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Re: ATTN: Items Group: Items Brainstorm
« Reply #120 on: November 24, 2011, 08:27:33 am »
Back to items though!

To address these in the order they were brought up, basically, Stig, what do you mean about items having additional abilities in boss rooms?
I mean like, let's say Link's Master Sword in Zelda 1 could only shoot flying swords if Link were in the boss room? (Though, there would have to be RELEVANCE to the idea... I'm not supposing we just randomly add extra abilities to the items for no real reason when you get into the boss room... i.e. Steam Cog at the Water Temple resonates with the boss activating something?) I was just suggesting this because I feel it let's us be a little more creative about our design. Like, I feel we could have the design of our dungeons go hand in hand with the bosses and items you get from the temples, if that makes sense.

I feel like you could look at that two ways, like,  you could mean that, say, the magnetic gloves in the boss room can repel the projectiles the boss shoots at you, because they're magnetically charged. Or you could be meaning that using the magnetic gloves in the boss room allows you to shoot fire from your sword. The difference, although the second example is a  bit extreme for emphasis, is that the first way is the item doing the same thing it always does, the same way as always, but due to particular things in the boss room, it has a new effect.
Looks like you were thinking along the same lines as I was!

The second way is the item doing things it's never done, or doing things in a way it's never done, which is confusing for the player. I'm all in support of the first way, but that won't be addressed until we do enemies, presuming we're doing bosses. Which I think we'll probably wait on until the levels team defines the dungeons a bit more, so we'll have a theme, sort of. Of course, the boss might define the theme, so maybe we won't work entirely independently.
Yeah, I think just randomly throwing the extra abilities in there is unnecessary and will do more harm than good.

BUT, what item would this be tied to, the shadow cog? If so, that would have to replace the statues application, and honestly, if we've got mirror images an involved as moving and potentially attacking, that's more of a whole item unto itself. It seems a bit much to assign to one cog. Perhaps this mirror thing could be involved with the shadow cloak? This could reconcile a lot of ideas about these items:
This would create INSANE puzzles, actually. Imagine having the elegy of emptiness allow you to assign an item to a dummy. Ah, well, I'm getting ahead of myself here...

Putting on the shadow cloak makes you invisible to some enemies, and makes illusions' truth more apparent (ie, fake doors will take on a slightly different color, there will be a haze where an invisible object is like a platform or chest, etc), but attracts sheikah wraiths, as you're in their realm.
I was just gonna say, this is similar to the wolf senses in Twilight Princess.

When you hold down the button, you create an illusory, mirrored copy of yourself to sort of replace you. The mirror moves as an inverse to your movements, and when you attack, it does to. It probably won't be able to use any of your other items , though. The mirror copy can be used to solve puzzles like holding down switches and hitting multiple things at once.
Well, this shoots down my initial idea or unless there would be a way to somehow have the copy have an item assigned to it.

This seems to reconcile a few different ideas, but would probably need to be tested. If this doesn't seem to work out, I'm also quite down with the idea of using the cane of brynna/samaria/whatever. I just re-bought LTTP (my sisters apparently sold my old copy), but I'm not that far yet, just beat the eastern palace and the armos knights. By the way, studying dungeons from different games is a must when you're making your own. Just studying one game isn't NEARLY as helpful.
I recommend you check out http://bszelda.zeldalegends.net/sekibanfiles.shtml and run it in bsnes or snes9x, if you can (alternatively, you could scroll down to the youtube videos and watch how the games were originally played as there's missing data still that's being recovered... tl;dr on the reason why just ask in a PM if you want to know details). This is an extension of ALTTP, but with a different story + different dungeon styles somewhat. I totally agree with this, though. It's best just to study the different approaches Nintendo had than to focus in on one thing.

For the water cog, YES, NYRU'S LOVE type item! Haha, defense never occurred to me, but that's actually a great idea. When you use the water or steam cog, you surround yourself with a spinning veil of water or steam that deflects attacks while your magic holds out, using it in water creates a whirlpool which can defend you from enemies and negate other whirlpools.
Do whirlpools only spin a particularly way in life, like Clockwise in the southern hemisphere or something? The water cog would spin the other way, and negate them.
+1 here, too... This reminds me of Katara's abilities from Avatar: The Last Airbender. That being said, I also think the water cog should be able to manipulate the temperature of water. i.e. cold(freezing water)/hot(forming steam or melting water). But how to decide which happens when? I think the state of the water should decide that. If it's not frozen, freeze it. If it's frozen, melt it. To form steam, perhaps make it an action command?

Also, I said water/steam, because steam could still work. You surround yourself with a spinning cloud of steam, and it protects you. You could, in water, perhaps evaporate the whirlpools? Or perhaps cause a ranged thing, where you sort of boiled the water in front of you, and it was a ranged attack you could use in water? You'd shoot a wave of boiling water, which could hit enemies, and start waterwheels. And then when you used the defensive veil on land in the proper places, the steam could be directed into some kind of pipe or something and operate a steam-powered machine.
Of course, what I'm mostly in favor of is the Nyru's Love type item. The defensive aspect. The other ideas are just ideas.
Maybe this approach would be better than taking my approach. I was thinking broad on the idea(perhaps too broad). I'm in favor of the defensive approach and actually... come to think of it, going the steam approach would definitely fit the steampunk theme of the project better. (It comes off as steampunk to me, at least)

Also, an idea I have for the last few items is this, after a little more discussion of the steam/water cog, we should have two basic options, one of either steam or water offensively, the other defensively with perhaps some other applications. We'll pick the better option, do a writeup, and then ratify it. How does a ratification system for the rest of the items sound? Now that we've got four of us on the team, it'll be a bit harder to come to conclusions. Not too much harder, though, because it's still pretty small.
I have no objections for a ratifying system. Just as long as we can continue processing input and worrying less about political squabbles, I'm all for it!

Alright guys, you heard the man, let's keep it up. I'm just gonna put this up now, so if anybody looks in over thanksgiving weekend. Any more comments on the listed items will be taken into account for the next few days, but after next week gets into full swing, they're gonna be finalised. Dark-Hylian, the bow. Yes. 8 Ways. That is definitely the way to go. I'll get back to the bow later in this post, I want to get these last two down, so we're gonna vote yea and nea on the different aspects of the steam cog and shadow cloak. Also, let me know if I've forgotten any aspects that seemed reasonable.
8 directional arrows +1. Make this apply to any other long-ranged object as well. Hookshot, boomerang, etc. in my opinion. Otherwise you're going to have inconsistencies with the overall item design.

Steam Cog
-Defensive Steam Veil
-Powers up steam technology
-Boosts you in water
-Damages enemies you hit in water


-Water based, surf like attack
-Hits enemies on land with wave, Pushes back
-Floods some things to solve puzzles
-Boosts you (surfin' Link) in water
-creates whirlpool in water, drawing enemies in, disables other whirlpools.

I think that's all we had for this cog that didn't step on the toes of the fire and ice arrows.
I'll fetch my ideas here for you, too:
- Temperature Manipulation; effect on water varies depending on the state of the water. (i.e. if water unfrozen, freeze. if water frozen, unfreeze. steam effect is an action command on unfrozen water?)

Shadow Cloak
-Turns You Invisible to enemies
This follows the same design as how Nintendo had it in ALTTP.


-Makes Enemies hard to see, but reveals the nature of illusions &invisible objects
Now this goes into the Lens of Truth-esque functionality. Don't really know about this one...

And Or

-Creates a mirror Link that can attack and solve puzzles.
Now, I have a suggestion. How about having a way to give the shadow cloak idea #1 and this idea? Certain conditions can allow you to position a dummy Link. i.e. elegy of emptiness is played with ocarina while wearing shadow cloak?

Again, of I've forgotten any reasonable aspects, let me know. I think we've discussed these things long enough that now we've all got opinions, so let's once and for all get em down.

Now, about the bow, yeah, eight ways is perfect. How are we going to do the in between directions, though? Link kinda needs to be able to hold the bow ready and still move to make use of the fire/ice arrows, if we switch WW style with the R button. Or does he? Perhaps Link can't move while holding the bow ready, but can spin and charge arrows with fire and ice. There would also be a cancel button.
Let's do both. If the key is only pressed, just have Link fire the bow in the direction he was facing. If the key is held down, keep Link in position but make the directional buttons change which direction he's facing rather than moving him. Once the key is released, fire arrows.

Pressing the button puts you in aiming mode. You can spin eight directions, and switch between fire, ice, and regular. There is a cancel button to return to normal mode, and pressing the button again fires the arrow.
How does that sound? I don't mind if we debate some specifics of how the controls relate to items for a while, because we've definitely decided on what the item does, at least.
Read my idea above, I think switching modes like that would be too tedious in the heat of battle. Though we can test this theory by developing a quick prototyping solution to be certain ^^. I think this aspect should just be noted down until we can get a prototype up and running.

But the main thing is the shadow cloak and steam cog!

The secondary thing is the bow!
The Shadow Cog is especially interesting given its "weird" nature. It's weird to me at least.

