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Author Topic: The Legend of Zelda: Path of Revelation [SOURCE]  (Read 84517 times)

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Forstride Productions
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Threads of Despair
« Reply #40 on: October 14, 2011, 01:27:37 am »
  • Forstride Productions
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Sorry, for the double post, but I have some updates/news.

First off, Threads of Despair has been entered into the NCFC for this year.  Please be sure to vote if you like it!

Second, made some updates today:

 - Removed NPCs for the time being...Except for the drunk guy in the bar.
 - Made the drunk guy in the bar say something different for each hour.  There will be quite a few "dynamic" NPCs throughout the game.
 - Added sun rays for when it's sunny.  Looks nice, and makes the world more "alive."
 - Edited the snowfall animation to look nicer.
 - Added constant fog to Kodrec Grove and the part of Tranit Trail with the cabin/lakefront.
 - Fixed up galloping sounds for Epona.

That's about it.  You can download the update here: Download
« Last Edit: October 14, 2011, 02:21:35 am by Homegrownpwn »
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Threads of Despair
« Reply #41 on: October 14, 2011, 05:36:00 am »
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This game looks pretty good


Forstride Productions
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Threads of Despair
« Reply #42 on: October 14, 2011, 08:17:42 pm »
  • Forstride Productions
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This game looks pretty good
Thanks!  Be sure to try the demo, as I've updated it today.  You can find the updated link in the first post.
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Threads of Despair
« Reply #43 on: October 14, 2011, 08:57:14 pm »
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Constructive criticism:
You have way too many items on your HUD.  You shouldn't need that many.  It's so distracting to look at your screenshots because my eyes get immediately drawn to the cluster-!@#$% (pardon my French) of item buttons.  If you still think you need that many, you should try to rearrange them because it looks ugly right now.

Also, you may want to switch up you daytime indicator on the bottom of the screen.  Going back to what I said about your item cluster, it takes up quite a bit of space on screen.  For a suggestion, a simple timer/digital clock would suffice.  Or try something smaller like Majora's Mask.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Threads of Despair
« Reply #44 on: October 14, 2011, 09:15:05 pm »
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I agree with the HUD thing a bit, but I think it would be fixed if you just took the little weather widget thingy off. I mean, I'm the kind of person who disables that thing on my desktop, because I don't really care about something to tell me about the weather, I'll know what it is when I go outside. And if I'm link, I'm already outside, so I know the weather. Also, the forecast thing is interesting, but really incongruous with the Zelda universe. Since there are no meteorologists or anything...
And if you made the bar on which the sun progresses as little, widely spaced dots or transparent or something, that would help too.

My opinion is that the weather and stuff should be moved to the menu. Like in pokemon, there was a clock and calendar in gold and silver at least, but it wasn't on the screen, you looked at your poke gear to ascertain this info. I think that could work well.

I think is is especially important because your maps and the overlays you have really are beautiful, so distracting from them is worse.


Forstride Productions
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Threads of Despair
« Reply #45 on: October 14, 2011, 09:22:01 pm »
  • Forstride Productions
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You can hide the time bar/day/season/weather parts of the HUD by pressing Shift.  Please read the thread (It's even in the opening post) before commenting.  This is what it looks like with it toggled off:

As for the item buttons, they're fine to me, and everyone else that's played.  The only complaints I've got were about the time meter/day/season/weather thing, and I fixed that by allowing the player to toggle it on/off.

The HUD is perfect IMO, and the only thing I'd consider changing are the sprites for the day/time/season/weather indicator.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2011, 09:29:01 pm by Homegrownpwn »
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Threads of Despair
« Reply #46 on: October 15, 2011, 05:52:23 am »
  • AKA "Micah DS"
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I still think the HUD buttons would look better if the items were raised up a couple pixels so they would look like they were resting more on top of the buttons as opposed to looking like they were "falling off" the buttons. That is the only thing that looks wrong to me.

