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Author Topic: Serving sizes are !@#$% stupid...  (Read 7634 times)

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Re: Serving sizes are !@#$% stupid...
« Reply #20 on: September 26, 2008, 12:33:56 am »
  • 虫めづる姫君
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Energy drinks are bad for you all around.

Not true, if you are doing high-performance activity Energy drinks are fine.

Energy drinks are full of caffeine, and caffeine dehydrates you.  That is terrible for "high-performance activity".  Energy drinks are basically for people who play video games for three days straight, and maybe truck drivers.
Re: Serving sizes are !@#$% stupid...
« Reply #21 on: September 26, 2008, 12:46:08 am »
  • Wooper Don't Give a !@#$%
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So yeah they are going to be messed up for the average person who takes in an average of 3,000 calories.

Thing is though, your average person isn't supposed to be eating 3k calories a day. Only people exercising an hour or more a day. Once you get to more it'll usually spike exponentially, guys like Michael Phelps eat 12k calories a day. I eat like 5-6k a day with all the snacks I eat, but I work out 4-5 hours a day, six days a week. It depends on intensity of workouts and time honestly. Your average male should probably be eating around 2k calories a day, maybe 2.5k at most. Knock women down 1k. That's why they base it off of 2000 calorie diet. Serving sizes are put in place because those kind of foods aren't meant to be eaten in one go. The ideal diet is percentage based. You want mostly carbs, grains and the like, followed by fruits and veggies, dairy, meats, and other. Fish are great to eat. The nutritionists here say that daily supplement vitamins are kinda bad for you, they'll sap your energy and will give you less nutrients than actual food would. Really only a good substitute if you're on a diet... But yeah, Pedlya, watch Supersize Me. That movie didn't bug me in the slightest but it was very informative. Also when you watch it keep in mind that McDonalds is preparing their food differently now, they're using different kinds of oils when they fry their stuff.

Not true, if you are doing high-performance activity Energy drinks are fine.

Energy drinks are banned in the NCAA, if your urine content is too saturated with caffeine you're inelligible. They're really !@#$% for you anyway, if you need the energy, get a good night's sleep (Easier said than done sometimes) and eat plenty of food. Seriously, health crusaders make food sound bad, but it's more about what you eat in relation to what you eat than what you eat that makes a difference, ya know?

Other fun facts, a grande Starbucks coffee has the caffeine concentration of six Mountain Dews. It surpasses your recommended maximum caffeine intake per day, clocking in at 350 mg, where most experts say you should have 340 at the most.

Muscle burns fat really quickly. The best way to lose weight is to lift weights. You'll gain weight in muscle but you'll lose fat and just be in general better shape. It'll also speed up your metabolism.

Eating a whole box of cheez-its... somehow I'm not understanding how 26 cheez-its is an unreasonable amount. A whole box seems like just being a pig in my opinion.

I don't know much about Cheez-Its but I'd imagine 26 of those suckers is like stuffing a McDonalds cheeseburger in your mouth. They're filled with saturated fats and sodium. BTW excess sodium is bad for you.

It looks a lot better if the food looks healthier, even though they are not giving an accurate representation of what someone would actually eat.

Fat people's an international epidemic, and its caused by both the food industry and people themselves. If people would get off their asses and go to the gym, they'd be able to eat like they do now. Unfortunately, a lot of tasty foods are designed just for that. They want you to taste good and feel good, by destroying your innards and making you feel bad in the long run, all for a quick buck. McDonalds having salads that are worse for you than Quarter Pounders is a testament to that.

Well, that's the reason serving sizes are so small; the foods you eat are !@#$% and they want you to eat as little as possible.  When something is that high in calories; they're not going to recommend that you eat an assload of it.

That's a mistake a lot of people make. You need to find balance in your food above anything. Calories by themselves are a useless number. If you're intaking too much sodium but are right on the money on calories, you're still eating unhealthy.

Well, Irish people have potatoes to eat, and Belgians tend to eat a lot of eggs.

Eggs are pretty much amazing for you. Just watch out for cholesterol. Great source of protein, better than beef. Also, don't overdo protein. At most protein sources should be about 20% of your diet. And potatos are useless, empty carbs. That's why Ireland had that famine problem years ago.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2008, 01:00:32 am by walnut100 »
ROLL TIDE WHAT? **** YOU!!! Geaux Tiga

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Re: Serving sizes are !@#$% stupid...
« Reply #22 on: September 26, 2008, 12:58:38 am »
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Energy drinks are bad for you all around.

Not true, if you are doing high-performance activity Energy drinks are fine.

Energy drinks are full of caffeine, and caffeine dehydrates you.  That is terrible for "high-performance activity".  Energy drinks are basically for people who play video games for three days straight, and maybe truck drivers.

That's why you have energy drinks with water.

Not true, if you are doing high-performance activity Energy drinks are fine.

Energy drinks are banned in the NCAA, if your urine content is too saturated with caffeine you're inelligible. They're really !@#$% for you anyway, if you need the energy, get a good night's sleep (Easier said than done sometimes) and eat plenty of food. Seriously, health crusaders make food sound bad, but it's more about what you eat in relation to what you eat than what you eat that makes a difference, ya know?

