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Piracy... >>
« on: October 19, 2007, 02:14:19 pm »
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So basically, everyone I know is a pirate. Where I am, EVERYONE burns CD's, downloads games, plays emulated games instead of buying them on the Wii, etc. I'm pretty sure that it's the case where you are too. If I were to say that piracy is wrong, I would be in the minority. Now, when I go on the internet, however, it seems like EVERYONE is this piracy hating thingamabob. If you go on GameFAQs and ask about a snes game or something, people ask you if you're using a ROM and then tell you that whatever problem you're having has to do with the fact that you should be using the real cartridge that you can't actually get anymore and Nintendo and any third party won't get the profits for anyways, since it's second hand. If you discuss P2P networks, you're flamed into a closed topic.

So what gives? Why is it that in real life, everyone is for it and on the internet everyone hates it? My personal theory is that people are afraid of their respective governments and pretends to be against piracy when, really, they do it themselves and don't want to have any evidence floating around that they downloaded Linkin Park off of Kazaa.

  • Yiddish Nebbish
Re: Piracy... >>
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2007, 02:23:32 pm »
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So basically, everyone I know is a pirate. Where I am, EVERYONE burns CD's, downloads games, plays emulated games instead of buying them on the Wii, etc. I'm pretty sure that it's the case where you are too. If I were to say that piracy is wrong, I would be in the minority. Now, when I go on the internet, however, it seems like EVERYONE is this piracy hating thingamabob. If you go on GameFAQs and ask about a snes game or something, people ask you if you're using a ROM and then tell you that whatever problem you're having has to do with the fact that you should be using the real cartridge that you can't actually get anymore and Nintendo and any third party won't get the profits for anyways, since it's second hand. If you discuss P2P networks, you're flamed into a closed topic.

So what gives? Why is it that in real life, everyone is for it and on the internet everyone hates it? My personal theory is that people are afraid of their respective governments and pretends to be against piracy when, really, they do it themselves and don't want to have any evidence floating around that they downloaded Linkin Park off of Kazaa.

Because god knows whos watching/reading on the internet.


Re: Piracy... >>
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2007, 02:40:27 pm »
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People who don't like people pirating !@#$% are usually the people that work in the industry. They get mad that people who don't have money can't pay for !@#$%, like myself.

They usually go to the internet to flame people for pirating, were as your friends are(I'm assuming) aren't in the industry so they pirate stuff. Shee, even if I was in the industry I would still pirate !@#$%. Shee, I'd pirate my own !@#$%! Thats how much of a pirate I would be.

Also, Gamefaq's forums are STONE FUCKIN AGED. They don't even have hot links... :S
Ghosts of Aliens
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Re: Piracy... >>
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2007, 03:39:47 pm »
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I pirate a small amount of music from bands that I buy the majority of the releases from anyway, but nothing else, ever. Seriously, if you made THE BEST SHIZZLE EVER and tried to sell it but couldn't make any money because everyone pirated it, how'd you feel?
Re: Piracy... >>
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2007, 05:19:42 pm »
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I used to pirate GBA games because my country imports them from USA and they cost a fortune here. >.< And it's frustrating to pay a lot of money to buy a game you don't know very well if you'll like it. That's why PS2 was much more famous than GC here - most gamers would buy PS2 "pirate" games for 1/10 of the price. PS2 games were easier to decrypt/decode/whatever than GC games, so GC games were only pirated about 3 years later. - though it seems Nintendo gained more profit, as piracy is not good for the companies.

But well, it makes a lot of time since I stopped downloading GBA and SNES games, or buying "pirate" GBA games. Nowadays I only download anime, because I can't see them with the original voices in the TV (I prefer the Japanese sound, because I'm learning Japanese), and most anime don't have their CDs for sale here.
Re: Piracy... >>
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2007, 06:28:21 pm »
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People who don't like people pirating !@#$% are usually the people that work in the industry. They get mad that people who don't have money can't pay for !@#$%, like myself.

They usually go to the internet to flame people for pirating, were as your friends are(I'm assuming) aren't in the industry so they pirate stuff. Shee, even if I was in the industry I would still pirate !@#$%. Shee, I'd pirate my own !@#$%! Thats how much of a pirate I would be.

Also, Gamefaq's forums are STONE FUCKIN AGED. They don't even have hot links... :S

Gamefaqs is being payed for by Cnet, they can't have any illegal stuff floating around.

Hell, i'm all for piracy, online and offline

Dantztron 3030

Mammy's Favorite Storyteller!
Re: Piracy... >>
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2007, 06:29:19 pm »
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I personally don't approve of piracy, being a creative person myself.

But I do pirate a lot of things. Why? Because I'm very, very poor. I'm currently in college thanks to $3000 of scholarships and a single mother who is sacrificing another $6000 for my college that she can barely afford. I can't find a job here in this college town because it's very small and home to a large number of students. To put it in perspective, more college students live here than actual residents. Yeah.

Occasionally, I will buy a game I truly want to support, like BioShock, when I come into some expendable income. But I can't mostly, because while I agree with supporting artists, being a writer myself, it's sometimes simply not possible for me. And there's no way I'm going without my media fix just because of monetary circumstances beyond my control.

If you're a rich kid and pirate though, that's just retarded. Idiots.
well i dont have that system and it is very hard to care about everything when you are single
Re: Piracy... >>
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2007, 07:50:12 pm »
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I think people forget that there's actually a third option: buy, pirate and *gasp* don't buy.

You don't just steal everything in a store because you can't afford it; if you don't have the money, just don't buy it.

Dantztron 3030

Mammy's Favorite Storyteller!
Re: Piracy... >>
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2007, 08:05:56 pm »
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I think people forget that there's actually a third option: buy, pirate and *gasp* don't buy.

