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Dantztron 3030

Mammy's Favorite Storyteller!
Fan Fiction
« on: February 11, 2008, 01:29:10 am »
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ITT we discuss fan fiction, and whether it is good/legal/narratively constructive.

IMO, fan fiction sucks. All of it. I don't care if it's well written, if you write fan fiction, you are a terrible writer. You are because you cannot come up with your own unique ideas. You will never learn anything about the narrative process or gain any imagination from leeching off of someone's creative work.

As for the legality of fan fiction, I personally wouldn't want someone taking my characters and writing a fantasy where they end up !@#$% each other, but I don't think it is illegal per se.
well i dont have that system and it is very hard to care about everything when you are single
Re: Fan Fiction
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2008, 01:33:12 am »
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There can be good fan fiction, but the majority of it is god awful.

A world without fanfiction is a world without these great stories: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/836450/1/ http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2945837/1/
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Re: Fan Fiction
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2008, 01:39:01 am »
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I don't read fan-fic. So I have no opinion. But I bet I could write a fan-fic that was entertaining to read. I'll do that soon.

Dantztron 3030

Mammy's Favorite Storyteller!
Re: Fan Fiction
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2008, 01:49:32 am »
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There can be good fan fiction, but the majority of it is god awful.

A world without fanfiction is a world without these great stories: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/836450/1/ http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2945837/1/

Yes, I don't know what I'd do without BUT YOU WILL BE KILL BY DEMONS!!!! That IS true...

I don't read fan-fic. So I have no opinion. But I bet I could write a fan-fic that was entertaining to read. I'll do that soon.

Yeah, but the very concept of fan fiction is lame. You're writing a story using the ideas someone else made.
well i dont have that system and it is very hard to care about everything when you are single
Re: Fan Fiction
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2008, 02:00:27 am »
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I don't read or write fan-fiction, but I'm not completely opposed to the idea. I may even give it a try someday.

Yeah, but the very concept of fan fiction is lame. You're writing a story using the ideas someone else made.

You use someone else's ideas because you're a FAN of the thing you're writing about. Hence the name.
Re: Fan Fiction
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2008, 03:12:15 am »
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I kinda like it.  Not enough to attempt to read every fanfic ever created for a topic I'm interested in, but if it's a well-written story I'll take a look.  True, it's not as creative as a truly original story would be, but you'd be surprised how quickly a fanfic can spin off into its own entity that eventually has little resemblance to the original concept.

I wrote one myself once, a fanfic of the Ozy and Millie webcomic, though that was for a school project and I didn't have time to come up with an original concept.  I'll admit that while I wrote it, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was ripping off the guy's work and stealing his creativity, but meh, it got a 100, so whatever.  I guess part of the reason is that I wanted to keep them as in-character as possible, yet doing that made it feel almost like plagarism, despite the fact that I only used a few direct allusions to the comic.  Regardless, it's not something I'd probably do as part of a habit, though I think I might do it again if I could come up with an original enough story that still made sense in the Ozy and Millie universe.
What do you mean I need a life?  =P  Hm... Lives... Isn't that something that you get in Super Mario Bros?  You know, those green mushrooms?  That's a life, right?

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Re: Fan Fiction
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2008, 03:30:54 am »
  • CRUNCH! I'll add it to the heap!
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My view on fanfiction at its concept is that it gives fans a chance to create a scenario in a story that they would like to see, and share it with others. This can be satisfying, and I see nothing wrong with it. However, I have to go ahead and say that most fanfictions are !@#$%. Even though fanfics themselves are okay, most fanfics written are the same goddamn !@#$%. I mean he whole thing where two characters that hold some sort of bond over the story end up discovering their love for each other. Have you taken a look at the Twilight Princess fanfics? God, they're all the !@#$% same. Link falls in love with Midna. Holy !@#$% !@#$%, what a concept.
Seriously, and don't even get me started on Naruto. Yes, I love Naruto, but it has produced the greatest amount of ridiculously stupid fanfics that the girls of the internet can heave out of their vaginas. Seriously it's all the possibilities for romance rolled up together in a bag of shitty dialog and posted online. Now they're all joining into their stupid little cults, naming them after their chosen pairs, using a stupidity level akin to supermarket tabloids. I bet if you type "naruhina.com" into a web browser, you might actually get a result.
!@#$% idiots.
And now after years of mocking him the pretending he played a massive part in our lives when really we couldn't care less just to ease our consciounse over said mocking healing can begin <_<

