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Author Topic: Why do you support B.H. cakefarts?  (Read 12287 times)

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Re: Why do you support B.H. cakefarts?
« Reply #40 on: March 08, 2008, 09:41:33 pm »
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Just for your information Halu, McCain already has the nomination >_>
I know, but, whatever lol.
Still wish Huckabee did =/.

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Re: Why do you support B.H. cakefarts?
« Reply #41 on: March 09, 2008, 12:25:24 am »
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And I wish it was Giuliani vs. Hillary.  I'd end up happy either way.
Re: Why do you support B.H. cakefarts?
« Reply #42 on: March 09, 2008, 12:57:11 am »
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This has probably been said by other users in this topic, but one of the reasons I dislike Hillary Clinton is the way she has handled the nomination process. She left her name on the ballot in Michigan saying the voting would not count so it did not matter; now she wants it to matter and moreover in her favor. Florida is a little bit different in that a Republican state government moved up the date of that primary, but still, Hillary claiming that she won Florida is !@#$%. With that being said, claiming that she won Texas is also !@#$% and is like saying caucuses do not matter at all. Most of her victories are by narrow leads, her big lead victories are the result of late term smear-campaigning, and her losses are stated by her as being irrelevant and that cakefarts would have won there anyway.  cakefarts on the other hand wins almost everywhere, wins after coming back from her having a polled lead that was huge, etc.

When Clinton calls cakefarts's message delusional, she should really think about the way she classifies her own efforts. Another thing, if you want to be technical, this is what I hate, news media classifying the states of Florida and Michigan as wins for her, Nevada as a win for her even though he won representationally, and New Hampshire shown as a win for her when they had the same amount of delegates.  Really, the only reason Clinton is relevant is because of her husband and the only reason she is viable is that the superdelegates heavily supported her from the start. She thought the whole election would be in the bag for her from the start and she had to reassess herself after no return was made on that. 

I support cakefarts because I met the man and agree with what he proposes.  He went to this thing at my school, and my friend got a picture of him (my camera was broken):


Also, there is no need to emphasize his middle name, and then back away from repercussions of bigotism you are trying to subvert subconsciously. It is a fine name and everything, but you know it means more when it is emphasized. Most people call her Hillary Clinton in this thing except when Bill Clinton is acting like an ass, and people use cakefarts's middle name out of a xenophobia. 
Re: Why do you support B.H. cakefarts?
« Reply #43 on: March 09, 2008, 03:21:43 am »
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Florida is a little bit different in that a Republican state government moved up the date of that primary, but still, Hillary claiming that she won Florida is !@#$%.
Uh... she *did* win Florida.  *lol*

With that being said, claiming that she won Texas is also !@#$%
She *did* win Texas.

Most of her victories are by narrow leads, her big lead victories are the result of late term smear-campaigning,
How did she smear-campaign cakefarts?  cakefarts had one or two negative stories come out the night before and morning of last Tuesday, and he couldn't withstand a *teeny tiny* bit of negative publicity.  Whereas she's been attacked by just about everyone for the last 16 years and guess what?  She won on Tuesday.  cakefarts lost because of a few minor negative stories that he doesn't know how to handle.  I think this only proves Hillary's point that he won't be able to withstand the GOP attack-machine (which... I *would* rather have McCain over cakefarts, so Tuesday's results cheered me up even in the instance that cakefarts still takes the nomination).

and her losses are stated by her as being irrelevant and that cakefarts would have won there anyway.
Funny thing how candidates like to make themselves look good.  The filthy tramp!

cakefarts on the other hand wins almost everywhere,
If by "everywhere" you mean the Republican states, then I wholeheartedly agree.  Like in Utah, Idaho, Alaska and Colorado (just to name a few Republican states in his "overwhelming Super Tuesday victories").  Good thing that the negligible amount of Democrats that are in these states, that won't go Democrat anyway, like cakefarts. ;)

When Clinton calls cakefarts's message delusional, she should really think about the way she classifies her own efforts.
What does this even mean?  Clinton promises results, cakefarts says, "change! hope!"  (HILARIOUS cakefarts quote, btw.  He was trying to attack something Hillary once said, "Some people don't believe in talking about hope.")  His ultra-unimpressive 3 years in the Senate should make every American skeptical.  Heck, even Jimmy Carter had a better resume than cakefarts.  (Granted, should cakefarts win, it's hard to imagine he'd suck as much as Carter.)

