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Author Topic: Apparently, Dumbledore is gay.  (Read 17392 times)

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Re: Apparently, Dumbledore is gay.
« Reply #40 on: October 20, 2007, 11:27:06 pm »
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I'm not saying I hate gays, I don't mind gays, or their lifestyle at all, I'm just saying, it shouldn't be all over the place and all over television.

I hate channel surfing only to see two guys making out or something.

And actually, I've never watch Lesbian Porn. I don't like it, and I don't find it that "hot" as most of those horny idiots out there find it. I view them the same as I do gays... I don't hate them and I don't mind them, but I don't like seeing it all over the place.

And most of you are saying if, I posted guys making out all over these forums, you wouldn't give a !@#$%? (Only that it is spam of course).

!@#$% I lost my entire post, god dammit.
Re: Apparently, Dumbledore is gay.
« Reply #41 on: October 20, 2007, 11:30:31 pm »
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Sure *Rolls Eyes*

But what the hell were do you get this channels?
All I've really seen gay people in is crafting shows on HGTV and DIY or Movies.

Hell I think it should be one every channel everyware sidewalk ad, bench ads, It should be as the norm is for everyone likeing baseball and apple pie.
Re: Apparently, Dumbledore is gay.
« Reply #42 on: October 20, 2007, 11:30:44 pm »
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Wow...There are actually people who see it from my perspective.

Kyubi hit it on the nose.  Thanks for some support Kyubi and Zidane...but this is the internet...opionions are bound to vary.  It would be nice though if people respected each other with their opinions in a civilized manner.
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Re: Apparently, Dumbledore is gay.
« Reply #43 on: October 20, 2007, 11:33:26 pm »
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Well your "opinions" if they can be called so are twist and wrong as a child molester.
Its people like you who ruin people who love each other. Its not all about the godamn sex.
Its about love and careing and people like you screw it up.
Re: Apparently, Dumbledore is gay.
« Reply #44 on: October 20, 2007, 11:36:46 pm »
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WTF?!Did you guys not read that I said you can also get it from having sex with a someone who has it...also vice versa?  Read everything I typed!  I'm not a homophobe....I just think there should be less gays in the world.  Can I handle talking with one? working with one? shaking hands?  Uh, yeah.  !@#$%, one of my cousins is gay.  He knows how I feel about it and we still get along fine and have a good time when he comes over and plays videogames or whatever.  I just think it is a wrong philosophy to keep preaching "Gay is okay" all the !@#$% time.  Everytime I turn on the damn talk shows on tv, they have a gay person.  Not once or twice, almost 4-5 times a week.  What happened with straight people?  Are we different now?  If being gay wasn't made out to be a perfect thing and talked about all the !@#$% time on the tv, I couldn't care less.
It is just talked about way too much.

Except for the fact that being Gay is ok. I'm sick of people using religion as some excuse for thinking something.

I think there should be less straight people in the world.

Guys having sex with girls? eewwwwww yuckyyyyyy.

think it is disgusting.  It wouldn't bother me if the book was adult reading material.  But these are kids for God's sakes!  Children read HP books like they are going out of style.  Alot of children are also easily swayed.  Now some may think, "Dumbledore is gay so I want to be gay too!"  Yeah, that is an extreme, but I do not think we should encourage young kids to become part of a percentage of people who , sorry to say, spread diseases via being gay.  Now, don't hate me for that.  It's proven fact you can get AIDS and such from being gay.  You can also get it from having sex with someone who has it.  Whatever.  Children do think about what they read.  It gives them the idea that it's "okay".  Kids shouldn't really even be reading that stuff until they are in their mid-teens.

Who gives a !@#$% if kids think it's ok to be gay.

people need to be less close !@#$% minded,

!@#$% I'M !@#$% PISSED !@#$% OFF.

God dammit !@#$% close minded people

If other people opinions !@#$% you off than you're not very open minded yourself.
Re: Apparently, Dumbledore is gay.
« Reply #45 on: October 20, 2007, 11:42:40 pm »
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Wow...There are actually people who see it from my perspective.

