unfounded comments like "well, it doesn't matter what I believe because you're going to hell". Well, I'm sure that convinced them to become a Christian. We're certainly loving, aren't we? No. Now, I know that it's really very very unlikely that anyone can be convinced into religious faith anyway, but one purpose the argument does serve is to help people clear up their own beliefs, inspire other people, and give people of another view an insight into what we believe. So no matter what you believe, argue well and justifiably to give a true insight, a properly presented insight, into your beliefs, and not just a glimpse of the bad side of your character.


Re: Religious debates - things we simply cannot ...
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2007, 04:55:15 pm »
You just KNOW this topic is going to turn into another religion war. It's ZFGC.


Internet Tough Guy.
Re: Religious debates - things we simply cannot ...
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2007, 05:24:20 pm »
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Just ban religious debates altogether. They don't solve anything.
The very existence of flamethrowers proves that sometime, somewhere, someone thought to themselves "You know, I really want to set those people over there on fire." - George Carlin


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lost children with no heart are crying (Turning their hearts into stone)
and you're the lost mother they're calling
Go now, run and hide (seek more than vengeance)
I hear them crying at night (your pain is their satisfaction)
outside when the planets are falling (for the rest of time)
They want to feel and know you hear them (Go now, run and hide)

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Re: Religious debates - things we simply cannot ...
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2007, 05:34:16 pm »
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Keep this topic civil guys. Religion is a perfectly legitimate debate, if your views are to narrow to accept that other people believe in different things then stay out of the debate board.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2007, 10:11:14 pm by Infinitus »
Re: Religious debates - things we simply cannot ...
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2007, 10:03:40 pm »
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I think that we should disallow religous debates. I hate getting mad at someone whenever we don't agree on a religous matter. I think most people would agree.
Just kinda moseying along.
Re: Religious debates - things we simply cannot ...
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2007, 10:08:01 pm »
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I think that we should disallow religous debates. I hate getting mad at someone whenever we don't agree on a religous matter. I think most people would agree.


Just because you need to loosen up a little in terms of your views... they're VERY narrow. And I think that's a problem with the alarmingly high number of ultra-conservative christian members that seem to have been flooding ZFGC lately...

If you can't cope with the debate because you're too !@#$% up to realise that it's perfectly valid for people to disagree with you, then don't enter the debates. It's not that hard.
Re: Religious debates - things we simply cannot ...
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2007, 02:44:53 am »
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But why should you accept the people with stupid views on things? I mean saying "Don't insult people that disagree with you" is what's degrading us all in the first place. Sometimes people are wrong, and their views aren't valid...that's no reason to say "Oh, that's okay...you're allowed to your opinion". No, you should say "Why would you think that? It's stupid." You shouldn't be afraid to offend people...we're all too cocky anyway.
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Re: Religious debates - things we simply cannot ...
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2007, 02:53:23 am »
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No one's view is more valid when it comes to religion.

And don't say we can't live with religious debates, I actually find that insulting. Just because some morons here can't handle them does not mean you should generalize all of mankind with those intolerant bigots.

If you can't handle opposing perspectives then just !@#$% off, a debate isn't an invitation for trolls.
Re: Religious debates - things we simply cannot ...
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2007, 10:29:38 am »
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Just ban religious debates altogether. They don't solve anything.

I dunno they can be fun, I mean sure people do get out of hand but thats what humans do. And what I mean by fun is just hearing about other peoples beliefs
Re: Religious debates - things we simply cannot ...
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2007, 11:47:50 pm »
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I wasn't necessarily saying anyone's views on RELIGION are more valid...although in some cases they can be. Such as an uneducated Christian arguing religion with a Buddhist monk. I think the monk would know a little bit more about his own religion. But in a normal situation like us...none of us know what the crap we're talking about. Let's face it...we wing it.

And you shouldn't ban religious debates, cause that's no better than the people banning religion. Saying that it's something unfit to be talked about, is just like saying it's unfit to be discussed in schools, or unfit to be put into Presidential speeches, or unfit to say "Under God" in the pledge. It's all stupid...people have freedom of choice, it's given to us by the state...that means there's no such thing as seperation of church and state, because our state given liberties will be used to proclaim religious freedoms. Ironic how that works, isn't it? You can't stop religion...you can only !@#$% off a bunch of it's followers by trying.
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Re: Religious debates - things we simply cannot ...
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2007, 12:00:57 am »
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If you can't handle opposing perspectives then just funk off, a debate isn't an invitation for trolls.


Just ban religious debates altogether. They don't solve anything.

So you think these debates are on here to "solve" some sort of problem?  No, they're here for the sake of discussion.

