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Author Topic: Zelda Fan Game Central Fan-Fiction (8/17/08 - Fourth Chapter)  (Read 31443 times)

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Re: Zelda Fan Game Central Fan-Fiction (05/5/28 ...
« Reply #120 on: July 20, 2008, 07:25:32 pm »
  • Don't Worry Sir, I'm From The Internet.
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Well, you all probably thought I abandoned this project, but I just sent the second chapter to Knivu to see if he can try and proofread it. If he doesn't well, I'll just post it up here. But don't think I'm abandoning this project (just yet). I plan to one day have it so many members can post their own stories surrounding this ZFGC mythos.
Grimace is the demiurge, the creator. From him all things in McDonaldland have sprung. He is not a sin, he's not a menu item, he's just Grimace. He exists. He rolls his lidless eyes and flaps his lipless mouth, formless and terrible, a protean idiot thing from the depths of pre-history.


Re: Zelda Fan Game Central Fan-Fiction (5/28/08 ...
« Reply #121 on: July 20, 2008, 11:54:09 pm »
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Re: Zelda Fan Game Central Fan-Fiction (5/28/08 ...
« Reply #122 on: July 21, 2008, 12:04:54 am »
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I'm glad this story didn't die off, i am excited to see how i am portrayed in it.

Dantztron 3030

Mammy's Favorite Storyteller!
Re: Zelda Fan Game Central Fan-Fiction (7/20/08 ...
« Reply #123 on: July 21, 2008, 02:33:03 am »
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I'm going to post the second chapter now for you all, since Kylink sent it to me. It will then be followed with my critique.

Chapter Two: Coup d'etat

   The blackness of night permeated throughout the fields of the Falchion nation. The moon hung low and pale against the scattered clouds as the stars shone dimly in the distance of space. Silence crept through every forest, field, and hill. A sudden tolling of a bell rang softly from the city limits of Falchion, announcing the birth of a new day. A shadow flying through the air silhouetted the moon, but became invisible as it blended into the cold night sky. The shadow flew past the fields and hills towards a red glow in the distance.

The heralding of the Oswyn factory was immediate. Harsh plumes of smoke belched into the sky by high stone chimneys erupting from the earth. A labyrinth of metal and stone curled upon the ground like an angry snake while molten steel poured through stone trenches into large tunnels. Despite the impossible, silent hour, men toiled away at carts and levers, working the industrial giants to do their bidding. What they were doing wasn’t known, soldiers guarded the entrances of most barracks, their faces illuminated by lanterns. As the fleeting shadow danced in the air, it skimmed over charcoal tattooed trees, above a craggy rock to the top of a magnificently styled architecture. It was the Holy church of Oswyn, an age old monastery, now surrounded by a filthy blackness of dust and industrialization.
The shadowy shape became more apparent as it conformed to the light of Oswyn’s upper floors. It took the form of a black bird, with a large wingspan and a twisted beak. The bird landed on a stone railing by the side of a window. With a sharp tapping, the bird signaled it’s arrival. A large man wearing a white robe opened up the glass and let the fearful creature.
“Do you have news?” The man asked.

The bird turned it’s sharp, unyielding face towards the man. As in a fit of pain, it started to shake it’s head violently. With convulsing twists, it started to writhe into the shape of a man. It panted on the ground in a terrifying manner and ended with a large groan. While breathing heavily, both hands on the floor, the bird-man pulled himself to his feet with a heavy slouch.

“Oh yes, I do, my lord.”

The white-robed man sat on a rich and stylish arm chair. “Well go on Darkjay, what is it?”

Darkjay uncannily resembled a bird in his movements, “King Andrew, he is going to start a resistance to the Oswyn church. He is going to remove the White Judges from the political office.” His large eyes focused sharply onto the old man.

“Hmm…” The statement aged him. “It is as I thought. I suppose that it is the time for us to make our move.”

Darkjay looked coldly at him, “And your promise?”

“Yes, your services have been greatly appreciated.”

The white-robed man grabbed a vial of a watery substance and handed it to Darkjay. He held it and weighed it with his hand.

Looking at it suspiciously, Darkjay nodded his head, “Alright then. I think I will be off. You will hear more of me shortly.”

Darkjay walked out of the room, seeming uncertain of his human legs. He walked swiftly out and closed the monastery door behind him. The white-robed man lent to the window and balanced himself against it. He focused his eyes to Falchion.