Because after a 2Km rowing race I can really just go to sleep or have a whole heap of food readily available for me. People who do high-performance physical activity will need energy as quick as they can get it, energy drinks can provide that.
Re: Serving sizes are !@#$% stupid...
« Reply #23 on: September 26, 2008, 01:03:38 am »
  • Wooper Don't Give a !@#$%
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You're not a true athlete if you think that energy drinks are really going to help you out more than they hinder you in a competition. Think about it. Those things are LOADED with sugars. You'll get about five minutes of caffeine buzz, then you'll lose your body's salts and water in no time flat, not to mention the sugar crash. From there you're up a creek because you were stupid enough to drink a Red Bull before competition.

And what the flying !@#$% do you think you're doing not sleeping before competition? That should be common sense, get as much sleep as possible before you race. Doesn't matter what your schedule looks like, if you're serious about it, you'll make time the night before, preferably three or more nights in advance, to get a solid 8 hours of sleep. Food is going to be your primary source of energy. Red Bull's just a cop out that hurts you in the long run.
ROLL TIDE WHAT? **** YOU!!! Geaux Tiga

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Re: Serving sizes are !@#$% stupid...
« Reply #24 on: September 26, 2008, 01:12:02 am »
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got no idea how many calories I take in each day.
I usually skip breakfast, have a nice sandwich or two for lunch, and if I'm working that night have something !@#$% like a pizza, if at home I'll have a much better meal.
then during the night I'll have something shitty like shapes which I assume are the NZ equivalent of cheezits.
I also drink around a liter of soda each day.. well, some days I'll just drink water, some days juice etc.. at least I've given up caffeine 100%

I do at least half an hour every day lifting weights and doing sit-ups.

What I really need is an onscreen HUD for my life so I can get an accurate real time measurement of my fitness, etc
Re: Serving sizes are !@#$% stupid...
« Reply #25 on: September 26, 2008, 01:14:48 am »
  • Wooper Don't Give a !@#$%
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^ Yeah, seriously, it'd make life easier. The little nutrition things on the boxes are really too complex for 99% of people to understand, as evidenced by this topic. Hell, I don't pay attention to them. It's just there to make legislators happy and give power users information about what they're eating. I'm all for them being there but they ARE fairly confusing.

Also, this is the wrong forum :P Moving to Off-Topic.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2008, 01:16:24 am by walnut100 »
ROLL TIDE WHAT? **** YOU!!! Geaux Tiga

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Re: Serving sizes are !@#$% stupid...
« Reply #26 on: September 26, 2008, 01:31:49 am »
  • 虫めづる姫君
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Calories by themselves are a useless number. If you're intaking too much sodium but are right on the money on calories, you're still eating unhealthy.

I understand that nutrients are extremely important to pay attention to, but regulating your caloric intake is equally important.  Excess energy is what builds up fat in your body.  And I know that the number of calories alone is not enough, you need certain amounts of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.
Re: Serving sizes are !@#$% stupid...
« Reply #27 on: September 26, 2008, 01:51:36 am »
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All I'm saying is if, say for example, you end up with too much sodium, its worse for you than getting slightly too many calories in your system and getting the right amount of sodium. Most people don't even know what a calorie is and just say "Oh I'm counting calories." Which based off of your first post, is the pitfall I'm assuming you were falling into.
ROLL TIDE WHAT? **** YOU!!! Geaux Tiga

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Re: Serving sizes are !@#$% stupid...
« Reply #28 on: September 26, 2008, 01:52:18 am »
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I've cut down on pretty much all the bad food. I don't snack far as much as I did before.

Also I don't eat meat which i know is just as bad as eating to much meat, but at least I'm not a vegan.
Re: Serving sizes are !@#$% stupid...
« Reply #29 on: September 26, 2008, 02:23:04 am »
  • 虫めづる姫君
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All I'm saying is if, say for example, you end up with too much sodium, its worse for you than getting slightly too many calories in your system and getting the right amount of sodium. Most people don't even know what a calorie is and just say "Oh I'm counting calories." Which based off of your first post, is the pitfall I'm assuming you were falling into.

Oh, I know everything I need to about nutrition.  I'm quite obsessed, if that wasn't obvious.  And I'm not the type of person who diets obsessively without knowing what they're doing—I make sure I'm healthy.
Re: Serving sizes are !@#$% stupid...
« Reply #30 on: September 26, 2008, 04:25:55 am »
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You're not a true athlete if you think that energy drinks are really going to help you out more than they hinder you in a competition. Think about it. Those things are LOADED with sugars. You'll get about five minutes of caffeine buzz, then you'll lose your body's salts and water in no time flat, not to mention the sugar crash. From there you're up a creek because you were stupid enough to drink a Red Bull before competition.

And what the flying !@#$% do you think you're doing not sleeping before competition? That should be common sense, get as much sleep as possible before you race. Doesn't matter what your schedule looks like, if you're serious about it, you'll make time the night before, preferably three or more nights in advance, to get a solid 8 hours of sleep. Food is going to be your primary source of energy. Red Bull's just a cop out that hurts you in the long run.

