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Author Topic: The Story of Metasis  (Read 1696 times)

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The Story of Metasis
« on: July 29, 2008, 05:06:38 am »
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Not sure if this is the proper forum for stories, but here's one I made up.

To prevent confusion, here is the character profile:
[spoiler=Profile of Metasis]Name: Metasis
Age: 30
Race: Human
Gender: Neither (explained later)
Alignment: Good
Weapon: Varies

Background (PART 1): Metasis is a being with the unique ability to shapeshift. However, he mainly takes two forms: one is male and the other is female. As Metasis can shapeshift, it can retain the appearance of agelessness. Metasis is very kind and compassionate, willing to help at the drop of a hat. It is known as Meta when in its genderless form, which is rare.

Descriptions: Metasis, as previously stated, has three main forms: male, female, and the rarely used genderless form. Following is the descriptions of each form.

The male form looks to be about 21 in age (human years) and has medium-length dark blonde hair. He is about 130 pounds and is 5'6" or about 1m, 67cm in height. He has green eyes, although there is a speck of brown in the left one. His skin color is somewhat white; it's not quite pasty-white, but not tan either. He is always seen wearing a blank gray t-shirt with black cargo pants and black tennis shoes. He occasionally wears sunglasses. He also carries around an average length sword, sheathed across his shoulder blades. He possesses average strength, and remarkable speed and reflexes. He once destroyed 100 enemies in 1 minute without being hit once. In this form, he is known as Robb.

The feminine form looks to be about 25 in age. She weighs the same as Robb and is the same height as well. She has blue eyes and always wears red lipstick and green eyeliner. Her skin color is just a bit lighter than a nice tan. She has long blonde hair that goes just past her shoulder blades. She prefers to wear it in either in a ponytail or pigtails, either of which may be braided. She has average size breasts (somewhere between B and C) and is usually seen wearing a halter top with a skirt that goes just past her knees. She also wears black stockings with black open-toed stiletto heels (about 3"). Less commonly she is seen wearing a red dress with the same heels and stockings. She is never seen on the beach in anything other than a white two-piece bikini. She carries around two 9mm pistols. Whenever someone discovers where they are concealed, it is usually their last thought. Although she possesses less strength than Robb, she makes up for it with wit and intelligence. Her magic is more powerful than Robb's, though still not as powerful as Meta's. In this form, she is known as Cynthia.

The genderless is the same height and weight as the other two main forms; this keeps it simple. Its age is difficult to determine, but for the most part looks between 18 and 50. It is bald and, when seen, is in a long white silk bathrobe. Not much else is known about this form, other than that it uses powerful magic for protection, although these spells can be used to a lesser extent by Robb and Cynthia as well. It is known as Meta in this form.

Background (PART 2): The powerful magics that Metasis uses have been lost in the mists of time; however Metasis is the last being that was taught these so he remembers them well. He only uses the most powerful ones when there is no other choice; these ones must remain a secret for they were forbidden. Its hearing and eyesight are impeccable; it can hear things whispered 50 feet away and has flawless vision. It can summon anything from anywhere; in fact that is where Cynthia gets her guns from. The summoning is one of the aforementioned forbidden magics, so that is why no one must know where the guns come from. It's true form is unknown. Other than that, nothing else is known about Metasis.[/spoiler]
Also, my character in the ZFGCFF is a slight derivative of this one. Here the story begins.
---EPISODE 1---
The hordes of enemies were surrounding him. He had but one choice, to use the forbidden magic. As he prepared to induse his blade with the powerful spell, he thought back to how this day began.
~12 hours earlier~
The alarm was going off. Groggy-eyed, Robb hit the button and stopped it. Without even thinking about it, his clothes materialized upon him. He'd done this so many times now, it was second nature. He walked over to the wall and checked the calendar. "Oh crud! Today's the big office party! Let's see... it starts at 10, and it is 9:45 right now. Not good. I need to get there quickly!" Whispering the sacred words, he imagined the secluded grove in the parking lot. Seconds later, he materialized within the brush. He was in a hurry so he ran to the door to go in when the guard stopped him. "Oh, hello, John. How are you today?" inquired Robb.
"John? How do you know my name? I have never seen you before in my life!"
"Wait you don't kno-oh," said Robb.
"Oh what? You remember something?" asked John.
"Yeah I've got to be somewhere. Nice talking to you," mumbled Robb as he sped off back towards the grove. He had remembered that he had never appeared in this form at work before. He thought about his usual appearance here, the shoes, the top, and he promptly turned into a woman. She walked back to the door.
"Oh hello Cynthia. You'd better hurry, the party is about to start!"
"Thanks John," she said, "but I think I've still got time. Say, anything happen recently."
"Yeah, as a matter of fact, some blonde haired guy just tried to get in. He even knew my name!"
"That's strange," replied Cynthia, "but I'm gonna head up now." She went inside and headed straight for the elevators.
"Okay, miss. Have a nice day!" yelled John after her, but he knew she couldn't hear him anymore.
"I can't believe I almost slipped up! That was a very close call, and I can't afford it to happen again." she thought as she headed towards her office. She sighed. She was not going to enjoy the day.

