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Re: Under rated games
« Reply #20 on: March 01, 2007, 06:09:17 pm »
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I agree with Kame, it was just about holding right on the d-pad. I did like the additions and the extra speed but IMO Sonic Rush put them to better use. At the same time SR is too short compared to the Sonic Adavance games.

And another one: LoZ 1 - Never by critics, but always by ZFGC'ers. Pisses me off.
Sonic Heroes, too. I thought it was pretty fun. Too simplistic, but still fun. Unfortunate;y, none of the 3D sonic games have been as fun, because Sonic's gameplay, was almost entirely based around the 2-dimensional format, and the new designers just haven't been able to be as innovative or creative as those for the 2D games. I mean, come on, Shadow the Hedgehog?
Shadow the Hedgehog? What about Sonic the Hedgehog on Xbox 360 and PS3? Stupid SEGA, giving it the same name the original game has, causing me to need to type out the console it's on everytime I bring it up. Sonic the Hedgehog was at least ten times worse then Shadow the Hedgehog.
Agreed. However, I think it was Shadow the Hedgehog that marked the Sonic series becoming not worth playing. I thought the previous games were worth playing, but ShTH and STH06 are just horrible, horrible games.

I liked Shadow The Hedgehog, it was fun until i got stuck and eventually quit.

Re: Under rated games
« Reply #21 on: March 01, 2007, 06:15:09 pm »
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I've never gotten passed level 3 in Fur Fighters cos every dreamcast I have ever own has crapped out on me :(
What I played of it was really fun though.

SFA in my opinion was truly terrible. The fighting was dull the area transition was um...dodgey, to say the least and the god awful voice acting was the final nail in its coffin. best left forgotten. Better water effect than TP, mind.

SA2B wasn't too bad I suppose, SH = crap and Rayman 3 well that ga,e was really really good, I still hate rayman as a character though.  He's in the same league as Crash Bandicoot and Spyro in my "unloveable characters  table".

I just downloaded Albion but its an old DOS game and I'll be damned if I can get DOSBOX to run it

Re: Under rated games
« Reply #22 on: March 01, 2007, 06:32:13 pm »
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i dont think that wind waker could blow away twilight princess even thought that i dont know much of tp story but i have wind waker and as zelda game it isnt very good, but tp graphics on it would be really cool ^^ ( but when one game should have TP graphics it should be LttP )
Zelda games shouldn't stick exactly to the design that Ocarina of Time spread out. Every 3D Zelda game has expanded on the formula in some huge way, but Twilight Princess sticks to what Ocarina did because with every Zelda that comes out, almost everyone says "It's not as good as Ocarina of Time". And Wind Waker's graphics are beautiful, try looking outside of how "realistic" a game looks. If Wind Waker used Twilight Princess' graphics, I'd throw up, because Nintendo can't seem to design realistic styled children if their life depended on it.


those two are from wind waker... they just were redesigned to the new style, those are on the first island.

Left seems to be like

and the other one ( couldnt find a pic ) has a woooden stick too

and those two were mixed up with the "gang" on the other island

+ new tp style = those two / three :P

yue, are you kidding me?
Re: Under rated games
« Reply #23 on: March 01, 2007, 07:46:35 pm »
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Hmm, let's see.

Starfox adventures, although lacking in originality, was excellent. Beautifully designed in a realistic enviroment, without colouring everything brown and gray.
Rayman 3 was really underrated because of its slightly insecure story or something. Whatever. It was brilliant - it wasn't Zelda, but it truly made me think, "why aren't there more games like this these days?" Fun, funny, good gameplay and many extras.
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle was a thousand times better than Sonic Heros - that was a pile of crap. Heros was overrated, SA2B was well underrated for a "Dodgy Camera." No one said that about TP... (well, I did. Wind Waker Camera was perfect, why worsen it? Why hide your lovely new 'realistic' textures?)

While I don't know what anobody is talking about when they say there are bad camera controls, etc. in the Sonic games(they probably s*** at them and blame it on the camera, IMO), I wouldn't agree that it is better than SH, or, at least not in the fun or gameplay department.  I did get annoyed when the characters would speak up and point out the obvious, and the story isn't very deep at all(except for the cliffhanger Shadow leaves with us), but that isn't what matters to me.  Sonic has never been about story, and the Sonic Team should work with what they're good at: making fun games, not books on gaming systems.

