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Author Topic: The New Heart System  (Read 2459 times)

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The New Heart System
« on: March 11, 2007, 08:35:39 am »
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First of all, the new layout is awesome. About the heart system, though:

The good:

1). Finally, an organized method of keeping people in line. No double-standards. A spin off the original "warning" system, but with style. This is good - people can finally get beaten with blunt objects again!

2). Badass and intimidating. Yes, nothing is more badass than an actual TLOZ heart dropping out and you knowing you're approaching gameover. Now all you need is a beeping when you reach three hearts and a fairy to revive you when you're out.

The bad:

1). The system does not need to be public. It's nobody else's business knowing how many times you are warned; it elicits judgemental attitudes. It really just forces people to conform to everybody else's standards. If someone does something wrong, just delete it and PM the person, but keep it private. When applying for a job, I sure as hell wouldn't want my employer to know if I'd been in prison or not. It seems contradictory that the staff has enough courtesy to send you a PM telling you when you've been warned, but then have it openly displayed for view by 768 people. But, "this also has the advantage of allowing people to see we are fair handed." I smirk at this! How can it being public POSSIBLY show if you're being fair handed or not? Of course I trust you are...but a bad statement, regardless.

2). Standards. It's silly to have these types of standards - treat people how they act, don't lump the mature and immature people into the same category. There is an entire forum to whine and moan in (the one in which this topic exists, actually), so people can just come here and complain, yet here it's merely "feedback", not flaming or spamming. No one will get warned. People get pissy too - and we're on an online gaming forum, not sitting through a two hour essay on dystopian literature of the 17th century. Let's just chill. If people get offended by what someone says, don't read it. If it's a personal attack, another story.

3). PC. Why do we have to be limited in what we say? The ever-extending reach of hell's fury has already torn the English language apart with politically correctness, I was just hoping it'd be a bit longer before it reached internet forums. I view this as a place to say what I want to say. There are differences between flaming and talking passionately, but the line is drawn to early. The heart system is just a way to limit what people say, and the excuse "you can say what you want calmly" doesn't fly - sometimes, you have to !@#$% slap someone around a bit. The idea of taking criticism like a man is so taboo these days. Everytime you criticize someone, it's a "personal attack" or some other phrase intending to make the person feel like the victim, only to look stupid in the end because his "attacker" was so right all along. I'm not going to have my opinion watered down by words ending in "ism" and stretched out with !@#$% phrases like "I disagree, but I still see it your way." No, I don't. But I can't say so otherwise. It's also fun to get into people's heads every now and then - just make him cry a bit, not much, just a few tears to sustain me.

:D. I love being twisted. And writing huge ass topics.
Re: The New Heart System
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2007, 09:19:58 am »
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Everybody can see everybody's? That's bad. It'll probably be changing though.
the a o d c


Re: The New Heart System
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2007, 09:24:40 am »
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The new kokiri theme burns my eyes and makes me think of 4chan back in the day :/
So what! I wanna get out! 'Cos there's so much out there! So many different people, living different lives! Incredibly good guys, bad guys... Folks completely different from us! It's one huge melting pot! See, it's not about success, dying in the streets, who's better, who's not! I just want to be a part of it! I realized that even if I've no connections, no talent, even if I'm one big loser, I want to use my hands and feet to think and move, to shape my own life! We can just die here or we can try, see what we've got!

pxl_moon (dotyue)

Team Dekunutz
Re: The New Heart System
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2007, 09:28:55 am »
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The new kokiri theme burns my eyes and makes me think of 4chan back in the day :/
* yue wants a darkblueish theme >_>

~Minish Cap Style~

Minish Cap Beta:Firerod Icon, Majoras Mask:ChuChu, Ocarina of Time:Gossip Stone, Oracle Series:Link plays the "Herpes of Ages", Impa, Wand Maker: HUD
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Re: The New Heart System
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2007, 09:46:12 am »
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The new kokiri theme burns my eyes and makes me think of 4chan back in the day :/
^ That has nothing to do with the topic at hand, if you wish to make suggestions for the theme please create a second topic for it.