The tertiary thing is Dark Hylian's name, it's so long! Can I just call you Dark, or is that somebody else? Do you have another name I could call you?
You can call me "Jon", if you wish. ;) Or "The" because it'll make your sentences sound more confusing. Haha, just kidding.. call me whatever! Since we're on this matter.

Max, I apologize for failing to live up to my word in responding to this topic one time per day. To make up for that, next time you reply, I'll be keeping a close watch on this thread.


Re: ATTN: Items Group: Items Brainstorm
« Reply #121 on: November 27, 2011, 12:28:43 am »
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Mmkay. Sorry for my absence, family and travelling, etc. you know how it goes.

Shadow Cog: Whips a tendril of shadowy energy in front of Link, confusing the enemy it touches; this causes it to attack other enemies in the general area. When the tendril is used on a statue, the statue comes to life, and fulfills its purpose, or is put under the control of the Player.

Bow 'n' Arrow: Should function the same as in Minish Cap, although changing in direction (4 or 8) should be allowable. Using a "R" or "Select" or whatever, should switch the function, Ice Arrows, Fire Arrows, etc.

@ Jon The Stig :P - Temperature Cog, we can't do it. That intrudes WAY too much into Fire and Ice Arrow territory, which is where we've been trying to stay away from. I think it could perhaps be an ice sheild, but IMO, the water cog works the least well for a defensive one, I'd choose the Stone Cog for a defensive one, water for an actual attack.
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Re: ATTN: Items Group: Items Brainstorm
« Reply #122 on: November 27, 2011, 03:50:14 am »
  • It's just Max.
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DH (or so I've dubbed you for the purposes of expediting my posts)(if that's okay with you), I understand about traveling and all, that's cool. Did you get the PM I sent out to the group?

Stig (you name was already short enough, haha), haha, I usually re-read posts a number of times as I'm responding, but I end up re-reading what I've already said to myself because of your quotes, haha. You mentioned that if anything about your posting style was inconvenient or anything in the past to let you know, so I don't mean any offence, but do you read all the way through previous posts before responding? I feel like you quote something, respond to it, and then after quoting the next thing, you change what you said in your first quote. It's not a big deal, I was just wondering.

So, first off, to both of you... You kind of neglected to make any decisions either way about the cog and cloak. You just responded about pros and cons, which is kinda just gonna drag out the process of deciding on items, so... Well, that being said, DH, you're right again about the stone cog being more practical for defence. I mean, it is kinda more expected though, that stone is defence, but we could switch them. The stone cog creates a rock kind of shield around Link (also like the last air bender, haha), and the water cog does a kind of attack that hurts enemies in a radius, either by steaming them or splashing them, whatever.
So is that a better thing? Guys, decision time is here.

After we divide for sure, which is defence, which is attack, we can assign a lil' secondary ability, like if it works waterwheels or steam technology or affects rocks.

Secondly, the shadow cloak. I have no idea exactly what aspects you guys are in favor of. Again, I'm thinking there are three aspects:

Invisibility to enemies
Noticing illusions
Mirrored clone

What are you guys in favor of?

I like invisibility and illusions. I think the mirror clone is cool, but might not work well, the others seem like they'd work fine. But again, which do you guys think? I think I'm gonna go ahead and set a deadline of Monday evening after ten, we're gonna go with whatever seems most in favor of at that point. If this seems too sudden/soon, say so. Its totally reasonable that that might be too soon, I just think we're close enough that it isn't.

Finally, the bow. Stig, yeah, your idea seems to work a lot better than what I said. But like DH said, and WW proved, having another button assigned to switch types of arrows works fine, too. I mean, if we test it and it doesnt work, then that's okay, we'll take it away, but I'm pretty sure it'll work. Holding the button puts an arrow in the bow, you can then turn 8 ways. Pressing r or whatever changes types. Releasing the button fires. This way you can aim and also fire rapidly. And it's still simple.

Also, the same method could be applied to all ranged objects easily, yeah. Hold boomerang, face direction, release to throw. Hold Hookshot button, aim, release to shoot. The bombs cannon presents a little problem, as how long you hold determines charging and distance, doesn't it? Perhaps you could hold the button to face a direction, and hold R to charge?

Anyway, remember, let's decide on the shadow cloak and water (/stone) cogs first. Everything else is just details.


Re: ATTN: Items Group: Items Brainstorm
« Reply #123 on: November 27, 2011, 07:22:33 am »
Stig (you name was already short enough, haha), haha, I usually re-read posts a number of times as I'm responding, but I end up re-reading what I've already said to myself because of your quotes, haha. You mentioned that if anything about your posting style was inconvenient or anything in the past to let you know, so I don't mean any offence, but do you read all the way through previous posts before responding? I feel like you quote something, respond to it, and then after quoting the next thing, you change what you said in your first quote. It's not a big deal, I was just wondering.
That's probably because I was responding to the post as I was breaking them down in quotes and then moving onto the next posts. Some decisions I wasn't sure on, so I just figured it would be better to do that incase if I miss something. Sorry if that's causing confusion. Though I do re-read my posts just to make sure they make sense. I also just mind-dump in my post which I probably shouldn't do since it just introduces me coming up with an idea then disagreeing with myself later..

One thing I'd like to really point out, I didn't even think we were even deciding on the Stone Cog. In fact, I'm not even sure what the functionality behind it is. All that's in this topic are ideas that were thrown out there and certain scenarios of how it could be used. But again, that doesn't give me anything to work with. Ideas floating in the air != a defined specification.

So, first off, to both of you... You kind of neglected to make any decisions either way about the cog and cloak.
I did have a response but it seems you're not looking for changing the ideas any further:
Now, I have a suggestion. How about having a way to give the shadow cloak idea #1 and this idea? Certain conditions can allow you to position a dummy Link. i.e. elegy of emptiness is played with ocarina while wearing shadow cloak?

I did like idea #3 the best, but that functionality (in the Zelda series) was already provided by the Elegy of Emptiness. Idea #2 comes into the area of the Lens of Truth. So, to give you a for sure definite answer, #1 is the best idea in my opinion. The functionality fits the name quite well, and is "close enough" to how the Magic Cape in ALTTP worked, but I like this idea better.

I like invisibility and illusions. I think the mirror clone is cool, but might not work well, the others seem like they'd work fine.
I think mirror clone "could" work just because of how well the clones worked in Majora's Mask for Stone Tower Temple. But hey, I'm going to reiterate what I mentioned earlier in this post: the cloak works fine as an invisibility cloak and if we wanted to bring in clones into the puzzle formula, then the Elegy of Emptiness would be a good way to go about that. It's as simple as that.

But again, which do you guys think? I think I'm gonna go ahead and set a deadline of Monday evening after ten, we're gonna go with whatever seems most in favor of at that point. If this seems too sudden/soon, say so. Its totally reasonable that that might be too soon, I just think we're close enough that it isn't.
My situation should be sorted by then.

Finally, the bow. Stig, yeah, your idea seems to work a lot better than what I said. But like DH said, and WW proved, having another button assigned to switch types of arrows works fine, too.
 I mean, if we test it and it doesnt work, then that's okay, we'll take it away, but I'm pretty sure it'll work. Holding the button puts an arrow in the bow, you can then turn 8 ways. Pressing r or whatever changes types. Releasing the button fires. This way you can aim and also fire rapidly. And it's still simple.
You know what, you and DH are very right, WW did have multiple button assignments for weapons. I like the sound of the bolded part of this quote. It seems like it's going to be quite an awesome idea. xD

Also, the same method could be applied to all ranged objects easily, yeah. Hold boomerang, face direction, release to throw. Hold Hookshot button, aim, release to shoot. The bombs cannon presents a little problem, as how long you hold determines charging and distance, doesn't it? Perhaps you could hold the button to face a direction, and hold R to charge?
Just a thought, perhaps the direction should be determined by which direction Link is simply facing; have a button for going into an "aiming mode"(or maybe Link _can_ change direction in this mode too?). What you had for charge seemed fine, actually. :)

As for the other ranged items, it's like you've pointed out that they typically could follow that scheme.

Anyway, remember, let's decide on the shadow cloak and water (/stone) cogs first. Everything else is just details.
Just to be clear: in regards to the shadow cloak, I am for the invisibility idea. For the Water Cog, I like the description if it were an offensive cog. But you know, scratch my opinion here because from what you're saying, the Water Cog and Stone Cog directly influence each other(i.e. one is offense, other defense).
« Last Edit: November 27, 2011, 07:44:57 am by thestig »
Re: ATTN: Items Group: Items Brainstorm
« Reply #124 on: November 27, 2011, 06:11:27 pm »
  • It's just Max.
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Thanks for the ultra prompt reply, Stig, haha.

So yeah, this topic, and it's parameters and purpose... Haha, it's been through a lot. This started out as just brainstorming random ideas, then died, then revived as deciding for sure which items to include, by way of throwing out ideas, then honing them. So yeah, there's a lot of random ideas, then after those, there should be a refined decision on an item. A couple times, the items, as finalised, have been stated all together.

