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Author Topic: Recruiting for ZFGC Smash Bros.  (Read 15743 times)

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Re: Recruiting for ZFGC Smash Bros.
« Reply #20 on: August 12, 2007, 08:11:28 pm »
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I might sprite myself, but ONLY if this game is released under the GPL.
Not entirely sure that'd be possible seeing as it's already copying names and ideas from Nintendo... not sure what the GPL says about things like that.... Also, what would be the point in releasing it under the GPL?
You are making the mistake of mixing up trademarks with copyright. The code can still be under the GPL as long as you are the copyright owner (i.e. you wrote the code, or got the copyrights transfered to you). And I'm not really sure how we would use names and ideas from Nintendo anyway. Except the Z in ZFGC and possibly member names.

The point in releasing it under the GPL has already been discussed in the other thread on the ideas board.
I'm not confused between the two, I'm simply stating that we'd most likely be releasing content under the GPL with already copyrighted names/ music / art etc ...
But that is what I was saying. Names cannot be copyrighted (they can however be protected other ways, but only in some cases. That's why you can still make unique characters named Link or Zelda and so on). And we don't need to put or use music and art under GPL just because we put the code under it. However, if we truly want a free game we shouldn't for other reasons use music and art which is already copyrighted in a non-free way or in some other way "protected". We wouldn't really *want* to use art from e.g. Nintendo, or at least that's what I'm thinking. Either way, using their art is illegal with or without a license. At most they can demand us to take the art off, and that's all.

It seems like we have already found a lot of artists anyway so it would be kind of pointless to use from Nintendo. And we can make original art based on Nintendo's and still be able to use it (the same way e.g. parodies are legal). I recommend that the art is original and either put under the GPL together with the code, or put under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license. If the art is under the GPL you will need to release the "source" for the art as well. That might for example be the original vector art, the image separated in the original layers and so on. Such art-"source" could be really good to distribute as well to make it easier for a user to modify them. And if it's easier for them to modify the very original source art it will make contributions a lot easier and it will keep the overall quality of the art.

That's true, but if we're going to use sprites then we probably wouldn't use too much vector graphics or layers. Unless he goes with the Alien Hominid idea.
Re: Recruiting for ZFGC Smash Bros.
« Reply #21 on: August 12, 2007, 08:26:42 pm »
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But that is what I was saying. Names cannot be copyrighted (they can however be protected other ways, but only in some cases. That's why you can still make unique characters named Link or Zelda and so on). And we don't need to put or use music and art under GPL just because we put the code under it. However, if we truly want a free game we shouldn't for other reasons use music and art which is already copyrighted in a non-free way or in some other way "protected". We wouldn't really *want* to use art from e.g. Nintendo, or at least that's what I'm thinking. Either way, using their art is illegal with or without a license. At most they can demand us to take the art off, and that's all.

It seems like we have already found a lot of artists anyway so it would be kind of pointless to use from Nintendo. And we can make original art based on Nintendo's and still be able to use it (the same way e.g. parodies are legal). I recommend that the art is original and either put under the GPL together with the code, or put under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license. If the art is under the GPL you will need to release the "source" for the art as well. That might for example be the original vector art, the image separated in the original layers and so on. Such art-"source" could be really good to distribute as well to make it easier for a user to modify them. And if it's easier for them to modify the very original source art it will make contributions a lot easier and it will keep the overall quality of the art.
Yes, we'd better use only original art. But that you've said also applies to music, right? Then I'll have to change the music positions to composing only (instead of also using existent music).

EDIT: Added 2 A.I. programming positions.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2007, 08:52:46 pm by sjegtp »
Re: Recruiting for ZFGC Smash Bros.
« Reply #22 on: August 13, 2007, 12:36:53 am »
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yes, I will compose, I can make a few tracks, .mid or .mp3. BUT I will not lead the composers.
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Re: Recruiting for ZFGC Smash Bros.
« Reply #23 on: August 13, 2007, 12:51:12 am »
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wow umm..is one main programmer really going to cut it?