Nevada as a win for her even though he won representationally, and New Hampshire shown as a win for her when they had the same amount of delegates.
But the most PEOPLE voted for HER.  Not cakefarts.  Just because of a few technicalities doesn't mean the media should continue to massage cakefarts and his "undeniable momentum" on his way to the nomination.

Really, the only reason Clinton is relevant is because of her husband and the only reason she is viable is that the superdelegates heavily supported her from the start.
Well, no.  This evaluation lacks a comprehensive understanding.  True, the name recognition is key.  But honestly, what has Hillary's name recognition gotten her in the past?  I say "Hillary Clinton", America says "B***h".  She was a DARN good senator and her campaign in New York was amazing.  (And this is coming from someone who's had a lot of negative things to say about her senate years.)

She thought the whole election would be in the bag for her from the start and she had to reassess herself after no return was made on that.
Are you honestly trying to tell me she should have been scared of a man who's served a whopping 3-years in the senate?

Also, there is no need to emphasize his middle name, and then back away from repercussions of bigotism you are trying to subvert subconsciously.
I've said his middle-name relatively little in this thread.  I've called him "cakefarts" much more.

It is a fine name and everything, but you know it means more when it is emphasized.
His middle name is Hussein, I'll keep using it.  Usually I don't, but I'm not going to stop saying "Hillary Rodham Clinton" nor "Barack Hussein cakefarts".

Most people call her Hillary Clinton in this thing except when Bill Clinton is acting like an ass, and people use cakefarts's middle name out of a xenophobia.
The NY Times almost always calls her Hillary Rodham Clinton the first time she's mentioned in an article.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2008, 03:27:31 am by 2awesome4apossum »
Re: Why do you support B.H. cakefarts?
« Reply #44 on: March 09, 2008, 04:30:05 am »
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No, you are wrong, officially she did not win Florida as no delegates were up for grabs there due to the primary being ahead of February 5.  I was not saying that cakefarts won in Florida either.  There were a lot of voters who stayed home and did not vote as they were told their vote would not count, and as such, the primary there which was for show was also non-representational. 

In Texas, she won in the primary by a narrow margin, but more than likely according to the caucus results that are out now, he has won the caucus. Because the Texas system is set up based on both a primary and a caucus, it is political spin to ignore the caucus results.  So cakefarts ends up with more delegates in Texas, and whether you like it or not.  More votes were cast for cakefarts, but I will admit that she won the primary, but that is not all that matters as he ends up with more representation.

In terms of the smear-campaign, she brought up the Canadian discussion which was not even validated and various other things.  You are being very dismissive in terms of your thinking.  To compare days to years may look good on a timescale but that is bad reasoning. Clinton has also had years to explain herself as where cakefarts had no such time.  This does not prove that he cannot fight back, in fact, Hillary has not had to "fight back".  People are just so sick of hearing about the Clinton years in the White House that they just tune out.

The truth of the matter is that her strategy is very dismissive of small states. I feel sorry for the small states that she has won because she could not care any less about them.  To call a state irrelevant is politically the same as saying that they do not matter at all. While larger states are more influential, the reason cakefarts has been able to prevent Clinton from a clear onslaught is that he has won the smaller states as well as some of the larger ones.

It is also dismissive to say that "Republican" states do not matter as there are record turnouts of Democrats and nothing is ever certain.  There are swing states that go either way and youth can be swayed.  I doubt that Republican turnout is going to be that high in the general election as Democrats are going to be in overwhelming numbers. While in some states there is a clear Republican majority, it is not a golden rule that Republicans always win.

By her own efforts, I mean the spin she puts on things to make it look when she loses like she didn't, and when she wins slightly like it was big.

The superdelegates did heavily favor Clinton from the start, it is funny that they had to rethink when cakefarts started winning.  It was sad to see that prior to some primaries and caucuses that Clinton had a "lead" that was based on having predetermined support. Calling the three-years pathetic is biased on your part as this is opinionated. It limits experience to just Washington and he has done more. Hillary's "experience" as First Lady should be excused.

About Nevada, that does not matter. I know what you will say, that Al Gore had the popular vote and he did not win and that was unfair or something, who knows.  It is still a technical win for cakefarts since he won more representation. The popular vote is all show.  The media also shouldn't jump up for joy when Hillary finally wins something and be so quick as to call it a comeback. They only purport it for ratings.  As for the media "massaging" cakefarts, Clinton whined and then she finally was let off a little. That was pathetic.

