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Author Topic: Gripes  (Read 4856 times)

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« on: December 22, 2008, 03:28:48 am »
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The Other Discussion, Forum Games, Resource Contributor's Garbage Bin, Adverts & Recruitment, and Debates still have their permissions set up to where a user could post in them if they wanted to. The permissions of these boards need to be reset to match the other boards in the Topic Archive.

Shefali still needs to get her staff profile page up. I guess it is not that "important", the site would just be more professional with it there. CrystalAngel04 should change her position field to be "Administrative Advisor".  Administrators should change their position field to be reflective of their administrative role if it is not reflective already. All moderators should have their position fields be "Global Moderator" just so there is no confusion and so there is a set standard.

I have been waiting about two months for a decision on my News/Weekly idea. The entirety of it has not been answered as to the fate of the Prerelease & Planning board or making the News public - even the "Journalistic" staff idea that the administration had has not been resolved. If a part of my idea needs to be restated or explained, let me know. Otherwise, there is serious bias towards me and I am getting really !@#$% tired of you guys being dicks to me. Two other people with ideas got a resolution to ideas with a week or so, why should I be treated differently?

Finally, I asked and it was alright with at least Infini, but I need to Development sub-board created initially private except to local moderators and up for the Community Project; and the current leaders of the Community Project should be made local moderators of this board. I appreciate the move of the board to the Projects board, I really do. However, I cannot get started until I am able to get the team together privately. I am asking about this now because I figured I would wait as you might have been busy.
Re: Gripes
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2008, 03:32:05 am »
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Otherwise, there is serious bias towards me and I am getting really !@#$% tired of you guys being dicks to me. Two other people with ideas got a resolution to ideas with a week or so, why should I be treated differently?

Probably because you don't shut up about it and constantly bring it up every chance you get.

nb4 reported
!@#$% I lost my entire post, god dammit.
Re: Gripes
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2008, 03:44:09 am »
  • Minalien
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The Other Discussion, Forum Games, Resource Contributor's Garbage Bin, Adverts & Recruitment, and Debates still have their permissions set up to where a user could post in them if they wanted to. The permissions of these boards need to be reset to match the other boards in the Topic Archive.
This should have been an issue taken to the administrators through a personal message. Now, rather than it being the way it is and few people knowing about it, the knowledge is out there for all members to see and potentially abuse.

Shefali still needs to get her staff profile page up. I guess it is not that "important", the site would just be more professional with it there. CrystalAngel04 should change her position field to be "Administrative Advisor".  Administrators should change their position field to be reflective of their administrative role if it is not reflective already. All moderators should have their position fields be "Global Moderator" just so there is no confusion and so there is a set standard.
This seems to be more of a personal issue than it does something that needs direct attention. ZFGC should not be something that becomes a "professional" style website. It should be a fun, entertainment-based community for a large group of people who generally get along. It is the professionalism taking seat that is causing the large rifts in the community, and causing us to step away from what made ZFGC good during it's golden years; the fact that members were friends.

I have been waiting about two months for a decision on my News/Weekly idea. The entirety of it has not been answered as to the fate of the Prerelease & Planning board or making the News public - even the "Journalistic" staff idea that the administration had has not been resolved. If a part of my idea needs to be restated or explained, let me know. Otherwise, there is serious bias towards me and I am getting really !@#$% tired of you guys being dicks to me. Two other people with ideas got a resolution to ideas with a week or so, why should I be treated differently?
Because the proposals that got resolved were brought up without constant bitching and whining about them, and because the members were not members who the general public always viewed as vying for power or status. Perhaps you should stop looking at it as people being dicks to you, and start looking at things in terms of how they affect the community, how they improve the community, and stop worrying about what you have to gain from your proposals. From what I have seen of a majority of your ideas, in some form or another, you are the primary benefactor. Not the members of this community. You seriously need to stop making things become all about you.

ZFGC University, for example, was set up to benefit the members of ZFGC by providing them a location with strong sets of tutorials from which they can learn. All that was asked for was the bare minimum to run the section, with little to no impact on the rest of the community. If ZFGC University should fail, it will not harm the community in the least. If anything, it will just pass by as if it had never existed.

