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People seriously need to get a grip.
« on: December 09, 2007, 09:42:28 pm »
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NOTE:This is more of a discussion on the conspiricies hanging over 9/11, but knowing zfgc its gonna be a debate by tomorrow, and locked by Thursday, so I'll hang around waiting to press report. And am saving Mods time by posting it here for them.


This is just !@#$% dumb, seriously, who actually believes this crap...I'm hoping no one raises their hand. It will go missing.

I really don't get why people must try to make things seem not as they are, what do they get from it? Lots of !@#$% paranoia, and wierd looks, and I'm guessing many trips to the 'funny farm'. Anyone else share my hatred?

Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2007, 09:48:37 pm »
  • Issac_Amisov
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You don't believe the U.S. Government did 9/11? You honestly need to get in touch with reality then... there is so much proof and how the Government explained it happened is not scientifically possible. You need to research this alot more.
Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2007, 09:50:40 pm »
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You don't believe the U.S. Government did 9/11? You honestly need to get in touch with reality then... there is so much proof and how the Government explained it happened is not scientifically possible. You need to research this alot more.

o.o I dunno whether to take that as your actual oppinion or too laugh along side your sarcasm, if any.
Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2007, 09:51:31 pm »
  • Issac_Amisov
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You don't believe the U.S. Government did 9/11? You honestly need to get in touch with reality then... there is so much proof and how the Government explained it happened is not scientifically possible. You need to research this alot more.

o.o I dunno whether to take that as your actual oppinion or too laugh along side your sarcasm, if any.
That is my "oppinion". I'm not being sarcastic... there is way too much proof to believe otherwise.
Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2007, 09:52:24 pm »
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"Were explosives used to bring down the buildings?"

Perhaps.... it was that big ass airplane that flew into it?


I do have my wonders though, I'd rather view the movie before making any judgments on the matter... My all time favorite is when Rumsfeld accidentally said 'missile' when he was shooting for 'airplane'.
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Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2007, 09:57:16 pm »
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The problem is, no matter whether the US government did it or not there are always going to be conspiracies because of their poor handling of the inquest into what happened and the large quantity of questions they left unanswered. The same goes for many other tragedies where governments have been slow to respond, and in some cases just glossed over the facts.

For instance there has been no public inquest into the 7/7 bombings, and the government flat out refuses to give one despite the feelings of the majority of the public (*cough* where the hell did democracy go? *cough*). How can you expect people, after a situation like that, to calmly accept what the government says despite their amazing indifference towards the public and behaviour which from some uninformed viewpoints can be considered suspicious?

You also have to address the low regard with which politicions are held in this day and age. Just pick up a newspaper any day and you can be sure to see some amazing cockup by a government official or proof that someone in the government has bene lying or involved in immoral situations.

Anyway thats my say, I don't have time at the moment to expand further.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2007, 09:58:48 pm by Infinitus »
Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2007, 09:57:32 pm »
  • Issac_Amisov
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"Were explosives used to bring down the buildings?"

Perhaps.... it was that big ass airplane that flew into it?


I do have my wonders though, I'd rather view the movie before making any judgments on the matter... My all time favorite is when Rumsfeld accidentally said 'missile' when he was shooting for 'airplane'.
A "big ass" airplane? The building was designed to have a Boeing 747 hit it which is bigger than a Boeing 707 which actually hit the building and did I mention that explosives went off in the building 10 seconds before the plane actually hit? Explain why WTC 7 fell, most people don't even know about that... what about the Pentagon? Explain how the so called accused "hijacker" can make a 270 degree downward spiral to Penetrate through Pentagon airspace and make a maneuver just meters from the ground to hit the pentagon at an area where there was construction done so hardly any government officials died? How did the towers collapse at free-fall speed? Thats 8 floors per second, what could move mass out of the way so fast that it could simultaneously have all the central core columns fail? Explosives.  I could go on for days explaining facts.
Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2007, 10:19:26 pm »
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"Were explosives used to bring down the buildings?"

Perhaps.... it was that big ass airplane that flew into it?