i love big weenies and i cannot lie
Re: Recruiting for ZFGC Smash Bros.
« Reply #24 on: August 13, 2007, 12:56:38 am »
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wow umm..is one main programmer really going to cut it?
EDIT: I will need one or two people to help with the A.I.. The A.I. will be very difficult in this game, I estimate it will represents about 1/2 of the total code. The problem is that it is difficult to have many people working on the code, it's difficult to explain to the other programmers (specially through the internet) how the code you coded works and vice versa; it's not the same thing of having more than one spriter or composer.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2007, 12:59:44 am by sjegtp »
Re: Recruiting for ZFGC Smash Bros.
« Reply #25 on: August 13, 2007, 01:10:13 am »
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wow umm..is one main programmer really going to cut it?
EDIT: I will need one or two people to help with the A.I.. The A.I. will be very difficult in this game, I estimate it will represents about 1/2 of the total code. The problem is that it is difficult to have many people working on the code, it's difficult to explain to the other programmers (specially through the internet) how the code you coded works and vice versa; it's not the same thing of having more than one spriter or composer.
That's why you should make your code readable and and well-documented. The GPL will help a bit here.
Re: Recruiting for ZFGC Smash Bros.
« Reply #26 on: August 13, 2007, 01:23:23 am »
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But that is what I was saying. Names cannot be copyrighted (they can however be protected other ways, but only in some cases. That's why you can still make unique characters named Link or Zelda and so on). And we don't need to put or use music and art under GPL just because we put the code under it. However, if we truly want a free game we shouldn't for other reasons use music and art which is already copyrighted in a non-free way or in some other way "protected". We wouldn't really *want* to use art from e.g. Nintendo, or at least that's what I'm thinking. Either way, using their art is illegal with or without a license. At most they can demand us to take the art off, and that's all.

It seems like we have already found a lot of artists anyway so it would be kind of pointless to use from Nintendo. And we can make original art based on Nintendo's and still be able to use it (the same way e.g. parodies are legal). I recommend that the art is original and either put under the GPL together with the code, or put under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license. If the art is under the GPL you will need to release the "source" for the art as well. That might for example be the original vector art, the image separated in the original layers and so on. Such art-"source" could be really good to distribute as well to make it easier for a user to modify them. And if it's easier for them to modify the very original source art it will make contributions a lot easier and it will keep the overall quality of the art.
Yes, we'd better use only original art. But that you've said also applies to music, right? Then I'll have to change the music positions to composing only (instead of also using existent music).
Yes it also applied to music. In fact it applied to any kind of resource <_< >_>

yes, I will compose, I can make a few tracks, .mid or .mp3. BUT I will not lead the composers.
Ok, sorry for being a complete ass here but technically .mp3 is inferior to .mid. Or actually they are both inferior (generally) to anything. Even silence!
Technically when you convert a .mid to a .mp3 you first convert it to raw wave (think a .wav) and then compress it lossy to mp3. While playing a .mid at run-time it is just creating beautiful lossless .wav which is far better quality than .mp3, PLUS it's a smaller size to store because it only has data on how and what to play, not necessarily how it's going to sound!
Oh right, in that last part I shot myself in the foot. The *bad* thing about midi is that it sounds different on most systems, because every sound card or operating system use different sound fonts. Thus a mp3 created from a .mid on a $10000 sound card would sound better than a .mid played on a $10 sound card any day. But there's a solution. Use a software synthesizer with a good sound font installed embedded in the actual game (or link it to a DLL/Shared Library). An example of such a library is TiMidity++ and it's free software and very well compatible with many operating systems, and sound the same on all of them! However, in theory it would be compatible with GameMaker technically (by using the DLL interface), but legally it isn't (even if your project is free software; remember that GameMaker is not).

wow umm..is one main programmer really going to cut it?
EDIT: I will need one or two people to help with the A.I.. The A.I. will be very difficult in this game, I estimate it will represents about 1/2 of the total code. The problem is that it is difficult to have many people working on the code, it's difficult to explain to the other programmers (specially through the internet) how the code you coded works and vice versa; it's not the same thing of having more than one spriter or composer.
Not to mention that A.I. in GamerMaker is slow as a dehydrated snail trying to move sideways.
You will want to do it in C, C++ or some other standard language if you want to work together. As I said before GM is not made for that task! It's ridiculous to pass around the gm6 and keep track of who has the latest version and so on.

