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Author Topic: Hillary Clinton's Delusion  (Read 4723 times)

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Hillary Clinton's Delusion
« on: June 03, 2008, 06:10:45 am »
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I am posting this here because the board description states current events are also allowed and that this topic could break into a debate over what I am going to say.

The weakness of the defense of her last days by her, her surrogates, and her supporters has been by most accounts besides their own twisted and on the brink of irrational insanity.  One of the issues in the recent days has been Hillary Clinton's proportion of the delegates in Michigan.  Her supporter Harold Ickes claims that the decision by the Rules and Bylaws Committee was hijacking the will of those who voted for Hillary.  The solution which they do not like so much based the proportion of awarded delegates based on exit poll information.  They say that this is not fair, citing rules of fair reflection - you get what you vote for.  However, plenty of those who voted in Michigan were unable to vote for cakefarts as his name was not on the ballot.  Because of this, they voted for uncommitted.  cakefarts got all of the uncommitted proportion.  Hillary's camp says this is unfair because some of those who voted uncommitted did not intend to vote for him.  Does she not know that basically all of those others now support cakefarts so even if those others got a portion of the delegates, they would just be released to cakefarts anyway?  There are also those who voted for Clinton as that was their second choice as revealed in the exit polling.  Not to mention that this primary was not even sanctioned, so interpretation of the rules for it can be subjective.  cakefarts's camp even had the votes for a 50-50 result, but they decided to give Hillary more to keep her happy.  Guh...

She also says that she is winning the popular vote, but she does not even factor in caucus states and yet she includes some if not all islands and other figures that cannot even vote in the general election.  It is true that she has a significant amount of popular support, but really, it is no lead.

Also, her success in Puerto Rico is in some way attributable to her pandering for its statehood and the legacy of her husband there.  I will contend though that she had legitimate support there that she earned, but it was not all due to just her, and cakefarts was only there for like a day when Hillary was there for a while longer.  It also seems like the voters in Puerto Rico are a little backlogged in terms of technology, so they might not have had knowledge of cakefarts so much, so the Clinton name won the day.  She does well in places, but one could say that the sources of her strength in winning states is not her own.

Her radical supporters are also crazy in that they threaten to vote for McCain in the fall simply if they do not have their way.  They believe that cakefarts is a murderer, a terrorist, a Muslim, a radical Christian, a closet homosexual, etc.  I really think that the cakefarts camp's decision to tell their supporters not to protest was brilliant.  The Clinton radicals basically made the party establishment bend towards cakefarts as these radicals make it seem like Clinton's interest are her own and not for the good of the party.  It is sad really.  I do not agree with everything Hillary has done or believes in, but for whatever reason she seems crazy herself in a good way that likes to get stuff done.  Somehow I feel like I am like her, and this creeps me out, but then again, I compare myself to Lucifer, the guy from the Count of Monticristo, Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights, etc.

Anyway, what are your thoughts on this.  Am I wrong?  I will not know unless you voice your opinion and back it up with tasty facts.


Christ on Acid
Re: Hillary Clinton's Delusion
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2008, 06:14:07 am »
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Are you saying the Clinton is losing? Good.
~LynkW-Surrender Global
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Re: Hillary Clinton's Delusion
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2008, 06:17:54 am »
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Essentially the highest thing she can achieve now is the vice presidency, and cakefarts can non-literally tell her to !@#$% off.  She lost, but he still needs her support for the general election.  If you could though, could you add some support to you opinion on this.  Is there anything that you have witnessed that is an example of her potential lunacy?  Am I being a chauvinist? 
Re: Hillary Clinton's Delusion
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2008, 06:24:52 am »
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She doesn't seem like she would be a good vice-president. She seems like she would be a bit of an uncontrollable loose cannon (I mean she'll be second again in the white house, which she really won't like).
Re: Hillary Clinton's Delusion
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2008, 06:36:58 am »
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Personally, I do not think that she would make that great of a vice-president either, but in the scheme of things, getting all of the active Democratic voters from Hillary's side in support of the cakefarts-Clinton ticket in the general election would be a good thing.  Her campaigning on behalf of him would also be better as even cakefarts supporters could say that she would not be seen as just talking but trying to achieve something for herself as well.  Normally, I would say that a vice-president does not really determine whom one votes for in the general election, but Hillary's camp has a lot of support, both in record numbers, categorical focuses such as women, and active people who like that.  She does have a lot of baggage, but the sad thing is that cakefarts needs something that she has now and if the only way to get that is to give her something, then it is worth it.  Better than a hot dicking.