I do have my wonders though, I'd rather view the movie before making any judgments on the matter... My all time favorite is when Rumsfeld accidentally said 'missile' when he was shooting for 'airplane'.
A "big ass" airplane? The building was designed to have a Boeing 747 hit it which is bigger than a Boeing 707 which actually hit the building and did I mention that explosives went off in the building 10 seconds before the plane actually hit? Explain why WTC 7 fell, most people don't even know about that... what about the Pentagon? Explain how the so called accused "hijacker" can make a 270 degree downward spiral to Penetrate through Pentagon airspace and make a maneuver just meters from the ground to hit the pentagon at an area where there was construction done so hardly any government officials died? How did the towers collapse at free-fall speed? Thats 8 floors per second, what could move mass out of the way so fast that it could simultaneously have all the central core columns fail? Explosives.  I could go on for days explaining facts.

Firstly, No. Buildings arn't designed to take planes, thats just pure !@#$%. Secondly, You CANT design a building too take planes, especially the way the Trade Centers were built. Thirdly, they're built to withstand Earthquakes, Fourthly, Yes explosions...wait, do you think that the main structure in the inside of the building WOULDN'T make a noise as it began to crumble? And I assume your on about the small building next to the WTC? If so, well you know, there is such a thing as Debris...and you know that stuff can get pretty big and thrown at high speeds causing high damage, just a suggestion like. And yeah, The Pentagon is very suspisious, I must admit.

And right about now, I shall stops so's not too flame you or anything, Will continue a bit later on.


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Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2007, 01:04:03 am »
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I really couldn't care less about the facts or the truth behind September 11.

And I don't think anyone else should care either. Uncovering the truth won't make things better as much as it will make things worse. I see little to no achievement in simply "finding out what was really going on". Where's the benefit? Knowledge? Knowledge bringing power? Pfft...

Your stupid country needs to get a grip.

Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2007, 01:21:19 am »
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Firstly, No. Buildings arn't designed to take planes, thats just pure !@#$%.
Are you kidding!?

He's not saying the world trade center buildings had a landing bay built in for planes, he's saying if they got hit by a plane there was a specific way it was designed to take the hit.
Like in controlled demolitions, how they control where it collapses, or when you chop down a tree so it doesn't land on your house.

I honestly just don't care enough to come to a conclusion for myself, I know I definitely don't believe the official explanation, they didn't explain half of what happened anyways, I'd be an idiot to believe them.
Come on, someone tell me what happened to building 7?
Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2007, 01:33:50 am »
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I believe they fell because of the airplanes, because of the terrorists.  Until it is actually proved 100% otherwise, i will keep believing it.

If the truth were that the US goverment did it, then it's better that the truth never be revealed.

Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2007, 01:38:28 am »
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Firstly, No. Buildings arn't designed to take planes, thats just pure !@#$%.
Are you kidding!?

He's not saying the world trade center buildings had a landing bay built in for planes, he's saying if they got hit by a plane there was a specific way it was designed to take the hit.
Like in controlled demolitions, how they control where it collapses, or when you chop down a tree so it doesn't land on your house.

I honestly just don't care enough to come to a conclusion for myself, I know I definitely don't believe the official explanation, they didn't explain half of what happened anyways, I'd be an idiot to believe them.
Come on, someone tell me what happened to building 7?

I meant take as in when someone takes a punch, as in they can withstand it. And its impossible to protect a building from such a thing. Because you'd have to take into account where the plane will hit, at what speed it will hit, how much fuel will be in the engines, how long the wings are, how many passangers, the overall weight, the momentum of the plane, the scale of damage caused by the plane itself, heck even what time of day it hit, at night its obviously colder then day so the materials used will be cooler, and in some cases stronger. And so on, I highly doubt they had a bunch of builders on standby 24/7 for such an event to redo the entire Trade Center whenever a plane looked threatening to it.

And also;
And I assume your on about the small building next to the WTC? If so, well you know, there is such a thing as Debris...and you know that stuff can get pretty big and thrown at high speeds causing high damage, just a suggestion like.

Also what with two of the tallest towers collapsing right next to it, there is going to be a lot of vibration and debris being flung about causing god knows how much damage to the other building.
Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2007, 01:39:55 am »
  • I put this here for the sake of that one thread
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Anyone saw that video from the security cam by Pentagon? The thing that hit certainly wasn't big enough to be a jet, that's for sure :P

I </3 Sol
Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2007, 01:41:38 am »
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Anyone saw that video from the security cam by Pentagon? The thing that hit certainly wasn't big enough to be a jet, that's for sure :P

Thats why I'm not sure the Pentagon was completely true at all. But the WTC; I mean come on two 747s and the buildings being able to withstand it? Like !@#$%.
Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2007, 01:42:01 am »
  • Issac_Amisov
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"Were explosives used to bring down the buildings?"