Instead you put up a project in a so called revision control system. From there you download a couple of source code files, edit them, and upload them again (putting your signature and a little comment on what the change do). The management system keeps track of who is doing what, and people editing the same file will in 99.99% cases not ruin for each other. With a click everyone has the latest version through the internet. In almost all major revision control systems you are also able to rewind and create a copy from any version ever made. Just like a wiki it keeps track of every change so you every version still exist even if you apparently overwrite it.

Of course, if that sounds even more complex, sure go ahead and make it one man in GameMaker. I would however be glad with contributing code if you used the other way *cough* my way, lol *cough* (especially A.I. sounds fun, and is partially a new area for me).
My signature is empty.
Re: Recruiting for ZFGC Smash Bros.
« Reply #27 on: August 13, 2007, 01:44:06 am »
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wow umm..is one main programmer really going to cut it?
EDIT: I will need one or two people to help with the A.I.. The A.I. will be very difficult in this game, I estimate it will represents about 1/2 of the total code. The problem is that it is difficult to have many people working on the code, it's difficult to explain to the other programmers (specially through the internet) how the code you coded works and vice versa; it's not the same thing of having more than one spriter or composer.
That's why you should make your code readable and and well-documented. The GPL will help a bit here.
I know, I can put comments in the whole code, but it's still difficult to understand/explain how the code works, what each variable stands for, why some pieces of code are needed, etc.. When you read a topic in the programming section you realize it; you often take some time to fully understand the code posted. Now image an entire game. Even with the comments it's difficult.

@Venus: all right, you are starting to make me confused. :P

About .mp3: converting .mid to .mp3 is pointless if you don't add extra sound effects after that. You know that after you convert it, you can add things such as reverb, echo, chorus, etc. and you can change the soundfonts. Also you can add human voice to it (for instance, in a song). THEN mp3 quality is a lot better.

About the AI: I've already said that I might change it to C++ with SDL if I manage to learn it well, but as of now I'll do it in GM. Also, I prefer having one main programmer who gathers all the engines and algorithms and adapts them so that the engines can work together.

About revision control: Sounds interesting but rather confusing. I'll think about that later though.
Re: Recruiting for ZFGC Smash Bros.
« Reply #28 on: August 13, 2007, 01:49:31 am »
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wow umm..is one main programmer really going to cut it?
EDIT: I will need one or two people to help with the A.I.. The A.I. will be very difficult in this game, I estimate it will represents about 1/2 of the total code. The problem is that it is difficult to have many people working on the code, it's difficult to explain to the other programmers (specially through the internet) how the code you coded works and vice versa; it's not the same thing of having more than one spriter or composer.
That's why you should make your code readable and and well-documented. The GPL will help a bit here.
I know, I can put comments in the whole code, but it's still difficult to understand/explain how the code works, what each variable stands for, why some pieces of code are needed, etc.. When you read a topic in the programming section you realize it; you often take some time to fully understand the code posted. Now image an entire game. Even with the comments it's difficult.

@Venus: all right, you are starting to make me confused. :P

About .mp3: converting .mid to .mp3 is pointless if you don't add extra sound effects after that. You know that after you convert it, you can add things such as reverb, echo, chorus, etc. and you can change the soundfonts. Also you can add human voice to it (for instance, in a song). THEN mp3 quality is a lot better.

About the AI: I've already said that I might change it to C++ with SDL if I manage to learn it well, but as of now I'll do it in GM. Also, I prefer having one main programmer who gathers all the engines and algorithms and adapts them so that the engines can work together.

About revision control: Sounds interesting but rather confusing. I'll think about that later though.
It would be better to use .ogg instead. I don't think .mp3 works in Pygame (and likely many other things), and it is higher quality, smaller, and Free Software. If programmers work on different parts, then it might be easier.
Re: Recruiting for ZFGC Smash Bros.
« Reply #29 on: August 13, 2007, 01:56:24 am »
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But that is what I was saying. Names cannot be copyrighted (they can however be protected other ways, but only in some cases. That's why you can still make unique characters named Link or Zelda and so on). And we don't need to put or use music and art under GPL just because we put the code under it. However, if we truly want a free game we shouldn't for other reasons use music and art which is already copyrighted in a non-free way or in some other way "protected". We wouldn't really *want* to use art from e.g. Nintendo, or at least that's what I'm thinking. Either way, using their art is illegal with or without a license. At most they can demand us to take the art off, and that's all.