So, the shadow cloak, Stig votes invisibility! I've got it now.
I will say, though, that your reasoning is that the other options are covered by other items... Which we don't plan on using... Right? I mean, that is your reasoning, right? I mean, I'm not the item king, we could work in the elegy and lens, it's just that we were basically decided on a number of items, and then we decided which there were, so it doesn't really seem like there's room for any more. What I mean to say is that I don't feel as if adding in additional items, such as the lens or elegy of emptiness, would be best, so I'd rather make their abilities, if we decide to use them at all, avaliable through the shadow cloak, rather than through seperate items.

The water cog and stone cog confusion that suddenly popped up is a result of me coming up with ideas that were kinda dumb to begin with, then saying, okay, those are done.
We previously had the stone cog doing damage, and the water cog being defensive, when it would make more sense to do it opposite. DH pointed this out, and I was like, oh, hey... So that's why it's up for dispute. If I've made any silly oversights like this anywhere else, please say so.

So that's why the stone cog was suddenly back on the table. So then, you're also in favor of stone being defence, and water being offence? Cause that would make it unanimous. I'm not scratching your opinion, because it's exactly what I'm trying to find out, haha!

So, secondary things, all the projectile items, boomerang, bow, Hookshot, you couldn't move while firing them in other games anyway. So it's okay if you can't move while firing it in KoT either, I think. So holding the button, to face a direction more easily, seems like a good idea. Because I remember in ALTTP, it was really difficult to fire something diagonally, because I feel like you never faced that way naturally. Having a button to hold that allows you to turn, but not move, seems helpful to me.
The reason I'm thinking it'd be better to not connect the button that lets you turn to the button that charges the bomb cannon is this: suppose you need to shoot the cannon a shot way, diagonally. You hold the button, but accidentally turn too far, or whatever, it takes a ill bit to line yourself up just right. By the time you've faced the precise direction, the cannon cas charged more then necessary, and you overshoot your target!

Also, we might still want to consider if 8 way projectiles are best, of if it should be limited to 4 way for a reason. I mean, OOX, and perhaps MC (can't remember), did not use 8 way aiming, so maybe they left it out for a reason. I do think that it would allow for better puzzles and be helpful in fights, though. So I mean, I'm still in favor of it, just thought I would check.

Also, one of the reasons there's a little confusion about this stuff is that things like if Link can walk in 8 directions and how many buttons we'll have and what they'll do, that's all still technically undecided. That's because we, as the game design team, haven't started on that yet, because the game design team only sort of started through this topic, so we're doing this first... But yeah.


Re: ATTN: Items Group: Items Brainstorm
« Reply #125 on: November 27, 2011, 07:11:32 pm »
Thanks for the ultra prompt reply, Stig, haha.

So yeah, this topic, and it's parameters and purpose... Haha, it's been through a lot. This started out as just brainstorming random ideas, then died, then revived as deciding for sure which items to include, by way of throwing out ideas, then honing them. So yeah, there's a lot of random ideas, then after those, there should be a refined decision on an item. A couple times, the items, as finalised, have been stated all together.
Yeah, I apologize me having a hard time following things. When I am put up to vote in a design decision, I like to be sure I know what's going on first! ^^

So, the shadow cloak, Stig votes invisibility! I've got it now.
I will say, though, that your reasoning is that the other options are covered by other items... Which we don't plan on using... Right? I mean, that is your reasoning, right? I mean, I'm not the item king, we could work in the elegy and lens, it's just that we were basically decided on a number of items, and then we decided which there were, so it doesn't really seem like there's room for any more. What I mean to say is that I don't feel as if adding in additional items, such as the lens or elegy of emptiness, would be best, so I'd rather make their abilities, if we decide to use them at all, avaliable through the shadow cloak, rather than through seperate items.
You're right, part of my reasoning was behind the functionality being covered by other items(I had assumed we were using them.. especially Elegy of Emptiness due to its mention a few times in this thread).. though the main one was the idea behind the item name actually. "Shadow Cloak", might as well make it ironic and make the player invisible.  :P However, I'm not quite sure about adding in the other items. ....My thoughts are, we can cross that bridge if we must, but right now there are other important things going on. My decisions still stand. It would be cool if we could work in another ability into the Shadow Cloak; more or less the clone ability since that could be useful for puzzles. But hey, again, that might complicate things. To avoid complicating things, I'm fine with things as is. The ability works, makes sense, and is still useful for puzzles.

The water cog and stone cog confusion that suddenly popped up is a result of me coming up with ideas that were kinda dumb to begin with, then saying, okay, those are done.
We previously had the stone cog doing damage, and the water cog being defensive, when it would make more sense to do it opposite. DH pointed this out, and I was like, oh, hey... So that's why it's up for dispute. If I've made any silly oversights like this anywhere else, please say so.
Yeah, I've seen Stone being for damage and water being for defensive... but that's not the reasoning behind the dispute. What does the Stone Cog do, really? There's an outline of the Water Cog based on multiple scenarios (whether it's defensive or not, plus one additional concept where it's a "Steam" Cog), which you were asking what I agreed with. Certainly, I can agree with one of those designs. But as for the stone cog, I can agree whether it's defensive or not... but what would that imply for the cog? But yeah, it seems how I was interpreting what you were asking for was completely different. And for that, I apologize.

Allow me to add another thought in regards to the Stone Cog while we're on this topic: I agree that it actually would be more ideal to have the Stone Cog defensive(imagine using that "stone ball" defense ability to roll around and trample enemies? You mentioned like in Avatar: The Last Airbender) while the Water Cog be offensive(I followed your description of the offensive Water Cog which was why I came to my conclusion).

^^ I know it's random to throw that in there, but hey... I got excited >_<.

So, secondary things, all the projectile items, boomerang, bow, Hookshot, you couldn't move while firing them in other games anyway. So it's okay if you can't move while firing it in KoT either, I think. So holding the button, to face a direction more easily, seems like a good idea. Because I remember in ALTTP, it was really difficult to fire something diagonally, because I feel like you never faced that way naturally. Having a button to hold that allows you to turn, but not move, seems helpful to me.
The reason I'm thinking it'd be better to not connect the button that lets you turn to the button that charges the bomb cannon is this: suppose you need to shoot the cannon a shot way, diagonally. You hold the button, but accidentally turn too far, or whatever, it takes a ill bit to line yourself up just right. By the time you've faced the precise direction, the cannon cas charged more then necessary, and you overshoot your target!
You're right, I remember this being a pain in the butt if you were playing with the original SNES gamepad. You could fire diagonally, but it was a bit annoying in doing so! Also, this was why I suggested an "aiming mode" for this reason. It would disable your movement completely in exchange for being able to aim. So, it would be like using the Bomb Cannon on the boat in Wind Waker, I guess? The only issue I could see with this is that the bomb cannon will now be clunky. But see, this is the only way I can currently think of to avoid the problem you pointed out.

Also, we might still want to consider if 8 way projectiles are best, of if it should be limited to 4 way for a reason. I mean, OOX, and perhaps MC (can't remember), did not use 8 way aiming, so maybe they left it out for a reason. I do think that it would allow for better puzzles and be helpful in fights, though. So I mean, I'm still in favor of it, just thought I would check.

Also, one of the reasons there's a little confusion about this stuff is that things like if Link can walk in 8 directions and how many buttons we'll have and what they'll do, that's all still technically undecided. That's because we, as the game design team, haven't started on that yet, because the game design team only sort of started through this topic, so we're doing this first... But yeah.
It could have been a technicality as to why they left it out, but who knows... it would probably be better to just leave the 8 projectiles idea in there for now, but leave a reminder note that we should probably test that aspect to really "finalize" that. Or unless that method is unacceptable and you need an answer now. If that's the case, then I'll just say that like you, I feel the 8 projectiles should be fine. So in other words, I'm in favor for it!

I apologize for the confusion I have had in my previous post. To make things easier on you, I'll put out my final thoughts here on both of the items:

Shadow Cloak
Having Link turn invisible to enemies is somewhat ironic to "Shadow" being in the item name because to the enemies, there won't be a shadow. For parts where you need to sneak around, this could prove useful or hell, even helpful. Imagine wanting to just fly through some parts of the dungeon that you've already finished up but still need to pass without getting harassed by the enemies?
That being said... I am in favor of "Invisibility to enemies". :)

Water Cog
Offensive, definitely. I could imagine really kicking some ass while "surf attacking", haha.

Stone Cog
Defensive, like you guys said. Though this does make the vote unanimous. When you referenced Avatar: The Last Air Bender, I couldn't help but think of the last episode when Aang morphed into a stone ball. I'll avoid getting ahead of myself here before really defining ideas, though.

So I hope that does clear things up!
Re: ATTN: Items Group: Items Brainstorm
« Reply #126 on: November 28, 2011, 01:50:30 am »
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So yeah, the elegy of emptiness was just brought up as an illustration for one of the shadow cloak's potential abilities, haha. Not as its own thing. Reasonable confusion, you're fine. Other than that, I think I'll break this post down by item.