*       *      *

‘The Source’ by Duke August: 1:1
“In the beginning, the lord-god Infinitus came unto the world;
With his flaming arms of light, he created the universe;
The day, night, trees, flowers, and hills;
All were born as from a mother.

And to the world, he crafted his two children;
A child of beauty and love, he named this child Cronian.
The second child was one not unlike the first, he was Regulus.
Regulus was second favorite and less wise than Cronian. He was imperfect.
Through his jealousy and hatred, Regulus vowed destruction. He was a being of fury and hate.”

   Cole stared down at his book lazily, in the middle of a sunny day. He was surrounded by ten or so other nobles, all studying the literature of old. This book, The Source, was the prized jewel of literature. No one doubted its existence as reality…well, Cole did. However, there was no one who thought the same things as Cole. Most people excepted the book, did what they were told, and fulfilled the ‘natural order’. Perhaps one day a peasant could become a king, and a king could stand trial…but that wouldn’t happen any time soon.
“I would like one of you to explain the significance of this chapter.” The teacher said from his podium at the front of the scholarly party.

   As was expected, no one cared to humor the teacher. It was Cole’s time, once again, to express some knowledge in the classroom.

   â€œWell, it explains the origin of the world, good, and evil.” Cole blandly stated.

   â€œWhy, yes!” The teacher proclaimed, “Our Prince of Falchion is such a wise boy!”

This brought curt looks from the other sons of Nobles. Cole looked down as the teacher went into the mantra of knowledge that Cole didn’t care about. He was definitely curious about the origins of life, but he felt that this story seemed more like folklore than anything else. He looked down the page.

‘The Source’ by Duke August: 1:4
“Yea, Regulus swore vengeance on the tribes of man;
He brought swift and unyielding hatred in the form of the sword and lance;
Man become corrupted and fought endlessly against hordes of monsters;
O Regulus was king of man, but man would revolt.”

Cole sighed. Maybe if he could have been there in the past, he would believe this story. The teacher dismissed the class with a wave of his hand. Cole looked up and an attendant, not any different in age to him, grabbed his books and raced back to Cole’s personal study. Cole walked out of the class and saw a group of his classmates talking. As Cole approached, they looked up and walked away. Cole could command fear and respect, but only because of his name.

It was an uneventful day for Cole. Similar to almost every day. Walking in the gardens, thinking to himself, and collapsing back to his room to think about life and his chances of escape from his platinum prison. He picked up his practice sword from under his bed, and waved it around. He had taken fencing lessons, and it seemed to improve his skill a little. He looked at the hilt of the sword. It said ‘A classic Long Sword. The prize of the steel coast.’ Cole put down the sword and crawled into his bed. He picked up the Source and looked at an inscription, halfway through the book.

‘The Source’ by Duke August: 13:8
“The King of the time, he was Kylink.
Though he had royal blood, he championed for peace;
Though he was the pupil of swordsman, he abhorred weapons;
Kylink was different than his fellows.
The king ran from his castle and disguised himself as a peasant.”

   Cole smiled at this passage. It described himself so much. He muttered, “Kylink”. He felt a great connection to Kylink. His eyes slowly started to close. Cole’s breath slowed and he became at ease. In his dreams, he was a champion of peace. He was a man of the people. He was Kylink.

*       *      *

A sudden jolt woke Cole. The castle was aflame. A dream…no, this wasn’t a dream. He heard something. It was his attendant. What was he saying? Cole stared sullenly. He snapped to reality.

“Cole! C’mon! We have to hurry! The castle is under attack!” The attendant was crying.

Cole moved quickly, his heart was pounding. He looked out the window. The city was red and glowing. He hurried around a corner, towards the tower. He knew exactly where he was going. There was a hidden escape route, just by his room. The attendant fumbled with a key, and opened up a monument, pushed it aside, and exposed a long passage down through the castle. The attendant pushed Cole towards it.

“Aren’t you coming?” Cole screamed.

“Just go!”

Cole grabbed onto the ladder and went down. One rung at a time. His heart was thumping in his chest. This was it. This was the time that his father had been talking about. He quickly stopped going down the ladder, and felt in his pocket. The red stone was there. There was one thing that Cole had to do. He had to find Knives…and he couldn’t let people know he was a Prince. Everything was going so fast.