It seems like we have already found a lot of artists anyway so it would be kind of pointless to use from Nintendo. And we can make original art based on Nintendo's and still be able to use it (the same way e.g. parodies are legal). I recommend that the art is original and either put under the GPL together with the code, or put under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license. If the art is under the GPL you will need to release the "source" for the art as well. That might for example be the original vector art, the image separated in the original layers and so on. Such art-"source" could be really good to distribute as well to make it easier for a user to modify them. And if it's easier for them to modify the very original source art it will make contributions a lot easier and it will keep the overall quality of the art.
Yes, we'd better use only original art. But that you've said also applies to music, right? Then I'll have to change the music positions to composing only (instead of also using existent music).
Yes it also applied to music. In fact it applied to any kind of resource <_< >_>

yes, I will compose, I can make a few tracks, .mid or .mp3. BUT I will not lead the composers.
Ok, sorry for being a complete ass here but technically .mp3 is inferior to .mid. Or actually they are both inferior (generally) to anything. Even silence!
Technically when you convert a .mid to a .mp3 you first convert it to raw wave (think a .wav) and then compress it lossy to mp3. While playing a .mid at run-time it is just creating beautiful lossless .wav which is far better quality than .mp3, PLUS it's a smaller size to store because it only has data on how and what to play, not necessarily how it's going to sound!
Oh right, in that last part I shot myself in the foot. The *bad* thing about midi is that it sounds different on most systems, because every sound card or operating system use different sound fonts. Thus a mp3 created from a .mid on a $10000 sound card would sound better than a .mid played on a $10 sound card any day. But there's a solution. Use a software synthesizer with a good sound font installed embedded in the actual game (or link it to a DLL/Shared Library). An example of such a library is TiMidity++ and it's free software and very well compatible with many operating systems, and sound the same on all of them! However, in theory it would be compatible with GameMaker technically (by using the DLL interface), but legally it isn't (even if your project is free software; remember that GameMaker is not).

wow umm..is one main programmer really going to cut it?
EDIT: I will need one or two people to help with the A.I.. The A.I. will be very difficult in this game, I estimate it will represents about 1/2 of the total code. The problem is that it is difficult to have many people working on the code, it's difficult to explain to the other programmers (specially through the internet) how the code you coded works and vice versa; it's not the same thing of having more than one spriter or composer.
Not to mention that A.I. in GamerMaker is slow as a dehydrated snail trying to move sideways.
You will want to do it in C, C++ or some other standard language if you want to work together. As I said before GM is not made for that task! It's ridiculous to pass around the gm6 and keep track of who has the latest version and so on.

Instead you put up a project in a so called revision control system. From there you download a couple of source code files, edit them, and upload them again (putting your signature and a little comment on what the change do). The management system keeps track of who is doing what, and people editing the same file will in 99.99% cases not ruin for each other. With a click everyone has the latest version through the internet. In almost all major revision control systems you are also able to rewind and create a copy from any version ever made. Just like a wiki it keeps track of every change so you every version still exist even if you apparently overwrite it.

Of course, if that sounds even more complex, sure go ahead and make it one man in GameMaker. I would however be glad with contributing code if you used the other way *cough* my way, lol *cough* (especially A.I. sounds fun, and is partially a new area for me).
I hate midis. mainly because I have a !@#$% sound card, so I prefer to listen to mp3. you could always use wav files, but then I doubt many people will want to dl 500mb of wav just to play the game. and using FLStudio6 you can do more to an mp3. who cares if it's a lossy format? there's not that much difference in sound quality.
Quote from: Jason
Your community is a bunch of stuck up turds.
Re: Recruiting for ZFGC Smash Bros.
« Reply #30 on: August 13, 2007, 01:59:32 am »
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But that is what I was saying. Names cannot be copyrighted (they can however be protected other ways, but only in some cases. That's why you can still make unique characters named Link or Zelda and so on). And we don't need to put or use music and art under GPL just because we put the code under it. However, if we truly want a free game we shouldn't for other reasons use music and art which is already copyrighted in a non-free way or in some other way "protected". We wouldn't really *want* to use art from e.g. Nintendo, or at least that's what I'm thinking. Either way, using their art is illegal with or without a license. At most they can demand us to take the art off, and that's all.

