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Author Topic: People seriously need to get a grip.  (Read 21247 times)

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Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #20 on: December 10, 2007, 01:55:32 am »
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I believe they fell because of the airplanes, because of the terrorists.  Until it is actually proved 100% otherwise, i will keep believing it.

If the truth were that the US goverment did it, then it's better that the truth never be revealed.
I do believe that it was the government. It just seems quite obvious that it wasn't just the planes.

Thats nice, i believe it was just the planes.

Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #21 on: December 10, 2007, 01:58:24 am »
  • Issac_Amisov
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"Were explosives used to bring down the buildings?"

Perhaps.... it was that big ass airplane that flew into it?


I do have my wonders though, I'd rather view the movie before making any judgments on the matter... My all time favorite is when Rumsfeld accidentally said 'missile' when he was shooting for 'airplane'.
A "big ass" airplane? The building was designed to have a Boeing 747 hit it which is bigger than a Boeing 707 which actually hit the building and did I mention that explosives went off in the building 10 seconds before the plane actually hit? Explain why WTC 7 fell, most people don't even know about that... what about the Pentagon? Explain how the so called accused "hijacker" can make a 270 degree downward spiral to Penetrate through Pentagon airspace and make a maneuver just meters from the ground to hit the pentagon at an area where there was construction done so hardly any government officials died? How did the towers collapse at free-fall speed? Thats 8 floors per second, what could move mass out of the way so fast that it could simultaneously have all the central core columns fail? Explosives.  I could go on for days explaining facts.

Firstly, No. Buildings arn't designed to take planes, thats just pure !@#$%. Secondly, You CANT design a building too take planes, especially the way the Trade Centers were built. Thirdly, they're built to withstand Earthquakes, Fourthly, Yes explosions...wait, do you think that the main structure in the inside of the building WOULDN'T make a noise as it began to crumble? And I assume your on about the small building next to the WTC? If so, well you know, there is such a thing as Debris...and you know that stuff can get pretty big and thrown at high speeds causing high damage, just a suggestion like. And yeah, The Pentagon is very suspisious, I must admit.

And right about now, I shall stops so's not too flame you or anything, Will continue a bit later on.
You have obviously never taken a course in architecture... buildings can be designed so that when one part of the building is damaged that is does not cause the entire structure to fall. WTC 7, there were fires on 2 floors and literally NO debris, the collapses of building 1, 2 & 7 all have trademarks of controlled demolitions. The 9/11 Commision Report made by the U.S. Government did not even mention WTC 7 because they could not explain how it fell. The owner of the WTC complex even admitted that it was a controlled demolition, the previous month he took out a $7,000,000,000 Insurance policy... B as in Billion. Therefore the owner of the Complex is happy and so is the U.S. Government for pulling off a false flag operation so they could invade parts of the middle east for oil which they have been wanting to do for YEARS. IT JUST MAKES SENSE PEOPLE.

AGAIN: NO DEBRIS HARDELY EVEN HIT WTC 7, there were 2 other building closer to WTC 1 & 2 which did not collapse and they alot more debris. http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/wtc7.html
Just look at the video, it is a perfect controlled demolition. I have studied this for years, trust me... I know what I'm talking about.

So then, this person that admited it was all fake, then if so, why hasn't there been some huge ass 'ITS ALL FAKE' being made public, except by some fuckwits sitting around watching videos of PLANES hitting the Trade Towers, editing them, then adding some gay voice over that 'THIS IS WHERE LIKE THE DEMOLITIONS WERE PLACED TRUST ME I GOT A PhD IN SOMETHING ERM... OR WAS IT THQ I FORGET NOW'.

And okay TWO BUILDINGS COLLAPSE, and theres no debris? NO DEBRIS? What are you drunk at the current time of making this post? Seriously, even if it was controlled demolition there would be debris, EVERYTHING leaves debris from small pieces to large pieces, and I dont think the Government would of had enough time to create some incredibally strong net to wrap around the site and catch all the pieces of debris.

I'm assuming that that was the part where you fake some degree in something relevent? cool.


I have studied this for years, trust me... I know what I'm talking about.

Uh huh. Because after all, your obviously, some million dollar architect.

I really dont know why I care so much, your countries !@#$% up to the point where you allow people to carry around weapons. So glad I'm British.

the pools of molten steel at the base of building seven are in the official report, however, they were not "officially" explained, even though the only way they could have been there was from explosives.
unless they have had deposits of molten steel there for years all along.

it really does look like they were just hoping no one would be filming building 7

The fuel in the Jet engines would of burnt to the point of melting point of the fuel used in the braces protecting it from EARTHQUAKES. Most likely explaining the Molten.
I'm not some Architect, I'm just saying... I've looked into it alot since I heard about it being the U.S. Government in around 2005. About the Debris hitting WTC 7, there was basically none, the building was too far away from where tower 1 & 2 were to be hit.