Shadow Cloak, as it's probably the most important to figure out right now.
I agree that invisibility is a good quality. Let's figure out, however, how this will work in application. Like, so enemies won't see Link. What will this do for puzzles? What will this door for combat? Personally, I don't see how being invisible, and just that, could solve any puzzles, unless the puzzle was sneaking around, in which case with the cloak, it wouldn't really be a puzzle at all... Also, it would affect fighting for sure, but it seems like it would totally kill fighting (awkward pun-like statement...) because you'd just slaughter enemies.
What if we did combine the elegy of emptiness with the cloak, without the mirrored aspect, because that part seems the most complicated, potentially troublesome, and of dubious application. Basically, you'd put on the cloak and leave a shell of yourself behind, you could travel invisibly this way (perhaps it be your spirit traveling or something), and when you took it off, the shell you left would evaporate and you'd be regular again. Of course, using the cloak would consume a little magic power. The way you'd keep from using this to just slaughter enemies is one of two ways:
You couldn't use your sword while wearing the cloak.
It'd consume lots of magic to use the sword while wearing the cloak.
The enemies would be attracted to the shell you left, so you couldn't fight them cause they wouldn't be where you are, they'd be by the shell.

This way the cloak combines invisibility and elegy, giving it applications for puzzles.

Stone and water cogs seem pretty decided then, stone is defence, water is offence.

Stone cog-
Using this would pull stones out of the ground to create a shield around you for as long as you held the button down. It consumes magic, but you can still move while using the shield. Perhaps using the shield in certain places would drag stones from wall or something into your shield, creating a path that was previously blocked.

Water Cog
Using the water cog blasts water in the four directions around you, damaging enemies it hits. It uses magic. This attack could be used to power some waterwheels.

I think that's what we said, approximately, about the water cog, right?
Also, how do you feel about the specifics of that for stone?

Aiming seems decided then? Hold the button to aim, release to fire. With the bow, press r to switch between arrows, with the cannon press r to charge the shot?
I can see how this might make the cannon clunky, which is good. It's a steampunk hand cannon that shoots bombs, it better be clunky.

Finally, to answer the question you asked in the thread about dungeons, because it's an item question, I am SO in favor of a logbook item. I brought this up ages ago, before this topic was really where it is now, that I wanted one to keep track of when you come someplace you can't access yet, what type of puzzle it is. Like, when you come to a broken bridge you'd need the Hookshot to cross, later you get the Hookshot, and you think to yourself, where the hell was that bridge? I'd like the logbook to keep track of that, too.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2011, 01:53:32 am by Donotfeedthemax »


Re: ATTN: Items Group: Items Brainstorm
« Reply #127 on: November 28, 2011, 02:38:26 am »

So yeah, the elegy of emptiness was just brought up as an illustration for one of the shadow cloak's potential abilities, haha. Not as its own thing. Reasonable confusion, you're fine. Other than that, I think I'll break this post down by item.

Shadow Cloak, as it's probably the most important to figure out right now.
I agree that invisibility is a good quality. Let's figure out, however, how this will work in application. Like, so enemies won't see Link. What will this do for puzzles? What will this door for combat? Personally, I don't see how being invisible, and just that, could solve any puzzles, unless the puzzle was sneaking around, in which case with the cloak, it wouldn't really be a puzzle at all... Also, it would affect fighting for sure, but it seems like it would totally kill fighting (awkward pun-like statement...) because you'd just slaughter enemies.
What if we did combine the elegy of emptiness with the cloak, without the mirrored aspect, because that part seems the most complicated, potentially troublesome, and of dubious application. Basically, you'd put on the cloak and leave a shell of yourself behind, you could travel invisibly this way (perhaps it be your spirit traveling or something), and when you took it off, the shell you left would evaporate and you'd be regular again. Of course, using the cloak would consume a little magic power. The way you'd keep from using this to just slaughter enemies is one of two ways:
You couldn't use your sword while wearing the cloak.
It'd consume lots of magic to use the sword while wearing the cloak.
The enemies would be attracted to the shell you left, so you couldn't fight them cause they wouldn't be where you are, they'd be by the shell.
You know, this is much like the Minish Cap approach with the Four Swords. But getting to how invisibility could be used for puzzles, I was thinking of the Magic Cape from ALTTP where you can walk over spikes without getting harmed. For some reason, that slipped my mind at the time of writing my previous post. This actually would go along with the idea you have since Link would essentially be in a "spirit" form then. Thinking about it now, you would have two different methods of solving puzzles here which could all be combined: shell to step/hold down a switch and invisibility to bypass harmful spikes. I've been trying to think of a way for a third method where the mirror could be made useful if it maintained the main items Link has equipped (i.e. the Backlash Shield), but I honestly can only come up with one thing so far and that's requiring Link to travel across to another part of the map while waiting for his mirror to get hit with a projectile. That would make for a tedious puzzle, though. I just thought I would bring up that idea just to see what you would think. :P

Stone and water cogs seem pretty decided then, stone is defence, water is offence.

Stone cog-
Using this would pull stones out of the ground to create a shield around you for as long as you held the button down. It consumes magic, but you can still move while using the shield. Perhaps using the shield in certain places would drag stones from wall or something into your shield, creating a path that was previously blocked.

Water Cog
Using the water cog blasts water in the four directions around you, damaging enemies it hits. It uses magic. This attack could be used to power some waterwheels.

I think that's what we said, approximately, about the water cog, right?
Also, how do you feel about the specifics of that for stone?
You're quite correct, it doesn't seem like there's anybody against that between me, you, and DH(afaik). You know, about that stone idea, it would be interesting to throw stones down a level and then use the water cog to flood the lower level which allows you to create a bridge(I believe the flooding idea was mentioned in an earlier post, as well). It would be cool if you could ride a rail with the stone cog(Link would be surrounded by a stone shield at this point) and this would allow Link to break through a wall... Ah maybe I'm getting too ahead of myself here -- ahahahaha. I apologize.

Getting back to the main question you were asking, I totally agree with this design for the Stone Cog. You know, pulling stone off of the walls could even make good puzzle devices. (i.e. pulling a slab out of the wall revealing an eye-switch) What you have I think is good enough and can tie into other applications without having to alter the specification behind the Stone Cog.

In regards to the Water Cog, the only point I think was missing was the ability to flood out certain areas. This would take careful level design, but is definitely doable and could be definitely really effective. As for unflooding that area I guess that water would just drain and go to Link? Other than that, I don't believe there was anything else missing. So I +1 the Water Cog. :)

Aiming seems decided then? Hold the button to aim, release to fire. With the bow, press r to switch between arrows, with the cannon press r to charge the shot?
I can see how this might make the cannon clunky, which is good. It's a steampunk hand cannon that shoots bombs, it better be clunky.
The only thing that concerned me was whether or not it would be "too" clunky. But you know what, the Cannon was clunky in Wind Waker, yet it worked good. So yeah, that's something I didn't consider. ^^ I +1 this idea for aiming.

Finally, to answer the question you asked in the thread about dungeons, because it's an item question, I am SO in favor of a logbook item. I brought this up ages ago, before this topic was really where it is now, that I wanted one to keep track of when you come someplace you can't access yet, what type of puzzle it is. Like, when you come to a broken bridge you'd need the Hookshot to cross, later you get the Hookshot, and you think to yourself, where the hell was that bridge? I'd like the logbook to keep track of that, too.
Yes!!! I like that extension of the logbook idea you have there. It goes beyond just covering character development, but rather, retaining "hints" to different puzzles which would prove very helpful to the player (assuming the logbook would track such locations through hints and plotted locations on the map).

If me going off on my little idea tangents made my post a bit insane, just yell at me >_<..
Re: ATTN: Items Group: Items Brainstorm
« Reply #128 on: November 28, 2011, 04:01:19 am »
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Okay, totally agreed about the shadow cloak. I mean, the only thing is, couldn't the shell just be used to hold down a switch... That lowered the spikes? Haha, nah, I support going through stuff.
What I might add is that I'd like it if the things you could go through were actually illusions, and when you put of the cloak they appeared a slightly different color, or the rest of the world darkened a little, indicating that they were illusory and you could now pass through them. When not wearing the cloak, however, the illusions would be so convincing that you felt pain from them anyway, taking damage.
However, there are two ways to approach the passing through of spikes, illusions, etc:
You could always pass through them with the shadow cloak, as they're illusions.
You could only pass through them when you've left a shell on the other side, as the shell is what would take the damage, removing your consciousness from your body allows you to dissociate the pain from going through the spikes.
Or, and my favourite, a combination. You could pass through illusions anytime you have the cloak on. However, some things, like spikes, you could pass through only when you've left your shell on the other side. I think this would allow for the best puzzles. Thoughts?
Also, I'd like your opinion on the usage of the sword while wearing the cloak. In the meantime, partial Writeup?

Shadow Cloak
Pressing the assigned button toggles on/off the cloak. Holding the button for a little while youre wearing it creates a shell of yourself that is left behind in the spot you created it. The shell dissipates when you press the action button at it, or if you remove the cloak. The shell can be used to hold down switches, and perhaps other things. (Other things to be decided as puzzles are created. I.E., the levels people could decide that the shell can create a shadow, deactivating a light activated switch, or something along those lines.)