It's Steve Irwin all over again.
Re: Fan Fiction
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2008, 01:30:32 am »
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Some of it is okay, some of it is bad. Mostly I wouldn't say it is terrible, but that you should get in the habit of writing your own stories instead of taking someone else's ideas.
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Re: Fan Fiction
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2008, 02:51:01 am »
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I agree with Dracon. I like to write the occasional piece of fan fic.

To all those who do not like fan fiction: This is a fan game forum. If you do not like Fan fic because it uses the ideas of others, I think you need to take a hard look at what you are participating in. Most bad things that can be said about fan fic can be said about fan games visa versa. QED.
Re: Fan Fiction
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2008, 07:15:13 am »
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ITT we discuss fan fiction, and whether it is good/legal/narratively constructive.

IMO, fan fiction sucks. All of it. I don't care if it's well written, if you write fan fiction, you are a terrible writer. You are because you cannot come up with your own unique ideas. You will never learn anything about the narrative process or gain any imagination from leeching off of someone's creative work.

As for the legality of fan fiction, I personally wouldn't want someone taking my characters and writing a fantasy where they end up !@#$% each other, but I don't think it is illegal per se.

Okay, sorry about the gravedig but I never saw this thread, and it's still on the first page.

I STRONGLY disagree with the opinion you put forward in this post. I don't write fan fiction, let me get that out of the way first. I think it's incredibly ignorant to say that writing fan fiction makes someone a terrible writer. You're essentially saying that being on the writing staff of a television show (and not being the creator of said show) takes no creativity or skill, as the idea is already there, you're just writing within someone else's vision. If I remember correctly, Knivu, you're something of a writer yourself. You're telling me you've never had the desire to explore an existing universe?

What if you thought of an idea within an existing universe that hadn't been done yet? What would you suggest someone do in that situation, create an incredibly similar (but original lolz) setting for their story? Many people would consider that less original, and such an effort would be given much less respect. Unique ideas can exist within an already established universe, just look at the comic book industry, a lot of that could be considered (professional) fan-fiction.

I've got to go, apparently. Again, sorry about the gravedig, but I really thought I should chime in here, and it was still on the first page.

Mario Kart Wii Friend Code: 4468-1342-3783
Re: Fan Fiction
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2008, 07:24:34 am »
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Racoon Boy, Tv writers make up scenarios in which the characters whom they've been assigned to are used, while a fanfic steals the other peoples ideas, and having no communication to the original creator of the series, makes them do what they want.

Anyway, most fanfictions are just Hentai with words instead of pictures.


Re: Fan Fiction
« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2008, 07:30:16 am »
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I personally hate fanfics. I think they're an abomination of writing.

I especially hate it when they try to make a relevant story ark to something and add some insanely stupid love triangle that shouldnt exist.
Re: Fan Fiction
« Reply #12 on: April 06, 2008, 07:34:37 am »
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IMO, fan fiction sucks. All of it. I don't care if it's well written, if you write fan fiction, you are a terrible writer. You are because you cannot come up with your own unique ideas. You will never learn anything about the narrative process or gain any imagination from leeching off of someone's creative work.
The same could actually be said about fan games, too, if you want to get technical about it :P

Like with fan game development, I don't pay much attention to fan fiction at all, though I do like some of the fan stories based in Classic BattleTech, Dungeons & Dragons-style settings (such as Eberron), or even those in, for example, the Star Wars universe, using original characters and trying to come up with a storyline that fits canonically with the official storyline, and remaining significant, though not so significant as to where it should affect the storylines of others or the official storyline
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Re: Fan Fiction
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2008, 10:03:51 am »
I don't care much for it, I find it pointless ::)
Re: Fan Fiction
« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2008, 01:03:49 pm »
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Depends. Games like Morrowind are just MADE for Fan Fiction, because it's got a breathing history that's rich behind it, and would take you years to achieve anything close to if you tried to reach that same level of detail by yourself. I tried once, after filling up five pages with font size 8 notes on the history of the world, it's people and what-not, I gave up.