Perhaps.... it was that big ass airplane that flew into it?


I do have my wonders though, I'd rather view the movie before making any judgments on the matter... My all time favorite is when Rumsfeld accidentally said 'missile' when he was shooting for 'airplane'.
A "big ass" airplane? The building was designed to have a Boeing 747 hit it which is bigger than a Boeing 707 which actually hit the building and did I mention that explosives went off in the building 10 seconds before the plane actually hit? Explain why WTC 7 fell, most people don't even know about that... what about the Pentagon? Explain how the so called accused "hijacker" can make a 270 degree downward spiral to Penetrate through Pentagon airspace and make a maneuver just meters from the ground to hit the pentagon at an area where there was construction done so hardly any government officials died? How did the towers collapse at free-fall speed? Thats 8 floors per second, what could move mass out of the way so fast that it could simultaneously have all the central core columns fail? Explosives.  I could go on for days explaining facts.

Firstly, No. Buildings arn't designed to take planes, thats just pure !@#$%. Secondly, You CANT design a building too take planes, especially the way the Trade Centers were built. Thirdly, they're built to withstand Earthquakes, Fourthly, Yes explosions...wait, do you think that the main structure in the inside of the building WOULDN'T make a noise as it began to crumble? And I assume your on about the small building next to the WTC? If so, well you know, there is such a thing as Debris...and you know that stuff can get pretty big and thrown at high speeds causing high damage, just a suggestion like. And yeah, The Pentagon is very suspisious, I must admit.

And right about now, I shall stops so's not too flame you or anything, Will continue a bit later on.
You have obviously never taken a course in architecture... buildings can be designed so that when one part of the building is damaged that is does not cause the entire structure to fall. WTC 7, there were fires on 2 floors and literally NO debris, the collapses of building 1, 2 & 7 all have trademarks of controlled demolitions. The 9/11 Commision Report made by the U.S. Government did not even mention WTC 7 because they could not explain how it fell. The owner of the WTC complex even admitted that it was a controlled demolition, the previous month he took out a $7,000,000,000 Insurance policy... B as in Billion. Therefore the owner of the Complex is happy and so is the U.S. Government for pulling off a false flag operation so they could invade parts of the middle east for oil which they have been wanting to do for YEARS. IT JUST MAKES SENSE PEOPLE.

AGAIN: NO DEBRIS HARDELY EVEN HIT WTC 7, there were 2 other building closer to WTC 1 & 2 which did not collapse and they alot more debris. http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/wtc7.html
Just look at the video, it is a perfect controlled demolition. I have studied this for years, trust me... I know what I'm talking about.
Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #15 on: December 10, 2007, 01:43:56 am »
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the pools of molten steel at the base of building seven are in the official report, however, they were not "officially" explained, even though the only way they could have been there was from explosives.
unless they have had deposits of molten steel there for years all along.

it really does look like they were just hoping no one would be filming building 7
Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #16 on: December 10, 2007, 01:46:21 am »
  • Issac_Amisov
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the pools of molten steel at the base of building seven are in the official report, however, they were not "officially" explained, even though the only way they could have been there was from explosives.
or perhaps they have been there for years all along.

it really does look like they were just hoping no one would be filming building 7
Take a look at my post... there are lots of different views of building 7 and they all show that it's completely controlled. WTC 1 & 2 also were. A building does not collapse at the same speed as if you threw a  pool ball off the top. It took 8 seconds for it too collapse, thats FREEFALL SPEED. A building cannot collapse that fast using the "pancake theory" which the U.S. Government said how it happened.


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Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #17 on: December 10, 2007, 01:47:15 am »
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I believe they fell because of the airplanes, because of the terrorists.  Until it is actually proved 100% otherwise, i will keep believing it.

If the truth were that the US goverment did it, then it's better that the truth never be revealed.
I do believe that it was the government. It just seems quite obvious that it wasn't just the planes.
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Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #18 on: December 10, 2007, 01:48:05 am »
  • Issac_Amisov
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I believe they fell because of the airplanes, because of the terrorists.  Until it is actually proved 100% otherwise, i will keep believing it.