The issue with her on the ticket though is that it gives McCain two things to attack.  However, if he attacks the Clinton legacy, cakefarts could claim that he is attacking the past or something and that this is politics as usual.  Clinton's attacks on cakefarts over the primary season would also have some negation if McCain tried to use them.  If McCain tried to say that Clinton once said it, then cakefarts could claim that he is being divisive or something.

What I am getting at is that this is basing her effect on the ticket by using past metrics is failed in that there are differences which make parts of the past metrics irrelevant.  I doubt though that he will pick her though, but it really depends on how Clinton decides to quit if she does at all.   


Re: Hillary Clinton's Delusion
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2008, 06:40:38 am »
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I personally cant support any candidate who cant stay respectful during a state of the union address. If anyone's noticed; over the years, during every state of the union address she's attended, she's rolled her eyes, scoffed, and was just generally disrespectful. Whether or not you like the president is irrelevant; you still need to be respectful. If she cant be respectful, then I don't personally think she's mature enough to handle foreign affairs, or anything else involving our country.

Then again, I dislike cakefarts too. *olo I had a uncle who was one of the first American troops to go into Auschwitz and liberate the concentration camps*... !@#$% liar. That would mean his uncle served Joseph Stalin.
Re: Hillary Clinton's Delusion
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2008, 07:48:57 am »
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Well, disrespectful as it may be, it is honest, and the scrutiny under which Bush was put under was for the most part nil or nonexistent.  Personally, I think that a person such as the President should only be respected when they show respect for the office.  Bush has almost unequivocally expanded the office beyond its legal bounds even if you apply wartime executive powers.  Disrespect is often a trait of an intellectual who does not mean it and a selfish person who does.  Most of the American electorate is stupid, and those who do not vote could be worse.  Specifically looking at radical Hillary supporters, they probably just like her because she is a woman; it makes no sense to support her for her ideas and then switch to McCain whose ideas are the opposite.  I think that Hillary is a little selfish though.  Respect is something that has to be earned, it is not something that should be expected; of course, in issues of formality, giving respect is appropriate (like the State of the Union), but beyond that at least with domestic policy, it has to be earned.   

Also, cakefarts may have said Auschwitz, but Buchenwald was what the real story was.  It was not a complete lie, nor was it probably a lie at all.  There is a lot of spin in politics though, and there are also times when a candidate speaking has to say something.  At least he did not repeat it like the Bosnia story Clinton was going with for a while.


Re: Hillary Clinton's Delusion
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2008, 12:06:58 pm »
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So you say cakefarts has won this?

If cakefarts becomes president, it will definitely help America's problematic reputation. He's charismatic, young, good looking, and is very much a people's person. My guess is internationally people will start to think better of America if cakefarts gets to be president. Every country needs a leader like this, not some fuddy old guy like McCain- god forbid he gets to be president.

So yeah, cakefarts ftmfw. I can't see people going round saying "!@#$% cakefarts", either.
Gannon-banned brother.


Re: Hillary Clinton's Delusion
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2008, 08:34:04 pm »
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I honestly dont think the electoral college would let cakefarts in... no matter how many votes he gets :(

Now I'm not any more for or against cakefarts as I am hilary; I dislike all of our candidates equally, but we all know that the electoral college is sneaky...

Remember when Al Gore had more votes and Bender went in and destroyed the ballot box, making George Bush win? So the electoral college decided that Bush won by default? Yeah...
Re: Hillary Clinton's Delusion
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2008, 05:39:47 am »
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I thought that yesterday night that Clinton would have some dignity in accepting her loss, but no, she persists.  She does not have the popular vote, period.  Caucus states are avoided in this tabulation, and some of the contests she includes in her tallies for the popular vote are not even in the general election.  Her supporters are obsessed to a point of rational retardation in that they are almost blackmailing cakefarts's win by saying that they will vote for cakefarts, and Clinton still continues on.  She says that she stays in it due to her supporters, but your supporters (at least not the bulk of them) will always tell you to keep going.  If Hillary decided to back cakefarts as the nominee, her supporters for the most part would go with her opinion. 

Just for shits and giggles I went onto the Hillary Clinton website and looked at blog comments, and it is a cess pool of idiots and fanatics.  The occasional poster who would happen to be a Clinton supporter would say that she should see cakefarts as the nominee.  This person will be lambasted with comments saying that they are an idiot or a supporter of someone with no qualifications.  An cakefarts supporter possibly will also post and they will just be heckled to hell even though they are respectful.  This person will be assaulted even if he or she speaks rationally. 