It seems like we have already found a lot of artists anyway so it would be kind of pointless to use from Nintendo. And we can make original art based on Nintendo's and still be able to use it (the same way e.g. parodies are legal). I recommend that the art is original and either put under the GPL together with the code, or put under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license. If the art is under the GPL you will need to release the "source" for the art as well. That might for example be the original vector art, the image separated in the original layers and so on. Such art-"source" could be really good to distribute as well to make it easier for a user to modify them. And if it's easier for them to modify the very original source art it will make contributions a lot easier and it will keep the overall quality of the art.
Yes, we'd better use only original art. But that you've said also applies to music, right? Then I'll have to change the music positions to composing only (instead of also using existent music).
Yes it also applied to music. In fact it applied to any kind of resource <_< >_>

yes, I will compose, I can make a few tracks, .mid or .mp3. BUT I will not lead the composers.
Ok, sorry for being a complete ass here but technically .mp3 is inferior to .mid. Or actually they are both inferior (generally) to anything. Even silence!
Technically when you convert a .mid to a .mp3 you first convert it to raw wave (think a .wav) and then compress it lossy to mp3. While playing a .mid at run-time it is just creating beautiful lossless .wav which is far better quality than .mp3, PLUS it's a smaller size to store because it only has data on how and what to play, not necessarily how it's going to sound!
Oh right, in that last part I shot myself in the foot. The *bad* thing about midi is that it sounds different on most systems, because every sound card or operating system use different sound fonts. Thus a mp3 created from a .mid on a $10000 sound card would sound better than a .mid played on a $10 sound card any day. But there's a solution. Use a software synthesizer with a good sound font installed embedded in the actual game (or link it to a DLL/Shared Library). An example of such a library is TiMidity++ and it's free software and very well compatible with many operating systems, and sound the same on all of them! However, in theory it would be compatible with GameMaker technically (by using the DLL interface), but legally it isn't (even if your project is free software; remember that GameMaker is not).

wow umm..is one main programmer really going to cut it?
EDIT: I will need one or two people to help with the A.I.. The A.I. will be very difficult in this game, I estimate it will represents about 1/2 of the total code. The problem is that it is difficult to have many people working on the code, it's difficult to explain to the other programmers (specially through the internet) how the code you coded works and vice versa; it's not the same thing of having more than one spriter or composer.
Not to mention that A.I. in GamerMaker is slow as a dehydrated snail trying to move sideways.
You will want to do it in C, C++ or some other standard language if you want to work together. As I said before GM is not made for that task! It's ridiculous to pass around the gm6 and keep track of who has the latest version and so on.

Instead you put up a project in a so called revision control system. From there you download a couple of source code files, edit them, and upload them again (putting your signature and a little comment on what the change do). The management system keeps track of who is doing what, and people editing the same file will in 99.99% cases not ruin for each other. With a click everyone has the latest version through the internet. In almost all major revision control systems you are also able to rewind and create a copy from any version ever made. Just like a wiki it keeps track of every change so you every version still exist even if you apparently overwrite it.

Of course, if that sounds even more complex, sure go ahead and make it one man in GameMaker. I would however be glad with contributing code if you used the other way *cough* my way, lol *cough* (especially A.I. sounds fun, and is partially a new area for me).
I hate midis. mainly because I have a !@#$% sound card, so I prefer to listen to mp3. you could always use wav files, but then I doubt many people will want to dl 500mb of wav just to play the game. and using FLStudio6 you can do more to an mp3. who cares if it's a lossy format? there's not that much difference in sound quality.
As I said, oggs would be best.
Re: Recruiting for ZFGC Smash Bros.
« Reply #31 on: August 13, 2007, 02:06:08 am »
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I hate midis. mainly because I have a !@#$% sound card, so I prefer to listen to mp3. you could always use wav files, but then I doubt many people will want to dl 500mb of wav just to play the game. and using FLStudio6 you can do more to an mp3. who cares if it's a lossy format? there's not that much difference in sound quality.
I agree with you. I could never tell the difference between a .wav file and an .mp3 one (or .ogg). It must be a difference humans can't hear. However, .wav files make the game much bigger, that's the problem. I might release two versions of the game: One with .mp3 music and the other with .wav or .ogg music.
Re: Recruiting for ZFGC Smash Bros.
« Reply #32 on: August 13, 2007, 02:16:42 am »
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I hate midis. mainly because I have a !@#$% sound card, so I prefer to listen to mp3. you could always use wav files, but then I doubt many people will want to dl 500mb of wav just to play the game. and using FLStudio6 you can do more to an mp3. who cares if it's a lossy format? there's not that much difference in sound quality.
I agree with you. I could never tell the difference between a .wav file and an .mp3 one (or .ogg). It must be a difference humans can't hear. However, .wav files make the game much bigger, that's the problem. I might release two versions of the game: One with .mp3 music and the other with .wav or .ogg music.
.ogg is smaller than .mp3.
Re: Recruiting for ZFGC Smash Bros.
« Reply #33 on: August 13, 2007, 05:14:21 am »
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I suppose oggs are fine too as GM can read them... but I'm an mp3 person. .wav's are too big, .ogg's aren't very popular and I never bothered to find out much about them, and the only thing .mid's are good for is the score, not for playback.
and venus, we could do the soundfont lib idea, but what's the point when it just over-complicates things and is illegal with GM anyway?
And someone needs to make a file updater, fast. that will help a lot with making this.