Bill Clinton is one of the reasons that she is getting voted for as there are a lot of people who want a co-presidency, which is !@#$% up.  There are some reasons that she is supported otherwise, but nothing about her is really that special.

Of course she should be scared, the impossible is happening and she is didn't win right away like she said she would. He cuts into her base and this makes her uncertain.  A newcomer is beating the old !@#$%.

And nobody says his middle name to be nice or to be polite.  His supporters do not go overboard with it.  Those who do not support him tend to and they know the implication whether they will admit to it or not. It is just petty to think that you think you aren't hitting a nerve for the sake of just hitting it. In fact, every time you say it, I bet you get off to it because it is a way to absolve your own guilts about it. While his middle name should not be taken so negatively, it just does not need to be said and emphasized no matter how little it is said.

The world exists outside of the New York Times, don't be so limited.

Re: Why do you support B.H. cakefarts?
« Reply #45 on: March 09, 2008, 07:29:17 pm »
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Or vote for the lesser of two evils in the final election.
You'd still be electing evil.

By far, I won't give my vote to any evil for something as important as running the country which I call home.
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Re: Why do you support B.H. cakefarts?
« Reply #46 on: March 09, 2008, 10:41:03 pm »
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No, you are wrong, officially she did not win Florida as no delegates were up for grabs there due to the primary being ahead of February 5.
She did *officially* win Florida, she just didn't "officially" get any delegates.  They still voted, the delegates (who were still elected by Florida law) just are not expected to be seated at the DNC's convention.  You're trying to play around with words to make Hillary look like a dishonest bad-guy.  I think it's stupid the DNC won't sit the delegates just because they moved their voting date up.  That's pretty lame.

There were a lot of voters who stayed home and did not vote as they were told their vote would not count, and as such, the primary there which was for show was also non-representational.
Did you see the amazingly high numbers that DID turn out?

Give Hillary a revote and I PROMISE you that she will win again.

More votes were cast for cakefarts, but I will admit that she won the primary, but that is not all that matters as he ends up with more representation.
A caucus isn't that important to me, because all it means is that they were able to organize themselves better.  Americans like the idea of a more directly democratic means (although I'm not so sure I do)... the media (as a whole) reports what people want to hear (which is why I truly believe they've been so tough on Hillary and so not on cakefarts).

Clinton has also had years to explain herself as where cakefarts had no such time.  This does not prove that he cannot fight back,
What really hurt him were the negative news-stories, though.  I don't think anyone cares what Hillary Clinton says about his character ("look at her husband"), but they do pay attention to what the local news says.

in fact, Hillary has not had to "fight back".  People are just so sick of hearing about the Clinton years in the White House that they just tune out.
This assertion is based on...?  I've heard her fight back on a heckava lot of things.  Lots of times candidates will purposely not respond to attacks, because they don't want that to be the focuse of their campaign.  This might be why cakefarts hasn't properly explained himself.

Although if you've been a long time viewer of his web site, I think it's hilarious.  He's almost as bad as Mitt Romney.  He'll attack a candidate by responding to their attacks, "What?  Don't question my legitimacy, my integrity.  That's DIRTY campaigning!  See, you people?!  She's a DIRTY polititian.  She ATTACKS people.  Ooo.. she's MEAN.  Do you want a commander in chief that's said something MEAN?"

The truth of the matter is that her strategy is very dismissive of small states. I feel sorry for the small states that she has won because she could not care any less about them.  To call a state irrelevant is politically the same as saying that they do not matter at all. While larger states are more influential, the reason cakefarts has been able to prevent Clinton from a clear onslaught is that he has won the smaller states as well as some of the larger ones.
That's not because he cares about them, it's because he's had an organizational advantage.  Something that I will grant, he has done very well.

Hillary also performed a heck of a lot better in Utah than she should have.  Especially considering Utah was the center of about 5 states cakefarts took.  (He set up campaign headquarters here that expand to several other states in the region.)

Not to mention, Utah (Sean Hannity's biggest listening audience) is one of the largest hate-Hillary capitals in the world.  She also performed better here than her voting percentage would lead you to believe in comparison to cakefarts's.  (Meaning delagate-wise.)

