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Author Topic: Grizz McGrizzle  (Read 5205 times)

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Hammer Bro. Mike

Hammer Bro. Mike
Grizz McGrizzle
« on: November 27, 2008, 02:21:39 pm »
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Character Biography
Grizz McGrizzle is a stuffed obnoxious bear from Grizzlyland which is now known as America for no reason. He was kicked out of his family because he wasn't vicious enough. He lived in the city for a few years and he was discovered by some nameless person who got him an acting career due to his great amount of talent. He has been in a few movies with other stuffed animals with his old chum Wolfy McHowl. He and Wolfy have been judges for the ever popular TV show Animal Idol.

What's a character without an arch nemesis? In McGrizzle's case, that would be Dillon, the Charmin bear with the glasses. Grizz depises him because he's so small, wears glasses, and looks like a big clump of toilet paper to him. Whenever Dillon does something stupid or is even around Grizz, Grizz will just throw up into a Pikachu's mouth for no reason. Apparently the Pikachu loves the taste of Grizz McGrizzle's vomit which I find dumb but that's what things are like nevertheless.

I think Grizz will answer his own FAQ since he's apparently a big shot. He really likes to talk and I wanted the FAQ for him to be somewhat informative from his point of view.

Do you miss your parents at all?
In some cases yes, in some cases no. They threw me away so why should I go back to them? Even if I did, I would laugh in their faces because I'm so obnoxious and I'm actually famous.

Who is Wolfy McHowl?
Wolfy is my best friend. I met him when I joined the acting school. We've been through a lot together over the years and I hope that bond doesn't go away.

Why do you hate Dillon so much?
Who knows really. I can't stand the piece of toilet paper at all. He's disgusting in my opinion and thanks to me, everyone uses him to go to the bathroom on which I find extremely priceless. Serves him right for being so lame.

Last year, Yubel entered Bobular, the Stick Figure and he ended up losing in the first round. What do you think of him and do you think you could do better?
I was actually keeping track of him. I was supposed to be entered last year but Mike wanted to go with Bobular. I didn't think Bobular would lose to that stupid rubber ducky girl. Serves Bobular right for being such a generic creation. Unlike him, I actually have talent.

What do you think of the competition this year?
I don't know. I really like Jar though but I could take a crap inside him and he'd lose more fangir... I mean fanboys, sorry. *laughs* Mike's brother has a creation coming in and I think he looks promising. If I don't win, I hope Jar or Dude wins because they seem like real promising characters like myself of course. Sorry about the rude comment Jar. Can you forgive me for being so rude to such a brilliant creation?

What's your favorite food?
It's a tough pick because I love lots of food. I guess you could say just a plain regular hamburger with just ketchup. I find that they are more tasty than tacos. :P

What do you think of Sarah Palin?
Overrated if you ask me. Yes, I did change my answer because I don't want to be mean even though I am very mean.

Grizz: Instead of taking up the page, I thought it would be ten times if you just clicked one of the 100x100 pictures below to see the full picture because it makes the page look much neater and it's looks better but that's just my opinion. 8)


Grizz: Yeah, there are only two signatures to choose from. A big one and smaller version of the big one. Take your pick! Sheesh!

Code: [Select]

Code: [Select]

Misc Info:
Grizz: Below are some tidbits you can look at if your not busy looking at those other contestants like luigi's Character.

- Started his acting career at age 7
- He believes he's wholewheat and not white (like it even matters anyway)
- Gets angry when somebody doesn't like his acting
- People often think he looks like Banjo from Banjo-Kazooie but he doesn't see the resemblance
- Hates Banjo-Kazooie
- He wanted a round tummy spot for his sketches because he doesn't have one himself
- Despises those Link emoticons even though he used them above
« Last Edit: January 04, 2009, 05:14:32 am by Yubel »

  • Zelda Eternity


Re: Grizz McGrizzle
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2008, 10:01:17 pm »
  • Colbydude was here.
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Tacoes aren't a fad. It's from walnut's pwn squad comic. Everyone else decided to steal the idea :(
I do art
I ermmm... DID do art
I do art

Hammer Bro. Mike

Hammer Bro. Mike
Re: Grizz McGrizzle
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2008, 10:04:09 pm »
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Tacoes aren't a fad. It's from walnut's pwn squad comic. Everyone else decided to steal the idea :(
I had no clue about that. I could fix up the FAQ though.