I'll leave the rest for when we decide on what you can pass and sword usage.
Also, let's decide on magic consumption, does it always consume magic while worn, or just while you do actions? One final question on the cloak, is can the shell be destroyed? If so, how so? My opinions are it can't be destroyed by enemies, I don't even know if they'd attack it, but it can be destroyed by specific things, like a really strong light. It is a shadow created shell, light should be able to destroy it.

So, to sum up (I like when you do this, I will too) questions remaining on shadow cloak:
What can you pass through, and when?
Sword usage while wearing the cloak?
Magic consumption?
Destruction of shell?

*also, I think the mirror concept is good, but we can accomplish those puzzles with the statues. Certain statues can move in a mirror pattern when you use the shadow cog on them.

Alright, cogs. Let's remember, we don't want to assign TOO much to each cog. Which is why I thing we should keep each one's functions, outside of the battle applications of fighting and defending, limited to removing rocks into your shield, and working waterwheels. Perhaps putting out fires?
You have great ideas, such as flooding an area, or building a bridge, but those seem too specific to assign as an ability of the cog.
Example, flooding. Yes, this will make awesome puzzles. However, when you aren't in a flood puzzle situation, what then? How will we make it so every map won't be flooded? I think that when we flood maps for puzzles, we should do it just by having Link break a dam or hitting a switch in the water temple, something more specific to the particular puzzle.
Or breaking through a wall, Link could just ride a mine cart through it or something. Because this is too specific and broad to be applied to an item Link can always use.
You're totally right on with removing a slab to reveal an eye switch, though. Thats just a kick ass idea, the levels people better read this! Haha.

For example of what I'm talking about, let's take the idea of flooding and bridging.
So Link has a two level room he needs to go through, on higher level and one lower level. There's a dam that initially keeps the water at the higher level, and creates a dry ditch in the lower level. There is a bridge that floats that he can use to cross the ditch, but it's at the bottom, so he uses the stone cog, or maybe fire arrows, bomb cannon, whatever, to destroy the dam supports, which collapse and flood the ditch. Link crosses over the floating bridge to advance! However, the water level higher up is lower, and is no longer powering a water wheel that was powering a door. Link will have to use the water cog to blast the water wheel to get through the door.

Does that illustrate what I'm trying to say?

Finally, aiming, check! Logbook, check!
You aren't confusing, check! If I use words that are too obscure, stop ME!
End confusion!

Also, where the heck is Dark Hylian?
Or is this one of those instances where I think it's been forever, but he checked in yesterday? (Edit: oh, yup... It was...) you gotta move fast to keep up with Max and Stig! Haha.
Oh man, I should really get back to my homework...
« Last Edit: November 28, 2011, 04:02:55 am by Donotfeedthemax »


Re: ATTN: Items Group: Items Brainstorm
« Reply #129 on: November 28, 2011, 10:39:05 am »
Okay, totally agreed about the shadow cloak. I mean, the only thing is, couldn't the shell just be used to hold down a switch... That lowered the spikes? Haha, nah, I support going through stuff.
What I might add is that I'd like it if the things you could go through were actually illusions, and when you put of the cloak they appeared a slightly different color, or the rest of the world darkened a little, indicating that they were illusory and you could now pass through them. When not wearing the cloak, however, the illusions would be so convincing that you felt pain from them anyway, taking damage.
However, there are two ways to approach the passing through of spikes, illusions, etc:
You could always pass through them with the shadow cloak, as they're illusions.
You could only pass through them when you've left a shell on the other side, as the shell is what would take the damage, removing your consciousness from your body allows you to dissociate the pain from going through the spikes.
Or, and my favourite, a combination. You could pass through illusions anytime you have the cloak on. However, some things, like spikes, you could pass through only when you've left your shell on the other side. I think this would allow for the best puzzles. Thoughts?
My music player is currently hitting up the NES section of my library... oh, right.

This wall of text is merely me brainstorming, so you might want to skip this small bit if you just want to get down to the main points we were voting on.

You've brought up an interesting point(and successfully noted flaws in my ideas, which is a good thing)! Well, the same applied in A Link to the Past with the Magic Cape, but that didn't stop Nintendo from having obstacles like that. Heck, you could've even had a puzzle that required the hookshot for use even in ALTTP. In regards to your illusions idea, I thought about that too... but didn't say anything since I was somewhat afraid of going TOO FAR out of the box, if you know what I mean. This would actually be an interesting idea if executed well enough. I think we could really only make this idea work if there was something written into the story to give some sort of relevance to the illusions, though. (The current design doesn't specify much, so I'm not sure if anything was brought up about an alternative world) The execution of the idea as I see it based around your description is, you would put on the cloak and in certain areas which you describe as "illusions" would seamlessly warp you(the dungeon layout would change... i.e. the "real-world" would become somewhat transparent while the illusion world is now opaque) to the illusion section of the dungeon allowing you... let's say, interact with objects in the real world in a different way. I mean this like how the Light/Dark World concept was done in ALTTP. Link in order to gain access to the 6th dungeon(the second dungeon in the dark world) had to pull a switch in the light world at the same location. So let's say there's a wall but like the rest of the illusions, it has a distinct factor(let's just hypothetically say it sparks like a fairy), and Link cannot pass through the wall physically. He would need the Shadow Cloak to phase through and maybe kill an enemy or hit a switch to dispel the illusion. Or maybe, he doesn't have to do anything but simply pass through the wall.

(I split up this idea because I had sooo much to say on the first part of the post. You hit a nerve, mang! D: ...in a good way...)

Also, I'd like your opinion on the usage of the sword while wearing the cloak. In the meantime, partial Writeup?

Shadow Cloak
Pressing the assigned button toggles on/off the cloak. Holding the button for a little while youre wearing it creates a shell of yourself that is left behind in the spot you created it. The shell dissipates when you press the action button at it, or if you remove the cloak. The shell can be used to hold down switches, and perhaps other things. (Other things to be decided as puzzles are created. I.E., the levels people could decide that the shell can create a shadow, deactivating a light activated switch, or something along those lines.)

I'll leave the rest for when we decide on what you can pass and sword usage.
Also, let's decide on magic consumption, does it always consume magic while worn, or just while you do actions? One final question on the cloak, is can the shell be destroyed? If so, how so? My opinions are it can't be destroyed by enemies, I don't even know if they'd attack it, but it can be destroyed by specific things, like a really strong light. It is a shadow created shell, light should be able to destroy it.

So, to sum up (I like when you do this, I will too) questions remaining on shadow cloak:
What can you pass through, and when?
Sword usage while wearing the cloak?
Magic consumption?
Destruction of shell?

Perhaps this idea could be explored later on, no? I'll just stfu and get back to the main program here. +1 to the holding the button down idea. This is great because now we have a consistent control scheme going on here. I could also picture writing a neat graphics shader to kind of give nice eyecandy for the player to look at while the Shadow Cloak is activating "mirror mode". +1 on the sword still being usable. This has been possible previously in Zelda games. Allow me to cite Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. Nothing stopped you from swinging your sword with the bunny ear hat. Magic Usage... should be always when worn. When you wear the Shadow Cloak, it turns you invisible, no? So this would actually fall into while you're doing actions inevitably I guess. As for how much it consumes? I can't really decide on an answer for that right now... might be too soon for that anyways. It should drain maybe a small fraction of your magic bar ever couple seconds(5-10 seconds apart). +1 on the light destructing the shell. This could be a good way for level designers to be assholes to the gamers. Well, at least, in the way I could see this being used as a puzzle obstacle... (rotating mirror within the area of a switch that the shell has to stand on, after a certain period of time the mirror will reflect light onto the shell thus, destroying it. This is if you mean literal light causing the destruction of the Shell, that is...)

I've been thinking that the Shadow Cloak could only pass through illusions, if illusions were to be considered dark energy which would explain why Link would get hurt if he were to... let's say, pass a pit of spikes without the Shadow Cloak but would remain unharmed if he walked over it with the Shadow Cloak.

*also, I think the mirror concept is good, but we can accomplish those puzzles with the statues. Certain statues can move in a mirror pattern when you use the shadow cog on them.
Touche. Again, I'd like to point out that I like how you're always looking at things in another perspective which is really awesome. But anyways it is like you've said, there are different ways the mirror concept could be used. I was just pointing out an application just to back up the idea.

Alright, cogs. Let's remember, we don't want to assign TOO much to each cog. Which is why I thing we should keep each one's functions, outside of the battle applications of fighting and defending, limited to removing rocks into your shield, and working waterwheels. Perhaps putting out fires?
You have great ideas, such as flooding an area, or building a bridge, but those seem too specific to assign as an ability of the cog.
Example, flooding. Yes, this will make awesome puzzles. However, when you aren't in a flood puzzle situation, what then? How will we make it so every map won't be flooded? I think that when we flood maps for puzzles, we should do it just by having Link break a dam or hitting a switch in the water temple, something more specific to the particular puzzle.
Or breaking through a wall, Link could just ride a mine cart through it or something. Because this is too specific and broad to be applied to an item Link can always use.
You're totally right on with removing a slab to reveal an eye switch, though. Thats just a kick ass idea, the levels people better read this! Haha.

