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Some feedback on ZFGC by Ricky
« on: April 24, 2007, 06:03:38 pm »
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So, I was going to post most of the points I am going to post here were going to be posted on Chris' post about ZFGC's decline where he talked about incomplete fan-games (coming from someone who everytime he completed a 3D model started talking about making a new game...), spam and staff...
First of all, I ask you to think about deleting/locking this post after you have read it all.
Mainly (this is not an attack) if your username is Madilim Kagalakan, and you have only read 5 words and are about to delete this topic.
This is really something I think I need to say, and maybe something here will be helpful...
Second, even though Andrew said he would like to receive this kind of thing, but I would like this to be read by more members of my favorite forum.

. Fangames: I don't really feel like commenting this topic. I've barely contributed in this sector, and there are very few persons who have a position high enough to tell a thing about the fangames on ZFGC.
People do fangames when and how they want. They are doing that because they feel like doing it, not by any obligation.
Also, Zelda is different from Sonic and Mario, it's very different to complete a Sonic fan-game to complete a Zelda one.

. SPAM: Indeed, there is pretty much of it - and can be found pretty easily, and great part of it is intentional, and then, SPAMmers think they are the ones who are righteous, while not knowing the differences between an extremely serious person from a mature person.
I know of a cool joke about a SPAM board, but, as a non-spammer, I won't say everything that comes into my mind...
Oh and please, jokes involving pies, cakes, boobz roflololol are stupid, spammy, kiddy and extremely immature...
If you use the excuse that all you want is fun... Sorry, but I believe your concept of fun is appropriate for a kindergarten. My brother is 10, he's a little kid, he's still an immature person and watches Noddy, yet, if I tell him "pie, lol", he wouldn't go "roflololol".

. Staff: I really don't have as much complains about the staff. I like most of it, and they're a bunch of good guys and have been respectful towards me... However, I mustn't hide the fact that I have some complains about it...
 1. The team: it is too big, yet they do is pretty much the same as a team of 5 moderators would do...   I think there are pretty much persons there that shouldn't be there. I also have the slight idea (Slight, please note, also, I'm accusing no one) that the staff isn't well chosen, and in a biased way... Oh, I would also like to note that there is a member of the moderation team who has little more than 2 hours of forum activity... in a period of almost 13 months...
 2. This is something horrible that I couldn't just let be (like there's much I can do other than this... "rant"), besides the actual ammount of SPAM there are lots of times that some moderators cooperate on the SPAM topics I think an immediate lock/delete would be the best thing...

I would also like to do something I have been wanting to do for some quite a time, and I think this topic is okay for it (if it isn't deleted in the meanwhile - to consider too, that some of the spam just gets: locked...). Continuing, I could do this privately, but I think it is preferable to do it publicly, which is to congratulate 4Sword as a mod, don't really feel like describing it, but I think he acts as a great moderator, usually does the best thing (even though people would call the whole team as nazis afterwhile). This doesn't means I don't like the other mods...

So, um, thanks for reading, in case this thread doesn't gets automatically deleted, I would like to know what you think about what I stated above, some ZFGC team's comments would also be good.
Re: Some feedback on ZFGC by Ricky
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2007, 06:11:36 pm »
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stop saying this thread will get deleted... that's the only reason I would delete it :P

back to what you're saying.. I don't get it.. you seem to be listing points rather than making them
Re: Some feedback on ZFGC by Ricky
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2007, 06:16:53 pm »
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stop saying this thread will get deleted... that's the only reason I would delete it :P
It's a very likely to happen scenario that I had to have in mind... Look at all the past topics concerning ZFGC's actual state (not that I'm saying it is bad)... Well, you can't, they were deleted...

back to what you're saying.. I don't get it.. you seem to be listing points rather than making them
Sorry,  I don't get it. How so?
Re: Some feedback on ZFGC by Ricky
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2007, 06:33:01 pm »
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Replies to staff comments;

1) I agree, however when you say a team of 'five moderators' you do realise that is pretty much the number we have at the moment (the ZFGC staff rank encompasses all staff members regardless of wether they have mod powers or not). As for the one who has been inactive for almost 13 months, I would be quite curious to know who that is as I've checked through the staff and have found none that had mod powers and have been inactive that long.

2) You have to understand, ZFGC is almost dead at the moment, without a little light hearted fun it would be more or less completely inactive. The majority of staff will lock topics that have little value, but those that do have some entertainment value we usually give leaniancy to.

Also why do you have this fixation that this topic will be deleted O_o, its no breaking any rules and I'm pretty sure no mods would delete it.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2007, 06:36:11 pm by Infinitus »
Re: Some feedback on ZFGC by Ricky
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2007, 08:52:02 pm »
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The "spam" topics that are left open are that way because they have some good content.  If an individual member posts something that is actually clearcut, obvious spam, then it is handled individually and they are warned.  I think that is the best thing that can happen.  However, to all those who still do not agree with what I just said, what do you want?  If we lock the topic that is not clear spam, then we are Nazis.  However, if we leave it open, then some people think it is spam and demand that we close it and then call us lazy for not doing so.  There is not really a winning outcome.

As for inactive moderators, everyone in blue is part of the zfgc staff and yet there are a few moderators (eight or nine).  This is due to time zone difficulties and moderators having real lives.  However, most of the people in blue are site team, events team, etc.  The least active moderator though would have to be Kleaver in case you are wondering, and he is very active; he just never posts in the Reported Forum Content area.  However, Hyperhal was demoted for inactivity, so it is not like we do nothing in terms of lazy staff.

As for the one who has been inactive for almost 13 months, I would be quite curious to know who that is as I've checked through the staff and have found none that had mod powers and have been inactive that long.
My best guess you have to be The MAZZTer.  He was active recently, but his total time here has been lax.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2007, 09:00:56 pm by 4Sword »
Re: Some feedback on ZFGC by Ricky
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2007, 10:07:23 pm »
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You guys realize that ZFGC has ALWAYS been in such a state of disarray for god knows how long?

