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Author Topic: I hope you've read GM7's EULA..  (Read 10667 times)

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I hope you've read GM7's EULA..
« on: March 16, 2007, 01:49:12 pm »
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Quote from: GM7 EULA
    d.            you must own or have proper licences, permissions and other consents in place in respect of all features and resources used in the Games (other than the Software which shall be subject to the terms of this Licence Agreement and the licence granted hereunder);
Hope you've got you're permissions to use nintendo's stuffs, otherwise your copy of GM7 Lite/Pro is now considered illegal ;)

read more here to find out what else you can now not do
Re: I hope you've read GM7's EULA..
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2007, 01:57:34 pm »
  • Minalien
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Wow, that's... harsh o_o;

Anyways, I've emailed and asked before, and although they dont outwardly support things such as fan games, they dont pursue actions aganist games that aren't making money, and I'm assuming they're generally giving permission to use their resources, so long as it is for free use
There's such a double standard about religion in the modern world. Catholics can gather, wear white robes, and say "In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti" and be considered normal.

But if my friends and I gather, wear black robes, and say  "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn", we're considered cultists.
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Re: I hope you've read GM7's EULA..
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2007, 02:06:01 pm »
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It also states that you must credit YoYo Games, and your GM-created product must be a game. It sucks. GM7 sucks. First YoYo Games, then a required internet connection for putting in your key (online blacklists WTF!), you must make a game, you must credit them, you can't make fangames, you cannot slightly meddle with a gmk file (compression? encryption? why? well, no more G-Java, at least).
« Last Edit: March 16, 2007, 02:07:39 pm by cb43569 »
Re: I hope you've read GM7's EULA..
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2007, 03:49:53 pm »
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Meh, my copy of pro is already ee lee gal. Kiss ma butt, Mark.
Re: I hope you've read GM7's EULA..
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2007, 04:23:08 pm »
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XD I hear that Blue...

But anyways, GM7 is pure !@#$%, all those rules are really stupid man, thats why I'm still on GM6, although I have GM7 Pro :P I'm probably never going to use it, so TRM better not Covert a version to GM7 unless he asks Nintendo first ;)
!@#$% I lost my entire post, god dammit.
Re: I hope you've read GM7's EULA..
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2007, 05:12:46 pm »
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I don't see the problem here?

1. Fan games DO use stolen graphics, therefor they are already violating copyright laws..
2. GameMaker.. You're not supposed to use it for anything else, hence the name.
3. What's wrong with them protecting their software..? Especially when BlueMonkey has clearly already mentioned that he has already pirated it. Mark and YoYo just lost $20. Imagine how many other people are doing that and getting away with it.
4. The credit thing is stupid though. You did pay them, you shouldn't have to then publicly recognize them.

I don't see what the big deal is here.. if you don't agree to it.. go learn C++ ;-)


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Re: I hope you've read GM7's EULA..
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2007, 05:21:35 pm »
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Game Maker has fan games hosted on its official website..
Re: I hope you've read GM7's EULA..
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2007, 05:46:37 pm »
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2.1. You agree and acknowledge that all right, title, interest and ownership rights in any and all copyright, design right, database right, patents and any rights to inventions, know-how, trade and business names, trade secrets and trade marks (whether registered or unregistered) and any applications therefor and other intellectual property rights ("Intellectual Property Rights"), in or connected with the Software and any and all copies thereof (including in particular but not limited to any data, database, designs, titles, computer code, themes, objects, characters, character names, stories, dialogues, catch phrases, places, concepts, artwork, animation, sounds, music, audio-visual effects, text, methods of operation, moral rights and any related documentation) are owned by YoYo Games. All such rights of YoYo Games are hereby asserted and reserved.
Now that we have to credit YoYo games, doesn't that mean that our games are "connected with" the "Software" and that now all of our games and their content belongs to YoYo Games?

the Games and all materials accompanying the Games shall include a notice and End User Licence Terms: (i) identifying the rights of YoYo Games and that they include, are based on and made using the Software; (ii) that such end user will have no right to modify, adapt, decompile or reverse engineer the Games or make any use of the Software contained therein nor to permit anyone else to do so; and (iii) that such end user must not remove, disable, modify, add to or tamper with any program code or data, copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices and legends contained within the object (compiled) code of the Software
What exactly are the rights of YoYo Games?
« Last Edit: March 16, 2007, 05:55:12 pm by Kame »
Re: I hope you've read GM7's EULA..
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2007, 06:18:21 pm »
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They won't enforce you giving them credit for making the program, Just don't do it?

And, This new EULA sucks.

Re: I hope you've read GM7's EULA..
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2007, 07:06:35 pm »
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I hate when people give those "solutions". If you didn't care, you wouldn't bother anyway.
Re: I hope you've read GM7's EULA..
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2007, 08:01:01 pm »
  • IBV
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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah WTF!?

Now I'll work even harder on my GPL'd GM implementation!!!

People, I recommend you to not use this piece of software. They try to take over all the hard work you do. According to law they actually can own the rights to your games since it embeds your game with their software. If games were output to be run independently of Mark's code they could not do this, but as it is now a lot of Mark's code is embedded in your game which makes him able to actually force the rights to him (or anyone else he choose to, such as YoYo Games).