You don't just steal everything in a store because you can't afford it; if you don't have the money, just don't buy it.

I understand your point, but you have to see: music and games (the only things I pirate) are an integral part of my life and were before this whole college thing. I'm not going to go without because I don't have any !@#$% money.
well i dont have that system and it is very hard to care about everything when you are single
Re: Piracy... >>
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2007, 08:25:32 pm »
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Piracy is a touchy topic
I am in Knivu position hell I play gamecube on an old Black and White TV.
But piracy is a natural as life,love,death,hair under the armpit you can't get rid of it even if you tried and I find that all the "Protection Software" the company's spend to avoid it being pirated is more of a waste of money then the whole Iraq War. As it will be crack at some point. I don't care if your downloading Old SNES Roms or the new Wii Roms a pirate is a pirate.
Again this is just my option.
Re: Piracy... >>
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2007, 08:37:02 pm »
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I think people forget that there's actually a third option: buy, pirate and *gasp* don't buy.

You don't just steal everything in a store because you can't afford it; if you don't have the money, just don't buy it.

I understand your point, but you have to see: music and games (the only things I pirate) are an integral part of my life and were before this whole college thing. I'm not going to go without because I don't have any !@#$% money.

That's like saying that because you used to own a car, and it was a huge part of your life, it's okay to steal one. Or that because you had a girlfriend and she was really important to you, it's okay to go out and rape some random chick.
Re: Piracy... >>
« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2007, 08:38:30 pm »
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I think people forget that there's actually a third option: buy, pirate and *gasp* don't buy.

You don't just steal everything in a store because you can't afford it; if you don't have the money, just don't buy it.

I understand your point, but you have to see: music and games (the only things I pirate) are an integral part of my life and were before this whole college thing. I'm not going to go without because I don't have any !@#$% money.

That's like saying that because you used to own a car, and it was a huge part of your life, it's okay to steal one. Or that because you had a girlfriend and she was really important to you, it's okay to go out and rape some random chick.

Girlfriend =/= rape

but otherwise, good comparisons

Re: Piracy... >>
« Reply #12 on: October 19, 2007, 08:51:50 pm »
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You know who really cares? I mean there will be those goody-toe-shoes,Not a Nerd/geek,grandparents (Well a majority of them.) who will buy it and see it when it comes out. So really this is nothing more then the circle or life annoying to some loved by others.

Dantztron 3030

Mammy's Favorite Storyteller!
Re: Piracy... >>
« Reply #13 on: October 19, 2007, 10:03:55 pm »
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I think people forget that there's actually a third option: buy, pirate and *gasp* don't buy.

You don't just steal everything in a store because you can't afford it; if you don't have the money, just don't buy it.

I understand your point, but you have to see: music and games (the only things I pirate) are an integral part of my life and were before this whole college thing. I'm not going to go without because I don't have any !@#$% money.

That's like saying that because you used to own a car, and it was a huge part of your life, it's okay to steal one. Or that because you had a girlfriend and she was really important to you, it's okay to go out and rape some random chick.

No it's not. Car or woman = video game or music? lolwut?
well i dont have that system and it is very hard to care about everything when you are single
Re: Piracy... >>
« Reply #14 on: October 19, 2007, 10:09:30 pm »
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I think people forget that there's actually a third option: buy, pirate and *gasp* don't buy.

You don't just steal everything in a store because you can't afford it; if you don't have the money, just don't buy it.

I understand your point, but you have to see: music and games (the only things I pirate) are an integral part of my life and were before this whole college thing. I'm not going to go without because I don't have any !@#$% money.

That's like saying that because you used to own a car, and it was a huge part of your life, it's okay to steal one. Or that because you had a girlfriend and she was really important to you, it's okay to go out and rape some random chick.

No it's not. Car or woman = video game or music? lolwut?

Same basic thing, you said that since Video Games and music is a huge part of your life, you pirate them since you're too poor to buy them.

He is saying, the same can be said for stealing a car because you're too poor to buy one.

Re: Piracy... >>
« Reply #15 on: October 19, 2007, 10:12:21 pm »
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A song costs what, like a dollar?  A car costs thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars.  Not to mention when you steal a car, you're stealing it from another person.  When you steal music, you're copying it from another person.  The only thing lost is a POTENTIAL sale.
Re: Piracy... >>
« Reply #16 on: October 19, 2007, 10:14:18 pm »
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People usually have to pay to record music

Re: Piracy... >>
« Reply #17 on: October 19, 2007, 10:18:02 pm »
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People usually have to pay to record music
And they were paid for it.  Then the person who paid for it decided to distribute it across the internet.
Re: Piracy... >>
« Reply #18 on: October 19, 2007, 10:20:41 pm »
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People usually have to pay to record music
And they were paid for it.  Then the person who paid for it decided to distribute it across the internet.

The person who payed for it isn't helping sales.

Say it takes $100 to record a song.

A person buys the song on a CD for $15, there is so far no profit for the song maker. Now if that one buyer distributes it online to people who want to buy it, but instead of buying it they find it for free, then thats more money the artist is losing because people are getting his song for free.

Not that the artists get any money from the RIAA anyway, but still.

Re: Piracy... >>
« Reply #19 on: October 19, 2007, 10:32:32 pm »
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Artists often don't get paid a set amount for any songs they record; instead, they earn a share of the profits. And considering a lot of artists have to buy their own studio time, making that up on records sales is very important, which can't be done if people just steal their creative work.

And while stealing a car may not be the same thing, you're still denying someone, somewhere, a living. No matter how !@#$% poor you believe yourself to be, you can't condone taking income away from someone else just so can listen to some fuckin' Jay-Z or whatever.
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