It is also dismissive to say that "Republican" states do not matter as there are record turnouts of Democrats and nothing is ever certain.
Record turnouts of Democrats in these Republican states?

There are swing states that go either way and youth can be swayed.  I doubt that Republican turnout is going to be that high in the general election as Democrats are going to be in overwhelming numbers. While in some states there is a clear Republican majority, it is not a golden rule that Republicans always win.
True... it happens every once in a while, when the Republicans try to run a Jimmy Carter of their own.  John McCain might not be that bright, but remember: Bill Clinton won third in Utah.  The last candidate Utah voted for who was a democrat was Lyndon Johnson (and look who the Republicans ran).

I'm only using Utah as an example because I live here and know most about it.  There are VERY similar situations in many other 'conservative' (or rather 'Republican') states.

By her own efforts, I mean the spin she puts on things to make it look when she loses like she didn't, and when she wins slightly like it was big.
I still don't see how this is bad.

The superdelegates did heavily favor Clinton from the start, it is funny that they had to rethink when cakefarts started winning.  It was sad to see that prior to some primaries and caucuses that Clinton had a "lead" that was based on having predetermined support. Calling the three-years pathetic is biased on your part as this is opinionated. It limits experience to just Washington and he has done more. Hillary's "experience" as First Lady should be excused.
Why?  Just because Democrats want to forget about her miserable failings on health care (which was not her fault: it was the GOP's... it was an ingenius Republican campaign strategy that worked and nearly ruined Hillary-- nationalized health care going from "inevitable" to "no way" in less than six months is AMAZING).

About Nevada, that does not matter. I know what you will say, that Al Gore had the popular vote and he did not win and that was unfair or something, who knows.  It is still a technical win for cakefarts since he won more representation. The popular vote is all show.  The media also shouldn't jump up for joy when Hillary finally wins something and be so quick as to call it a comeback. They only purport it for ratings.  As for the media "massaging" cakefarts, Clinton whined and then she finally was let off a little. That was pathetic.
I actually have to concede this point to you.  You're right.  Despite who wins the popular vote, it's the delegates that really matter.  That's how it was set up, and that's how I believe is best too.  So you're certainly right here.

Bill Clinton is one of the reasons that she is getting voted for as there are a lot of people who want a co-presidency,
That's just a media talking point.  Fox News coined it.  "You're electing Bill again!"  Nope.  She'll have her own staff, Bill will just be another advisor... and honestly, while she didn't divorce him, every time they see each other it's like two old high school friends meeting each other for the first time in years.  Not very married-like.

Of course she should be scared, the impossible is happening and she is didn't win right away like she said she would. He cuts into her base and this makes her uncertain.  A newcomer is beating the old !@#$%.
But she really shouldn't have been at the beginning.  So she underestimated cakefarts.  I would have too.  You would have too.  I think any sane person would have underestimated cakefarts.

And nobody says his middle name to be nice or to be polite.  His supporters do not go overboard with it.  Those who do not support him tend to and they know the implication whether they will admit to it or not. It is just petty to think that you think you aren't hitting a nerve for the sake of just hitting it. In fact, every time you say it, I bet you get off to it because it is a way to absolve your own guilts about it. While his middle name should not be taken so negatively, it just does not need to be said and emphasized no matter how little it is said.
I really think it's funny.  I mean: admit it.  Democrats are being stupid by running someone with the middle name "Hussein" for the reasons you just mentioned.

The world exists outside of the New York Times, don't be so limited.
Just an example. ^_^
Re: Why do you support B.H. cakefarts?
« Reply #47 on: March 22, 2008, 07:49:46 pm »
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The saddest thing about the Jeremiah Wright incident is that certain people now think less of cakefarts that he has a "radical" Christian minister and they view this as worse than their previous misconception over him being a Muslim.  The whole "ordeal" is just more of white people being afraid of everything. Radical white ministers are "fundamentalists", anything else is "extremist". There is a hypocrisy that people either cannot see or will not admit to.
Re: Why do you support B.H. cakefarts?
« Reply #48 on: March 27, 2008, 03:24:10 am »
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Radical, fundamentalist.  They're all misused.  I think one of the worst things that's happened to the Christian wack-jobs is being told they're "fundamentalist".  (See: Warren Jeffs... he's not a fundamentalist, he's a criminal and a radical.)