I say it again: DON'T USE GAMEMAKER!
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Re: I hope you've read GM7's EULA..
« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2007, 08:33:09 pm »
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No, use Game Maker, just don't give credit. The EULA doesn't make the program suck any more than if there wasn't any, all you have to do, is not use it. Mark can kiss our asses if he thinks that we're going to credit Yo Yo Games for something that they didn't even program, just distributed. You payed for it, you should get to have fair rights, and if you don't get it, nothing's stopping you.
Re: I hope you've read GM7's EULA..
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2007, 08:34:53 pm »
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No, use Game Maker, just don't give credit. The EULA doesn't make the program suck any more than if there wasn't any, all you have to do, is not use it. Mark can kiss our asses if he thinks that we're going to credit Yo Yo Games for something that they didn't even program, just distributed. You payed for it, you should get to have fair rights, and if you don't get it, nothing's stopping you.

Tell it to the judge.
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Re: I hope you've read GM7's EULA..
« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2007, 08:37:27 pm »
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Lmao, Mark lives in the Netherlands, and Yo Yo Games is located in the UK. If they want to spend the cash to fly here and sue me for a simple games program, then let them.
Re: I hope you've read GM7's EULA..
« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2007, 08:50:18 pm »
  • IBV
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Lmao, Mark lives in the Netherlands, and Yo Yo Games is located in the UK. If they want to spend the cash to fly here and sue me for a simple games program, then let them.

Not everyone lives in America :) Also, it wouldn't surprise me if they actually have someone in America too.
And in any case, if they feel they can get an advantage by suing you, wherever you are they will (as long as your location has signed to enforce the copyright laws). It's not like they are going to sue every last developer, if any at all (I mean, just because they have the right doesn't mean they will, they are just able to eventually do it if they feel like it), they would sue developers where they can get an advantage. Imagine someone making a wonderful and successful game, since they can get the rights for that game and get the profit from that right they would probably use that right to sue.

Instead, it would be better if there was done a free version of GM. A version which doesn't have this stupid EULA, but a non-restrictive license such as GNU GPL. The hard part is to heck GM-files, and see how they work. But I have an idea of how they work and I'm currently writing a C-library to work with them. Due to the nature of GPL that does NOT mean people would have to use C to use this freeGM version. I will maybe come with more information on this later. (Just as a side-note: For those interested, contact me)
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Re: I hope you've read GM7's EULA..
« Reply #15 on: March 16, 2007, 11:18:46 pm »
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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah WTF!?

Now I'll work even harder on my GPL'd GM implementation!!!

People, I recommend you to not use this piece of software. They try to take over all the hard work you do. According to law they actually can own the rights to your games since it embeds your game with their software. If games were output to be run independently of Mark's code they could not do this, but as it is now a lot of Mark's code is embedded in your game which makes him able to actually force the rights to him (or anyone else he choose to, such as YoYo Games).

I say it again: DON'T USE GAMEMAKER!
They can't claim ownership of our games, I'm pretty sure there's some law against them doing that. Though do you have a source to what you say?

Re: I hope you've read GM7's EULA..
« Reply #16 on: March 17, 2007, 12:03:30 am »
  • IBV
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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah WTF!?

Now I'll work even harder on my GPL'd GM implementation!!!

People, I recommend you to not use this piece of software. They try to take over all the hard work you do. According to law they actually can own the rights to your games since it embeds your game with their software. If games were output to be run independently of Mark's code they could not do this, but as it is now a lot of Mark's code is embedded in your game which makes him able to actually force the rights to him (or anyone else he choose to, such as YoYo Games).

I say it again: DON'T USE GAMEMAKER!
They can't claim ownership of our games, I'm pretty sure there's some law against them doing that. Though do you have a source to what you say?
It's pretty simple, really. In the .exe, which you distribute your games as, there is code written by Overmars (which executes YOUR game). He has copyright on that code he writes. He might give you permission to use the code together with your code (the game), but since he has copyright on his code he can also say that if his code is mixed with others code he automatically get the copyright for that code (since you agree on those terms when you use the program, by accepting the EULA), the alternative is to not distribute your game and it's like you never accepted the EULA (I'm not sure on this however, it could be that he could own your code either way). Also, the reason YOU can't say that you get copyright to his code in that way is because you are the one that use his work, but he does not use yours.

An EULA could never say the author of the program automatically owns the output of the program in all ways. It's only possible when part of the output is considerable amount of work from the author. Like in the case of GM where the output, the .exe, also contains great amount of code written by Mark Overmars. That's why Microsoft can't claim copyright from programs outputted in Visual C++, because it outputs an executable by only using code written by you. I'm not sure how it's for Visual Basic and when using MS-controls and stuff, but I'd guess they could legally do it for that if they wanted to. However, they don't, because it would probably not be healthy for them. What professional would want to risk his copyright?

In free software communities however, they actually use this to get more software to be open source. If someone uses an open source library it could mean they have to make their own software open source too. If they don't they are doing something illegal, and they'll have to give up the library. This is why a lot of commercial software is not open source. Because they want to be the only ones with the copyright, and because free/open software would give the almost equivalent rights to anybody.
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Re: I hope you've read GM7's EULA..
« Reply #17 on: March 17, 2007, 03:44:16 am »
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Sue me, you rich !@#$%. I'll do what I want.
the a o d c
Re: I hope you've read GM7's EULA..
« Reply #18 on: March 17, 2007, 02:22:41 pm »
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Well, if you read the entire topic, Sandy posted to say that as long as our activities are legal, we are encouraged to keep working on our games as we have been before, and that YoYo Games are working out a clearer EULA with their lawyer.
Re: I hope you've read GM7's EULA..
« Reply #19 on: March 17, 2007, 02:40:16 pm »
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If it's really that big of a deal to some of you, then I seriously recommend that you learn an actual programming language, like C++, and continue your development there when you have gained the appropriate skills. Knowing such a language will more than likely take you farther than GameMaker ever will.. because it is simply much more powerful.. And there's no stupid EULA like this ;-)
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