Finally, I asked and it was alright with at least Infini, but I need to Development sub-board created initially private except to local moderators and up for the Community Project; and the current leaders of the Community Project should be made local moderators of this board. I appreciate the move of the board to the Projects board, I really do. However, I cannot get started until I am able to get the team together privately. I am asking about this now because I figured I would wait as you might have been busy.
I still do not understand why this should be kept private, if it is a community project. All development information should, at the very least, be visible to the community for which the project is being made. Any major executive decisions on the game should fall to the community. At the very most, I can understand the Community Project team having a board to post where they will not get posts from members who are not contributing to the Community Project. Such a board should be set up so that Community Project members are the only ones with posting and replying privileges, but otherwise, all members can see the board.
There's such a double standard about religion in the modern world. Catholics can gather, wear white robes, and say "In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti" and be considered normal.

But if my friends and I gather, wear black robes, and say  "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn", we're considered cultists.
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Re: Gripes
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2008, 04:07:58 am »
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To assume that it will be abused is to assume that members have no ability to control themselves.  It only runs the chance now of getting abused in a situation of a self-fulfilling prophecy. And really, that hypothetical is unlikely.

Uh, what? I just think that if there is going to be a Staff Profile page on the site, that all the staff agreed upon should be on it and that the information there should be accurate. That was all I was saying.

As for me taking it personally, there have been times I have sent administrators a PM and I get no response. I would be receptive to a "no", it's just the unknowing and getting ignored over the course of weeks or more is not right.  Oh, and bonus from a chat I had with Andrew:

15:24] WindLink4: [...]  Oh, and sorry about my attitude over the Weekly board and the Big Question Archive board.  They had been up for a month uselessly though.
[15:25] Vashy: Naw, we were being !@#$% about it

I would go weeks without bringing my idea up, and I just wanted a resolution so I could move on. Currently, most of the News items are handled by myself and I was looking to work with more people to lessen the burden on myself as well as so other people could be helping. You have whined about your University idea just as much as I used to "whine" about my idea. You even have a status from it, while I am willing to settle on no status so long as I am able to have a place to work with a team at. 

My News idea even benefited you. Rather than posting a topic in the News and a copy of that topic in the Announcements less than two hours later, you'd just have to place it in one area that would be public. But whatever.

As I had agreed to with Infini, the Development board would be initially private so the team could get back on its feet. I planned on using the main board of the Community Project for information about the project, updates about its development, requests from users, etc. The Development area is where the "sloppy" work would get done. It would be made public once the project got going again. The project is different in that it already had existing progress. Had it started from scratch, it would likely be public from the start.
Re: Gripes
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2008, 04:23:31 am »
  • Minalien
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To assume that it will be abused is to assume that members have no ability to control themselves.  It only runs the chance now of getting abused in a situation of a self-fulfilling prophecy. And really, that hypothetical is unlikely.
Then why are you worried about them being able to post in there in the first place? I thank you for stating exactly what I wanted to be stated. Because the members have self-control, it is not necessary to fret over these permissions.

As for me taking it personally, there have been times I have sent administrators a PM and I get no response. I would be receptive to a "no", it's just the unknowing and getting ignored over the course of weeks or more is not right.  Oh, and bonus from a chat I had with Andrew:

15:24] WindLink4: [...]  Oh, and sorry about my attitude over the Weekly board and the Big Question Archive board.  They had been up for a month uselessly though.
[15:25] Vashy: Naw, we were being !@#$% about it
In case you haven't noticed, most of them do have lives, and you really do have a tendency to annoy people with your constant pulling for something. Whether it is what it seems to be at times or not, you put of the air of somebody who is trying to do things for his or her own benefit, which is probably a big reason as to why they were being !@#$% and ignoring you. I don't mean to offend you here, but it is how a number of people see you, and I believe you should be more proactive in changing others' opinions of you before you continue to try to push for changes. Otherwise, it will reflect negatively upon yourself and your ideas.

