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Author Topic: Have you ever had a feeling like...  (Read 1428 times)

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Hero of Fire
Have you ever had a feeling like...
« on: August 28, 2008, 08:02:08 am »
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It's like... really hard to explain.

Sometimes I'm looking at a person I've known for ages and ages but never really that well, and as I'm looking at their face, I kind of see that person for the first time. It's like, I'm looking a their face and it looks completely different to me, completely new. And then this feeling sort of sweeps over me regarding that person's life, and what kind of person they are, how they interact with other people... it's like a flashback, but I'm not actually remembering anything... I'm seeing them in the present?

I have this feeling all the time. It's really difficult to explain and I don't know if I have succeeded. My friend has these feelings too, so I assume it happens to a fair few people, like deja vu. I'm just curious as to why it's such an accepted thing, and no one has ever really talked about it before.

Re: Have you ever had a feeling like...
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2008, 08:13:49 am »
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Yeah, I've had that feeling before too. I suppose that when you find things out about people that you never really knew, you see them in a different light.
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Re: Have you ever had a feeling like...
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2008, 08:18:03 am »
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My mind is awesome.  The people I like in real life, whenever they are around, no matter how many people are in the crowd or around them, I can quickly identify where they are as my mind recalls information about them and what has happened with them previously.  I also seem to notice people when they are looking at me - I like to think that this is due to the sensitivity of my retinas as I am able to detect slightly weak light sources and tell them apart easily from the main ones.

I also do the thing you mentioned, but more often around how I interacted in the past with them and hypothetical present days of what could have been had I interacted differently.  My mind can really do a lot though, so coming up with likely, probable present scenarios would not be that difficult and choosing to forget those I would rather not have known would not be that difficult either.  What you said is accepted because it is normal.  Really, you see a lot more personality when you focus on the face; me, I am dying, that is my personality.  


Hero of Fire
Re: Have you ever had a feeling like...
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2008, 11:26:38 am »
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Hence the ghost in your avatar.

Re: Have you ever had a feeling like...
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2008, 11:48:30 am »
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Hmm...can't say I've ever felt like a person looked totally different, but I don't tend to notice people's features anyway...

You know, people say they can read faces and the faces betray a persons real emotions, which is actually very much true, but it only lasts sometimes mere split seconds (meaning you need training or a camera with a very high FPS to see it). When a person being interviewed realises the police know more than before, he'll feel fear, and for roughly 1/25th of a second it'll appear on his face before he hides it. If the interviewer blinks, he'd miss it.

Our hands, our body language, betray more transparently our true feelings than our face does. For example, people often use their hands to help them explain something, often without realising they are doing it. If a friend of yours was explaining that he found a wallet, and you noticed that he was miming out the actions of picking it up with his hands, and of riffling through it, and when he said "I got rid of it", he half-mimed putting it into his coat pocket and not throwing it away (as he implied), it would make me suspect he actually pocketed the wallet, and I'd try to bring up in a non-confronting way whether or not he did pocket it.

Lies are even more fascinating, because of the misconceptions. I used to do a trick which went as followed:
I'd ask a person to think of a house I wouldn't know, it could be their house or anyone else's, as long as I wouldn't know it. I'd then tell them I was going to ask them three questions about the house:
1) The Number of the House
2) The colour of the front door of the House
3) The colour of the curtains in one of the rooms in the house
And they had to lie about one of these.

Now, for each question I'd observe the person's body language, their face, their hands etc, and afterwards I'd try to guess which one they were lying about. Now, if I was just guessing I'd probably hit the right answer about 1/3rd of the time, I've never been wrong. Of course, once I do this trick everyone there knows what I'm looking for and I can't do it with any of them ever again, so it isn't something I do a lot.

I've actually find most of the time the eyes give them away, because one of the greatest misconceptions about a lie is that you break eye-contact when telling one. !@#$%. People break eye-contact all the time whilst talking. This error is so ingrained in people that when lying, they often unnaturally maintain eye-contact.

Other times it's a slight nod of the head (or the lack of a nod), or some other subtle sign that gives them away. This trick is also great because it makes people afraid of lying to you ;)

Anyway, yeah, went on a bit of a ramble there. I hope it's legible.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2008, 11:51:08 am by TheDarkJay »
Re: Have you ever had a feeling like...
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2008, 03:13:25 pm »
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I get that sometimes Hoffy. I have a friend called Luanne who I've known for years, but never been especially close to. One day we were having an normal, standard conversation and she just said something, which wasn't a big revelation, and wasn't somehow showing her character, but she just suddenly seemed different, and nothing had actually changed. Its happened a few times with various people.

And DarkJay, I've done games like that where I've asked friends to list three things in their parents bedroom, lying about one and I often can name the one their lying about. It's all about their body language.

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