For example of what I'm talking about, let's take the idea of flooding and bridging.
So Link has a two level room he needs to go through, on higher level and one lower level. There's a dam that initially keeps the water at the higher level, and creates a dry ditch in the lower level. There is a bridge that floats that he can use to cross the ditch, but it's at the bottom, so he uses the stone cog, or maybe fire arrows, bomb cannon, whatever, to destroy the dam supports, which collapse and flood the ditch. Link crosses over the floating bridge to advance! However, the water level higher up is lower, and is no longer powering a water wheel that was powering a door. Link will have to use the water cog to blast the water wheel to get through the door.

Does that illustrate what I'm trying to say?
Very true, I'll give you that. :P I guess I just got carried away. Also, I was thinking of the flooding being useful for areas that have small sources of water, but again... this would make the application of the feature obscure which I believe was a problem mentioned earlier in this thread that Twilight Princess suffered. Items obtained were somewhat alienated after they were used in dungeons because of their specific application, which somewhat hurt the game when you look at the big picture. Although the alternative approach you have is an equally good. (infact, I have an idea regarding illusions and some other whacky stuff, but you know.. that can be saved for the level design guys. That's their job after all xD)

So that being said: I still +1 the Water Cog idea since the one feature you left out was cleared up.

Finally, aiming, check! Logbook, check!
You aren't confusing, check! If I use words that are too obscure, stop ME!
End confusion!
+1 and +1. :)
Naw man, the only thing that blew my mind was the mention of the Stone Cog and the confusion with the dungeons both of which were cleared up rather quickly.

Also, where the heck is Dark Hylian?
Or is this one of those instances where I think it's been forever, but he checked in yesterday? (Edit: oh, yup... It was...) you gotta move fast to keep up with Max and Stig! Haha.
Oh man, I should really get back to my homework...
Poor Guy... xD I'm looking through this thread and thinking "oh man, he's gonna be like how I was when I decided to get more involved". Yeah, I only have like three assignments left for this semester before finals, so I have plenty of freetime. :)

So, to sum up (I like when you do this, I will too) questions remaining on shadow cloak:
Than that I shall do! I apologize for not doing that in the last post, I was simply tired. hahaha Bad excuse.

To sum this ball of mashed potatoes up:

Shadow Cloak
> What can you pass through, and when?
- I suggest only making illusions passable via the Shadow Cloak. As for what an "illusion" is, I would say that this could be either a patch of dark energy or a literal small "dark world" area.(I can cite also Four Swords Adventures for doing something like this) That way we don't have to specifically specify strict cases such as "Shadow Cloak can only pass through a patch of spikes" when we could go more in-depth with this idea without making things too crazy... sorta.

Just to make a brief mention as to that huge wall of text is at the top of this post, I essentially contemplate how the illusion idea could play out. I tried my best to summarize the idea in the above description ^^ when I make the brief mention of illusions since it really comes down to just that.

> Sword usage while wearing the cloak?
- Definite +1 to this. If you can wear a mask in Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time and slice your sword still(heck, you could even use your Ocarina with the bird mask in Majora's Mask!), then there's no reason why we cannot allow this. The Shadow Cloak is considered a wearable object, so it wouldn't be obscure to allow the player to "stack the use" of other equipped items.

> Destruction of shell?
- +1 to this. Even though I'm not 100% sure if you mean light in the literal sense or light as in "light arrows", the idea still remains the same for the most part because it is like you've mentioned, the shell would be considered dark energy since the Shadow Cloak is a shadow object.

Water Cog
You have sorted through my ideas and did a writeup on the pros and cons. That being said, flooding being an ability as used by the Water Cog would somewhat alienate a distinctive feature of the Water Cog, so it's better just to break that idea down into a more general concept. I still +1 the design you have had for the Water Cog as described in your previous post.

I'm gonna be a little slower with replying throughout the week most likely, due to being busy with the last few classes I have with college. Hopefully this will give DH a chance to catch up! hahaha... poor guy.
Re: ATTN: Items Group: Items Brainstorm
« Reply #130 on: November 28, 2011, 08:38:56 pm »
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Yup, me too with college, just one more essay and an exam to study for.

Alright, so I think we've got the cloak and cogs down, we'll just need DH to approve. Which I'm excited for, he usually puts in great ideas.

I'm a little confused when you refer to "mirror" things in relation to the shadow cloak now. What do you mean? Like I said, I think the mirror aspect should be reserved for statues. So I feel like that's not what you're talking about.

So, just double checking, what I believe you're saying is that when you're wearing the shadow cloak, you can pass/perhaps interact with illusions? For instance, you put the shadow cloak on, and certain spikes in a large area of spikes will perhaps turn a slightly different color than the others and wavers little sor something. Those spikes, you will think to yourself, are illusions, and with the cloak on, you can walk through them without getting hurt.
Also, how do you feel about the cloak also allowing previously invisible things to be seen? I know you said it was intruding into the lens of truth area, but I think it goes along with the illusions thing.

Also, about light, I meant both literal and... Metaphorical? Whatever you'd classify the light arrows under, yes. I'd propose a light-type enemy, perhaps, kinda specifically for puzzles involving the shell. Like those dark type turn to stone chu chus were specifically for some puzzles in WW.

Well, here's where I think we are:

Shadow Cloak
Found in the Sheikah Temple
Pressing the assigned button toggles on/off the cloak. Holding the button for a little while youre wearing it creates a shell of yourself that is left behind in the spot you created it. The shell dissipates when you press the action button at it, or if you remove the cloak. The shell can be used to hold down switches, and perhaps other uses, to be decided as puzzles are created. The shell can be destroyed when exposed to direct beams of light, from the sun or light type attacks.
While wearing the cloak, illusions become obvious. Spikes or blocks that aren't real will have some kind of visual effect, and will be passable while the shadow cloak is worn. Some invisible paths will become visible as well.
Wearing the shadow cloak drain your magic.

Think that's good?

Be right back with writeups for all the cogs, so double check with you guys.


Re: ATTN: Items Group: Items Brainstorm
« Reply #131 on: November 29, 2011, 04:01:41 am »
Yup, me too with college, just one more essay and an exam to study for.

Alright, so I think we've got the cloak and cogs down, we'll just need DH to approve. Which I'm excited for, he usually puts in great ideas.

I'm a little confused when you refer to "mirror" things in relation to the shadow cloak now. What do you mean? Like I said, I think the mirror aspect should be reserved for statues. So I feel like that's not what you're talking about.
Oh, I apologize. I mixed up "mirror mode" with activating the "shell"(or clone, if you will). >_<

So, just double checking, what I believe you're saying is that when you're wearing the shadow cloak, you can pass/perhaps interact with illusions? For instance, you put the shadow cloak on, and certain spikes in a large area of spikes will perhaps turn a slightly different color than the others and wavers little sor something. Those spikes, you will think to yourself, are illusions, and with the cloak on, you can walk through them without getting hurt.
Also, how do you feel about the cloak also allowing previously invisible things to be seen? I know you said it was intruding into the lens of truth area, but I think it goes along with the illusions thing.
Correct. :) Also, that might be a non-issue since we may not be using the Lens of Truth in this game(there's been no indication as of yet).. I just brought it up just to be careful in case if there were plans on bringing back the Lens of Truth.

Also, about light, I meant both literal and... Metaphorical? Whatever you'd classify the light arrows under, yes. I'd propose a light-type enemy, perhaps, kinda specifically for puzzles involving the shell. Like those dark type turn to stone chu chus were specifically for some puzzles in WW.
I meant literal as in, actual sunlight. :P You seemed to have gotten it, though, as you mentioned that the shell can be destroyed by both either literal sunlight or light-based objects(i.e. light arrows). Staflos(I think they're called?) could fall into this area too since they function similarly to the stone chu chus. I can't help but think of the enemies from the Temple of the Gods in Wind Waker when you bring this up...

Well, here's where I think we are:

Shadow Cloak
Found in the Sheikah Temple
Pressing the assigned button toggles on/off the cloak. Holding the button for a little while youre wearing it creates a shell of yourself that is left behind in the spot you created it. The shell dissipates when you press the action button at it, or if you remove the cloak. The shell can be used to hold down switches, and perhaps other uses, to be decided as puzzles are created. The shell can be destroyed when exposed to direct beams of light, from the sun or light type attacks.
While wearing the cloak, illusions become obvious. Spikes or blocks that aren't real will have some kind of visual effect, and will be passable while the shadow cloak is worn. Some invisible paths will become visible as well.
Wearing the shadow cloak drain your magic.

Think that's good?

Be right back with writeups for all the cogs, so double check with you guys.

Sheikah Temple -- So that means this item isn't of Gerudo descent, huh? Or are you meaning to imply that the Sheikah simply stole this artifact from the Gerudo? I hadn't found anything in the design topics regarding this, so I apologize for my ignorance here. I'll wait for your response to decide if I +1 this or not ;p
Pressing the assigned button toggles on/off. -- Shell, yes. "Shell death", yes. Used to hold down switches, yes. Other uses, definitely if we can make any, but given that I can't come up with any ideas currently I'm gonna vote no until you and DH respond. I was thinking of having the shell hold whatever item you had equipped before activating the shell mode. The only question is, what items would that include? I can only think of the mirror shield, but you said that the mirror puzzles are restricted to statues so that leaves that out. Death of shell by light, yes.
While wearing the cloak, illusions become obvious -- Yes. Yes and yes.