The basic situation is usually

1. The majority of the staff is incompetent, save a very VERY small minority.  I don't even know who the mods are anymore but from what you guys are saying, that hasn't changed.  Apparently, admin quality has also gone down severely.

2. Since whatever thread was deleted with my insight.  Fan games will never finish as is.  Games require far too much man power to make and everyone has their own idea that they can't get a large crew on. 

There used to be OOT2D which everyone donated engines, sprites, music, and feedback too but then TRM was a douchebag who didn't know how to run a forum so that couldn't keep going.  OOT2D ALSO served as an inspiration but TRMs original idea is nothing more than a novelty now.  Initially, the fun was trying to do something epic but that's clearly not enough anymore.

So yeah, if you want fan game progress, you need inspiration and organization.  I'm talking an organized team of 20ish people with a very talented spriter and programmer at the lead with people under them and the whole project admin headed.  It's an easy way to get people involved, to generate discussion, get feedback, ask members for support, whatever.  Hell, one such fan game would probably be plenty to inspire some dev teams to form.

3. The forum is a spamhole.  To the mod's credit, they can't really be blamed.  After all, from what I see, the most active boards are spam, "internetz" based nonsense, and attention whoring.  Logically, if you picked mods from such a forum, you get spammers, /b/tards, and attention whores for mods.  Again, this is due to the lack of any action on the fan game scene.

So just my final conclusions:
1. You can't get much better staff as is, at the quality level of the forum it'd be impossible.  Even if it happened, the mod work would more than likely be unwanted.
2. You can't stop the spam.  This forum has no direction which leads to spam and other nonsense.
3. More than likely, you won't ever fix it.  Yeah, I've tried to fix it from the inside, outside, and even destroy the whole forum on occasion.  Though that doesn't mean you specifically can't, it won't happen since the Admins are too apathetic or have other directives than the future of the forum.  I'd name specifics but the people in these examples are people I consider friends so I won't.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2007, 12:57:18 am by Ironclad Turtle »

Praise be to Gai!
Re: Some feedback on ZFGC by Ricky
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2007, 12:11:39 pm »
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As .TakaM said, I felt more or less inclined to lock or delete because you singled me out and acted like I would delete it. I deleted Chris's because he was specifically targetting me, not with valid points but with insults, and I wasn't in a great mood so I was targetting back. Next time, dont single me out like that, and if you have a problem with me, talk with me maturely about it in a personal message between the two of us and perhaps things could get solved :/

As for your points...
SPAM - In case you haven't noticed, a majority of things on this board that are serious spam rather than lighthearted fun (some things are funny, and I definately agree that a majority of it is utterly stupid) are locked. There's a fine line between fun and SPAM, and people often cross that threshold, and I would actually prefer the members be a lot more mature, but that's a dream I dont care about anymore. As Infinitus says, and as I've come to agree with, this is the internet, we're here to have a good time, not to be some high society tea club from Britain.

Staff - Not all of the ZFGC Staff members are moderators. In fact, only a few of them are mods, and most of us admins are admins for tech reasons, though we help out a lot with the moderation when we can. As for how they're chosen, they're chosen among all of the moderators, who agree upon whether or not the mod should be added. This system, in my opinion, works best because then the staff as a whole is more apt to agree and work with each other.
There's such a double standard about religion in the modern world. Catholics can gather, wear white robes, and say "In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti" and be considered normal.

But if my friends and I gather, wear black robes, and say  "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn", we're considered cultists.
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Re: Some feedback on ZFGC by Ricky
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2007, 12:20:09 pm »
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As .TakaM said, I felt more or less inclined to lock or delete because you singled me out and acted like I would delete it. I deleted Chris's because he was specifically targetting me, not with valid points but with insults, and I wasn't in a great mood so I was targetting back. Next time, dont single me out like that, and if you have a problem with me, talk with me maturely about it in a personal message between the two of us and perhaps things could get solved :/
Okay, makes sense. I don't really remember when did Chris attack you in his topic, I believe he did, yet, my memory can be so bad, being that why I wrote that.
My apologizes and I would like to point that I have absolutely no problem with you nor with any member of the Staff. :)
« Last Edit: April 25, 2007, 12:22:39 pm by Ricky »


^ Evolved from a Hobbit
Re: Some feedback on ZFGC by Ricky
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2007, 12:59:03 pm »
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There always exists problems with this site, usually one of or all of "Not as productive as the Invision days (lost our idealogy)", "Nazi Staff", and "Spam everywhere".

I'm quite apathetic towards worrying about them these days.
This is just a forum - As long as the staff communicate well enough, agree, work towards the same goals, and choose to the sites defn of what is spam and what is not, and as long as we're here talking, then the forum is, as it is.
There will always be disagreement about what is and what isn't spam, but really keeping some slightly spammy but fun topics is essential to the friendly atmosphere of the forum, eg the topic with the 300 thing, with the cake and the image heheh.
ten replys that go 'rofl lol'. 'pie lol' is spamming it up, and worse are the replies that come in 'this is spam, leave'.
Moderators seem to be dealing with these things alright i suppose.. I'm not complaining.
In fact thats my point.
I'm fine here, .. Sometimes people are just being dicks or spammers though... But then that's part of life, just as long as they are corrected etc.

I don't anymore consider this place an infinite struggle to overcome its own shitness.. Its just an ok place, i mean i'm here, right?
I'm here for zfgc, not what zfgc could be, and especially not for what i think it should be.

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.... I ♥ Sol ? wtf how long has that been there? >_> *rrrrrrrrar*
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