I am pushing for a change of my public image. I am trying to cut back on the douchebaggery, and trying to be more helpful and informative than I used to be. And it has gotten me somewhere. Perhaps you should try to change your public image as well?

I would go weeks without bringing my idea up, and I just wanted a resolution so I could move on. Currently, most of the News items are handled by myself and I was looking to work with more people to lessen the burden on myself as well as so other people could be helping.
Taking this into the context of your "gripes" post in the first place, it looked more like you were referring to more than only your news proposal. It would be to your benefit, I can say from what I did with my ZFGC University proposal, to come up with a formulated plan that shows how things will work, rather than giving a brief, half-assed summary.

You have whined about your University idea just as much as I used to "whine" about my idea. You even have a status from it, while I am willing to settle on no status so long as I am able to have a place to work with a team at.
I didn't have to "whine" at all about it. I brought the issue up with Andrew on several occasions, yes, but they were more often than not simply asking for the status of how things have been going, and they were asked in a tactful (key word) and understanding manner. I also provided input and put it out there that I was accepting input from not only the administrative team, but that I wanted the opinions of the members of ZFGC. I wanted everybody else to state their opinions on the issue.
There's such a double standard about religion in the modern world. Catholics can gather, wear white robes, and say "In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti" and be considered normal.

But if my friends and I gather, wear black robes, and say  "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn", we're considered cultists.
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Re: Gripes
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2008, 04:35:28 am »
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If a new user were to come here or someone just got confused, having the placed locked would beneficial; by someone getting confused, people have posted in topics that are over a year old without realizing that they gravedigged somehow, so it wouldn't be a stretch to say they might post in those boards as well. I just think that the boards should be locked, it's not that hard to do actually and it just is more of an organized, managed thing to do.

In case you haven't noticed, I am trying to bring the Community Project back and am getting held back. I am helping handle the Character Contest, I had my own contest a few months ago, and I helped set up a game tournament here. I am viewed alright by a lot of people here, but there are others who view me negatively for no good reason, yourself included.

As for half-assed plans, I have submitted a formal proposal of which I received no official response back on at all. After a while, I asked for an answer and still got none. Assuming that there was something wrong with my idea and that they were not open to it, I modified the idea to something which fared better. I wouldn't have to restate everything, and really, to think that I could not be wordy when asking for something thought out. Most if not all of my proposals to the staff have been well thought out with contingencies and everything. I just rarely get answers back in a timely manner.



Re: Gripes
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2008, 05:47:59 am »
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Realize that the reason moderators exist is to handle issues like gravediggers, spammers, and so forth so I don't see why locking is needed so long as they're doing their jobs.

Re: Gripes
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2008, 06:09:10 am »
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Realize that the reason moderators exist is to handle issues like gravediggers, spammers, and so forth so I don't see why locking is needed so long as they're doing their jobs.

I am not so much talking about old topics as I am about the permissions of the Topic Archive board. I know what moderators exist for. The altering of the permissions of the boards moved to the Topic Archive though is something that would be easy to do; it's both a preventative step and a form of consistency - all other things in the archive are locked. I am saying that rather than leave it to where a problem could arise in the future, it is better to make it so that can never happen and it shouldn't be that controversial to suggest it.

I am not contradicting myself when I say that a problem won't arise right away by me mentioning that people can post there, but down the road it might happen and rather than deal with it then, for the sake of tidiness sorting this out ahead of time is not a terrible idea.
Re: Gripes
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2008, 07:16:12 am »
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The Other Discussion, Forum Games, Resource Contributor's Garbage Bin, Adverts & Recruitment, and Debates still have their permissions set up to where a user could post in them if they wanted to. The permissions of these boards need to be reset to match the other boards in the Topic Archive.

So, do you keep a list of board numbers for shits and giggles, or just actively browse boards you may or may not have access to for fun? Firstly, this is something you should tell us privately, not publicly.

Shefali still needs to get her staff profile page up. I guess it is not that "important", the site would just be more professional with it there. CrystalAngel04 should change her position field to be "Administrative Advisor".  Administrators should change their position field to be reflective of their administrative role if it is not reflective already. All moderators should have their position fields be "Global Moderator" just so there is no confusion and so there is a set standard.