EDIT: I fixed it up but there is a brief mention of tacos.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2008, 10:13:08 pm by Yubel »

  • Zelda Eternity

Hammer Bro. Mike

Hammer Bro. Mike
Re: Grizz McGrizzle
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2008, 05:45:00 pm »
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Update: I pretty much finished his page now. I'll expand on his story a bit later. :P

  • Zelda Eternity

Hammer Bro. Mike

Hammer Bro. Mike
Re: Grizz McGrizzle
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2009, 01:06:33 am »
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Update: Grizz demanded I should add a couple things about his opponent for this round. He thinks you should take a look right now.

  • Zelda Eternity


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Re: Grizz McGrizzle
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2009, 04:47:18 am »
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Fox News's CNN's Unbiased Campaign Fact Checking Team's Analysis of Grizzle Attack:

What do you think of Sarah Palin?
Why should some lousy creation be participating in this competition? She's just the actual Sarah Palin with a generic back story added on. That is not creative. It's characters like her who ruin the whole fun out of competitions like these. She's non-fictional while I am fiction. Why is this aloud? I dunno. Whatever, I blame America for all this as well as any other countries who create lousy non-fictional characters. I'm American too god dammit!

1) When a character's picture is nothing but a photograph of something unaltered just with text and rather boring I see that as "lousy".
2) The character is creative to the extreme and incredibly original. The creator took up not Sarah Palin the person, but Sarah Palin the media joke and crafted her into what the media/SNL personified her as. Anyone knows that this media-personified Palin is (for the most part) fictional.
3) It's "Allowed" not "Aloud"
4) If your American, and you're blaming America, wouldn't you be blaming yourself?

What do you think of her little campaign image?
You mean the "BEARS THE NUMBER 1 THREAT TO AMERICA!" thing? Seems pretty lame if you ask me because it just looks like a cry for attention. The fact that Stephen Colbert is in the picture is false advertising. I'm sure Colbert didn't even approve of this so the whole thing is false. The fact that I'm not a man-eating bear kinda defeats the purpose of her campaign image because I'm not threat at all. I'm an actor so I entertain. No wonder why her team didn't win the election. Grin

1) Not false advertising. It's giving credit to Stephen Colbert for his sound words of wisdom. If Colbert says it, it's fact.

2) The Definition of Bears:
Bears are soulless, godless, rampaging killing machines. They are Satan's minions and the TRUE symbol of evil. Once believed to be the work of dragons, Bears (like purple donkeys) enjoy running around the woods molesting and raping innocent people and squids. For years now, ravenous bears have had free reign to use our woods as their personal latrine, protected by their "endangered" status. Now the government is wisely considering ending the grizzlies' special treatment in order to protect our honey jars and Paddington Station. Bears' strong vitality and resilience makes them one of mother nature's nearly unkillable animals. A bear has never been downed by any less than five gunshots. Combinations of high explosives, assault weapons, and trebuchets have been known to only !@#$% the bear off. Why can man-kind put a man on the moon, but not invent a weapon that can take down Big-Yogi over there?

Overall analysis: Misleading attempt from the Grizzle Campaign

Message from Palin Campaign:
Vote Maverick!
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Re: Grizz McGrizzle
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2009, 04:53:37 am »
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What do you think of Sarah Palin?
Why should some lousy creation be participating in this competition? She's just the actual Sarah Palin with a generic back story added on. That is not creative. It's characters like her who ruin the whole fun out of competitions like these. She's non-fictional while I am fiction. Why is this aloud? I dunno. Whatever, I blame America for all this as well as any other countries who create lousy non-fictional characters. I'm American too god dammit!