Though, I do still like SA2B(and SADX as well), and am upset to see that one of my careless siblings cracked the disc and say they don't know how they did it. ::)

EDIT: @ Takam - Exactly what I was thinking.  Those characters couldn't be more different than each other.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2007, 07:57:08 pm by MyNameLawl »
Re: Under rated games
« Reply #24 on: March 01, 2007, 09:28:00 pm »
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Not underrated as such, but - if underrated can mean undervalued - Majora's Mask. It limped out at the end of the N64's life and is just not that well-known outside of Zelda circles. Which is criminal because it is one of the finest games ever created (and whatever your opinion of Twilight Princess, it can only be a good thing that it was spared the same fate and released as a Wii launch title.) I guess even in Zelda circles, it will always be in Ocarina's shadow. Eiji Aonuma gets a lot of unfair criticism from fanboys (in fairness, mostly for Wind Waker) but this game is testament to a talent that rivals anyone else in the business. I have never had a game affect me emotionally in any way even close to the genuine sense of loss you feel in your gut during Clock Town's final hours.

Burning Rangers, by Sonic Team for the Saturn. I loved this game. Really atmospheric, totally unique acrobatic firefighting adventure game. Part platformer, part shooter, with randomised routes though crumbling burning levels, you'd rescue trapped civilians on the way and, disturbingly at first, they'd send you time-released e-mails of thanks! A novelty perhaps, but one of those things that totally sucks you into the experience, at the expense of every other game you might be playing at the same time, just like they managed with NiGHTS. Another game that came out too late in a console's life (I think this was the last game to ever receive a PAL release on the Saturn) hence its relative obscurity. Crying out for a sequel.

Also, Jet Set Radio, AKA Jet Grind Radio on the Dreamcast. Fantastic game. Never played JSR Future ont the Xbox, but it looked to have lost a lot of its predecessor's charm. Looks soulless and clinical... From its poor sales on the Xbox (which undoubtedly led to the series' demise) I got the impression it would have been more at home on the Cube. If they ever wanted to resurrect it, the Wii would be its perfect spiritual home. Shake the can? Spray your own simple designs with the Wiimote? Yes please, Smilebit. ;D

Body Harvest: Closest thing to GTA on the N64
Wow. I'd completely forgotten about that one. It was flawed: incredibly ambitious, technically not too slick, but I remember the Vietnam level being amazing. Wouldn't mind dusting that one off for another go, actually. Way ahead of its time. I seem to remember it was in development for years too...

super mario 64 DS, I'll never understand the slamming this game gets, I think the only solid point reviewers have is when they say "it's still just a recreation of the N64 original" and for that it doesn't deserve as good a reputation?
improved graphics, level design, story, physics, and controls (yes the controls are god damn better on the DS)
Hmmm... I could never get into Super Mario 64DS. Sure, there are improvements (models in particular, and new levels are welcome and nicely done) but whatever control method you try, they're all bastardisations of the N64's beautifully intuitive system. I mean, the N64 controller was designed around this game... And I'm not one of those people who believe more characters necessarily equates to 'better'. So they split up Mario's abilities amongst the rest of the cast, and added a few new pointless ones that have to be used in very specific places to be of any use... The whole thing smacked of a Rare game. DK64, more specifically *shudder*... Mario is a strong enough character on his own. I dunno, maybe I look at SM64 with rose-tinted specs, but it's one of my all-timers and I kinda view the DS version as a lazy launch title port. A gilded lily.

So, who's gonna start the most over rated games thread then? I can see that one coming to blows... :P
Re: Under rated games
« Reply #25 on: March 01, 2007, 09:44:59 pm »
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Diddy Kong Racing for the N64

This game quite unfairly lived in Mario Kart 64's shadow, dispite offering much more IMHO and doing it just as well, if not better.
Re: Under rated games
« Reply #26 on: March 01, 2007, 09:56:41 pm »
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Well, to start off lets talk Sonic: ..oh and yue, ..wow :-\

Sonic Heroes: I believe that this game was for the most part good at what it did do. But, ..it got sort of repetitive after a while :-\. Still underrated in my opinion, in many aspects. The gameplay was inventive and fun!

Sonic The Hedgehog 360/PS3: It is my belief that if SEGA had spent more... much MUCH more time polishing this game, and working out the kinks/bugs, than this would be one of the best 3D Sonic Games.
But instead, everything about it feels rushed, underdeveloped, and god damn buggy. I mean, many highly rated games have similar type bugs, but they don't get in your way during normal gameplay, and completely destroy much of the good that you could have enjoyed in the game!
For example, the SuperSpeed(or whatever) levels are a nice idea.. but it's not implemented all that great. Or, when you think that you're controlling your character for a second, then it turns out it was a cutscene, then the controls turn on, and you fall off the edge! Followed by Sonic posthumously saying "Gotta be careful to not fall off here!". And who the hell thought the loading didn't need more optimization? Why does it take equally as long to load 2lines of text as it does a 10minute level?
This game, I believe, was only slightly underrated, as many of the critics' complaints were in fact valid! But they didn't stop to think about the great gameplay elements that Sonic Team had hidden beneath the bad stuff, either. If some of Sonic Teams obvious strengths could come out over the under-polished production than there would be some good here :(.