He got to the bottom of the ladder and was in a dark sewer. He felt his way forward, as dust and debris fell on him. A mad party was overhead, fighting, causing dust to rain on him. As he pushed forward, he felt grime and spider webs. Cole cried. He couldn’t help it. A life of richness and nobility weakened his resistance to the world. As he pushed forward, he saw a small beacon of light. He reached the end of the sewer and saw it blocked off by weeds and thorns. This was very far outside the castle. He pushed out of the sewer and noticed he was in an unknown part of town…a dark and wooded grove.

He sat on a stump of a tree. His life was over…but somehow, Cole felt different. He took off his jewelry and nobility clothing. He wasn’t Cole anymore. He shed his royal blood, he was now Kylink, the runaway king.
well i dont have that system and it is very hard to care about everything when you are single
Re: Zelda Fan Game Central Fan-Fiction (5/28/08 ...
« Reply #124 on: July 21, 2008, 02:43:53 am »
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Why the hell am I not in this!?


Nicely done, though. XD
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Re: Zelda Fan Game Central Fan-Fiction (5/28/08 ...
« Reply #125 on: July 21, 2008, 02:44:47 am »
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Why the hell am I not in this!?

Same, I think I'd fit in quite nicely.

I haven't read any yet though, kind of busy. Will read when not busy though.
!@#$% I lost my entire post, god dammit.
Re: Zelda Fan Game Central Fan-Fiction (5/28/08 ...
« Reply #126 on: July 21, 2008, 02:49:42 am »
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Why the hell am I not in this!?
Nicely done, though. XD
I'm sorry I must have forgot. *Rolls Eyes because everyone else asked to be in and Theforeshadower expects a way to be in miraculously without mentioning himself*.

Why the hell am I not in this!?

Same, I think I'd fit in quite nicely.

I haven't read any yet though, kind of busy. Will read when not busy though.

I hope you guys like it though, and I hope you know I was just kidding. I'll put ya'll in, do you think you would like to mention what kind of person you would like to be in the story?

Grimace is the demiurge, the creator. From him all things in McDonaldland have sprung. He is not a sin, he's not a menu item, he's just Grimace. He exists. He rolls his lidless eyes and flaps his lipless mouth, formless and terrible, a protean idiot thing from the depths of pre-history.
Re: Zelda Fan Game Central Fan-Fiction (5/28/08 ...
« Reply #127 on: July 21, 2008, 02:52:14 am »
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I really love it. I sound like an awesome character.
Re: Zelda Fan Game Central Fan-Fiction (5/28/08 ...
« Reply #128 on: July 21, 2008, 02:55:04 am »
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Why the hell am I not in this!?
Nicely done, though. XD
I'm sorry I must have forgot. *Rolls Eyes because everyone else asked to be in and Theforeshadower expects a way to be in miraculously without mentioning himself*.

Why the hell am I not in this!?

Same, I think I'd fit in quite nicely.

I haven't read any yet though, kind of busy. Will read when not busy though.

I hope you guys like it though, and I hope you know I was just kidding. I'll put ya'll in, do you think you would like to mention what kind of person you would like to be in the story?

Sneak me in and I'll make it a secret to everyone!  err I mean, I'll give you a prize.
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Re: Zelda Fan Game Central Fan-Fiction (5/28/08 ...
« Reply #129 on: July 21, 2008, 02:59:40 am »
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I am really liking this so far. I love how you've managed to create an original universe while simultaneously keeping up with ZFGC tradition.

Also, is there a connection between Cole and me? Since, you know, my name is Cole and all. (PM me the answer, if you wish.)
The very existence of flamethrowers proves that sometime, somewhere, someone thought to themselves "You know, I really want to set those people over there on fire." - George Carlin


Hear the haunting words (They'll find you alone)
lost children with no heart are crying (Turning their hearts into stone)
and you're the lost mother they're calling
Go now, run and hide (seek more than vengeance)
I hear them crying at night (your pain is their satisfaction)
outside when the planets are falling (for the rest of time)
They want to feel and know you hear them (Go now, run and hide)

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Re: Zelda Fan Game Central Fan-Fiction (5/28/08 ...
« Reply #130 on: July 21, 2008, 03:03:40 am »
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No idea, do with me as you please.
!@#$% I lost my entire post, god dammit.
Re: Zelda Fan Game Central Fan-Fiction (5/28/08 ...
« Reply #131 on: July 21, 2008, 03:05:34 am »
  • Don't Worry Sir, I'm From The Internet.
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I am really liking this so far. I love how you've managed to create an original universe while simultaneously keeping up with ZFGC tradition.