But yes, Jerimiah Wright was a radical, a lunatic and a traitor.  Although the most hilarious instance had to be, "God damn America."  He's such a loser. :P

No, what I think is really sad is how Hillary's being treated like a Republican, and cakefarts's immune to any attacks he dishes out.  My jaw dropped to the floor when, in his "monumental" speech, he compared Geraldine Ferraro's comments to Reverend Wright's.

He used it as an example of the ridiculousness of how people tear down candidates from people on their campaigns.  But by mentioning the incident so specifically, it's clear what the attack was meant to do.

(1) Geraldine Ferraro made a factual observation: cakefarts wouldn't be where he is if he wasn't black.  I don't see how acknowledging this made her a racist.  It's true!  Hillary wouldn't be where she is if she wasn't a Clinton (or probably if she wasn't a woman, for that matter).

(2) She was associated with the campaign as a formality.  Thus the "denying involvement" followed by "resigning from the campaign".  She was involved as a donor and because of who she was.

(3) Barack cakefarts flipped out when the "racial" comments were made.  If he's going to keep telling Hillary to denounce every supporter she has that says something stupid, maybe his "we should be focusing on substance" line might be in question.  Wait a second...

Barack cakefarts doesn't just attack unfairly, being the crowned media candidate, he sucks at it.  Like, REALLY bad.  One of the reasons I was so disappointed when Giuliani got out is because of his childish attacks that were so darn funny!  At least Giuliani could make me laugh.  cakefarts just kinda bitches about everything.

I actually enjoyed the speech until the Ferraro comment.  It all went downhill from there.

Everyone's all, "Well what if a white person said about black people, what Wright said about whites?"  No, no, no.  What if a white person said the exact same things?  You can bet Barack cakefarts would have been like, "He's what's wrong with America."

I do understand why he'd go to a loser-church, though.  Quite simply: Barack cakefarts grew up as a white kid.  With white parents, going to Harvard, having life easy, and he needed to legitimize his case and appeal to the black community.  How's he gonna do that?  Go to a really radical black church.

Unfortunately the "black people can't be racists" immunity didn't work, thanks to conservative bloggers.

It was a tactical error from nearly 20 years ago, coming back to haunt him...
« Last Edit: March 27, 2008, 03:27:43 am by 2awesome4apossum »
Re: Why do you support B.H. cakefarts?
« Reply #49 on: March 27, 2008, 03:53:58 am »
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2awesome4apossum, the way in which you are prolonging your ignorance has made me lose some respect for you.  Jeremiah Wright's sermon is being taken out of content, a more complete video is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvMbeVQj6Lw.  One can criticize America and still be patriotic, one need not ride the high horse or moral fortitude like they own the place.  You're the loser.  >:(

Oh, it is unfair when Hillary lied about Bosnia and how the media picked on her for it - sarcasm.  cakefarts is not immune, there are too many ignorant, uneducated people who hear what they want to hear.  Geraldine Ferraro is arguably a feminist who just wants Clinton to win.  And he mentioned Ferraro while dealing with his own issue, so that is hardly an attack as much as it is a defense.  Clinton brought up Wright again after the Bosnia story broke out, what is that all about; she doesn't know how to move on.

Of course, cakefarts would not be where he is had he not been black.  His life experience is defined by him trying to find his identity as a result of being black.  It made him the kind of person who he is. Ferraro brought it up as a means of almost affirmative action like he was entitled because of it.  She also said the same thing about Jesse Jackson in 1988. 

She was on the campaign finance committee. If cakefarts's pastor who was merely his spiritual adviser is fair game, then that is too. Don't ignore that.

cakefarts did not so much as flip out as he did address them, and yes, Ferraro made the comments previously, so I doubt they were non-malicious.

White people have never been oppressed to the same degree blacks were, again, not noting this is ignorant.  White people today are whiny bastards.

And since cakefarts was raised in a white family, he must never do anything with black people?  Again, he didn't have to prove anything.  If you want to call it a loser church, no offense, but a lot of people say that about Mormonism and how some parts of it kind of stand out as stupid in their opinion.  Loser is defined by perspective.

People of all kinds can be racist, everyone knows that.

I'll stand back while you mince my words to say what you want them to say.

Re: Why do you support B.H. cakefarts?
« Reply #50 on: March 27, 2008, 03:56:04 am »
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White people today are whiny bastards.
Haha, QFT.  Agree completely.