^I probably didn't express that very well, but.. oh well :(^

Okay now, enough of that:

Super Mario 64 DS: .TakaM pretty much nailed it. It improves upon the original in all ways, imo, except arguably controls. I say arguably because after a while they start feeling possibly even more natural than the N64's :S.

Super Mario Sunshine: I don't know if I'd consider this to be better than Super Mario 64 in terms of the levels and the need to collect all of the Shine Sprites, but it pretty much kills the game in all other ways.
The controls? This game has possibly the most fluid, polished controls I've ever used! When playing this game I feel like I can, with ease, go and do just about anything. The sound and music/graphics/etc.. is all up to Nintendo standards, and.. well etc.. >_>
The levels are less diverse, though, in ways, than Mario 64's, due to the tropical nature. No less, they make good with this forced environment!

Kameo: Elements of Power: This game was fantastic, and yet it got [for the most part] decent-good ratings. This is Rare at their peak(once again :P), imo, buy it if you have a 360!
« Last Edit: March 01, 2007, 10:02:02 pm by Sterlin254 »
Re: Under rated games
« Reply #27 on: March 01, 2007, 09:58:44 pm »
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Windwaker isn't exactly underrated, it's just better than most people realise.  Between TP and WW (in my opinion), ww kicks tp's ass.  It's not just about graphics, gameplay, the world, etc... but seriously WW had heart.  It was different, unique, and had so much... character.  TP?  Boring attemt to bring oot to the current gen.

But my real choices would be:

Dreamfall: The Longest Journey --- Fantastic adventure game, second in the series.  AMAZING.  seriously go out and buy it for like 5 bucks.
Luigi's Mansion --- one of the GC's best games.

I'll add more later I guess.

Re: Under rated games
« Reply #28 on: March 01, 2007, 10:30:06 pm »
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honestly, just about all 3d Sonic games are horrible.

Anyway, here's a great game you probably haven't heard of (unless you read my posts):

Xenogears. Simply wonderful story, great characters, good graphics, amazing battle system, and just overall greatness. It's a shame that the second disc was rushed.

"It is a terrible thing for a man to find out suddenly that all his life he has been speaking nothing but the truth" - Jack, The Importance of Being Ernest
Re: Under rated games
« Reply #29 on: March 01, 2007, 11:25:06 pm »
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Put one up for Beyond Good&Evil. Very good game. Storyline wise, it demands a sequel. I hope Ancel is going to work on it once he finishes up Rayman for X360 and PS3 (on that subject, will they be real platformers or minigames like the Wii version?).

Killer7 is very underrated. It's on-rails, in the sense that you have to walk on a preset trajectory. However, there's still a lot of exploration, and the trajectory system is very pleasant. It allows for some great camera angels and smooths out the flow of the game. I want more games like it. (-> DQS looks real interesting)
The story, presentation, characters, dialogue, cel-shaded graphics is just phenomenally good. It's so refined and polished. The actual gameplay can get a tad repetitive, but those quirky Heaven Smiles are just fun to shoot and the Boss-fights are WOW. I recommend it to any owner of a GCN (or Wii, game would work great with Wiimote) or PS2, who's looking for a stylish action game with great story and characters.

Agreed, Killer 7 was freaking awesome. I can honestly say that Killer 7 consistantly went where no game has gone before and that it's crazy action and pychotic twisted themes are awesome.

Zone of the Enders 2 was a freaking awesome as hell game. It's the best futuristic sci-fi/anime mech game I ever played. There are tons of things that make this game strong: 1. Voice acting doesn't suck 2. The game is full of awesome action 3. There was a hell of a lot of replayability (new weapons, mechs, and missions) 4. It was made by frigging Hideo Kojima- the genious behind Metal Gear Solid.

Also I'd like to mention the Guilty Gear series. Specifically, Guilty Gear X2. That game is highly underrated most likely due to the fact that it's  2D figher. However, unlike every other fighter, each character is radically different (From highly religious do-gooders to ghost-possessed australians to guitar wielding strippers). And the story line is awesome as heck too, but rather hard to follow from the game itself. Actually, if anything I wish they'd turn this game into a full blown anime series! There's enough awesome crap going on to make it completely possible, and tons better than all of the anime on tv today.