Also, is there a connection between Cole and me? Since, you know, my name is Cole and all. (PM me the answer, if you wish.)
Heh, sorry to get your hopes up, but no. That was a completely random name, well at least it has some meaning now. If anyone asks, I took it from your name.  ;)

You have a large part in the story though, both as Source and Cronian.

No idea, do with me as you please.
Okay, will do.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2008, 03:07:46 am by Kylink »
Grimace is the demiurge, the creator. From him all things in McDonaldland have sprung. He is not a sin, he's not a menu item, he's just Grimace. He exists. He rolls his lidless eyes and flaps his lipless mouth, formless and terrible, a protean idiot thing from the depths of pre-history.

Dantztron 3030

Mammy's Favorite Storyteller!
Re: Zelda Fan Game Central Fan-Fiction (7/20/08 ...
« Reply #132 on: July 21, 2008, 03:13:40 am »
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Okay, now for my critique.

Another very interesting installment! I won't make as strict corrections as last time since I think you know what I'm probably going to fix, given my last review, but I will still give some general advice.

First Scene: Oswyn Monastery
This has killer atmosphere! I love Darkjay as the bird, the monastery with all the ruin around it...it's just frickin' awesome. It's all very mysterious and foreboding. A couple things:

- "A massive architecture" is incorrect, as architecture usually refers to a style of building rather than the building itself. "Piece of architecture" or "structure" would be correct.
- I would extend Darkjay and the white-robed man's conversation, to sort of intensify the moment.
- Perhaps a short conversation between workers in the factory would help to contrast the differences in the social classes at work here?

Second Scene: Cole's Day
Good scene, though I think the classroom section has more potential. The whole "the Prince is such a bright student!" thing came across as sarcastic to me, though it obviously isn't...perhaps making the teacher a bit of a smartass might be fun? Also:

- Your description of Cole's day is nice, but somehow this section goes by a little too fast.
- By "excepted" you mean "accepted."
- It's pretty self-explanatory to the reader that Cole identifies with Kylink, which makes saying such in the text seem a little redundant. I think saying something like "Suddenly, The Source became a lot more interesting..." would be more fitting.
- I'd go into more detail about Cole's dream, as it would fit great with the parallel you've established between he and Kylink.

Third Scene: The Attack
I'd extend this sequence a little bit. Perhaps make the ladder a bit further away, or give Cole a glimpse of soldiers or anyone else in the castle and how they're reacting. Perhaps have a portrait of his father burning to add some nifty symbolism. More:

- Also, the parallel between Kylink and Cole is again very obvious here, so there's not really a need to point it out. Try a more subtle approach, like maybe saying "And as he sat there, the wind ripping through his hair, Cole had to wonder...was Kylink this scared when he ran away?"

Can't wait for the next installment!

Also, I'm moving this to the WIP board.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2008, 04:46:09 pm by Dantz »
well i dont have that system and it is very hard to care about everything when you are single
Re: Zelda Fan Game Central Fan-Fiction (5/28/08 ...
« Reply #133 on: July 21, 2008, 03:25:41 am »
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Hm... I wonder who the white robed man is...
This is really good. Keep up the good work.

It seems as though I might have a significant part! :D
Re: Zelda Fan Game Central Fan-Fiction (5/28/08 ...
« Reply #134 on: July 21, 2008, 03:34:07 am »
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Okay, now for my critique.

Another very interesting installment! I won't make as strict corrections as last time since I think you know what I'm probably going to fix, given my last review, but I will still give some general advice.

First Scene: Oswyn Monastery
This has killer atmosphere! I love Darkjay as the bird, the monastery with all the ruin around it...it's just frickin' awesome. It's all very mysterious and foreboding. A couple things:

- "A massive architecture" is incorrect, as architecture usually refers to a style of building rather than the building itself. "Piece of architecture" or "structure" would be correct.
- I would extend Darkjay and the white-robed man's conversation, to sort of intensify the moment.
- Perhaps a short conversation between workers in the factory would help to contrast the differences in the social classes at work here?