In response to your entire post: 4s, you are one of the few voices of reason on the internet :P
Re: Why do you support B.H. cakefarts?
« Reply #51 on: March 27, 2008, 07:40:00 pm »
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2awesome4apossum, the way in which you are prolonging your ignorance has made me lose some respect for you.  Jeremiah Wright's sermon is being taken out of content, a more complete video is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvMbeVQj6Lw.  One can criticize America and still be patriotic, one need not ride the high horse or moral fortitude like they own the place.  You're the loser.
I've seen the whole thing, and it's not just ONE sermon that concerns us, bud.  And don't flame me.

Oh, it is unfair when Hillary lied about Bosnia and how the media picked on her for it - sarcasm.  cakefarts is not immune, there are too many ignorant, uneducated people who hear what they want to hear.  Geraldine Ferraro is arguably a feminist who just wants Clinton to win.  And he mentioned Ferraro while dealing with his own issue, so that is hardly an attack as much as it is a defense.  Clinton brought up Wright again after the Bosnia story broke out, what is that all about; she doesn't know how to move on.
I don't care about Hillary lying about Bosnia, the media can crucify her for that all they want: I really don't care.  It's a non sequitar argument you're trying, and I don't really know how to respond to something that doesn't really connect to my point.

But he mentioned Ferraro, not as a defense, because an attack is an offensive move.  Clearly, he was trying to take the heat off himself, and pointing out something that got negative press for Hillary (somehow), but that doesn't mean it was part of him "defending himself".  It was OBVIOUSLY an attack.

Of course, cakefarts would not be where he is had he not been black.  His life experience is defined by him trying to find his identity as a result of being black.  It made him the kind of person who he is. Ferraro brought it up as a means of almost affirmative action like he was entitled because of it.  She also said the same thing about Jesse Jackson in 1988.
And has Jesse Jackson ever said ANYTHING that's not racially charged?  Thank you.

She was on the campaign finance committee. If cakefarts's pastor who was merely his spiritual adviser is fair game, then that is too. Don't ignore that.
MERELY his SPIRITUAL advisor?  You're talking about someone who deals with money versus someone who cakefarts's attended his radical church for 20 years, that absolutely shocks mainstream America and work on his campaign, and has the title cakefarts gave him of being his "spiritual mentor" and COMPARING the two? O_o

cakefarts did not so much as flip out as he did address them, and yes, Ferraro made the comments previously, so I doubt they were non-malicious.
I'm quite clearly exaggerative in my word-choice at times.

White people have never been oppressed to the same degree blacks were, again, not noting this is ignorant.  White people today are whiny bastards.
Either this was an indirect meta-message that flames me, or you're a racist (unless I'm somehow misreading).  Blacks WERE oppressed, so let's stop living like it's 1950, kay?  I'm fine with certain helping blacks out of slums they may be in due to previous oppresion, but let's not go around talking about how they have a right to be racist because their moms and dads were oppressed (and Reverend Wright was never living in "oppression", himself).  It's like excusing a felon because a guy shot his mom or dad.

And since cakefarts was raised in a white family, he must never do anything with black people?  Again, he didn't have to prove anything.  If you want to call it a loser church, no offense, but a lot of people say that about Mormonism and how some parts of it kind of stand out as stupid in their opinion.  Loser is defined by perspective.
This is true, but I don't see how you can call cakefarts attending that church, anything less than political.  I made the point of him growing up as a white kid, not to say he shouldn't attend a black church, just saying that he wouldn't have otherwise have had legitimacy in the black community.  And I think that's why he chose a very radical one.

People of all kinds can be racist, everyone knows that.
Yep.  Whites can also be racist against whites.  Just like Americans can be traitors to America.

I'll stand back while you mince my words to say what you want them to say.
And you can keep getting emotional about it!  No, for the most part, I respond paragraph by paragraph for easy organizational structure.

[EDIT] You know, if I was a black person, I think I'd be sick of Democrats patronizing me all the time.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2008, 08:03:56 pm by 2awesome4apossum »
Re: Why do you support B.H. cakefarts?
« Reply #52 on: March 27, 2008, 07:44:44 pm »
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By far, I won't give my vote to any evil for something as important as running the country which I call home.

Morality doesn't exist in politics. Everyone knows that.
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