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Author Topic: Is President Bush a good president?  (Read 13576 times)

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Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #60 on: May 24, 2006, 09:11:29 pm »
Even if we stopped emitting ALL co2 emmissions NOW (which wouldn't be possible, we wouldn't be able to exhale XD), We wouldn't see the effects for 50 years or so.

And there is technology out there that companies and/or the government ignore... For example, there is a machine that can take in co2 and store it, not letting it get into the atmosphere... But nobody has taken advantage of these machines.

Also we need F-Bombing electric cars in america ;)

Also NUCLEAR POWER would be the best way to cut co2 emissions... There is almost no danger these days, and it doesnt pollute.  Great way, but people always think of nuclear things as 'evil' XD

The problem with nuclear power is disposing of the waste (it remains radioactive for a long time), but then I guess you could fire it into space, and that it's a limited resource, like fossil fuels. Eventually, it'll all be used up, and all the nuclear power stations will be useless.


Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #61 on: May 24, 2006, 09:13:34 pm »
Yes, but it doesnt release co2.  And it is better for the environment in general.


Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #62 on: May 24, 2006, 09:18:12 pm »
Yes, but it doesnt release co2.  And it is better for the environment in general.

Wow. I never knew massive amounts of radiation were good for the environment! Thank you for educating me, Limey!

There are plenty of other ways of getting energy that don't release CO2, and most of aren't so dependent on a non-recyclable, finite resource.


Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #63 on: May 24, 2006, 09:23:39 pm »
Nuclear radiation doesnt really effect the environment, just people.  But there is a certain level of radiation human bodies can take. 


Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #64 on: May 24, 2006, 09:26:47 pm »
Nuclear radiation doesnt really effect the environment, just people.  But there is a certain level of radiation human bodies can take. 


That's the stupidest thing I've heard all day.

Why does it affect people? It ionises atoms in cells, causing problems, such as cell degradation, poisoning and mutation

What do you think it does to other living things, Limey?


kthxbai. ^_^


Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #65 on: May 24, 2006, 09:29:25 pm »
I know what nuclear radiation does, I did a whole project on it.  When I say 'the environment', i mean 'the environment' in the same sense as with Co2;  Our earths atmosphere, plants, etc.  I'm not talking about animals.  I dont give a !@#$% about mutated or dead animals ;)


Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #66 on: May 24, 2006, 09:34:44 pm »
I know what nuclear radiation does, I did a whole project on it.  When I say 'the environment', i mean 'the environment' in the same sense as with Co2;  Our earths atmosphere, plants, etc.  I'm not talking about animals.  I dont give a Fecal matter about mutated or dead animals ;)

Oh, pray tell, why not?

Oh, and you mentionned plants - plants are affected by radiation, in the exact same way as every other living thing.

'Cos, y'know, living things are our food sources (amongst other things). That's a pretty reason to give a !@#$%.

Besides, radiation does affect the atmosphere (through ionisation). Sure, it's pretty minor, but it does happen.

Either way, you've got to store it somewhere; where would you suggest? It'll become a big problem eventually; thousands of tons of "used" radioactive material, and not being able to do anything with it. It becomes a big liability - people's health, terrorists, etc? Any of these ring a bell?


Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #67 on: May 24, 2006, 10:19:01 pm »
OMG we make CO2?!? Gasp! Oh, wait, the amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere have been changing for millions of years... granted pollution does accelerate the natural process a bit (not much) and pollution should be cut down, I think that insisting the whole issue be handled by other people is a bit ridiculous.
The estimates are that the atmosphere will be back to normal in a matter of a century or two.

If the Bush doesn't think that it is the most important thing, and the American people elect him anyway, I think it is obvious that it can't be the most important thing. Seriously, haven't you noticed that the world has been getting warmer since, oh, say the last ice age? What was that, anyway? Global cooling?
Rofl, you reminded me of that movie "The Day After Tomorrow" :P

TRUE STORY! :D (rofl)

The morons in New Orleans were told to evacuate and many decided not to evacuate. Is that anyone's fault but the people of New Orleans?  No.
Which is another point that I'd like to bring up: we can't force them to be smart about hurricane ;)

I'm just going to say that in the modern world there is no such thing as being poor because your parents were poor. There are so many opportunities in this nation that if you are poor it is because of your own failures (or in some cases because you are lazy)
Well, the problem is: education.  Which is why we need education reform.  In the meantime I'm for educational vouchers (although I really wish we had an alternate solution from that).  At the same rate, taking the man out of "the ghetto" isn't gonna do any good unless you take "the ghetto" out of the man.

And that is very true Limey, perhaps that is why now there is talk of reorganizing/replacing FEMA...
And an excellent idea it is, too!

The economy can wait; it's never too late to pick it back up again. Look at the Wall Street Crash; look at the South Sea Shipping crisis; look at China, look at Russia, look at Germany. It's never too late to repair economical damage, but the environment is a completely different matter. We don't know if it's even possible to revert at all
Well, science says that the atmosphere can repair itself.  And that's the direction it's headed ^_^

For now we just need to concentrate on becoming independent from the middle east for oil, and develop alternative energy resources.