Just one question, we're fine with the ability to use the sword while wearing the cloak or is this considered a nono?
Re: ATTN: Items Group: Items Brainstorm
« Reply #132 on: November 29, 2011, 05:59:26 pm »
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The Lens of Truth, no, we've discussed each item to go in the game, and there was a big list earlier. The only item not on there was the Shadow Cloak, which is gonna be on there now.

Shadow Cloak! Gerunds descent, no, I don't think so? Why would it be/why does it matter? I mean, if you can think of a good reason that is is a gerudo item, then sure. If not, I assume it'd be created by the Sheikah.

Sword Attacks are fine, I think we decided. That might be one of the things that becomes an issue after testing, though, so if it does become an issue, maybe we can change it. For now though, slash away.

The other puzzles that it might work for will not change the functionality of the cloak at all. If the shell could do other things, it wouldn't involve the shell doing anything but standing there. I meant like, beside holding down switches, it maybe (if you created a shell there) would move down a conveyor belt towards a switch, so you'd make the shell at one end, then you'd have to run to a certain point before the shell rolled down onto the switch to solve a puzzle somehow. Something like that. Nothing that would change the functionality of the shell, is my point.

So alright, just one more thing to double check,
The cogs.

Forest/Wind Cog
Holding the button assigned to the thief bracers charges an attack when not adjacent to a door, and when released, Link summons a tornado around him, then shoots it off in the direction he's facing. The tornado blows around and stuns enemies it hits. The tornado can also blow some windmill type switches and put out flames.
Using this attack uses up a portion of Link's magic.

Sea Cog
Holding the button assigned to the thief bracers with this equipped charges an attack when not adjacent to a door, and when released, Link releases a concussive wave of water in a radius around him. When it hits enemies, it damages them, and it can turn waterwheels and perhaps nourish plants.
using this attack uses up a portion of Link's magic.

Earth Cog
Holding the button assigned to the thief bracers with this equipped charges an attack when not adjacent to a door, that when released, drags smallish rocks from the ground up around Link to form a shield. Pressing the button again deactivates this shield. The shield protects Link from enemy attacks. When used near some walls, the stones will be taken from the wall to form the shield instead of the ground, revealing whatever was behind them.
Link's magic drains for a long as the shield is activated. Link also moves more slowly with the shield.

Shadow Cog
Holding the button assigned to the thief bracers with this equipped charges an attack when not adjacent to a door, releasing the button releases tendrils of dark energy from Link's hand. When certain, designated statues are touched with the energy, Link can take control of them. Different types of statues can do different things. When enemies are struck with this dark energy, they are driven mad with visions of tormentors, and attack other enemies. Weak enemies may rather opt to destroy themselves (perhaps jumping down holes, into water).
Using the shadow cog uses a portion of Link's magic.

All seems good to you?
I'd really like it if DH were to chime in, it's getting later than I wanted to turn this in.

ALSO, one final note, we haven't yet touched on smaller items, or the sword and shield. I'm not sure if we should do that first, or address other gameplay stuff first. Probably the items just to be consistent.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2011, 06:09:32 pm by Donotfeedthemax »


Re: ATTN: Items Group: Items Brainstorm
« Reply #133 on: December 01, 2011, 02:15:26 am »
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Sorry for my absence, issues and exams, etc. Also, I noticed I'm not being notified of new messages, but they show up in my emails. Huh. Anyways.

Max, the Cogs seem good, I like them a lot. The water one still doesn't click, but I don't think it ever will xD

Anyways. The Shadow Cloak. Its uses are really garbled in here, but when I read it quickly, someone mentioned (this might have been me actually, or someone quoting me xD) but
While wearing the cloak, illusions become obvious. Spikes or blocks that aren't real will have some kind of visual effect, and will be passable while the shadow cloak is worn. Some invisible paths will become visible as well.
Wearing the shadow cloak drain your magic.

This seems like the ideal solution, and if you guys want to add the shell idea, the one where it fades when you take the cloak off, then that seems acceptable. As for the rest, bow use should be kept "normal", no tricky 360 degrees or 12 directions blah de blah. I think MC's bow engine was fine. Ice and Fire arrows will work well if we just keep it simple, and Light Arrows shouldn't be included, imo.

I think Bomb Cannon and Bow should function the same way, relatively.

That's about all I have to say on the subject, good work all :)
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Re: ATTN: Items Group: Items Brainstorm
« Reply #134 on: December 01, 2011, 02:27:52 am »
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oh wow I like the ideas last time I read about this we were stuck with the driller thingie I'm glad we haven't added it, soo so far we got a nice quantity of items, I was just wondering what other items we are missing or what do you think we must define next? I would like to define swords and shields and other items but not sure if we are ready or if the cogs are completely discussed ;), anyways I would also like to touch the topic of upgrades in items as in:

Slingshot << Bow and Arrow
Boomerang << Fairy Boomerang
Dekustick << Thief's Dagger <<Sword <<Master Sword
Shield << Mirror Shield.
(these are just example but I really like the idea of beating the game with just a dekustick haha)
Just to name some not sure what people think
Re: ATTN: Items Group: Items Brainstorm
« Reply #135 on: December 01, 2011, 03:00:26 am »
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You still haven't said if you approve of me calling you that for short yet! Haha. Nice to see you again, though, yeah, I understand about exams, we're all there.

What you're saying about the cloak is exactly what we're going for, I think. What you quoted was the wording of the most recent and official writeup of the cloak, that's the wording I have in the final document. So it's that exactly, plus the Shadow Shell clone elegy of emptiness thing. I think they'll work well together.

As for the bow, we are currently thinking 8 way firing. However, I'll definitely bring your opinion about 4 way up to MG and the gang, and get their take on it. I also thought a little about that, that they might have just left the aiming 4 way for a reason, but I wasn't really sure how it'd work out, so I think that what it might be, is that unless the programmers take issue, we might initially set them up 8 way, then if it doesn't work out too well, change it back to four way.
Also yeah, light arrows, nope.

The water cog is definitely the hardest to work with because honestly, water is just a wierd thing to use in fights. I mean, I could go and suggest something like it could be used for healing or something, but unless it becomes an issue, it might be getting a bit late to change that.

SO, folks!
I think I'm gonna go ahead and contact MG, submit the google doc to him (DH, I sent a PM about google docs, that's how I have the items stored.). I'll bring up your concern about 4/8 way aiming, DH. And also, if anybody else feels like the water cog seems a bit... off, then we can still change it, I don't think it'll be too late or anything. So as far as I know, this thread will stay open for suggestions about these items we've just finished.
We aren't done with ALL the items yet. What we've still go left, I think, is pickup items (hearts, arrows, etc), equipment (swords, shields, etc), and then some miscellaneous items like the logbook. There will also be at least one trading quest, but, I don't think that will be decided in this thread, honestly it's not set up to take care of that very well. Some story related items will occur too, like keys to dungeons, letters to plot devices, etc. haha. I think those will also be developed elsewhere.

SO... Here's a list of pickup items.
Main thing with this, approve what you like, bring up concerns and any items I may have missed.

Randomly found items, edited from an old post:
Note that these items are found only once they're applicable to the hero, i.e., you don't find arrows before you have a bow. Also note that in rooms in dungeons that require a refillable item, such as ammo or magic, that particular item can be found in jars/pots in that room.

Pick up a heart to replenish one heart of health.
Their rarity will depend on how difficult the enemies are, to balance it.

Increments found randomly: 1, 5, and 20. Randomly finding a 20 is extremely rare, and those and increments higher than that are reserved for rewards.

Magic Jars
Small green bottles that replenish an increment of your magic meter. Small jars replenish like an eighth, maybe a quarter, big magic jars replenish it all.
Rarity would depend on how many items use magic, and how necessary they are, but fairly uncommon.
Rooms with puzzles requiring magic would have pot that definitely have magic jars in them.

Found once you have the bomb cannon. Uncommon. Explode things, used in the cannon, etc... One bomb icon on the map replenishes 5 bombs.

Found once you have the bow, can be used to shoot targets from afar. Picking up one bundle of arrows icon refills 5 arrows in your quiver.
Once you obtain the fire and ice arrows, you can use a regular arrow and fire it as a fire arrow, or ice arrow. Each fire arrow would use up one arrow and a small amount of magic, same with ice arrows.

Secret Seashells
Found quite rarely, and sometimes as puzzle rewards. They are saved up for no apparent purpose until you find that they can be traded to upgrade some equipment in a secret out of the way seashell mansion type place. They should DEFINITELY not be used for some type of wagering game, though, because that was obnoxious. LA had it right with finding only 20 in the whole game, and getting a better sword, in my opinion.

SO, let's gather some opinions on these, especially the secret seashells were just an idea I had.
What I'm thinking is that we'll do these really quick, and then start brainstorming equipment (sword and shield, etc). I at least want to wait a while, for everybody's finals to be over, to get really into deciding for sure. I don't want only some people to do input, like the end of these items, where it was almost just Stig and I. Not to diss Stig's help, if it came off that way, because he's been awesome, I just wish everybody could be that often, haha. I understand that's not realistic, though.