This is completely insignificant. How and where we have CA on our list is also insignificant, this isn't a corporation. Nothing has to be perfect, so please don't treat it like one. Administrators are reflected as Administrators, we're all equal, we just have areas that are specific to our field of work, it all overlaps in the end.

I have been waiting about two months for a decision on my News/Weekly idea. The entirety of it has not been answered as to the fate of the Prerelease & Planning board or making the News public - even the "Journalistic" staff idea that the administration had has not been resolved. If a part of my idea needs to be restated or explained, let me know. Otherwise, there is serious bias towards me and I am getting really !@#$% tired of you guys being dicks to me. Two other people with ideas got a resolution to ideas with a week or so, why should I be treated differently?

Topics like these don't help your efforts.

Finally, I asked and it was alright with at least Infini, but I need to Development sub-board created initially private except to local moderators and up for the Community Project; and the current leaders of the Community Project should be made local moderators of this board. I appreciate the move of the board to the Projects board, I really do. However, I cannot get started until I am able to get the team together privately. I am asking about this now because I figured I would wait as you might have been busy.

I don't believe that community projects should be developed privately, this makes it not a community project. There is a lot of work and Ideas I have in the area of the community project, unfortunately I haven't gotten to organizing them or discussing them with you guys yet due to being sick for the past week (the week before that it was a bad tooth), essentially sick for two weeks. Still trying to get over my flu at the moment. I'll get back to you as soon as I feel like it, I have work again tomorrow, so that makes things even more fun.
~The Gaurdians of ZFGC~
Kirby, metallica48423, Max, Vash, walnut100


Re: Gripes
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2008, 07:26:42 am »
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Not to be an !@#$%, but:
Two other people with ideas got a resolution to ideas with a week or so, why should I be treated differently?
They don't pitch a million ideas that require multiple changes to the forum just to compensate for something that's as trivial as hiding the COMMUNITY project from the COMMUNITY. Go ahead and pick this reply apart, but that doesn't make it any less true.
I do art
I ermmm... DID do art
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Re: Gripes
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2008, 05:25:02 pm »
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In regard to the boards in the Archive, I realized this once they were moved there and the changes to the layout happened. I had decided to wait a while to say anything about it because I thought that someone would fix them eventually.

As for the Staff Profiles page, I do not get how you are so offended by what I am asking. Having all staff members up on a page that is specifically for that is kind of the point of having the page. As for the position fields, all I was asking for was that they be accurate, and in the case of administration, more specific to what they do on the forum - reflective of how you defined the roles in Announcements in that one topic.

Yeah, and likely this topic will set me back just because I upset you. The thing is, I don't want to try and set something up if Mamoruanime's idea for the Journalistic staff is going to just be implemented and replace it. Two weeks ago you made it sound like this was coming soon, but with all current trends, it is still unlikely to happen for a while.

And finally, for the Community Project. Like I said and like I agreed to with Infini, the project will have a main board and a Development sub-board - the main being for organized information and the like and the sub being where the work is done. The Development board would only be private until the work on the project got started again. It needs to be private initially so team members can know exactly what is going on, so their needs can be met prior to relaunch, so the board can be straightened out, etc.


I am not even sure of what you are saying. I think you are misunderstanding what I was planning to do with the Community Project.
Re: Gripes
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2008, 05:47:41 pm »
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Quote from: Andrew
I don't believe that community projects should be developed privately, this makes it not a community project.
I agree. I actually specifically told 4Sword I wouldn't allow that. The idea of the Development board was only so they could clean everything up (lets face it, its an dead unorganised trash heap atm) and get things ready for community input. When that had been done I intended to make it public again.

Anyhow, probably better I discuss this with you in the staff boards.


Re: Gripes
« Reply #12 on: December 23, 2008, 07:10:43 am »
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This could have been handled via PM.

For one, you're using information that is staff specific (permissions, etc) in your feedback thread; which is something that should be dealt with via PM.