Didn't have a say over it?...he's the president.
Use your common sense!  Didn't you take a history and/or government class?  I guess it's probably possible for him to use an outrageous amount of power to overule local and state forms of government, etc.  Is that what you're wanting?
Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #68 on: May 25, 2006, 02:50:20 am »
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Good point about poverty. You can't get a job without experience, and you can't get experience without a job. Funny how the world works.


Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #69 on: May 25, 2006, 02:53:00 am »
Good point about poverty. You can't get a job without experience, and you can't get experience without a job. Funny how the world works.
Well, to be quite honest, the class system rules America.  However, we have equal opportunity to an extent... you just need to have a good education, and that's what our responsibility should be to provide.
Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #70 on: May 25, 2006, 02:59:52 am »
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Which is true. Poverty causes poor education. It is somewhat of a vicious cycle.


Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #71 on: May 25, 2006, 08:52:38 am »
The economy can wait; it's never too late to pick it back up again. Look at the Wall Street Crash; look at the South Sea Shipping crisis; look at China, look at Russia, look at Germany. It's never too late to repair economical damage, but the environment is a completely different matter. We don't know if it's even possible to revert at all
Well, science says that the atmosphere can repair itself.  And that's the direction it's headed ^_^

We don't know if that's true, because we haven't seen it in effect. There may be ohter consequences. Besides, you're the one saying science isn't always right.

I heard you mention "a century or two" a while back. All the extra CO2? Do you know how long it took to release? About a century or two, but the vast majority within the last hundred years. Either way, for it to get back to what it was, there will need to be a VAST curtailing of CO2 pollution, which doesn't look likely with the way the US is going.

For now we just need to concentrate on becoming independent from the middle east for oil, and develop alternative energy resources.

I agree with the second one, but not the first one. Regardless of whether or not oil is being used for energy, it's a vital resource to make plastics (among other things). If countries don't trade with the Middle East for oil, what do they have left to trade? Oh, what's that? Nothing. Yeah, and then they'll be in deep !@#$%.


Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #72 on: May 25, 2006, 08:54:59 pm »
We don't know if that's true, because we haven't seen it in effect.
Yes we have!  We know how the chemical reactions will work ;)

Besides, you're the one saying science isn't always right.

Either way, for it to get back to what it was, there will need to be a VAST curtailing of CO2 pollution, which doesn't look likely with the way the US is going.
CO2 isn't the biggest problem for the atmosphere... it's all those (crap, I forgot what they were called, but refridgerators released them, same with airsol cans before they were banned in the US and most developed countries) chemicals that are still being released in undeveloped and developing countries.

If countries don't trade with the Middle East for oil, what do they have left to trade?
So we should sit here and be taking Iran's threats?  No, let's go drill in the ANWR and Uinta's.  Certainly there's no way to become 100% independent, and this won't get us anywhere near that, but it's a step in the right direction.


Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #73 on: May 25, 2006, 09:13:03 pm »
chloroflorocarbons or CFCs... that is what you are thinking of...

I would also like to add that we know the amount of CO2 will come down because it has in the past. You do realize that there was a period in Earth's life that the atmosphere was mostly CO2?


Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #74 on: May 25, 2006, 09:50:37 pm »
chloroflorocarbons or CFCs... that is what you are thinking of...
You'd think that I'd know that, because my proffesor just showed us a documentary dedicated to the purpose of educating us on CFCs.  Rofl.

I would also like to add that we know the amount of CO2 will come down because it has in the past. You do realize that there was a period in Earth's life that the atmosphere was mostly CO2?
I also believe that it was uninhabital at the time.


Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #75 on: May 26, 2006, 12:40:18 am »
Well, that depends on your definition of uninhabitable. There was definitely life on the earth at that point and plants began to flourish as they had a virtually unlimited supply of CO2 to photosynthesize with. Naturally, if our great planet can bring those levels down, it is perfectly capable of bringing the current levels down.


Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #76 on: May 26, 2006, 12:44:57 am »
The plants dont' really bring the level down though.  Overall each year there is an average increase, yet the range of co2 does fluctuate up and down rapidly because of plants.  (Much smaller than the general rise)


Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #77 on: May 26, 2006, 12:45:34 am »
Well, that depends on your definition of uninhabitable. There was definitely life on the earth at that point and plants began to flourish as they had a virtually unlimited supply of CO2 to photosynthesize with. Naturally, if our great planet can bring those levels down, it is perfectly capable of bringing the current levels down.
But would human life be able to cope with the conditions that you were reffering to?


Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #78 on: May 26, 2006, 01:17:51 am »
Doubtful. I mean if humans, as a species, developed a CO2 resistant hemoglobin cell then we would survive. Otherwise, humans would die under those conditions.


Re: Is President Bush a good president?
« Reply #79 on: May 26, 2006, 02:27:37 am »
Doubtful. I mean if humans, as a species, developed a CO2 resistant hemoglobin cell then we would survive. Otherwise, humans would die under those conditions.

but that would take a million years at the least
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