also, quick question: are the people working on this getting their own character in the game?
« Last Edit: August 13, 2007, 05:28:17 am by blue_chu_jelly »
Quote from: Jason
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Re: Recruiting for ZFGC Smash Bros.
« Reply #34 on: August 13, 2007, 05:41:33 am »
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I suppose oggs are fine too as GM can read them... but I'm an mp3 person. .wav's are too big, .ogg's aren't very popular and I never bothered to find out much about them, and the only thing .mid's are good for is the score, not for playback.
and venus, we could do the soundfont lib idea, but what's the point when it just over-complicates things and is illegal with GM anyway?
And someone needs to make a file updater, fast. that will help a lot with making this.

also, quick question: are the people working on this getting their own character in the game?
I'm not sure if he's using GM, though.
Re: Recruiting for ZFGC Smash Bros.
« Reply #35 on: August 13, 2007, 05:48:28 am »
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sjegtp, I need to know what kind of spriter/artist you need before I can agree to do that !@#$%.
Just so you know, I own a Wacom drawing tablet, so I can do that crap.


shut the fuck up donny.
Re: Recruiting for ZFGC Smash Bros.
« Reply #36 on: August 13, 2007, 11:22:33 am »
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I suppose oggs are fine too as GM can read them... but I'm an mp3 person. .wav's are too big, .ogg's aren't very popular and I never bothered to find out much about them, and the only thing .mid's are good for is the score, not for playback.
What?? You don't use oggs because they're not popular? Sure they are, most Indie developers wanting a nice compressed sound format will use OGG, mainly because MP3 requires a license to distribute. I don't see why we can't use OGGs. Also, I would be interested in being part of the composing team, but I think I'll wait to see how the leading and planning of the team turns out... so far it's a bit of a mess.
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Re: Recruiting for ZFGC Smash Bros.
« Reply #37 on: August 13, 2007, 01:21:00 pm »
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I never proposed you to have raw .wav files -_-;; And IF I would I would recommend something like FLAC instead which compresses it losslessly.

How about this? You might use .midis and so on from the beginning. When those are done you might want to convert them to a regular sound file and make some minor or major changes. Then you keep all intermediate files, so when you convert a .mid to .wav you still keep the .mid as a backup, and when you compress the .wav to .ogg you still keep the .wav (alternatively you could compress it losslessly with FLAC). When you finally have a lossy compressed file you can't (or shouldn't) work on it anymore; you should always work on lossless (you knew that right?). That way in the end you can make a release of all three or more versions, and at the same time respect the GPL very much (because you would release the equivalent to the source code for the music).

@sjegtp, I'm sorry I make you confused but I try everything I can to explain :P I need to create a manual for this, lol. If you feel all this is new to you, although I can't explicitly recommend e.g. GameMaker I would still recommend you to doing it your own way since I wouldn't really have time to help a lot when the project start (there's however loads of help on using SDL and Revision control systems around the Internet). I guess it wouldn't be fair if I broke down the whole project just because you can't use the tools I recommend.