Re: Under rated games
« Reply #30 on: March 02, 2007, 02:03:31 am »
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Well, if the 3D Sonic games are c*** to you, then I don't think I'd want to know what you think of the more horrible, 2D Sonic games are.  ::)
Re: Under rated games
« Reply #31 on: March 02, 2007, 02:15:34 am »
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summon night:swordcraft story and swordcraft story 2.  maybe they're popular elsewhere, but everyone around me seems to hate them.  they're awesome, and i wish the ones for the playstation were in english.
Re: Under rated games
« Reply #32 on: March 03, 2007, 05:11:57 am »
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How about Shadow of the Colossus? Amazing, near-next-gen experience on the PS2. Great game, great game. i mean.. the storyline has to be.. more.. assumed than not and don't play it for any great dialogue. .. but. The battles are great and the ending is pretty cool. =D
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Re: Under rated games
« Reply #33 on: March 03, 2007, 09:08:06 am »
Wouldn't say SotC was underrated. It's a fairly popular game and met with lots of critical acclaim. Team ICO's PS3 project... now that should be fantastic.

pxl_moon (dotyue)

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Re: Under rated games
« Reply #34 on: March 03, 2007, 09:37:57 am »
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Wouldn't say SotC was underrated. It's a fairly popular game and met with lots of critical acclaim. Team ICO's PS3 project... now that should be fantastic.

i agree, everybody which i know, who knows it says that its one of the best games they ever played

~Minish Cap Style~

Minish Cap Beta:Firerod Icon, Majoras Mask:ChuChu, Ocarina of Time:Gossip Stone, Oracle Series:Link plays the "Herpes of Ages", Impa, Wand Maker: HUD
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Ocarina of Time: Deku Caca
Paper Mario Style Zelda&Link, Tetra Trackers HUD-Cleanups


shut the fuck up donny.
Re: Under rated games
« Reply #35 on: March 03, 2007, 02:11:45 pm »
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I have to agree that Diddy Kong Racing is underrated, it was such a fun game, it was like mario kart, but had flying and hover cars :D
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Re: Under rated games
« Reply #36 on: March 03, 2007, 02:24:49 pm »
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i dont think that wind waker could blow away twilight princess even thought that i dont know much of tp story but i have wind waker and as zelda game it isnt very good, but tp graphics on it would be really cool ^^ ( but when one game should have TP graphics it should be LttP )
Zelda games shouldn't stick exactly to the design that Ocarina of Time spread out. Every 3D Zelda game has expanded on the formula in some huge way, but Twilight Princess sticks to what Ocarina did because with every Zelda that comes out, almost everyone says "It's not as good as Ocarina of Time". And Wind Waker's graphics are beautiful, try looking outside of how "realistic" a game looks. If Wind Waker used Twilight Princess' graphics, I'd throw up, because Nintendo can't seem to design realistic styled children if their life depended on it.


those two are from wind waker... they just were redesigned to the new style, those are on the first island.

Left seems to be like

and the other one ( couldnt find a pic ) has a woooden stick too

and those two were mixed up with the "gang" on the other island

+ new tp style = those two / three :P

No offense, but are you a *Nevermind that was kinda offensive but come on dude :/*? Nintendo hasn't redone any characters, Zill looks nothing like her, and the Blue Bombers are extremely unique and share no similarities to...whoever the hell you said. You need to stop talking out your ass. Mods this may seem harsh, but I feel very strongly about Zelda and people who make asinine mistakes.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2007, 02:31:29 pm by Pedlya »
So what! I wanna get out! 'Cos there's so much out there! So many different people, living different lives! Incredibly good guys, bad guys... Folks completely different from us! It's one huge melting pot! See, it's not about success, dying in the streets, who's better, who's not! I just want to be a part of it! I realized that even if I've no connections, no talent, even if I'm one big loser, I want to use my hands and feet to think and move, to shape my own life! We can just die here or we can try, see what we've got!
Re: Under rated games
« Reply #37 on: March 03, 2007, 02:46:33 pm »
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Recently, I'd say SSX Blur for the Wii.  It's a !@#$% to get used to but once you do it controls fine and becomes an awesome experience.  It's like really learning how to snowboard, it takes awhile but once you get it, it's fun to just glide around and enjoy the beauty.  The reviews obviously only played with it for 30 minutes.  Please give it a try, it's tons of fun and the JunkieXL pwns the soundtrack.

Re: Under rated games
« Reply #38 on: March 03, 2007, 06:55:33 pm »
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Great topic!   :)  Thanks for the tip Retro.  Do you snowboard?  If so does it feel sorta like actual snowboarding?
Re: Under rated games
« Reply #39 on: March 04, 2007, 02:25:10 am »
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Oh I just thought of another one:
Earthworm Jim 1 & 2: Loopier than a bowl of spaghetti hoops!

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