Here, I've fooled with that last screen to show you what I mean:

vs the original look:

It's a very minor difference, but I believe, though it's small, it makes it look far better. That is only my opinion though, but if everyone else agrees I think you should change it. Just my advice. The overlays are looking superb though, nice work.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2011, 05:55:40 am by Frozen炎 »
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Forstride Productions
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Threads of Despair
« Reply #47 on: October 15, 2011, 06:20:15 am »
  • Forstride Productions
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Yeah, that definitely looks nicer.  I'll go ahead and change that now.

I'm reworking the first dungeon right now.  Making it longer, more challenging, etc.  Also working on some enemies, like Tektites and Stalfos (They'll come out in the field at night, like in OoT).

And yeah, the overlays...I've been working on improving the atmosphere in the game.  I actually reused the time coloring overlay from my Animal Crossing Clock thing I made a few weeks ago, and it looks a lot better than just cyan, nothing, orange, and dark blue/purple.

I was messing around with blend modes earlier today, and I found some that looked nice, but then at other times, or other locations, other seasons, etc...It looked pretty bad.  So I just stuck to the original way I had it.  I might use some for the Shade Cloak, when I fully finish it.  Speaking of which, I should probably finish the rest of the items for the NCFC 2011 demo.

EDIT: Here's the improved HUD items and one of the new rooms in the first dungeon...

It's sort of like at the bottom of a shaft that leads up to part of the island the shrine is under, and there's water, and of course, weather that shows through the hole.  I'm gonna add fog to some of the rooms, to give it more of a musty, damp, and cold feeling.


Fishing!  That's right, I've added a fishing rod into the game!  It replaces the Luminode, as it was pretty much pointless, and looked like crap.  Currently, you can cast your line anywhere, but of course, it'll only actually work in water.  So stand on the shore of a body of water, look out to the water, and use C to cast your line.

I haven't added any type of reeling system or anything, so for now, it just gives you a heart (Healing heart, not heart container or anything), one rupee, 3 hearts, 3 rupees, a "fish" which doesn't show up or anything yet, and is the most common catch, or 50 rupees, which is the rarest catch.

I'll be adding in a reeling system where you just press Z and X to reel it in, and then it'll show what you caught above you.  Also, going to add a boat rental thing at the lake, which I'm going to expand.  I've had a functional boat in the game for a while now, but never had a use for it, except testing and whatnot.  I got bored one day, and decided to add it, so hey, it finally has a use now.

There will be different kinds of fish you can catch, along with some rare things, like a Piece of Heart, a special lure like in OoT/TP, and a few other neat little things.  You'll then be able to sell your biggest fish for rupees, and even get another Piece of Heart if it's really big.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2011, 11:16:20 pm by Homegrownpwn »


Re: The Legend of Zelda: Threads of Despair
« Reply #48 on: October 16, 2011, 02:33:07 am »
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Dunno if this was mention before, but what you can do for the HUD buttons.  Have only 3 items set and have a random key press which shifts the first 3 slots with the other one. So an example:

1st 3 slots have 3 random items, but you wanna use your bombs that was previously set to the other 3 slots(2nd), press a key and the next 3 slots are brought on screen, while the other 3 remain transparent, behind the 3 slots in use.  That way you have more room on screen if you wanna add something else up there.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Threads of Despair
« Reply #49 on: October 16, 2011, 03:30:35 am »
  • AKA "Micah DS"
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In my opinion, it looks fine now. The only thing I had a problem with was when the items were too low on the buttons and now they are raised up and it looks very nice.

My only crit is on the text that tells the time of day and all that; it is not very consistent looking, and that makes it messy and hard to read. As a general rule, your lower case letters should be about 3/4 the height of your capital letters. Look at these letters: H doagpuceb D. The main bodies of the letters in between the capital ones are all keeping within roughly a 3/4 height of the capital letters. With most fonts, there is a certain level of uniformity that must be maintained, otherwise it will feel like multiple fonts put into one, which is not good in this case. See how the mid lines match up for these: aesaek. If you look at your font, there does not seem to be enough uniformity, and uniformity is important because it makes text easier for the brain to process faster which makes for an easier and nicer read, and that is exactly how it should be, right?

