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Author Topic: Your tales of weird programming randomness  (Read 1283 times)

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Your tales of weird programming randomness
« on: October 19, 2009, 10:33:31 pm »
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So once I was doing to website stuff (not really programming I admit), and realised I missed a closing statement but the website was still displaying fine. I fixed the statement and the website broke. Schrödinger bug or what, right?

I mean, fixing code is supposed to, in turn, fix problems. Not cause them...otherwise it's just a weird paradox and for a few seconds I was terrified I had caused some kind of tear in the space-time continuum and doomed is all...Temporal paradoxes are evil like that ^^

Turns out I also had a typo in the CSS which was combining with the error in the HTML to create the exact effect I was trying to create anyway, in one freaky co-incidence. Fixing that typo and the HTML fixed the page.

Anyone else have any weird stories of errors encountered or Schrödinger bugs or the like? =P
Re: Your tales of weird programming randomness
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2009, 11:35:19 pm »
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I once made a script that connected to IRC and joined a channel. When I went to test it out, some friends of mine decided to force my test user to talk using their powers. I was freaked out at first, wondering how my script that was only designed to connect to IRC and join a channel was talking. Then I realized it was them playing a joke on me. And to think, I thought I invented a cool script that somehow evolved into a chat bot.

On another note, I made an infinite loop once. It was pretty epic. The result: Pi. Yeah, I made a program to calculate Pi through an infinite loop. Though it was only accurate up to about 50 digits... I need a better way of calculating Pi.

Security holes can also be fun when dealing with online scripts. You have no clue how much fun me and my friends have testing out our scripts and searching other scripts for security holes. Some of them can be quite entertaining.
Re: Your tales of weird programming randomness
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2009, 12:20:48 pm »
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I have too many "wow..*facepalm*" stories, considering I tutor at my college.  One guy needed help working with files in VB, so I told him to use the fileOpen function and pass the file directory to the second parameter.  When he asked what the directory would be, I told him, "C:\temp\students.txt" 

He entered the following:

"See : slash temp slash students.txt"

This was a Computer Science Major.

i love big weenies and i cannot lie
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