The party was over. Boring as usual, but she had to go or else she would've been fired. Her unexplained absences and her mysterious exhaustion and apathy had placed her on the cutting block. Sure, she could create a lot of things, but money wasn't one of them. If she was to keep her powers secret, she'd need to keep working and paying the bills. She walked out of sight of the cameras checked her watch. It was 5 PM. A waste of a day, she thought. She warped back to her apartment. Luckily her landlord didn't even care that she never appeared on camera going to her place, or that she vanished at times and Robb was there. Or even the elderly bald man Meta. No matter. As long as she paid the rent, Cynthia could be robbing banks and he wouldn't even care.
She was going to have to do something, she thought. She figured an hour or two at the beach would be nice. She thought about it and before she had even started casting the spell, she was in a white two-piece bikini. She went to lay down in the sand; men gawked at her beauty and women turned their noses up at her flawless figure. If only they knew this was all an illusion. She was just starting to tan when her phone began to vibrate. She checked it and saw it was a text. Her eyes went wide open when she read the message. "I KNOW ABOUT YOUR POWERS! COME TONITE @ 9 TO THE PIER AS CYNTHIA SO I CAN HAVE A LITTLE FUN!" She checked the time; 6:00. She still had three hours. She figured with this news she couldn't relax anymore so she went to the changing rooms. Not only did she change her clothes, she changed into Robb.
Robb walked out of the ladies' changing room; no one looked twice. He thought about the message. He knew he'd have to fight. If Cynthia couldn't hold them off, he'd have to take over. And even if he was about to be defeated, he hoped his hidden move was unknown to the sender. Meta was his last plan if all else failed.

He checked the time. 8:50. He was ready. Quickly he morphed into Cynthia. With that, everything was ready and she warped to the pier. She waited when a deep voice called out, "I see you're here, lady! And early too! Let's see if your cunning matches your promptness." With that a whistle was blown. She waited for the attack. But none came. She was confused and wondering what was going on when a bright flash of light appeared and blinded her for a split second. When her vision cleared she looked around and only saw black. Confused, she conjured up her guns and shot into the darkness. The bullets bounced back and almost hit her. She realized that her current outfit wasn't well suited for this, and her skirt was instantly replaced with skinny jeans, and her heels changed into tennis shoes. With that done, she ran as far as she could and ran into a wall. It wasn't like the other walls at the pier; this one was soft and rubbery. She hadn't stopped suddenly either; she had slowed down before bouncing back. She knew her guns weren't going to cut it, so she did the one thing that would help. She turned into Robb.
He unsheathed his sword. A masterful piece of work, it could cut through almost anything, and any blood that is spilled onto it instantly falls off. As such, it was as clean and sharp as they day it had been forged. Sure he could have just conjured the weapon as Cynthia, but it was too heavy for her to wield. He checked his surroundings and gauged the size of the dark bubble he was in. It wasn't that big; the diameter was about 15 or 20 feet. With that he jabbed his sword into the nearby edge and threw it. With the consistency of the bubble and the force of the throw, the blade easily followed the curve and before long the bubble was destroyed. Robb was satisfied; now to find the owner of the mysterious voice. He was about to go look when he heard a weird scraping sound. He turned around and saw that the shards of the bubble had formed into small, vicious creatures. Thousands of them. He was prepared to fight it off. He readied his blade and noticed the time. 9:40. This had taken a while already. With that, one of the beings jumped to attack and was quickly cleaved in half. Then the assault began. At first it was easy, the first ones jumped right in the path of the blade. But he was beginning to tire. They started to surround him. He was slowly being engulfed within a sea of shadows. He had one choice: to use the forbidden magic. He was ready to infuse his blade with the spell, remembering what led him to this pier, when he realized that maybe guns would help. With that, he jumped into the air and transformed into Cynthia.
She conjured her guns and started to fire at the foes below her. She was unsure how she was still airborne, but that was of no importance. She needed to concentrate on surviving right now. The enemies started to jump towards her; she shot them with ease. After a short while of this, they started backing off. She was wondering if the assault was over when she sensed a very strong foe nearby. Confused, she turned around and saw that the remaining creatures had fused into one big, ugly beast. She thought that was too easy, and prepared for the defense.