I've attached my own font to show you what I've come up with for my project. I know your font style is a bit larger and it's a different style, but I'm hoping that seeing mine might help show what I mean about "uniformity" and "consistency". The "f" is the only letter that really breaks away from the consistencies because I didn't like the horizontal line raised up to be in line with the others, but that is the only exception, as you should be able to see for yourself.

Anyway, besides your font, I rather like the HUD now.


Oooops, I just realized that the "g", "p", and "q", are messed up. I need to extend the "looped" parts down one pixel. Anyway, I'm sure you get the idea. ;P
.. and my "i" and "j" need fixing too, ha ha... well, thanks for helping me by having a messy font which allowed me to look at my font a little closer! *pathetic laugh*
« Last Edit: October 16, 2011, 03:40:06 am by Frozen炎 »
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Forstride Productions
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Threads of Despair
« Reply #50 on: October 16, 2011, 04:52:31 am »
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The text on the time/season/day thing are actually sprites.  And yes, I know they look like !@#$%, and it's hard to make text look good when it's so small.  I'll try my best to make it look better though.  I've made the time meter/season/weather stuff hidden by default, and I think I'll have it so you have to "unlock" the feature later on, as it can be useful when waiting for events and stuff.

Also, new screenshot of fishing and the "new" textbox design:

I added reeling, and it's just holding Z.  Kind of boring, but it's not supposed to be anything extravagant.

All I have left to finish for the demo is the textbox not working for some things (It'll keep looping the text, and I've been trying to find out why, since the main code for it is correct from looking at it), the intro backgrounds, and some stuff in the Sunken Grotto dungeon.

EDIT: New new textbox design, as seen in the screenshot.  Added a shadow to the text, made the textbox border square, instead of a rounded rectangle, and added a transparency gradient to it.  It looks sexy as hell IMO.  Also, fixed up some fishing stuff, such as wallfishing (Term my friend/beta tester used when testing out fishing), reeling, and the item "display" after you catch it.

EDIT2:  Fixed wallfishing for good, added a "time limit" to rolling, so you can't just keep pressing Z, made a new Gemshorn HUD box thing to match the new textbox, as well as new icons for key presses in it, made Link's sprite change to him playing the Gemshorn while playing, as well as having the cinematic effect appear, and edited the shading overlay a bit.  I made it more "warm" and just more awesome in general.  Here's a comparison of the old vs. the new:

« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 07:11:31 am by Homegrownpwn »


Forstride Productions
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Threads of Despair
« Reply #51 on: October 18, 2011, 02:11:43 am »
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Little update:

 - Added the Rod of Growth.  Use it on dirt mounds to summon a vine from it that will lift you to the dirt mound with the hole in it in that area.  There's only one right now, and it's in the Desert Entrance.
 - Fixed up the intro cinematic.  You can't rapidly press Z to skip through it.  You can however, press X to skip to the end of the current message.  Going to add images later on, and slow it down a bit or something.
 - Added some new fish sprites for different weights, as well as a rare golden fish that will be used in the Fishing Hole to get a prize when I add it.
 - Some HUD changes.  Made the season/day/time thing look decent.  Also changed up some other icons in the inventory and whatnot to prepare for future items.

That's about it I think.  Just trying to get all of the items finished before NCFC.  Doubt I'll be able to, but I'll work my hardest to try and get that done.

EDIT: Another update

 - Added bottles.  You can get water from water sources, and that's it currently.  I still have to add using whatever is in the bottle, or dumping it (Like water and bugs).
 - Added a new function for the growth rod.  Certain mounds will create a stalk of vine at it's "sister" mound (Each dirt mound has another mound it corresponds with), and you can use the hookshot on it.
 - Added new custom trees.  They're different custom trees by Calvein, but the look a lot better than the old ones.  Spring trees have cherry blossoms, summer trees are normal, fall trees have different colored leaves, and I want to do dead trees for winter, but I need a sprite.