Maybe you should actually look into before you make biased assumptions as to what happened.
How come WTC 3 and 4 never collapsed? They were far, far closer to where the debris hit.
Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #22 on: December 10, 2007, 01:58:36 am »
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The fuel in the Jet engines would of burnt to the point of melting point of the fuel used in the braces protecting it from EARTHQUAKES. Most likely explaining the Molten.
no plane hit building seven, there was no jet fuel there
Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #23 on: December 10, 2007, 01:59:21 am »
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You know, what if they're just trying to hide the fact that the Towers were cheaply built? The main reason being the planes, but, a construction error that allowed it to fall?

I </3 Sol
Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #24 on: December 10, 2007, 02:00:45 am »
  • Issac_Amisov
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The fuel in the Jet engines would of burnt to the point of melting point of the fuel used in the braces protecting it from EARTHQUAKES. Most likely explaining the Molten.
no plane hit building seven, there was no jet fuel there
Plus the Molten Thermite that pooled at the bottom of tower 1, 2 & 7 burned 4000 Fahrenheit, over 2500 degrees more than Jet Fuel ever burns... so why would there be jet fuel under building 7 unless it was also hit by a plane... oh wait, it wasn't!


The only Canadian?
Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #25 on: December 10, 2007, 02:03:53 am »
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I believe they fell because of the airplanes, because of the terrorists.  Until it is actually proved 100% otherwise, i will keep believing it.

If the truth were that the US goverment did it, then it's better that the truth never be revealed.
I do believe that it was the government. It just seems quite obvious that it wasn't just the planes.
Thank you! If any of you have the time part 2 and 3 of this movie explain some of the WTC, the first part is about religion.

Seen it and I love it!
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Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #26 on: December 10, 2007, 02:06:41 am »
  • Issac_Amisov
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I believe they fell because of the airplanes, because of the terrorists.  Until it is actually proved 100% otherwise, i will keep believing it.

If the truth were that the US goverment did it, then it's better that the truth never be revealed.
I do believe that it was the government. It just seems quite obvious that it wasn't just the planes.
Thank you! If any of you have the time part 2 and 3 of this movie explain some of the WTC, the first part is about religion.

Seen it and I love it!
Thanks, it's really a good movie and the 3rd part shows about how lots of previous events like how the U.S. Government got into other wars were also purposely done.
Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #27 on: December 10, 2007, 02:09:34 am »
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this is kinda why I'm sick of 9/11 debates
People who believe terrorists were responsible don't really say anything more than "the planes did it" and just don't want to even discuss building seven etc.
And people who believe there is a conspiracy can't really say much more than recite the long list of unexplained oddities and very easily poke holes in the few explanations that exist.
That pretty much sums up every debate, they never get much further than that, so whats the point? :/

Maybe in 500 years or something there will be an officially and universally accepted explanation that actually explains everything, and they can look back and laugh at how stupid we were
Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #28 on: December 10, 2007, 02:12:52 am »
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this is kinda why I'm sick of 9/11 debates
People who believe terrorists were responsible don't really say anything more than "the planes did it" and just don't want to even discuss building seven etc.
And people who believe there is a conspiracy can't really say much more than recite the long list of unexplained oddities and very easily poke holes in the few explanations that exist.
That pretty much sums up every debate, they never get much further than that, so whats the point? :/

Maybe in 500 years or something there will be an officially and universally accepted explanation that actually explains everything, and they can look back and laugh at how stupid we were

I'm not a big fan on the US government, i just don't want to believe they would cause 9/11

Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #29 on: December 10, 2007, 02:15:50 am »
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you don't have to believe terrorists did it to avoid believing the government did it.
There's not enough evidence either way to come to a conclusion, so don't :P
Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #30 on: December 10, 2007, 02:17:10 am »
  • Issac_Amisov
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this is kinda why I'm sick of 9/11 debates
People who believe terrorists were responsible don't really say anything more than "the planes did it" and just don't want to even discuss building seven etc.
And people who believe there is a conspiracy can't really say much more than recite the long list of unexplained oddities and very easily poke holes in the few explanations that exist.
That pretty much sums up every debate, they never get much further than that, so whats the point? :/

