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Author Topic: Ahem, Wally's rant topic (cont'd)  (Read 1739 times)

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Super Fighting Robot
Ahem, Wally's rant topic (cont'd)
« on: May 21, 2008, 08:42:21 am »
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Since the other topic was so rudely interrupted, I'm going to continue talking about it in this topic.

Ironic how the rant details the poor attitude of the admins, and they lock the topic that has it re-posted. (also funny how this is the feedback forum and all, but topics with feedback get locked.)

could we actually stay on topic and have a response from an admin about the rant, instead of hit and run locks on legit discussion topics?

This censorship is quite frankly !@#$%.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2008, 08:45:53 am by Swiftu »
Re: Ahem, Wally's rant topic (cont'd)
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2008, 08:50:29 am »
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The administration is going to say that the actions of one moderator do not always reflect the actions of the whole moderation staff and that it is clear that other moderators when editing do it better than the example to what the rant was about.  I know at least I did, I can attest to that, I know that there is more than me.  It is because of this that discussion about it in a public setting is not appropriate, so not all feedback warrants an response.  Sorry if this is rent-a-modding, I am just speaking from experience.

There are a lot of good points in walnut100's post but for it to be made a full-on public issue is a bit much when it is not a rampant problem.


Super Fighting Robot
Re: Ahem, Wally's rant topic (cont'd)
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2008, 08:53:17 am »
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There. I'm satisfied.
Re: Ahem, Wally's rant topic (cont'd)
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2008, 09:02:31 am »
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I don't know what the reasons were behind theforeshaodwer's removal of that entire post.

My guess would not be censorship, my assumption would be that Wally (in the opinion of the said moderator) was spamming and potentially trolling a topic. The purpose/intent of a moderator is to moderate/facilitate a topic to keep it on track. Aside from Wally's rant, it seems as if the topic was kept on track. I don't know what the post originally said, but I trust the judgmental of the moderator who made the call.

Two things I've gotta say. First off, it's totally obnoxious to edit out a post completely, strip it of all content, and leave a little note saying "You got modded! Have a nice day" when there's an option to just delete a post. Let's put on display what internet crimes a man has committed. Notice the SF2 movie topic. See how it got locked after it went into a debate on whether or not posting weeaboo was against the rules? The topic got trolled by administration, and it's really a sad thing to see.

Second off, my post had oodles of content. Just because it's in caps doesn't make it contentless. The occasional offbeat post isn't automatically pointless. Would you delete something that isn't a 5 paragraph essay? A little satire on competetive smashers and subsequently Earthbound fans isn't going to hurt anyone. If it wasn't in caps would it still have been spam/trolling? Doesn't matter what it was, now it's a troll post thanks to the way the moderation was handled. If I were to post it like this: "smhs bros players is bad bcuz they have no skills lol n earthbound is game that popular from smash" and I was a new poster with 13 year old in my profile, it would have been ignored, 99% guaranteed. There's no disruptive rule, it seems that if somebody "knows better" they should be held to a higher standard than the rest and be more formal and uptight and totally serious and flat out boring 100% of the time, because otherwise, God knows what will be filed under the dreaded s-word. If you don't appeal to the lowest common denominator, somebody might not understand something you say, so it must have absolutely no meaning. Instead, slap on a troll message and call it a day. Good call. Good call.

In a direct reply to that message:

Moderators reserve the right to remove content as they see need fit. While I am avidly against censorship of our users. We do not intentionally attempt to censor our users. The point of which we 'censor' them is the point of which something they post is rude/offensive towards another group of individuals or a third party. While I personally would have probably moderated it differently, we're 1) dealing with a new mod 2) everyone has their own moderation styles. While we have a set of moderation rules and guidelines, how moderators moderate a topic is entirely up to them.

ZFGC is does not have free speech. It will never have free speech. I'm telling you that right now, up front. We're a 100% dictatorship, I will do what I please when I please to do it as I see need fit within bound of the rules that I and my staff have created to manage this forum in. If you have an issue with it, I recommend you discontinue your membership here.

Posting in all caps is very annoying and can be considered spam and or against the rules. Again I didn't see the entire post so I can't fully judge, but Wally knows the tricks of the trade, he was an administrator here at one point or another, he gets where we're coming from. Trolling any member group isn't cool, having fun and joking around is fine, but like I said I didn't see the message, so I can't have a strong opinion without a massive bias.

Also, when I lock a topic, my intent was probably to lock the topic, not have you make another one. The purpose of this feedback forum (yes from my opinion as I did make it), is to give feedback in relation to policy, ideas, opinions regarding the forum. If you have an issue with a moderator or any other staff members, please refer it directly to me, making a dramatic issue out of the situation gets you no where. So please do not abuse the purpose and intent of this specific board.

With that said, locked.

Apparently you beat it to me. -- Also, non-staff members don't represent the forum.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2008, 09:04:07 am by Andrew »
~The Gaurdians of ZFGC~
Kirby, metallica48423, Max, Vash, walnut100
Swiftu: Re: Ahem, Wally's rant topic (cont'd)
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2008, 09:23:31 am »
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I've created a topic within the staff boards, issuing my feelings towards entire modification of a post and removing the context of a post.

This is what was stated to the staff:

Unless content in the post is blatantly offensive, it most likely does not need to be removed.

The best course of action is adding a little warning to the bottom of the post, or sending the user a private message to make note of the matter. (once we have a warning system on SMF 2.0, doing this will be much easier to manage from the moderation end).

Completely removing the content of a post, renders useless when other mods/admins need to judge the issue, to balance and check the system. Either, deleting the topic 100% or sending the user a message/issuing them a warning within the post is the best course of action.

Again, I would appreciate it if things like this were brought to my attention privately, rather than publicly, which is the reason for locking your first topic.
~The Gaurdians of ZFGC~
Kirby, metallica48423, Max, Vash, walnut100
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