Hillary continues to be more and more pathetic and a detriment to the Democratic party.  If things continue in this way, McCain will be the President due to her narcissism.  Hillary is the new bull moose.


Christ on Acid
Re: Hillary Clinton's Delusion
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2008, 05:49:09 am »
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I honestly dont think the electoral college would let cakefarts in... no matter how many votes he gets :(

Now I'm not any more for or against cakefarts as I am hilary; I dislike all of our candidates equally, but we all know that the electoral college is sneaky...

Remember when Al Gore had more votes and Bender went in and destroyed the ballot box, making George Bush win? So the electoral college decided that Bush won by default? Yeah...

Curse that collage. Hilary is going to finish Bush's systematic destruction of this country if she becmes president.
~LynkW-Surrender Global
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Re: Hillary Clinton's Delusion
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2008, 09:23:40 am »
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I hope that when cakefarts is president he tells Clinton to !@#$% off.

Dantztron 3030

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Re: Hillary Clinton's Delusion
« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2008, 09:56:55 pm »
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I hope that when cakefarts is president he tells Clinton to !@#$% off.

Contribute something wise to the discussion, or get out. I'm not kidding.
well i dont have that system and it is very hard to care about everything when you are single
Re: Hillary Clinton's Delusion
« Reply #13 on: June 04, 2008, 10:06:27 pm »
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I have to admit though that at the Israel discussion that she spoke at today, her tone and presence there gave some credibility to cakefarts's win in that she had his back on supporting Israel and basically said that him as president would be good for Israel.  I am still skeptical though.  Every time she makes it look like she will do the right thing for the party, she does the opposite soon after.  Gah.


Christ on Acid
Re: Hillary Clinton's Delusion
« Reply #14 on: June 04, 2008, 10:50:06 pm »
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Have you heard she hopes that cakefarts gets assassinated?
~LynkW-Surrender Global
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Re: Hillary Clinton's Delusion
« Reply #15 on: June 04, 2008, 10:52:52 pm »
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Have you heard she hopes that cakefarts gets assassinated?

<_< its that kind of speculation that adds an unfair bias to the candidacy. Speculation is the bane of a proper political campagn
Re: Hillary Clinton's Delusion
« Reply #16 on: June 04, 2008, 10:56:27 pm »
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She made a statement to which she did not mean that so much.  She had been saying something similar in regards to the primary seasons of the past, and that was her point.  It was a bad point to make though because the comments were controversial due to the insensitivity in them, especially after Edward Kennedy was diagnosed with a brain tumor.  Her argument about that is flawed though in that the primary season started months earlier than the past contests she was mentioning, so this nominating process was arguably drawn out.  cakefarts was quick to come out and say that he did not think she meant anything from it and that it should not be an issue, but Hillary's response to the issue itself when she received criticism for her statements was poorly done.

She should have said sorry to cakefarts or at least have taken then hit and then moved on.  You cannot skip past controversy.  Just look at cakefarts.  When controversial things came up, he eventually confronted them and for the most part they are behind him now.
Re: Hillary Clinton's Delusion
« Reply #17 on: June 04, 2008, 11:22:44 pm »
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Aww !@#$%, aww !@#$%... she finally decides to suspend her campaign and to support cakefarts.  A good day is today, lol.  Rationality finally prevails in this process, I just hope she doesn't try to blackmail her way into the VP slot.


Re: Hillary Clinton's Delusion
« Reply #18 on: June 04, 2008, 11:54:04 pm »
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XD Did I seriously just see 2 consecutive 4sword posts in the same thread!?!?!?!?!?!!??!! HE DOUBLE POSTED! ON HIS OWN XD


She suspended her campaign??? Well now... lol I didn't support her before, but I support her even less now for supporting cakefarts :p

(Anyone who knows my political stance knows that I pretty much hate everyone who's running for the presidency this time around)
Re: Hillary Clinton's Delusion
« Reply #19 on: June 05, 2008, 12:01:05 am »
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I could have sworn that there was another person's post before my last one in this topic, but even so it is an update that would not have been served by an edit as well due to the activity in other topics.  Whatever, yeah, it is what it is, but at least when I post consecutively, I do it for a good reason and I actually have content in my posts.  Arguably, it is better that I segment my posts for the eyes of those who read them. 

She is making steps to suspend and the New York Times is claiming that she will both endorse cakefarts and suspend her campaign this Friday.
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