Except her character is funny, and not a stuffed animal <_<;; >_>;;

Re: Grizz McGrizzle
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2009, 05:06:11 am »
  • Minalien
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What do you think of Sarah Palin?
Why should some lousy creation be participating in this competition? She's just the actual Sarah Palin with a generic back story added on. That is not creative. It's characters like her who ruin the whole fun out of competitions like these. She's non-fictional while I am fiction. Why is this aloud? I dunno. Whatever, I blame America for all this as well as any other countries who create lousy non-fictional characters. I'm American too god dammit!

What do you think of her little campaign image?
You mean the "BEARS THE NUMBER 1 THREAT TO AMERICA!" thing? Seems pretty lame if you ask me because it just looks like a cry for attention. The fact that Stephen Colbert is in the picture is false advertising. I'm sure Colbert didn't even approve of this so the whole thing is false. The fact that I'm not a man-eating bear kinda defeats the purpose of her campaign image because I'm not threat at all. I'm an actor so I entertain. No wonder why her team didn't win the election. XD
You know what all this makes me think of?

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5z0Ia5jDt4" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5z0Ia5jDt4</a>
Just as annoying as every one of those. Can't seem to fight back without doing a lot of boring talking that does nothing but insult your opponent. You two are as bad as American politicians running for presidency :3
There's such a double standard about religion in the modern world. Catholics can gather, wear white robes, and say "In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti" and be considered normal.

But if my friends and I gather, wear black robes, and say  "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn", we're considered cultists.
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Hammer Bro. Mike

Hammer Bro. Mike
Re: Grizz McGrizzle
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2009, 05:34:15 am »
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Why are you guys taking this so seriously? I mean it's just a character competition and your making such a big deal out of it.

  • Zelda Eternity
Re: Grizz McGrizzle
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2009, 06:26:46 am »
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What do you think of Sarah Palin?
Why should some lousy creation be participating in this competition? She's just the actual Sarah Palin with a generic back story added on. That is not creative. It's characters like her who ruin the whole fun out of competitions like these. She's non-fictional while I am fiction. Why is this aloud? I dunno. Whatever, I blame America for all this as well as any other countries who create lousy non-fictional characters. I'm American too god dammit!

What do you think of her little campaign image?
You mean the "BEARS THE NUMBER 1 THREAT TO AMERICA!" thing? Seems pretty lame if you ask me because it just looks like a cry for attention. The fact that Stephen Colbert is in the picture is false advertising. I'm sure Colbert didn't even approve of this so the whole thing is false. The fact that I'm not a man-eating bear kinda defeats the purpose of her campaign image because I'm not threat at all. I'm an actor so I entertain. No wonder why her team didn't win the election. XD
You know what all this makes me think of?

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5z0Ia5jDt4" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5z0Ia5jDt4</a>
Just as annoying as every one of those. Can't seem to fight back without doing a lot of boring talking that does nothing but insult your opponent. You two are as bad as American politicians running for presidency :3
That video is proof that mac users get errections over the things.
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Re: Grizz McGrizzle
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2009, 02:09:50 am »
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Why are you guys taking this so seriously? I mean it's just a character competition and your making such a big deal out of it.
Nobody is really making a big deal out of it (except you of course).

Just relax. :)
  • Lionfish Apps
Re: Grizz McGrizzle
« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2009, 08:05:30 pm »
  • I choose you, Zorua!
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Why are you guys taking this so seriously? I mean it's just a character competition and your making such a big deal out of it.
Says the guy who thinks winning is so important that he creates sockpuppets...
My name is Pitt

Hammer Bro. Mike

Hammer Bro. Mike
Re: Grizz McGrizzle
« Reply #12 on: January 05, 2009, 11:47:16 pm »
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I don't have any sock puppets. The last one I made got destroyed by a truck back in Grade 6. If you read what I said in that topic, it might make you regret about talking about sock puppets.

Why are you guys taking this so seriously? I mean it's just a character competition and your making such a big deal out of it.
Nobody is really making a big deal out of it (except you of course).

Just relax. :)
She started it. :P

  • Zelda Eternity
Re: Grizz McGrizzle
« Reply #13 on: January 06, 2009, 03:01:35 pm »
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I don't regret at all what I said. Just read Infini's reply.
My name is Pitt
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