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Author Topic: Who is to blame for Baby P's brutal death.  (Read 3594 times)

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Who is to blame for Baby P's brutal death.
« on: November 17, 2008, 02:46:19 am »
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How the hell can people harm babies?
It's !@#$% sick!
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Re: Who is to blame for Baby P's brutal death.
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2008, 02:53:39 am »
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All humans without exception are in some way or form reprehensible.  Better the baby died than having it live on with brain damage and/or broken limbs - I am not excusing what happened, but sometimes death is just better in its finality. 
Re: Who is to blame for Baby P's brutal death.
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2008, 02:55:52 am »
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XD at the name Baby P, i keep thinking of the baby version of a rapper.

Babies can't fight back, so it's easy for people to take out their aggressions on it.


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Re: Who is to blame for Baby P's brutal death.
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2008, 03:01:43 am »
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There was one that matched Fissure's theory exactly, but it's graphic.
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Re: Who is to blame for Baby P's brutal death.
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2008, 01:09:40 pm »
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Haringey Council, and the parents are to blame. Haringey for ignoring several reports about the child being beaten. And the parents for doing it. Haringey needs new management and what not. The parents need to be brutally murdered.
Re: Who is to blame for Baby P's brutal death.
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2008, 01:38:55 pm »
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Haringey Council, and the parents are to blame. Haringey for ignoring several reports about the child being beaten. And the parents for doing it. Haringey needs new management and what not. The parents need to be brutally murdered.

How is the council to blame at all?

Is the army to blame for every death of a soldier or civilian in Iraq? They knew that was gonna happen, yet they failed to stop it! Oh noes!

Seriously, blame lies totally with the parents. Sure, in an ideal world, the council would've prevented it from ever occuring, but in an ideal world parents wouldn't beat their kids either.
Re: Who is to blame for Baby P's brutal death.
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2008, 02:07:12 pm »
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Haringey Council, and the parents are to blame. Haringey for ignoring several reports about the child being beaten. And the parents for doing it. Haringey needs new management and what not. The parents need to be brutally murdered.

How is the council to blame at all?

Is the army to blame for every death of a soldier or civilian in Iraq? They knew that was gonna happen, yet they failed to stop it! Oh noes!

Seriously, blame lies totally with the parents. Sure, in an ideal world, the council would've prevented it from ever occuring, but in an ideal world parents wouldn't beat their kids either.

Did you only read the first two words of my post? Seems so.

Haringey where well aware of what was happening. Social Workers, neighbours and even a !@#$% police officer complained to them that there was mistreatment going on, yet Haringey did !@#$% all?
What statement to the media did they provide for why they didn't act? Oh yeah thats right they provided a single piece of paper with a statistic on it showing cases they've prevented. Wtf?

I'm not denying that the parents are to blame, but if Haringey actually did their !@#$% jobs then the child might still be alive.

Is the army to blame for every death of a soldier or civilian in Iraq? They knew that was gonna happen, yet they failed to stop it! Oh noes!
Law of Armed Conflict states that all possible steps must be taken into account to prevent or lesson Civilian casualties. Meaning, if the predicted Civilian casualty is too high the operation cant go forward (Unless the Operation saves far more lives then the predicted amount).
Re: Who is to blame for Baby P's brutal death.
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2008, 02:51:35 pm »
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Did you only read the first two words of my post? Seems so.

I'm saying the council is not to blame at all, as if you remove the variable of the council, you still have a dead child. Who's to say that in the long term, the courts wouldn't have allowed the parents to have their kid back (has happened before - parents have taken councils to court over that !@#$%, often quite rightly) and the child would've died only a little bit later?

Haringey where well aware of what was happening. Social Workers, neighbours and even a !@#$% police officer complained to them that there was mistreatment going on, yet Haringey did !@#$% all?

Social workers, neighbours and even a !@#$% police officer all apparently did !@#$% all other than complain. Besides, you're ignoring so many other variables - what do you think the council really should've done, considering other workloads at the time and the resources available to them? And the criticisms that they probably would've suffered had they not returned the child? I mean, everyone would be all "You took their baby away! The government is stealing our children!" etc.

What statement to the media did they provide for why they didn't act? Oh yeah thats right they provided a single piece of paper with a statistic on it showing cases they've prevented. Wtf?