Oh, and I'm sorry if you get the feeling that I'm hijacking your project D: I am not trying to do that. It just happened that the discussion come up before and I couldn't resist throw myself into it >_>;;
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Re: Recruiting for ZFGC Smash Bros.
« Reply #38 on: August 13, 2007, 08:46:11 pm »
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I suppose oggs are fine too as GM can read them... but I'm an mp3 person. .wav's are too big, .ogg's aren't very popular and I never bothered to find out much about them, and the only thing .mid's are good for is the score, not for playback.
and venus, we could do the soundfont lib idea, but what's the point when it just over-complicates things and is illegal with GM anyway?
And someone needs to make a file updater, fast. that will help a lot with making this.

also, quick question: are the people working on this getting their own character in the game?
Not all of them. This is a game about the "famous" people of ZFGC, not about the game producers. :P Not even I will be in that game. I mean, I did the character list independently of the who is doing the game, and I won't remove people like .TakaM or FISSURE from the list to add someone who is doing the game (but I may change the list if there are people who deserve more to be in the list than others). If you want to see the list and comment on it you can view the game's topic.

sjegtp, I need to know what kind of spriter/artist you need before I can agree to do that !@#$%.
Just so you know, I own a Wacom drawing tablet, so I can do that crap.
Well, the backgrounds of the stages will use quite elaborate graphics; maybe I should recruit people to draw the backgrounds, because it isn't the same of doing the characters' sprites.
The sprites, though, will use 32x64 pixelated images (using graphics similar to most SNES or GBA games), and some of them will be based on existent images (from e. g. the avatars of the characters and some of them from the character competition).
To tell the truth, I've never heard about that program you use, but I'll suppose it's the same level of MSPaint or the drawing tools of GM6. You can do sprites using those programs, but it's better to use a more advanced program to do the backgrounds.

I never proposed you to have raw .wav files -_-;; And IF I would I would recommend something like FLAC instead which compresses it losslessly.

How about this? You might use .midis and so on from the beginning. When those are done you might want to convert them to a regular sound file and make some minor or major changes. Then you keep all intermediate files, so when you convert a .mid to .wav you still keep the .mid as a backup, and when you compress the .wav to .ogg you still keep the .wav (alternatively you could compress it losslessly with FLAC). When you finally have a lossy compressed file you can't (or shouldn't) work on it anymore; you should always work on lossless (you knew that right?). That way in the end you can make a release of all three or more versions, and at the same time respect the GPL very much (because you would release the equivalent to the source code for the music).
I intend to do this way. I can compose MIDIs, but I wouldn't buy FLStudio or soundfonts. As I know, composers usually create a MIDI, convert them to MP3 and then they change the soundfonts and add sound effects, so they usually have the MIDI saved in their PC. I'm not very sure about how composing with .wav or .ogg works though.

@sjegtp, I'm sorry I make you confused but I try everything I can to explain :P I need to create a manual for this, lol. If you feel all this is new to you, although I can't explicitly recommend e.g. GameMaker I would still recommend you to doing it your own way since I wouldn't really have time to help a lot when the project start (there's however loads of help on using SDL and Revision control systems around the Internet). I guess it wouldn't be fair if I broke down the whole project just because you can't use the tools I recommend.

Oh, and I'm sorry if you get the feeling that I'm hijacking your project D: I am not trying to do that. It just happened that the discussion come up before and I couldn't resist throw myself into it >_>;;
I can't blame you for anything. I really feel the need to learn about that, specially because I want to be a professional programmer and I'm starting to feel like a n00b in these topics >.<. Er... please, just keep posting. You can't force me to do anything in this project, because you aren't working on it, but I need to know all the possibilities.


shut the fuck up donny.
Re: Recruiting for ZFGC Smash Bros.
« Reply #39 on: August 14, 2007, 02:23:38 pm »
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About the backgrounds.. it would be cool if you could get someone like Crystal to do some cool vector backgrounds... could be really nice.

About composing.. I don't get a lot of time, but if you need me, just give me a bell and I'll see if I can whip some stuff up.  Basically sjegtp, if anything is composed in midi, and we're going to work with a high quality soundtrack, it's easy enough to import a midi file into Fruity loops and spruce it up.
I would recommend using OGG format, mainly be cause it compresses very well with little loss, and is very easy to work with.
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