None the less, things clearly are in a 'beta' stage for the 'new' ZFGC. I consider this a public beta of sorts where we get feed back on new things we have added into the system and taken out of the system. While I do agree with you in some aspects, I disagree with you in others.

1) ZFGC has always been an English only board -- Its always been in the rules as well, check the current rules -- also check the new rules which will be posted sometime tomorrow.

2) The Warning system needs some tweaks, I whole heartedly agree, Chris pointed a few of them out to me, and suggestions will be made to the development team on how to improve on those. The warning system was created before my new rule set was created, thus it will be modified to reflect that code of conduct policy.

3) We had a not very deep discussion on whether to publicly display the warnings. I think we have a good reason for doing it, which just so happens to be people need to be ashamed of what they do. We're not saying why they've been warned publicly, or displaying that, just the fact they've been warned in general. It really is part of the punishment in one way or another, and is something we felt should be displayed, however if it 'bothers enough people'. I'm sure we'll look into other options.

Also, most employers do some form of background check on their new hires, they'll see if you've been in jail or not, unless its been cleared from your record.

Again, I have always conveyed that we need to deal with things more privately on ZFGC, but at the same time, part of the punishment is getting to wear the dunce cap.
~The Gaurdians of ZFGC~
Kirby, metallica48423, Max, Vash, walnut100


Re: The New Heart System
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2007, 09:50:56 am »
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The new kokiri theme burns my eyes and makes me think of 4chan back in the day :/
^ That has nothing to do with the topic at hand, if you wish to make suggestions for the theme please create a second topic for it.

First of all, the new layout is awesome.

He mentioned it.
So what! I wanna get out! 'Cos there's so much out there! So many different people, living different lives! Incredibly good guys, bad guys... Folks completely different from us! It's one huge melting pot! See, it's not about success, dying in the streets, who's better, who's not! I just want to be a part of it! I realized that even if I've no connections, no talent, even if I'm one big loser, I want to use my hands and feet to think and move, to shape my own life! We can just die here or we can try, see what we've got!
Re: The New Heart System
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2007, 09:55:48 am »
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The new kokiri theme burns my eyes and makes me think of 4chan back in the day :/
^ That has nothing to do with the topic at hand, if you wish to make suggestions for the theme please create a second topic for it.

First of all, the new layout is awesome.

He mentioned it.

Whats the topic of the post? -- Keep things relevant, and don't dispute. (meaning I don't expect a reply from you, but if you want to reply to me, do it in PM or create a separate topic elsewhere discussing the issue).
~The Gaurdians of ZFGC~
Kirby, metallica48423, Max, Vash, walnut100

pxl_moon (dotyue)

Team Dekunutz
Re: The New Heart System
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2007, 10:02:42 am »
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1) ZFGC has always been an English only board -- Its always been in the rules as well, check the current rules -- also check the new rules which will be posted sometime tomorrow.

the thing is that english is a general language which is on schools world wide and on a international board like zfgc wouldnt it be fair to use a foreign one... somebody sure wont understand such a post and its a matter of fairness to all members who read the post that it is only posted in english. Its even withouth a rule somehow a unspoken rule to not make that. But then the people should live with that that some people cant post as good as the english and US people right?
such a rule would sound for me like:
1. ZFGC is an international board, respect that and write only in English so that anybody can understand you
2. Dont Flame people because they cant write in a quality like yourself

thats what i think about a foreign language warning rule.