Kyubi hit it on the nose.  Thanks for some support Kyubi and Zidane...but this is the internet...opionions are bound to vary.  It would be nice though if people respected each other with their opinions in a civilized manner.

No problem. Its just most of them don't understand the point that is being told.

It may sound like we hate gays, well I don't know about the other two, but I don't. You can say "O LOL DUN USE DAT STUPID I HAV GAY FRIEND EXCUSE" but seriously, I know gay people and I am friends with them.

Quote from: Lord_Spaztic
Sure *Rolls Eyes*

But what the hell were do you get this channels?
All I've really seen gay people in is crafting shows on HGTV and DIY or Movies.

Hell I think it should be one every channel everyware sidewalk ad, bench ads, It should be as the norm is for everyone likeing baseball and apple pie.

Well for one, how old are you? Learn to spell correctly.

and second, do you know what channel surfing is? It means flipping through channels looking for something to watch, and while I channel surf, I come across these channels, not all the time, but I do.
!@#$% I lost my entire post, god dammit.
Re: Apparently, Dumbledore is gay.
« Reply #46 on: October 20, 2007, 11:44:19 pm »
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I might care for your "opinions" more if you didn't get them from a "holy" book that was written to keep kingdoms and Potato farmes from rebelling and they outlaw guy for a reason. SO they can get more people in there control thats why catholic religion make it a "Sin" to masturbate and protective sex and birth control. Nothing more but to get people withen the control.
Re: Apparently, Dumbledore is gay.
« Reply #47 on: October 20, 2007, 11:45:50 pm »
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I simply cannot stand people who have double standards. My opinion of a lot of you has gone down greatly. You go on about "Freedom of Speech", but as someone says they don't like gays, "STFU AND GTFO NAO!!". Well, that's my input.
Freedom of speech isn't one way- You go for posting your ideas, but also for having your ideas contested, and then those ideas contested, and so on and so-forth. Do you seriously want a place where everyone just goes "I think this" "I think that" and no conflict at all? This is AMERICA! We're built on goddamned conflict.

seeeeexy~ <3
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Re: Apparently, Dumbledore is gay.
« Reply #48 on: October 20, 2007, 11:45:57 pm »
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I might care for your "opinions" more if you didn't get them from a "holy" book that was written to keep kingdoms and Potato farmes from rebelling and they outlaw guy for a reason. SO they can get more people in there control thats why catholic religion make it a "Sin" to masturbate and protective sex and birth control. Nothing more but to get people withen the control.

What the hell are you going on about?

If you're talking about the bible, I don't get anything from the bible let alone read it, heck, I don't even go to church.

Edit: The internet needs more Comrade Kesha.
!@#$% I lost my entire post, god dammit.
Re: Apparently, Dumbledore is gay.
« Reply #49 on: October 20, 2007, 11:52:25 pm »
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The way I see it, replace Gay with Black and Homophobe with Racist, and I'm sure you'd all instantly be like "No, Africans are people too and are equal".

So, wank for breakfast, hypocrisy for dinner?
This must become the next internet fad, make it so my drones, make it so!

seeeeexy~ <3

Is it wrong that I'm tempted to agree with you? XD


Re: Apparently, Dumbledore is gay.
« Reply #50 on: October 20, 2007, 11:57:24 pm »
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Wow...There are actually people who see it from my perspective.

Kyubi hit it on the nose.  Thanks for some support Kyubi and Zidane...but this is the internet...opionions are bound to vary.  It would be nice though if people respected each other with their opinions in a civilized manner.

Quoted for truth. Epic Member NAO.

Well your "opinions" if they can be called so are twist and wrong as a child molester.
Its people like you who ruin people who love each other. Its not all about the godamn sex.
Its about love and careing and people like you screw it up.

I had the whole loving thing in mind. Because, y'know- kids aren't interested in sex. Btw, you're wrong, Lord_Spaztic. So, so, wrong.