« Last Edit: October 18, 2011, 11:38:11 pm by Homegrownpwn »
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Threads of Despair
« Reply #52 on: October 19, 2011, 03:46:47 pm »
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You are truly making progress. This will be done in no time whatsoever!
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Forstride Productions
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Threads of Despair
« Reply #53 on: October 19, 2011, 05:52:38 pm »
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You are truly making progress. This will be done in no time whatsoever!
Thanks!  Even though I've been making progress, this won't be done for a looooooong time.  I've barely even scratched the surface on the story, as well as gameplay in general.

I've just been working on completing the engine, such as items, polishing up existing things (Like with the textbox and whatnot), and making the game's atmosphere dark, yet "relaxed" at the same time.

I only have 3 items left to add, which are the Anchor, Cyclone Vase, and Ice Shards, and then I'm going to redo the Shade Cloak.  After that, I'm not sure what I'll work on...Probably either NPCs or mapping out the rest of the areas in the game.  I think I'll just put a poll.

EDIT: Apparently I can't add a poll...
« Last Edit: October 19, 2011, 05:54:14 pm by Homegrownpwn »
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Threads of Despair
« Reply #54 on: October 19, 2011, 10:01:43 pm »
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Despite your lack of a poll, I vote mapping! Also, those autumn trees look killer, do you have a screen with the spring ones? They sound like they could be nice too. I'd really like to say I could help you with the winter trees, but I don't think I have time...

Also, how far does your demo go, or is one available right now? I couldn't tell from the first post.

Edit: I got mixed up, I totally thought I was in the Fusion Gate topic with this question, haha. Your demo is pretty clearly marked.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2011, 10:21:15 pm by Donotfeedthemax »


Forstride Productions
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Threads of Despair
« Reply #55 on: October 20, 2011, 04:30:32 am »
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Well, kind of big update today.

 - Readded music!  Now using some tracks from ZREO (Zelda Re-Orchestrated for those who don't know).
 - Added some sound effects for certain items
 - Added walking/swimming sound
 - Made some changes to the swamp areas
 - Made some changes to the forest overlay
 - Fog is now it's own weather effect, so it can occur outside of the forest/lakefront trail.  Also, using a custom fog animation I found somewhere (Think it's by .TakaM, not sure).
 - Reduced Link's speed by one.  It feels nicer, but if people think it's too slow, I'll change it back.
 - Added the Cyclone Vase, which doesn't really have a use yet, but you can blow air around.
 - Changed up the Lens of Truth and Shade Cloak overlays

Here's some screenshots as well:

And of course, the download:


There's also a download in the opening post for the .exe only, for future updates without new music, or if you need to redownload it for some reason.

I have to use mediafire now as the music files (Which are loaded externally) take up a bit of space, and NCFC's hosting has a max of 10MB.  Anyway, enjoy the update!  I'm going to make one more update before NCFC, which will hopefully have the rest of the items (Anchor and Ice Shards) added, and maybe...Just maybe, a few more areas.

EDIT: I decided to make another comparison pic from when I first started making the game, up until now.  I've included two separate points in between as well.

It makes me kind of proud I guess.  It's cool to look back on when it was so early in development, seeing how much it sucked then.  XD
« Last Edit: October 20, 2011, 07:25:01 pm by Homegrownpwn »
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Threads of Despair
« Reply #56 on: October 21, 2011, 10:21:45 am »
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Played some of the latest demo (the one you posted in your item thread).

Ultimately, I really think this is looking good, but I do have some thoughts and criticisms:

1.) I love the graphics for the most part. The overworld design is really nice and I like the light of the campfire by the sleeping dude. There are some very cool graphical touches you've got going on in this and some great atmosphere. Well done on that! However, I did find myself taking off that overlay (using ctrl) most of the time; it seemed to take away a bit too much of the definition in some of the graphics.