Secondly; we don't jump to your ideas immediately because half of them are far too personal agenda based. The community project doesn't need private boards. Deal with it. It's a community project that has little to no community involvement. If you want a private board then it's nothing more than a glorified run of the mill WIP.

You seem to think theres a bias towards you based on the fact that we don't jump to your every whim. The fact is, theres a bias towards you because of how you act with us. You need to keep in mind it's about how you present your ideas that is key. You're condescending with everything involving staff, and honestly, why should we condone that? You want to talk about gripes; our biggest one is that you're constantly trying to push things towards your agenda, and it just will not work that way.

Re: Gripes
« Reply #13 on: December 23, 2008, 05:34:47 pm »
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PMs only work when there is a person on the other end who gives a damn.

And once again, someone fails to realize that the board itself is only going to be private for the sake of getting things restarted, and then it will be made public - and the structure of the main and sub-board would be similar to how the ZFGCAPI and the ZFGSDK were done.  It will be open to the community, I have been saying this.

As for jumping at my ideas, I do not ask you to. I would like it if you could give a simple no answer with details if you disagree with an idea though. You some how assume that I have a personal agenda when all I have are ideas that I care about as they relate to me; i.e. handling the News more easily, getting the Community Project restarted.

The bias towards me isn't that your actions on behalf of my ideas are not immediate, it's just that your actions are non-existent without explanation or they are really slow and take months for any resolution. It makes sense that I would get a little steamed considering that the acting body here is seemingly unresponsive. My wordiness and intellectual posting are probably condescending because they look a certain way, and my insistence over the things I care about is probably pestering because it bothers you a bit.

I am trying to work with you guys, but it seems more and more than you don't want to work with me at all because you have generalized me into some kind of bogeyman.
Re: Gripes
« Reply #14 on: December 23, 2008, 06:02:53 pm »
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Why does the CP require private discussion to get it's development restarted?

I could see a board restricting outside posts, but allowing discussion to be observed (temporarily), but I don't understand the need for privacy.
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Re: Gripes
« Reply #15 on: December 23, 2008, 06:21:15 pm »
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There are certain people who will look at a project for what is going on with it, and then there are people who want to know more specifically about the inner-workings. In order to keep these two groups of people from causing problems for each other and to make the project be more organized in a professional way, having two separate boards is ideal.

The Community Project needs its Development board to be private initially so that the leaders of each individual section of development can figure out where to restart without people coming in with distractions. This is because the Community Project isn't starting from scratch, it has existing progress, we just all have to be in consensus as to what that progress is and how to build off of it, and whether or not to change certain things that were detriments to the projects progress earlier. The main concerns of those who have given the most to the project need to be handled without others telling them what to do; decisions have to be made, discussion kind of led to part of the death of the project.

As for the Development area when it becomes public, all leaders of the project would be local moderators of the Development board as well. The stickied topics, able to be handled by the leaders, would be for aspects of development that relate to them - I base this off of King Mob's original concept, with emendation. If a leader did not want people posting in the topic or wanted it only open for a little bit, they could lock the topic. Thus, discussion could happen in these topics but it could be regulated.

The non-stickied topics would be for all development concerns and possibly overlaps in responsibility (e.g. music in an area of the game as it relates the graphics - special scenes). Discussion from the community here in relation to development would be welcomed as well.

Re: Gripes
« Reply #16 on: December 23, 2008, 09:58:56 pm »
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PMs only work when there is a person on the other end who gives a damn.

And the same is true with topics, so your argument holds no water.

If you want your ideas to not be looked down upon, stop being condescending in addressing them.  Things do not always go your way, and your way is not always the best way.  Nor is my way, nor vash's way, nor mammy's way.  None of the rest of us are rude to each other about our opinions and ideas.  And, no offense intended, you tend to be, and refuse to budge on your stance on ANYTHING. You did not used to be that way, and I do not know what's changed.

This topic is locked. The issues will be brought up privately amongst 4sword and the staff as they should have been in the first place.  This is not a community discussion.
Forever the king of ZFGC.

- also -

~The Gaurdians of ZFGC~
Kirby, metallica48423, Max, Vash, walnut100

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