Maybe in 500 years or something there will be an officially and universally accepted explanation that actually explains everything, and they can look back and laugh at how stupid we were
The people who say it was terrorists have no proof, the people who say the U.S. Government have loads of proof. So, if they are just going to say "Oh planes did it, I'm too ignorant to actually research it" Then there is no point in trying to convince them when they are too stubborn to actually realize what the truth is.

you don't have to believe terrorists did it to avoid believing the government did it.
There's not enough evidence either way to come to a conclusion, so don't :P
There is definitely enough evidence to come to the conclusion that it was the U.S. Government.
Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #31 on: December 10, 2007, 02:26:35 am »
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you don't have to believe terrorists did it to avoid believing the government did it.
There's not enough evidence either way to come to a conclusion, so don't :P

Well, the only two sides people saying is:

a. The Terrorists did it

b. The evil Government did it

a. No The Terrorists did it

b. No the evil government did it so they could prophet off of a national tragedy.

a. No, the Evil godless terrorists did it

b. No, the Government did it, the buildings fell like they would if they were being detonated.

a. STFU thats stupid, The terrorists did it.

b. No you STFU, there was jet fuel in the buildings

a. No there wasn't, prove there was jet fuel in them

b. Watch this movie some guy online made, he had magical knowledge of the WTC

a. That Video is stupid

b. No, you're stupid, explain why the Government stole all of the camera tapes that had the pentagon crash on it.

a. They did it for whatever reason.


Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #32 on: December 10, 2007, 02:29:51 am »
  • Issac_Amisov
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Not really fissure, my side of the argument has a lot bigger base of proof than that.
Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #33 on: December 10, 2007, 02:30:50 am »
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Not really fissure, my side of the argument has a lot bigger base of proof than that.

Thats nice.

God forbid something happens to the US and the government isn't involved in doing it somehow.

I assume they made hurricane katrina too?


Super Fighting Robot
Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #34 on: December 10, 2007, 03:26:23 am »
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The fuel in the Jet engines would of burnt to the point of melting point of the fuel used in the braces protecting it from EARTHQUAKES. Most likely explaining the Molten.
no plane hit building seven, there was no jet fuel there
Plus the Molten Thermite that pooled at the bottom of tower 1, 2 & 7 burned 4000 Fahrenheit, over 2500 degrees more than Jet Fuel ever burns... so why would there be jet fuel under building 7 unless it was also hit by a plane... oh wait, it wasn't!

They had diesel tanks in the middle floors. There was also a huge fire that caused the firefighters to abandon the building. So, an uncontrolled fire for several hours + a hugeass gash the side of the building bigger than goatse's gaping anus. DO THE !@#$% MATH.

There is definitely enough !@#$% to come to the conclusion that it was the U.S. Government.


The people who say it was the government have no proof, the people who say the planes did it have loads of proof. So, if they are just going to say "Oh gov't did it, I'm too much of a !@#$% ignorant tool that watches stupid !@#$% made by college students and believes quote mining, politically motivated stupid fucks and their "ZOMG TRUTH WEBPAGE"" Then there is no point in trying to convince them when they are too stubborn to actually realize that the truth is right in front of their !@#$% faces, yet need to masturbate to conspiracies to get off.

!@#$% fixed.

Maybe in 500 years or something there will be an officially and universally accepted explanation that actually explains everything, and they can look back and laugh at how stupid we were




Maybe you should actually look into before you make biased assumptions as to what happened.
How come WTC 3 and 4 never collapsed? They were far, far closer to where the debris hit.

It's because 7 had a much different structure to 3 and 4. once the debris hit in the place they did, the building became unstable. Coupled with the raging fire inside, the building was !@#$%.

« Last Edit: December 10, 2007, 03:35:37 am by Swiftu »
Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #35 on: December 10, 2007, 03:39:16 am »
  • Issac_Amisov
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The fuel in the Jet engines would of burnt to the point of melting point of the fuel used in the braces protecting it from EARTHQUAKES. Most likely explaining the Molten.
no plane hit building seven, there was no jet fuel there
Plus the Molten Thermite that pooled at the bottom of tower 1, 2 & 7 burned 4000 Fahrenheit, over 2500 degrees more than Jet Fuel ever burns... so why would there be jet fuel under building 7 unless it was also hit by a plane... oh wait, it wasn't!

They had diesel tanks in the middle floors. There was also a huge fire that caused the firefighters to abandon the building. So, an uncontrolled fire for several hours + a hugeass gash the side of the building bigger than goatse's gaping anus. DO THE !@#$% MATH.

There is definitely enough !@#$% to come to the conclusion that it was the U.S. Government.