2.) Because I somehow missed the sign at the beginning (blind moment), I struggled a bit to figure out where I needed to go in the game and I ended up going the completely wrong direction to get the sword. Instead, I found the Deku Nuts and it told me to "go back" to this one guy, which was kind of funny because I didn't talk to him yet. Maybe instead of saying "go back to (name of guy)", just say "take them to (name of guy)". That way it doesn't matter if you've talked with him or not, the text will work either way. It's always good to keep that kind of stuff in mind when doing NPC (Non-Playable Character) text.

3.) I found the collisions to be a little irritating having the "sticky wall" problem, which is a fairly common mistake in game maker games. The movement of Link should be updated. If you press both up and right and you collide with a solid upward, Link should still move to the right if there is nothing there, however, Link stops completely. This NEEDS to be fixed. The game would benefit GREATLY from having proper collisions and movement. I can't think of any right now, but there are a lot of examples on how to do proper movement.

4.) I found it a bit weird that you can only swing your sword when standing still. Is that intentional?

5.) Link should not be able to do a roll when up against a wall, or he should at least smash into it and bounce backward a little bit, otherwise it doesn't feel right. Perhaps you just haven't gotten around to polishing this up?

6.) As I explored the world, I found quite a lot of places that I could go to freely, which is awesome. It gives the player a good feeling of freedom to explore. However, there were places that I felt blocked me off when I should've been able to pass freely. It gave the world a less open feel and it kind of ruined it a bit for me; it made the world feel less engaging. Perhaps you can allow for Link to pass at the edge of a screen no matter what and not just in certain places? I really think that the game would benefit from that being changed.

Anyway, I didn't get much of a chance to play it for very long, so I'll have to play it some more later. Well done so far!

On a complete side note, I realized that your sig picture's link is messed up. When I hover over the pic I see the web address as: http://"http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=37358.0"
So it looks like you might have some unnecessary text in there. Just thought you'd like to know.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2011, 10:30:47 am by Frozen炎 »
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Forstride Productions
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Threads of Despair
« Reply #57 on: October 21, 2011, 04:39:18 pm »
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1) Yeah, that's why I included the feature.  I personally love the shading overlay, but it still looks great without it IMO.

2) I'm going to be polishing up the first part of the actual game (As in the story and whatnot) a lot today and tomorrow before NCFC.  There's going to be an intro cutscene with Link and his uncle (AKA the lazy swordsman in the Patierna Outskirts...Since I'm using Link's uncle's sprite from LTTP, I might as well make him Link's uncle in this), leading up to the start of the game.  Garzo will then shout to you from down at his house, and the view will pan down to him, etc.  I plan on making the Deku Nuts not "activate-able" until you talk to Garzo for the first time.

3) Yes, I know.  It shouldn't be too hard to implement, but right now, I've just had it as "speed = 0" for when Link collides with a solid object.

4) Sort of.  I can change it so you can walk, and then swing the sword.  The way I had it checked if Link wasn't moving before doing all the sword stuff.  So I changed it.

5) Yeah, I have to fix the rolling sound playing even if he can't roll (Like when he's up against a wall).  I'll fix it then, along with the nicer collisions, as the rolling/collision checking will be the same pretty much.

6) Hmm...That shouldn't be too hard.  I have it like that in Caleron Field, where it just uses Link's current X or Y coordinate (Depending on which way he's going) and then sets the opposite value to whatever else I have it as.  This also reminds me of the "invisible barriers" thing my friend keeps mentioning.  I should probably add actual borders to as many areas as I can, rather than having blank space where the player thinks they can walk.

I'm going to be doing a ton of polishing today, along with bug fixes if my friend finds any.  Tomorrow, I'll make the starting cutscene with Link and his uncle, and make it so the first part of the game is playable and lasts at least 20 minutes up until the end of the first dungeon (That's average time, right?).

Also, I made another comparison image for the hell of it:

The area in the "new" screenshot is the Fishing Hole, which is below Kodrec Grove.  If you go to the area of it where the little stream with the walking bridge is, you'll see a clearing that leads down into another area (With a path surrounded by bushes).  Cut the bushes, go down to the Fishing Hut, and then walk through the backdoor, and BAM, gorgeous Fishing Hole.