Yes, because a council is meant to be omnipresent, and do everything to prevent anything ever happening. That's why all people totally advocate the use of survellaince cameras in all private homes to allow councils to do their jobs unimpeded.

I'm not denying that the parents are to blame, but if Haringey actually did their !@#$% jobs then the child might still be alive.

Might. Are the police to blame for every robbery? I mean, if they did their job, there would be no robberies. Ironically, if Haringey did an even worse job than they did, there would be no story as no-one would know about it.

Is the army to blame for every death of a soldier or civilian in Iraq? They knew that was gonna happen, yet they failed to stop it! Oh noes!
Law of Armed Conflict states that all possible steps must be taken into account to prevent or lesson Civilian casualties. Meaning, if the predicted Civilian casualty is too high the operation cant go forward (Unless the Operation saves far more lives then the predicted amount).

No, you ignored what I said entirely: Answer, directly, is the army to blame for every death that occurs and has occured in Iraq since occupation? By your argument, since they are there, in theory, to prevent the loss of innocent life, is every single death the fault of the army? That's what you're suggesting the council should be capable of doing; preventing every negative occurence that is covered by their jurisdiction, which is virtually impossible.

Do you know what really pisses me off? Sure, council !@#$% up, that's not so great. But do you know who's really to blame? One hundred per cent, totally, down to the parents. No-one else. Even worse than that? It wouldn't be such a big deal for the media had the kid been asian or black. White kids? !@#$%, gotta cover that !@#$%, could be the next Maddy.
Re: Who is to blame for Baby P's brutal death.
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2008, 03:11:39 pm »
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Did you only read the first two words of my post? Seems so.

I'm saying the council is not to blame at all, as if you remove the variable of the council, you still have a dead child. Who's to say that in the long term, the courts wouldn't have allowed the parents to have their kid back (has happened before - parents have taken councils to court over that !@#$%, often quite rightly) and the child would've died only a little bit later?
The council is there to prevent this sort of !@#$% happening. If you remove the council then yes they cant prevent it. So what then, you think the council should exist but do NOTHING?

Haringey where well aware of what was happening. Social Workers, neighbours and even a !@#$% police officer complained to them that there was mistreatment going on, yet Haringey did !@#$% all?

Social workers, neighbours and even a !@#$% police officer all apparently did !@#$% all other than complain. Besides, you're ignoring so many other variables - what do you think the council really should've done, considering other workloads at the time and the resources available to them? And the criticisms that they probably would've suffered had they not returned the child? I mean, everyone would be all "You took their baby away! The government is stealing our children!" etc.
Because its not their jobs to? (Well perhaps the Social Workers). Its nice to know that if one of my neighbours was abusing their Children I could call Haringey and watch them do absolutly !@#$% all. Yeah, or mabye I should break into their house kill the parents and take the baby away that sounds like a better idea.

What statement to the media did they provide for why they didn't act? Oh yeah thats right they provided a single piece of paper with a statistic on it showing cases they've prevented. Wtf?

Yes, because a council is meant to be omnipresent, and do everything to prevent anything ever happening. That's why all people totally advocate the use of survellaince cameras in all private homes to allow councils to do their jobs unimpeded.
What I'm getting at is that rather then explain why they lacked action, they simply told them irrelevent information...

I'm not denying that the parents are to blame, but if Haringey actually did their !@#$% jobs then the child might still be alive.

Might. Are the police to blame for every robbery? I mean, if they did their job, there would be no robberies. Ironically, if Haringey did an even worse job than they did, there would be no story as no-one would know about it.
The police cant prevent robberies. Because they cant see into the future...

Is the army to blame for every death of a soldier or civilian in Iraq? They knew that was gonna happen, yet they failed to stop it! Oh noes!
Law of Armed Conflict states that all possible steps must be taken into account to prevent or lesson Civilian casualties. Meaning, if the predicted Civilian casualty is too high the operation cant go forward (Unless the Operation saves far more lives then the predicted amount).