Guy: Hmmm, I'm not sure if I agree with that.
You: You sick !@#$%! You're worse than a child molester! Go to hell!

Seriously. Calm the !@#$% down, man. Are you gay?

Also, while looking at that pic of yours I found something interesting. They're trying to show off their bodies like some kind of male !@#$%. Once again, shoving their lifestyle in our faces. You say we're twisted pedophiles- I say that's like Bin Laden. You know, "Surrender to Islam to save yourselves!"

Your ass if for !@#$%, not for being boned.

Because straight people never do it in the butt. Or the mouth. Or between the boobs. Or between toes, hands, etc. LIKE ANY OF THAT IS NATURAL. :P

As for Dumbledore being gay, I think it is controversial as it's a kids' book, and most people don't find out they're gay until adolescence.

Because Harry is between the ages of 7 and 7 for all seven books, and Ginny wasn't totally about to bone his skinny ass before Ron walked in in book 7, and it's never implied that ANYONE is just a horny little !@#$% just out for sex (seriously, those books - especially 5, 6 and 7 - are FULL of sex).

I'm talking about the audience- not the characters involved. Say you're watching a young childrens' TV show about sharing and being friends. Yes, those are adult actors- but you wouldn't expect them to burst into a giant orgy now, would you? You do realise it's aimed at kids. Putting an orgy in Harry Potter would be very stupid- as the intended audience would just be like "WTF?". That and it's just not necessary. There's nothing wrong with doing it subtly- like Harry and Ron fall in love or something. You have to draw the line between a fantasy novel and yaoi.

Because straight people never do it in the butt. Or the mouth. Or between the boobs. Or between toes, hands, etc. LIKE ANY OF THAT IS NATURAL. :P
Those last three were basically foreplay. Think about it. Your DICK's a vital part of your body. You have to make sure it stays ok. Now you wouldn't dip it into a pile of !@#$%, would you? Ok, obviously that's a massive extreme, but it's the same bacteria and biological hazards. The thought of anal sex isn't such a good one for me. You do have a point about the mouth and straight people doing it in the butt, though. I suppose the mouth is just foreplay, but just like your DICK- you want to make sure it doesn't get some weird !@#$% going on.

I simply cannot stand people who have double standards. My opinion of a lot of you has gone down greatly. You go on about "Freedom of Speech", but as someone says they don't like gays, "STFU AND GTFO NAO!!". Well, that's my input.
Freedom of speech isn't one way- You go for posting your ideas, but also for having your ideas contested, and then those ideas contested, and so on and so-forth. Do you seriously want a place where everyone just goes "I think this" "I think that" and no conflict at all? This is AMERICA! We're built on goddamned conflict.

You misunderstood. We're supposed to be able to state our thoughts- but a lot of people try to stop that happening by ganging up on individuals who don't agree with certain things. I'm also talking about the blatant double standards some of you have. "Freedom of Speech we'll say what we damn well please!"
"I don't like gays"
"OMIGOD I so can't believe you just said that! Shut up! Just shut up, dammit!"

The way I see it, replace Gay with Black and Homophobe with Racist, and I'm sure you'd all instantly be like "No, Africans are people too and are equal".

So, wank for breakfast, hypocrisy for dinner?
This must become the next internet fad, make it so my drones, make it so!

seeeeexy~ <3

Is it wrong that I'm tempted to agree with you? XD

Quoted for truth. I'm also seeing several parallels here.
Gannon-banned brother.

Re: Apparently, Dumbledore is gay.
« Reply #51 on: October 21, 2007, 12:02:27 am »
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I simply cannot stand people who have double standards. My opinion of a lot of you has gone down greatly. You go on about "Freedom of Speech", but as someone says they don't like gays, "STFU AND GTFO NAO!!". Well, that's my input.
Freedom of speech isn't one way- You go for posting your ideas, but also for having your ideas contested, and then those ideas contested, and so on and so-forth. Do you seriously want a place where everyone just goes "I think this" "I think that" and no conflict at all? This is AMERICA! We're built on goddamned conflict.

