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Author Topic: ZFGC Weekly  (Read 1921 times)

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ZFGC Weekly
« on: February 08, 2009, 04:43:49 pm »
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Volume 8, Issue 2 - February 8, 2009
irc.windfyre.net #zfgc
This week's banner courtesy of Yubel and icon courtesy of 4Sword

1. Community Announcements  (Ctrl+F CA2)
2. Best of the Forum  (Ctrl+F BF2)
3. Weekly Awards  (Ctrl+F WA2)
4. The Big Question  (Ctrl+F BQ2)

Community Announcements (CA2)

-- The Character Contest is now at the final match! The winner of the last match was Jar, beating Sarah Palin in a controversial counting process upon a tie in voting. The final match is between Jar and the Fartriloquist.

-- The merger of the Weekly with the Big Question as well as the launch of the Project of the Month went well. The Project Roundup is still getting hammered out due to content issues.

-- There are some periods of inactivity on the forum as of recently. To counter the spell of lurking, I suggest looking in either the Zelda or Misc. Development to see if anything there interests you.

Best of the Forum (BF2)

Guilt and Burden Tripping.
Quote from: Pyru
Well, tonight, I'm going to perform at not one, but two charity musical evenings. But, wait, that's not all!

I'll be playing three sets in all, seven different songs, none of which I have ever performed live in front of an audience before. Only one of them is by a band that I have ever covered before.

(and it gets worse...)

Only four of the seven songs will be solo: for the last song of my second set, I'll have a backing chorus of four people, who I have thus far been unable to practice with all of them present. Only practiced with each of them like once. On Thursday night.
The third set will be with a band, who I've only been practicing with since Monday.

And, finally: the first charity show is in Reading, and i'll be (hopefully) finished at around 8:45 - then I'll have to make it the 35 or so miles to Oxford within an hour and fifteen minutes on icy roads in order to make it to the second show.

So, yeah, why the !@#$% do I let people talk me into this !@#$%?

Hoku-Kind of Snow Day.
Quote from: Infini
So what did you guys do on it (assuming you got one, I'm talking about the UK here)?

I couldn't go to college today because I live on a hill :S, and come time to go all the roads off the hill were full of crashed cars. So instead I got a nice space on a hill and watched all the near misses, crashes and what not. Was quite entertaining actually :D.

Heres a random pic off my phone, people really should move their cars over to the side of the road when they have problems u_u.

Cops with Aversion to White, Powdery Boulders.
Quote from: MaJoRa
Well i was bored with a mate in the town centre yesterday, started making some huge snowball. Got it to the bottom of a street and some police decided it was a risk and destroyed it, I thought not much more of it, until I read it in the paper. Some guy (who started snowballing the police as they demolished it) had complained, so here you go:


Heres my blog entry about that day too for some more detail:

My President is Black, My Lambo is Blue.
Quote from: Hoffy

This is more "Off-Topic" than it is Community Speak, but it still deserves a topic nonetheless.

It's just... wow.

Weekly Awards (WA2)

Project Update of the Week
Windy's New MapEditor Version
Quote from: Windy
Another version.  This on includes everything before the Export Plugins.  Also as it now uses the XNA 3.0 framework it requires Microsoft XNA Framework Redistributable 3.0.


Next version will include the Export Plugin stuff done and I'll add a plugin including the source in as an example.  Followed by more UI Enhancements, Bug Fixes etc.

Then I'll probably be more open to suggestions for features to include.

Request Return of the Week
ahmio's Request Topic Replies
Quote from: ahmio
I need a SMALL skullatulla! like 16*16 in LTTP style ! thx.
Oh yeah, i also need the spiderweb that covers the door on the bottom floor !

EDIT: i also need that spike log in the room with an underwater switch !!!!

Big Question (BQ2)

Last week's question: Considering that it is hard to get input elsewhere, does anyone have any other ideas for the Weekly or gripes with its current state?
Summary of answers: Other things are needed, but the specifics are not so evident. But indeed, something new could happen.

This week's question: Have you liked the portrayal of the Zelda universe in the Super Smash Bros. franchise?

Author of this week's issue: 4Sword
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