Oh... you're talking about red-bull and thopse sorts of drinks, no, I don't like those, I'm talking about things such as powerade and gatorade etc. And what do you mean not sleeping before the competition? I never said anything like that. I'm saying after you do a race of any sort you're bloody tired and what are you going to do if you have another race in a couple hours or so? Go home and sleep? Go eat a lot of food? No, the best way to regain your energy is with drinks such as powerade etc.
Re: Serving sizes are !@#$% stupid...
« Reply #31 on: September 26, 2008, 03:50:55 pm »
  • Wooper Don't Give a !@#$%
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Ohhh... rofl... Those aren't really energy drinks, they're just Gatorade :P Great for replenishing salts. Drink plenty of water with it though, yeah. I thought you meant Red Bulls, and I was going off on you because quite frankly, trying to compete on a Red Bull is pretty crazy and stupid. Yeah, if you've got only a few hours, do a long warm down, get some fluids back in your system, eat a snack, and then get ready for your next competition ;o
ROLL TIDE WHAT? **** YOU!!! Geaux Tiga

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Re: Serving sizes are !@#$% stupid...
« Reply #32 on: September 26, 2008, 04:22:31 pm »
  • 虫めづる姫君
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Gatorade is considerd a "sports beverage".  Yeah, not the same as an energy drink.  O:
Re: Serving sizes are !@#$% stupid...
« Reply #33 on: September 26, 2008, 04:32:17 pm »
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Does anyone else here have immense trouble eating after waking up? Seriously, I feel like I'm going to be sick if I eat up to like two hours after waking up, and I don't usually have breakfast until noon (if at all).
Re: Serving sizes are !@#$% stupid...
« Reply #34 on: September 26, 2008, 09:47:26 pm »
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Does anyone else here have immense trouble eating after waking up? Seriously, I feel like I'm going to be sick if I eat up to like two hours after waking up, and I don't usually have breakfast until noon (if at all).
Yeah me too, usually.
Now that I think about it, I raaarely eat breakfast, maybe once each 3 months or something. o.O
I do eat something at school though. Like I wake up at 7 and eat at 10.

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Re: Serving sizes are !@#$% stupid...
« Reply #35 on: September 26, 2008, 10:05:33 pm »
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Well, yeah, I tend to pick up a wrap, drink and dessert from Boots chemist or go to the local gas station and buy a Samosa (either lamp, chicken or vegetable), flapjack and drink. That's usually somewhere between 11:10am and 1:00pm...but breakfast in and of itself is often missed.


Re: Serving sizes are !@#$% stupid...
« Reply #36 on: September 26, 2008, 10:22:17 pm »
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5 days a week I go to the butchers and get myself a sausage sandwich!
Gannon-banned brother.


Re: Serving sizes are !@#$% stupid...
« Reply #37 on: October 02, 2008, 07:57:58 pm »
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I think this is true. Serving sizes in this day and age are too small. You need saran wrap and ziploc baggies, and lots of them, if you're going to follow the serving sizes. Also, beverage serving sizes are 8 ounces. Really? When I have yet to see a cup that is 8 oz? The smallest I've seen is 13 oz. Still, ridiculous (and some of this may have been said, but I'm too lazy to read the entire topic)

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Re: Serving sizes are !@#$% stupid...
« Reply #38 on: October 02, 2008, 08:00:40 pm »
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Does anyone else here have immense trouble eating after waking up? Seriously, I feel like I'm going to be sick if I eat up to like two hours after waking up, and I don't usually have breakfast until noon (if at all).
Yeah me too, usually.
Now that I think about it, I raaarely eat breakfast, maybe once each 3 months or something. o.O
I do eat something at school though. Like I wake up at 7 and eat at 10.

eh? I ALWAYS wake up hungry! (unless I'm nervous for something)
but I usually dont eat much in the morning cos of time constraints and because there's not much really to have, but I always do have breakfast, as like I just said, many many hours without food leaves me with a very empty stomach :P
Re: Serving sizes are !@#$% stupid...
« Reply #39 on: October 02, 2008, 08:04:30 pm »
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Does anyone else here have immense trouble eating after waking up? Seriously, I feel like I'm going to be sick if I eat up to like two hours after waking up, and I don't usually have breakfast until noon (if at all).
Yeah me too, usually.
Now that I think about it, I raaarely eat breakfast, maybe once each 3 months or something. o.O
I do eat something at school though. Like I wake up at 7 and eat at 10.

eh? I ALWAYS wake up hungry! (unless I'm nervous for something)
but I usually dont eat much in the morning cos of time constraints and because there's not much really to have, but I always do have breakfast, as like I just said, many many hours without food leaves me with a very empty stomach :P

Well, I just can't. I am hungry, but I feel like I will throw up if I eat something, I can probably drink some juice or something, which is what I usually do. I force myself these days though, french toasts ftw :P. I know breakfast is important and I should wake up earlier to eat.

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