You misunderstood. We're supposed to be able to state our thoughts- but a lot of people try to stop that happening by ganging up on individuals who don't agree with certain things. I'm also talking about the blatant double standards some of you have. "Freedom of Speech we'll say what we damn well please!"
"I don't like gays"
"OMIGOD I so can't believe you just said that! Shut up! Just shut up, dammit!"
That's right to assembly and freedom of speech in combination right there. There's two out of the five enumerated first amendment rights! Look, someone says ITS NOT OKAY TO BE GAY, and then the hoards of pro-gays go YES IT IS. Nobody is saying it should be illegal to think gays are bad or anything of the sort. They just think its wrong to think gays are bad, just like the people who think gays are bad think being gay is wrong. You get me?
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Re: Apparently, Dumbledore is gay.
« Reply #52 on: October 21, 2007, 12:04:21 am »
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FYI I'm sure in a persons mouth isn't that much better than in a pile of !@#$%...

People often say "Spitting on someone is just as hygienic as pissing on them."
Re: Apparently, Dumbledore is gay.
« Reply #53 on: October 21, 2007, 12:05:23 am »
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FYI I'm sure in a persons mouth isn't that much better than in a pile of !@#$%...

People often say "Spitting on someone is just as hygienic as pissing on them."
You just killed any fun I could of had this weekend :(
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Re: Apparently, Dumbledore is gay.
« Reply #54 on: October 21, 2007, 12:05:35 am »
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FYI I'm sure in a persons mouth isn't that much better than in a pile of !@#$%...

People often say "Spitting on someone is just as hygienic as pissing on them."

But sticking your DICK in a pile of !@#$% isn't fun is it? ;)
!@#$% I lost my entire post, god dammit.
Re: Apparently, Dumbledore is gay.
« Reply #55 on: October 21, 2007, 12:06:10 am »
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FYI I'm sure in a persons mouth isn't that much better than in a pile of !@#$%...

People often say "Spitting on someone is just as hygienic as pissing on them."

But sticking your DICK in a pile of !@#$% isn't fun is it? ;)
It can be.
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Re: Apparently, Dumbledore is gay.
« Reply #56 on: October 21, 2007, 12:06:51 am »
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FYI I'm sure in a persons mouth isn't that much better than in a pile of !@#$%...

People often say "Spitting on someone is just as hygienic as pissing on them."

But sticking your DICK in a pile of !@#$% isn't fun is it? ;)
It can be.
!@#$% I lost my entire post, god dammit.
Re: Apparently, Dumbledore is gay.
« Reply #57 on: October 21, 2007, 12:08:05 am »
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FYI I'm sure in a persons mouth isn't that much better than in a pile of !@#$%...

People often say "Spitting on someone is just as hygienic as pissing on them."

But sticking your DICK in a pile of !@#$% isn't fun is it? ;)
It can be.
Depends on the person really. Just like liking men or women or black people.
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Re: Apparently, Dumbledore is gay.
« Reply #58 on: October 21, 2007, 12:08:55 am »
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FYI I'm sure in a persons mouth isn't that much better than in a pile of !@#$%...

People often say "Spitting on someone is just as hygienic as pissing on them."

But sticking your DICK in a pile of !@#$% isn't fun is it? ;)
It can be.
Depends on the person really. Just like liking men or women or black people.
Can it include three people?
!@#$% I lost my entire post, god dammit.
Re: Apparently, Dumbledore is gay.
« Reply #59 on: October 21, 2007, 12:09:32 am »
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FYI I'm sure in a persons mouth isn't that much better than in a pile of !@#$%...

People often say "Spitting on someone is just as hygienic as pissing on them."

But sticking your DICK in a pile of !@#$% isn't fun is it? ;)
It can be.
Depends on the person really. Just like liking men or women or black people.
Can it include foreplay?
What can't be foreplay?
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