Games like Doom and Zelda, I don't even bother reading the 'fan fiction' written for them.
Re: Fan Fiction
« Reply #15 on: April 06, 2008, 01:53:25 pm »
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Racoon Boy, Tv writers make up scenarios in which the characters whom they've been assigned to are used, while a fanfic steals the other peoples ideas, and having no communication to the original creator of the series, makes them do what they want.

Anyway, most fanfictions are just Hentai with words instead of pictures.

Oh, I understand what a TV writer's job is, and it's essentially the same as writing fan fiction. A television writer is given an existing universe with existing characters and is asked to give them a scenario within their world. Fan fiction is the same, except it's not considered canon, and they aren't being payed or asked to do it.

Fan fiction isn't stealing someone's idea, it's using someone's idea. Credit is given, and communication with the original creator isn't necessary because, as I said before, it's not canonical. Sure it's nice to ask the creator's consent, but the only time the creator should be concerned is when money is involved, or if the fan fiction is being claimed as canon.

Bad fan fiction exists, the same way bad television exists. Ultimately it's exploring another person's established ideas in a new way. I see no problem with it whatsoever.

Mario Kart Wii Friend Code: 4468-1342-3783
Re: Fan Fiction
« Reply #16 on: April 06, 2008, 09:36:16 pm »
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Racoon Boy, Tv writers make up scenarios in which the characters whom they've been assigned to are used, while a fanfic steals the other peoples ideas, and having no communication to the original creator of the series, makes them do what they want.

Anyway, most fanfictions are just Hentai with words instead of pictures.

Oh, I understand what a TV writer's job is, and it's essentially the same as writing fan fiction. A television writer is given an existing universe with existing characters and is asked to give them a scenario within their world. Fan fiction is the same, except it's not considered canon, and they aren't being payed or asked to do it.

Fan fiction isn't stealing someone's idea, it's using someone's idea. Credit is given, and communication with the original creator isn't necessary because, as I said before, it's not canonical. Sure it's nice to ask the creator's consent, but the only time the creator should be concerned is when money is involved, or if the fan fiction is being claimed as canon.

Bad fan fiction exists, the same way bad television exists. Ultimately it's exploring another person's established ideas in a new way. I see no problem with it whatsoever.

Just because they don't get paid doesn't mean there should be no communication with the original idea holder. Just like Knivu said, If I put my heart and soul into a character, then when I get on the internet I find hundreds of fanfics where my character just ends up getting !@#$%, and even just plain ones, in an alternate story, I'd be pissed off that they took my characters. TV writers are hired to put characters in scenarios, even though the scenario isn't what they'd like to see, while fan fics are mostly just people getting other peoples characters because they can't think of their own, or just they want these characters to be involved, and putting in what they want to happen.
Re: Fan Fiction
« Reply #17 on: April 13, 2008, 10:19:59 pm »
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I read a lot of fan fiction ... admittedly, mainly erotic ones, but that's not important. You might as well ask if fan games are right. Fan fiction is an art form, like fan games, that builds on an existing work.

Fan fiction based on books is normally awesome.

Films and TV shows, bit less so.

Fan fiction based on games is just wrong.
Re: Fan Fiction
« Reply #18 on: April 14, 2008, 11:56:16 am »
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I read a lot of fan fiction ... admittedly, mainly erotic ones, but that's not important. You might as well ask if fan games are right. Fan fiction is an art form, like fan games, that builds on an existing work.

Fan fiction based on books is normally awesome.

Films and TV shows, bit less so.

Fan fiction based on games is just wrong.

When you say that, do you mean it's more likely you'll find good ones, or the act itself holds less credibility?

Mario Kart Wii Friend Code: 4468-1342-3783
Re: Fan Fiction
« Reply #19 on: April 15, 2008, 03:51:58 am »
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Like with fan game development, I don't pay much attention to fan fiction at all

...Then WTF... are you doing here...? O_o
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