The people who say it was the government have no proof, the people who say the planes did it have loads of proof. So, if they are just going to say "Oh gov't did it, I'm too much of a !@#$% ignorant tool that watches stupid !@#$% made by college students and believes quote mining, politically motivated stupid fucks and their "ZOMG TRUTH WEBPAGE"" Then there is no point in trying to convince them when they are too stubborn to actually realize that the truth is right in front of their !@#$% faces, yet need to masturbate to conspiracies to get off.

!@#$% fixed.

Maybe in 500 years or something there will be an officially and universally accepted explanation that actually explains everything, and they can look back and laugh at how stupid we were




Maybe you should actually look into before you make biased assumptions as to what happened.
How come WTC 3 and 4 never collapsed? They were far, far closer to where the debris hit.

It's because 7 had a much different structure to 3 and 4. once the debris hit in the place they did, the building became unstable. Coupled with the raging fire inside, the building was !@#$%.

There were fires on 2 floors and they were not raging they were in a few rooms and the building was not !@#$% because there were 50 other floors that were completely fine... that would not cause the whole building to collapse in a pancake fashion at freefall speed.

God, some of you are so ignorant.
Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #36 on: December 10, 2007, 03:43:16 am »
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God forbid something happens to the US and the government isn't involved in doing it somehow.

I assume they made hurricane katrina too?
no, that one was definitely terrorists, but they blamed it on nature so they could justify continuing to deny global warming.
like "why do you want to help nature!? that !@#$% katrina just !@#$% us up"


Super Fighting Robot
Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #37 on: December 10, 2007, 03:46:58 am »
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The fuel in the Jet engines would of burnt to the point of melting point of the fuel used in the braces protecting it from EARTHQUAKES. Most likely explaining the Molten.
no plane hit building seven, there was no jet fuel there
Plus the Molten Thermite that pooled at the bottom of tower 1, 2 & 7 burned 4000 Fahrenheit, over 2500 degrees more than Jet Fuel ever burns... so why would there be jet fuel under building 7 unless it was also hit by a plane... oh wait, it wasn't!

They had diesel tanks in the middle floors. There was also a huge fire that caused the firefighters to abandon the building. So, an uncontrolled fire for several hours + a hugeass gash the side of the building bigger than goatse's gaping anus. DO THE !@#$% MATH.

There is definitely enough !@#$% to come to the conclusion that it was the U.S. Government.


The people who say it was the government have no proof, the people who say the planes did it have loads of proof. So, if they are just going to say "Oh gov't did it, I'm too much of a !@#$% ignorant tool that watches stupid !@#$% made by college students and believes quote mining, politically motivated stupid fucks and their "ZOMG TRUTH WEBPAGE"" Then there is no point in trying to convince them when they are too stubborn to actually realize that the truth is right in front of their !@#$% faces, yet need to masturbate to conspiracies to get off.

!@#$% fixed.

Maybe in 500 years or something there will be an officially and universally accepted explanation that actually explains everything, and they can look back and laugh at how stupid we were




Maybe you should actually look into before you make biased assumptions as to what happened.
How come WTC 3 and 4 never collapsed? They were far, far closer to where the debris hit.

It's because 7 had a much different structure to 3 and 4. once the debris hit in the place they did, the building became unstable. Coupled with the raging fire inside, the building was !@#$%.

There were fires on 2 floors and they were not raging they were in a few rooms and the building was not !@#$% because there were 50 other floors that were completely fine... that would not cause the whole building to collapse in a pancake fashion at freefall speed.

God, some of you are so ignorant.

The debris carved out most of the main support. The fire raged for several hours because firefighters had left. THEY DIDN'T PUT OUT THE FIRE BEFORE THEY LEFT, AND THERE'S A LOT OF !@#$% TO BURN IN AN OFFICE BUILDING. If you would've actually read that link I posted, you would've known that.

God, you're an idiot. (oh hey, I can blatantly flame too.)

This topic needs more Maddox.

Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #38 on: December 10, 2007, 03:47:53 am »
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God forbid something happens to the US and the government isn't involved in doing it somehow.

I assume they made hurricane katrina too?
no, that one was definitely terrorists, but they blamed it on nature so they could justify continuing to deny global warming.
like "why do you want to help nature!? that !@#$% katrina just !@#$% us up"

Good point, i finally see the light :D

Re: People seriously need to get a grip.
« Reply #39 on: December 10, 2007, 05:46:16 am »
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I don't know who did it. But yeah, I DO NOT believe the buildings fell because of the air planes.

If the truth were that the US goverment did it, then it's better that the truth never be revealed.

True that! Can anyone say mass terror and insanity?
« Last Edit: December 10, 2007, 05:49:37 am by CelestialEsper »
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