No, you ignored what I said entirely: Answer, directly, is the army to blame for every death that occurs and has occured in Iraq since occupation? By your argument, since they are there, in theory, to prevent the loss of innocent life, is every single death the fault of the army? That's what you're suggesting the council should be capable of doing; preventing every negative occurence that is covered by their jurisdiction, which is virtually impossible.
Its not the Job of a soldier to prevent the death of an innocent though. And no I'm not suggesting that, I'm suggesting that Haringey should of acted on the complaints and reports that we're sent from many people about the abuse of a young baby.

Do you know what really pisses me off? Sure, council !@#$% up, that's not so great. But do you know who's really to blame? One hundred per cent, totally, down to the parents. No-one else. Even worse than that? It wouldn't be such a big deal for the media had the kid been asian or black. White kids? !@#$%, gotta cover that !@#$%, could be the next Maddy.
And yes like I said before. The parents are totally to blame for this, but Haringey aren't innocent in this either. Because they knew. As for your latter point, I cant really say whether I agree with you on that or not. Mostly because I've not heard of that sorta thing in the news involving them, though thats probably why. Because they aren't white they aren't covered.
Re: Who is to blame for Baby P's brutal death.
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2008, 04:51:05 pm »
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Sure, the parents did the evil crime, but that doesnt mean the council couldnt have prevented it from happening. And especially as something similar happened 8 years ago.

Despite being put on Haringey's Child Protection Register eight months before his death, social workers chose repeatedly to return him to his mother, against the advice of police who had twice arrested her on suspicion of assault.

Why did they choose to return him to his mother? Were they really that stupid? You can hardly say it's not partly their fault, they basically laid him into the hands of death themselves by handing him back to his mother.

eight of his ribs were broken and his spine snapped  -  injuries apparently missed by a hospital doctor two days before his death.

I really dont understand how that could have been missed. Was this doctor even properly qualified?!

The assault allegations against the mother were dropped less than 24 hours before Baby P's death. Police have also admitted 'errors were made' during that investigation.

What the heeelll do people just not know how to do their jobs properly!

Mrs Shoesmith said: 'The child was killed by members of his own family. The agencies are not responsible for his death. The very sad fact is that you cannot stop people who are determined to kill children.'

That is an opinion, not a fact. Somebody COULD have prevented Baby P's parents from killing him IF somebody had actually had the brains and common sense to do so.

Mrs Christou, 50, an experienced social worker, said she based her decision on her understanding that a friend of the baby's mother was living at the house with them and would not leave him unsupervised.
But the court heard the friend, who was paid by Haringey for her role, rarely slept at the house and often left several days between visits.

"The friend" should be partly blamed too. And I think it incredibly stupid that they thought how the baby should be supervised and then he'd be OK.

But the court heard she decided against a full examination because the boy was 'miserable and cranky'.

Oh jee, I wonder why!

Bad people do bad things but that's why we have authorities; to stop it from happening.

It really is horrific at what a mother could do to their child. I think that some people are born with metal hearts.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2008, 05:13:28 pm by Kaede »


Re: Who is to blame for Baby P's brutal death.
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2008, 05:18:58 pm »
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ITT: We stray from simply commenting on a tragic event to once again dissect one another's posts to prove our opinion on the matter is undeniably factual.
Gannon-banned brother.

Re: Who is to blame for Baby P's brutal death.
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2008, 05:26:23 pm »
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ITT: We stray from simply commenting on a tragic event to once again dissect one another's posts to prove our opinion on the matter is undeniably factual.

I wasnt dissecting anybody's post. I was "simply commenting" on parts of the article.


Re: Who is to blame for Baby P's brutal death.
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2008, 05:29:19 pm »
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ITT: We stray from simply commenting on a tragic event to once again dissect one another's posts to prove our opinion on the matter is undeniably factual.

I wasnt dissecting anybody's post. I was "simply commenting" on parts of the article.
Way to go, you stated the obvious. I was "simply commenting" on the majority of this topic.
Gannon-banned brother.

Re: Who is to blame for Baby P's brutal death.
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2008, 05:48:58 pm »
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ITT: We stray from simply commenting on a tragic event to once again dissect one another's posts to prove our opinion on the matter is undeniably factual.

I wasnt dissecting anybody's post. I was "simply commenting" on parts of the article.
Way to go, you stated the obvious. I was "simply commenting" on the majority of this topic.

Well dont "simply comment" on the topic then, contribute.
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