It's my favorite area in the game personally (Although I like to group it with the Kodrec Grove in general, as they're all pretty much a part of each other).  Currently, you can only go on the boat (Which will have the KORL sprite until I find another boat sprite), fishing, etc.  I'm going to add the Fishing Hole owner NPC eventually, and you'll be able to rent time in the fishing hole (Advantages will be getting to use the boat, catching fish faster than normal, etc.), as well as show her fish you've caught for prizes.


Ok, so I've fixed everything except for 2 and 6.  Gonna start working on the 'start-of-the-game' stuff now.


I added a few things today, not gonna upload until tomorrow night (Before the NCFC deadline) though...

 - Spin Attack!  When you use the sword, continue holding X and your sword will start glowing.  Release X to perform the powerful spin attack.
 - Rolling Jab.  After rolling, quickly press X to perform a jab.  This isn't exactly useful, but it makes it look nicer than just swinging the sword.
 - Water splashing sounds.  It felt boring without them, so I added them...Yep...

That's about it.  I've been thinking of adding a fairy into the game, that follows Link around, and points out certain things of interest by flying over to them and blinking.  It won't talk or anything, just fly around.  What do you guys think?

EDIT3 (Someone post already so I don't have to keep editing this post for updates):

 - New HUD!  Compare the old (Left) to the new (Right):

So basically it's like OoT/MM/Other games, where you just press the buttons to use the item shown.  You can only have 3 out now, as seen, but you don't have to switch them to another button (Like what used to be C).  It's also a lot slimmer, so it takes up less room.

I'm basically trying to clear up the HUD so there's more of the actual game shown, like people have been suggesting.  The hearts take up a lot of space as well, but I can't change those, as there's not really anywhere else to put them.  Then again, when the game is complete, you aren't going to have a lot of hearts until further in the game, and by then, you'll most likely have seen what every area has to offer.

And of course, for taking nice screenshots, it's best to use the Pictobox, as there's no HUD in the images, and I've removed the small white border (It was supposed to be like printing paper, but it looked stupid in the long run).

So all I have left to do before NCFC 2011 is bug test.  A close friend of mine who's been sort of my "private" beta tester since I started working on the game back in December is going to be helping me, and I'm sure he's going to find something I should change.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2011, 08:10:18 am by TDWP FTW »
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Threads of Despair
« Reply #58 on: October 27, 2011, 04:04:43 pm »
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Haha, I almost dislike how gorgeous you've made the fishing hole, because I don't like the fishing mini games very much. Luckily your entire game is beautiful. Do you plan on uploading a new video anytime soon? I think it was Threads of Despair, that once long ago I watched a video, and I didn't like it of much, because it seemed just like wandering around, but now you're game is so beautiful.

As far as the new button thing, awesome. I think it's a great improvement, especially because the old system seems a little confusing? I'm confused anyway. But it looks way more streamlined now, I'm digging it. Also, back when you changed the default of the little meteorology widget from default visible to default hidden, that completely changed everything about it, and now I like it tons. It went from a weird, confusing thing that I'd want to hide, to a pretty awesome neat feature I'd pull up sometimes.

But in regards to the fairy... No! Personally, I hate when fairies are in 2D games, I don't see the point. I mean, since there's no Z Targeting. But if you just want some way to convey information about points of interest, I think you could use those points yourself, such as many games do when you walk up to a wall and it says, this wall looks weak. Or even what Navi did sometimes, with, there are steel beams over the door. Maybe I needed a text confirmation in case the graphics were small or I couldn't tell for some reason, but my character could see it for himself, and then just communicate it via text, I didn't need anybody elses help to see that they're steels beams.
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Threads of Despair
« Reply #59 on: October 27, 2011, 05:30:19 pm »
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I have to say that I LOVE the custom graphics, makes me Zelda nostalgic. However the game freezes whenever I select my save file in the start menu.
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