Second Scene: Cole's Day
Good scene, though I think the classroom section has more potential. The whole "the Prince is such a bright student!" thing came across as sarcastic to me, though it obviously isn't...perhaps making the teacher a bit of a smartass might be fun? Also:

- Your description of Cole's day is nice, but somehow this section goes by a little too fast.
- By "excepted" you mean "accepted."
- It's pretty self-explanatory to the reader that Cole identifies with Kylink, which makes saying such in the text seem a little redundant. I think saying something like "Suddenly, The Source became a lot more interesting..." would be more fitting.
- I'd go into more detail about Cole's dream, as it would fit great with the parallel you've established between he and Kylink.

Third Scene: The Attack
I'd extend this sequence a little bit. Perhaps make the ladder a bit further away, or give Cole a glimpse of soldiers or anyone else in the castle and how they're reacting. Perhaps have a portrait of his father burning to add some nifty symbolism. More:

- Also, the parallel between Kylink and Cole is again very obvious here, so there's not really a need to point it out. Try a more subtle approach, like maybe saying "And as he sat there, the wind ripping through his hair, Cole had to wonder...was Kylink this scared when he ran away?"

Can't wait for the next installment!

Also, I'm moving this to the WIP board.
Cool, I enjoy the assessment. I make little mistakes and wrong choices of planning, and it's good to have a second opinion to critique things. I'll try to plan out the third chapter tomorrow, and maybe have it written by next weekend. The only problem with it being in W.I.P is that that means I'll be competing with all of the different fan-games. I liked my little niche in the ideas and concepts board. Oh well, this will probably get more activity because of W.I.P. Thanks again for your critiquing!

Hm... I wonder who the white robed man is...
This is really good. Keep up the good work.

It seems as though I might have a significant part! :D
Yes, your part is coming up. All the mysteries will fall into place as the story continues...but I guarentee there will definitely be more mysteries that come up.  XD Glad you're enjoying it!

Grimace is the demiurge, the creator. From him all things in McDonaldland have sprung. He is not a sin, he's not a menu item, he's just Grimace. He exists. He rolls his lidless eyes and flaps his lipless mouth, formless and terrible, a protean idiot thing from the depths of pre-history.


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Re: Zelda Fan Game Central Fan-Fiction (7/20/08 ...
« Reply #135 on: July 21, 2008, 04:24:27 am »
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Kinda late, but I should be in this too.
~LynkW-Surrender Global
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Dantztron 3030

Mammy's Favorite Storyteller!
Re: Zelda Fan Game Central Fan-Fiction (7/20/08 ...
« Reply #136 on: July 21, 2008, 04:32:39 am »
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Well, if you're worried about WIP...perhaps a sticky might be in order at some point, since this is technically a community effort, in a way. :P
well i dont have that system and it is very hard to care about everything when you are single
Re: Zelda Fan Game Central Fan-Fiction (7/20/08 ...
« Reply #137 on: July 21, 2008, 08:08:25 am »
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Love it so far, it's really creating detailed pictures in my head :).
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Re: Zelda Fan Game Central Fan-Fiction (7/20/08 ...
« Reply #138 on: July 21, 2008, 09:19:21 pm »
  • Don't Worry Sir, I'm From The Internet.
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Kinda late, but I should be in this too.
Alright, remember guys, if you can, give a small description of what your character acts/looks. Storyline isn't necessary, the back story is pretty much provided.

Well, if you're worried about WIP...perhaps a sticky might be in order at some point, since this is technically a community effort, in a way. :P
:o Sweeeeeeeeeeeet....

Love it so far, it's really creating detailed pictures in my head :).
Thanks, it's what I have in mind...
Grimace is the demiurge, the creator. From him all things in McDonaldland have sprung. He is not a sin, he's not a menu item, he's just Grimace. He exists. He rolls his lidless eyes and flaps his lipless mouth, formless and terrible, a protean idiot thing from the depths of pre-history.


Re: Zelda Fan Game Central Fan-Fiction (7/20/08 ...
« Reply #139 on: July 21, 2008, 09:29:16 pm »
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I want to be in this too. My character's name is Bobert. He acts unassuming and carefree, and looks like an average everyday 18-year-old. However, he possesses great power but just doesn't realize it.

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I like-like it :D
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