Seriously if you don't like debating about religion, just don't enter the topics in the first place.
Re: Religious debates - things we simply cannot ...
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2007, 06:14:41 pm »
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I think I know why we need debates. We all have our beliefs on topics, namely religion, but we don't really express them. I mean when do you really talk about your religion outside of church? But then some day someone comes along and says "Hey you, Christian...you're stupid" and tries to fight you on your beliefs. So you 'Jesus pwn' him and he runs off crying. He might not have learned anything from your 'Jesus pwn', but you did. Debates are rarely for the people you're debating with...because think about it...we all want to think we're right, so half the people that debate won't take anything away from the other person. Debates are for you. You have your beliefs...and by hearing the other side of the story, and saying why you're more right, your beliefs get stronger. So yeah...you can't stop debating, because then we'll have no way to strengthen our beliefs.
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Re: Religious debates - things we simply cannot ...
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2007, 06:17:15 pm »
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You're a very conceited person, and I'm very scared if you never learn anything NEW from a debate, if all you do is walk off with a reaffirmation of your own beliefs. That is really, really, really not a good thing at all.
Re: Religious debates - things we simply cannot ...
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2007, 07:03:40 pm »
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Yeah, as Pyru said, debates are made to tell your opinion, hear other's opinion and in most cases learn more information about the subject... I'm also the kind of person who in 90% of the times sticks with the idea forever, I've already learn some good stuff on debates here (don't ask me, can't think of any at the moment >_>)...
Anyways, my opinion on the subject is simple, I'm an atheist...
I see religion as something useless and childish...
Useless: Why do we need religion... Yeah... Why? To give the money some more use and build churches...? To have people kill others because of their "visions"? I'm 15, and so far had a sucessful life without religion... And I could have used any other example, I'm not the oldest of the atheist, obviously, there must be some guy who is way older than me, is an atheist and still has had a sucessful life without religion...
It's not that I have gods helping me in hard times, I don't have any god doing homework for me, I don't have gods giving me hints when I have some problem in GML, I didn't have any god yesterday helping me (since I had a problem that should be solved tomorrow), I don't see gods giving free money for all those homeless people...
And I know friends of my grandparents who are very poor, and are blinded by religion, having all kind of religious stuff in their houses, living their last years in the illusion that Jesus will save them and give them a better life...
Childish: OMFG... I can't believe I'm actually writing this... erm... whatever... I was 5-8, on the first years of school... my time was spent playing soccer, playing with friends and playing with imaginary friends (there was Vica Nida, Z.M. - I had a great imagination back then), I was also sometimes a Pokemon trainer, and so were lots of my friends, sometimes we even battles (when there was no Cable Link for GameBoy Color...) of imaginary Pokemons... Now, where am I try to get? So, isn't this the same concept as religion? C'mon, I believed and "lived with" imaginary beings when I was a kid...
Plus, I prefer that reality, when someone said my kick@$$ Ninetales Lv. 100 was crap, I didn't kill millions of innocent persons...
Anyways, I would like someone to comment my point of view, not that I'm forcing you to do it, just something I would like to read. Thank you for reading. ^^
Re: Religious debates - things we simply cannot ...
« Reply #14 on: January 29, 2007, 03:40:15 am »
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I'm not saying you can't learn anything from debates, it's just a lot of people debate in the first place to brag about how much THEY know, not to find out what the other person knows. I mean I've gotten into debates about topics I know nothing about just so I can see what I CAN learn...but that's not how it usually works. People just want to show what they know in debates...you can't deny that fact.
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Re: Religious debates - things we simply cannot ...
« Reply #15 on: January 31, 2007, 09:59:54 pm »
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I'm not saying you can't learn anything from debates, it's just a lot of people debate in the first place to brag about how much THEY know, not to find out what the other person knows. I mean I've gotten into debates about topics I know nothing about just so I can see what I CAN learn...but that's not how it usually works. People just want to show what they know in debates...you can't deny that fact.

THE VERY CONCEPT OF A DEBATE IS A CONVERSATION OF OPPOSING SIDES.  Nobody honestly cares if you end up "learning" or "agreeing", but either stop complaining or GTFO.
Re: Religious debates - things we simply cannot ...
« Reply #16 on: February 01, 2007, 12:23:42 am »
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Quote from Zerolink:
I wasn't necessarily saying anyone's views on RELIGION are more valid...although in some cases they can be. Such as an uneducated Christian arguing religion with a Buddhist monk. I think the monk would know a little bit more about his own religion. But in a normal situation like us...none of us know what the crap we're talking about. Let's face it...we wing it.
End Quote

Uh.You might not want to go there.I just graduated from a independent-fundamental-conservative-Bible-believing-Baptist-Church.
I got all A's in Bible and Preached once in chapel.Am I a saint?Hell no.But, I guarantee I could flame down alot of people if I wanted
to in religion.I could say,"Christianity is the only way.You're all gonna burn!"That's just RUDE!

Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs.If everyone ran from every belief,how would we co-exist?Baptist children are more and more
corrupted these days, because they are forced to believe God is everything.(Not that I disagree,but I don't take it literally 100%.)Then they
grow up and realize,"Hey.God isn't peeking over my shoulder anymore."Then they just forget every moral.Alot of Baptists I know are some very
immoral people.

That was babble.

Nuf said.We need debates to remind us why we believe what we believe.
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