The beast started to attack. It spewed mulitple things at her, all of which were vile. She dodged them with ease. Then it tried to pummel her. A left jab, right jab, left jab, all dodged. She started to think that it was way too easy. She went to dodge another right jab and leaped right into the real attack. It had feinted a let jab@ The fact that it was this intelligent awakened her senses and she knew that she had to act quick and learn to read her foe. She tried to dodge a left jab, went low, and two tentacles grabbed her and she was trapped. She could tell that if the beast pulled her into it, all would be lost. But she couldn't escape; its grasp was too strong and it was choking her a bit. Her surroundings became a little fuzzy and she passed out.
When she came to, she saw that all was dark and she knew that it has absorbed her. She turned into Robb and unsheathed the sword. He tried to cut the body of the creature, but the blade just bounced off. He tried this at every possible angle without any luck. He knew this was the point he was hoping would never come. He'd have to become Meta. The sword was his most powerful attack in this form, and the magic was significantly weaker than when he was Cynthia, and far weaker than when he was Meta. The sword was also far stronger than any of Cynthia's attacks, physical of magical. He prepared for the transformation. He imagined a tall elderly man of 70, with long flowing robes of silken white, and a distinct lack of hair. The beast started to tremble; it was having trouble containing the powerful magic it took to become Meta. A few minutes later, the beast stopped trembling. The transformation was complete. Robb had become the great archmage Meta. He whispered a word and the beast trembled a bit. Slowly but surely the trembling increased until the beast exploded in a flash of light. It wasn't a spell of quakes that Meta had cast; it was a spell to generate light. The light had overpowered the shadow and the beast vanished out of existence. Meta went to look for the mysterious man. He had just stepped onto the pier when a figure appeared from behind him. It was the mysterious man. "I knew you had these abilities. It is such a shame that I will have to remove you so soon. Until next time.... Meta." With that the man disappeared and left Meta with many questions. He was unable to make out any distinct features on the man; just who was he? And why did the man have to defeat him? However the most pressing question was just how the man knew about Meta's powers. If he knew about Metasis, the combined strength of all his forms, then all could be lost. His first hope had been dashed; the man had known about Meta. But no one knew about Metasis. Even Meta was unsure about the true power of Metasis; he had never needed to become Metasis. He hoped that he wouldn't need to by the end of this. He warped back home, and decided to sleep as Cynthia tonight. He morphed into her, put on a nightie, and she fell asleep quickly. Her last thought before falling asleep was, "Thank god tomorrow is Saturday."

Well? Thoughts?

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I like-like it :D
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Christ on Acid
Re: The Story of Metasis
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2008, 09:49:48 pm »
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Im impatient, so is this just a story or will this become a game?
~LynkW-Surrender Global
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Re: The Story of Metasis
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2008, 09:55:41 pm »
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Just a story, though it may be game in the distant future. Right now, just a story. Also, it was moved here so meh.

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Quote from: Mamoruanime
I like-like it :D
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