~Minish Cap Style~

Minish Cap Beta:Firerod Icon, Majoras Mask:ChuChu, Ocarina of Time:Gossip Stone, Oracle Series:Link plays the "Herpes of Ages", Impa, Wand Maker: HUD
~GB-Zelda Style~
Ocarina of Time: Deku Caca
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Re: The New Heart System
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2007, 10:10:09 am »
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ZFGC is an english only board because we have an international community. It has nothing to do with being rude/random or obscure. We want everyone to post in English, so everyone can read and understand what the discussion is about. Its unfair to not be able to take part in discussion, and it complicates issues for administrators/moderators when it comes time to moderate an offense and its an entirely different language, it could go by completely unnoticed. I would imagine, if ZFGC ever got large enough (I personally doubt it would) we would create an additional space for people who spoke 'x' language to post, but quite frankly everyone here speaks English, whether its their first or second language. We just want a respectable medium for all users to use. It has nothing to do with your ability to write or type in English well, or anything of that nature. Users shouldn't be flamed for anything, however typing weird in 1337, all caps, or otherwise 'annoying' things, may be considered 'not English' for the sake of discussing/warning people.

Users are welcome to create games in whatever language they want to create it in, but the post for the discussion should be in English so all users, if they wish to, may partake in the discussion of that topic. I encourage you to do things in your native language, but posting itself should be in English so everyone has a chance to take part in it.
~The Gaurdians of ZFGC~
Kirby, metallica48423, Max, Vash, walnut100

pxl_moon (dotyue)

Team Dekunutz
Re: The New Heart System
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2007, 10:13:00 am »
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ZFGC is an english only board because we have an international community. It has nothing to do with being rude/random or obscure. We want everyone to post in English, so everyone can read and understand what the discussion is about. Its unfair to not be able to take part in discussion, and it complicates issues for administrators/moderators when it comes time to moderate an offense and its an entirely different language, it could go by completely unnoticed. I would imagine, if ZFGC ever got large enough (I personally doubt it would) we would create an additional space for people who spoke 'x' language to post, but quite frankly everyone here speaks English, whether its their first or second language. We just want a respectable medium for all users to use. It has nothing to do with your ability to write or type in English well, or anything of that nature. Users shouldn't be flamed for anything, however typing weird in 1337, all caps, or otherwise 'annoying' things, may be considered 'not English' for the sake of discussing/warning people.

Users are welcome to create games in whatever language they want to create it in, but the post for the discussion should be in English so all users, if they wish to, may partake in the discussion of that topic. I encourage you to do things in your native language, but posting itself should be in English so everyone has a chance to take part in it.

somehow thgats what i've said lol

~Minish Cap Style~

Minish Cap Beta:Firerod Icon, Majoras Mask:ChuChu, Ocarina of Time:Gossip Stone, Oracle Series:Link plays the "Herpes of Ages", Impa, Wand Maker: HUD
~GB-Zelda Style~
Ocarina of Time: Deku Caca
Paper Mario Style Zelda&Link, Tetra Trackers HUD-Cleanups

Re: The New Heart System
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2007, 10:18:49 am »
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ZFGC is an english only board because we have an international community. It has nothing to do with being rude/random or obscure. We want everyone to post in English, so everyone can read and understand what the discussion is about. Its unfair to not be able to take part in discussion, and it complicates issues for administrators/moderators when it comes time to moderate an offense and its an entirely different language, it could go by completely unnoticed. I would imagine, if ZFGC ever got large enough (I personally doubt it would) we would create an additional space for people who spoke 'x' language to post, but quite frankly everyone here speaks English, whether its their first or second language. We just want a respectable medium for all users to use. It has nothing to do with your ability to write or type in English well, or anything of that nature. Users shouldn't be flamed for anything, however typing weird in 1337, all caps, or otherwise 'annoying' things, may be considered 'not English' for the sake of discussing/warning people.

Users are welcome to create games in whatever language they want to create it in, but the post for the discussion should be in English so all users, if they wish to, may partake in the discussion of that topic. I encourage you to do things in your native language, but posting itself should be in English so everyone has a chance to take part in it.

somehow thgats what i've said lol

I know, I just wanted to clarify my stance on it.
~The Gaurdians of ZFGC~
Kirby, metallica48423, Max, Vash, walnut100
Re: The New Heart System
« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2007, 10:58:46 am »
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I think andrew just about summed it up, I know where I am not needed.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2007, 04:19:47 am by AoDC »
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