If the truth were that the US goverment did it, then it's better that the truth never be revealed.
I do believe that it was the government. It just seems quite obvious that it wasn't just the planes.
Thank you! If any of you have the time part 2 and 3 of this movie explain some of the WTC, the first part is about religion.

Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #19 on: December 10, 2007, 01:53:52 am »
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"Were explosives used to bring down the buildings?"

Perhaps.... it was that big ass airplane that flew into it?


I do have my wonders though, I'd rather view the movie before making any judgments on the matter... My all time favorite is when Rumsfeld accidentally said 'missile' when he was shooting for 'airplane'.
A "big ass" airplane? The building was designed to have a Boeing 747 hit it which is bigger than a Boeing 707 which actually hit the building and did I mention that explosives went off in the building 10 seconds before the plane actually hit? Explain why WTC 7 fell, most people don't even know about that... what about the Pentagon? Explain how the so called accused "hijacker" can make a 270 degree downward spiral to Penetrate through Pentagon airspace and make a maneuver just meters from the ground to hit the pentagon at an area where there was construction done so hardly any government officials died? How did the towers collapse at free-fall speed? Thats 8 floors per second, what could move mass out of the way so fast that it could simultaneously have all the central core columns fail? Explosives.  I could go on for days explaining facts.

Firstly, No. Buildings arn't designed to take planes, thats just pure !@#$%. Secondly, You CANT design a building too take planes, especially the way the Trade Centers were built. Thirdly, they're built to withstand Earthquakes, Fourthly, Yes explosions...wait, do you think that the main structure in the inside of the building WOULDN'T make a noise as it began to crumble? And I assume your on about the small building next to the WTC? If so, well you know, there is such a thing as Debris...and you know that stuff can get pretty big and thrown at high speeds causing high damage, just a suggestion like. And yeah, The Pentagon is very suspisious, I must admit.

And right about now, I shall stops so's not too flame you or anything, Will continue a bit later on.
You have obviously never taken a course in architecture... buildings can be designed so that when one part of the building is damaged that is does not cause the entire structure to fall. WTC 7, there were fires on 2 floors and literally NO debris, the collapses of building 1, 2 & 7 all have trademarks of controlled demolitions. The 9/11 Commision Report made by the U.S. Government did not even mention WTC 7 because they could not explain how it fell. The owner of the WTC complex even admitted that it was a controlled demolition, the previous month he took out a $7,000,000,000 Insurance policy... B as in Billion. Therefore the owner of the Complex is happy and so is the U.S. Government for pulling off a false flag operation so they could invade parts of the middle east for oil which they have been wanting to do for YEARS. IT JUST MAKES SENSE PEOPLE.

AGAIN: NO DEBRIS HARDELY EVEN HIT WTC 7, there were 2 other building closer to WTC 1 & 2 which did not collapse and they alot more debris. http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/wtc7.html
Just look at the video, it is a perfect controlled demolition. I have studied this for years, trust me... I know what I'm talking about.

So then, this person that admited it was all fake, then if so, why hasn't there been some huge ass 'ITS ALL FAKE' being made public, except by some fuckwits sitting around watching videos of PLANES hitting the Trade Towers, editing them, then adding some gay voice over that 'THIS IS WHERE LIKE THE DEMOLITIONS WERE PLACED TRUST ME I GOT A PhD IN SOMETHING ERM... OR WAS IT THQ I FORGET NOW'.

And okay TWO BUILDINGS COLLAPSE, and theres no debris? NO DEBRIS? What are you drunk at the current time of making this post? Seriously, even if it was controlled demolition there would be debris, EVERYTHING leaves debris from small pieces to large pieces, and I dont think the Government would of had enough time to create some incredibally strong net to wrap around the site and catch all the pieces of debris.

I'm assuming that that was the part where you fake some degree in something relevent? cool.


I have studied this for years, trust me... I know what I'm talking about.

Uh huh. Because after all, your obviously, some million dollar architect.

I really dont know why I care so much, your countries !@#$% up to the point where you allow people to carry around weapons. So glad I'm British.

the pools of molten steel at the base of building seven are in the official report, however, they were not "officially" explained, even though the only way they could have been there was from explosives.
unless they have had deposits of molten steel there for years all along.

it really does look like they were just hoping no one would be filming building 7

The fuel in the Jet engines would of burnt to the point of melting point of the fuel used in the braces protecting it from EARTHQUAKES. Most likely explaining the Molten.
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