Speaking of which, did everybody get my PM about meetings? I'll send another, I guess.

Kren! Hey, almost didn't catch you there! Are you on my team now?
I'll try to catch you up to date, we've basically just decided on all the dungeon and main items. You can comment on those, but yeah, we're about to get started on the equipment. I've gotta go, but I'll start commenting on the equipment soon.
Re: ATTN: Items Group: Items Brainstorm
« Reply #136 on: December 01, 2011, 04:33:07 am »
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oh oh oh, well it seems you don't need me here, I will focus more on the art itself..
* Kren walks out the door slowly


Re: ATTN: Items Group: Items Brainstorm
« Reply #137 on: December 01, 2011, 04:49:16 am »
You still haven't said if you approve of me calling you that for short yet! Haha. Nice to see you again, though, yeah, I understand about exams, we're all there.

What you're saying about the cloak is exactly what we're going for, I think. What you quoted was the wording of the most recent and official writeup of the cloak, that's the wording I have in the final document. So it's that exactly, plus the Shadow Shell clone elegy of emptiness thing. I think they'll work well together.

As for the bow, we are currently thinking 8 way firing. However, I'll definitely bring your opinion about 4 way up to MG and the gang, and get their take on it. I also thought a little about that, that they might have just left the aiming 4 way for a reason, but I wasn't really sure how it'd work out, so I think that what it might be, is that unless the programmers take issue, we might initially set them up 8 way, then if it doesn't work out too well, change it back to four way.
Also yeah, light arrows, nope.

The water cog is definitely the hardest to work with because honestly, water is just a wierd thing to use in fights. I mean, I could go and suggest something like it could be used for healing or something, but unless it becomes an issue, it might be getting a bit late to change that.
@Shadow Cloak: It seems good.
@Water Cog: It's probably as good as we're gonna get it. I think this is the type of item where we need a testbed to develop the idea better because it's like you said, it's a very strange item.
Actually, the rest of the cogs like DH said seemed good. Good work!

SO, folks!
I think I'm gonna go ahead and contact MG, submit the google doc to him (DH, I sent a PM about google docs, that's how I have the items stored.). I'll bring up your concern about 4/8 way aiming, DH. And also, if anybody else feels like the water cog seems a bit... off, then we can still change it, I don't think it'll be too late or anything. So as far as I know, this thread will stay open for suggestions about these items we've just finished.
I just feel that 8-directional firing was never enabled in a 2D Zelda due to technicalities with the console. Thinking about it, the only 2D Zelda written for a game console that's not restricted would be Four Sword Adventures, and that had all kinds of whacky ways of attacking. Though they didn't add in 8 directional firing in that case maybe to keep things consistent? Who knows. This seems like one of those types of problems that only testing can solve.

We aren't done with ALL the items yet. What we've still go left, I think, is pickup items (hearts, arrows, etc), equipment (swords, shields, etc), and then some miscellaneous items like the logbook. There will also be at least one trading quest, but, I don't think that will be decided in this thread, honestly it's not set up to take care of that very well. Some story related items will occur too, like keys to dungeons, letters to plot devices, etc. haha. I think those will also be developed elsewhere.

SO... Here's a list of pickup items.
Main thing with this, approve what you like, bring up concerns and any items I may have missed.

Randomly found items, edited from an old post:
Note that these items are found only once they're applicable to the hero, i.e., you don't find arrows before you have a bow. Also note that in rooms in dungeons that require a refillable item, such as ammo or magic, that particular item can be found in jars/pots in that room.

Pick up a heart to replenish one heart of health.
Their rarity will depend on how difficult the enemies are, to balance it.
+1 Seems fair enough so far. One thing, I'm guessing their rarity when destroying other objects(i.e. bushes, jugs, etc) depends on how much health you have?

Increments found randomly: 1, 5, and 20. Randomly finding a 20 is extremely rare, and those and increments higher than that are reserved for rewards.
+1 Simple enough. Glad you noted what happens to the higher amounts otherwise I woulda said something. xD

Magic Jars
Small green bottles that replenish an increment of your magic meter. Small jars replenish like an eighth, maybe a quarter, big magic jars replenish it all.
Rarity would depend on how many items use magic, and how necessary they are, but fairly uncommon.
Rooms with puzzles requiring magic would have pot that definitely have magic jars in them.
+1 I can't think of anything more that can be said about this.

Found once you have the bomb cannon. Uncommon. Explode things, used in the cannon, etc... One bomb icon on the map replenishes 5 bombs.
+1 I'm assuming this is just normal bombs, right? We're not having any other types of bombs? (i.e. The giant orange bomb from ALTTP or the powder keg from Majora's Mask)
Found once you have the bow, can be used to shoot targets from afar. Picking up one bundle of arrows icon refills 5 arrows in your quiver.
Once you obtain the fire and ice arrows, you can use a regular arrow and fire it as a fire arrow, or ice arrow. Each fire arrow would use up one arrow and a small amount of magic, same with ice arrows.
+1 I'm for 8 directional firing until we can get a test bed setup to further investigate how the ranged weapons could work.

Secret Seashells
Found quite rarely, and sometimes as puzzle rewards. They are saved up for no apparent purpose until you find that they can be traded to upgrade some equipment in a secret out of the way seashell mansion type place. They should DEFINITELY not be used for some type of wagering game, though, because that was obnoxious. LA had it right with finding only 20 in the whole game, and getting a better sword, in my opinion.
+1 Definitely! This reminds me of the red orb idea from Illusion of Gaia. If you collect a certain amount, you're taken to a top secret dungeon where you fight the last boss of Enix's previous game before Illusion of Gaia, who also makes a brief mention of that game's protagonist. Getting back on topic, this definitely could be a nice way to give the player upgrades. I already have some in my head like an upgrade to give you the throwing sword ability like in Zelda 1. I could see some of the upgrades just being throwbacks or references to older Zelda games, stuff that aren't part of the games initial design.

SO, let's gather some opinions on these, especially the secret seashells were just an idea I had.
What I'm thinking is that we'll do these really quick, and then start brainstorming equipment (sword and shield, etc). I at least want to wait a while, for everybody's finals to be over, to get really into deciding for sure. I don't want only some people to do input, like the end of these items, where it was almost just Stig and I. Not to diss Stig's help, if it came off that way, because he's been awesome, I just wish everybody could be that often, haha. I understand that's not realistic, though.
Naw, I wouldn't mind it if you attacked me if it was constructive. I agree that this is supposed to be a team effort and the only way to get the best quality is to get multiple viewpoints here. After all, we're a community project, not an Apple product.

Speaking of which, did everybody get my PM about meetings? I'll send another, I guess.
I'm finally un-busy again, so I'm free again. However I don't recall if there were times every established and how we were gonna talk?

Overall I really didn't have much to add other than some thoughts on ideas.

> Bombs. You made mention of just one set of bombs which I'm assuming are the normal blue bombs. I'm just curious with what your thoughts are in regards to having more than one type of bomb. Examples include but are not limited to: Powder Keg from Majora's Mask, the Orange Bomb from A Link to The Past. Both bombs had the same effects, but their designs were slightly different. They blew things up that couldn't be done with just a normal bomb.

>Secret Seashells. Immediately I think of Illusion of Gaia once you made mention of the secret seashell dungeon idea. (secret seahorses, anyone? Kudos if you get the reference!) It would be cool if some of the upgrades could include some throw backs to the older Zelda games like the charged up sword in Zelda 1. Of course there's more that could possibly be done with this, but this is just an initial idea I felt would be a pretty decent start.

>8-Directional Firing. My opinion here still stands, for it until we can test.

Please let me know if there's something I said that confuses you. I just woke up after a ridiculously long nap, so I wouldn't be surprised if I say something absurd. xD

EDIT: Oh, one more thing!


Shadow Cloak! Gerunds descent, no, I don't think so? Why would it be/why does it matter? I mean, if you can think of a good reason that is is a gerudo item, then sure. If not, I assume it'd be created by the Sheikah.

I was just trying to figure out why the Sheikah temple, that's all. I was under the impression that it would have some relation to the Gerudo's(like finding it there). But yeah, I'll just follow what you said and assume it was created by the Sheikah.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2011, 06:13:01 am by thestig »
Re: ATTN: Items Group: Items Brainstorm
« Reply #138 on: December 01, 2011, 12:59:45 pm »
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Kren, you're welcome to pop some ideas up if you feel so inclined. We have already addressed some of the things you brought up, like the slingshot/bow thing...

@Stig, bombs, we're basically gonna use bombs as ammo for the bomb cannon, so I don't think we'll have different types, unless they're part of a side quest, like ALTTP. I'm pretty sure that bomb just blew up part of the pyramid of power, and nothing else. I think that if we have items like that, which relate only to side quests and stuff, we won't decide them here, these are more... General use items.

As for the cloak, I still don't understand how it'd be related to the gerudo, since that part of the game is taking place in the Sheikah area of the game.

About the throwing a sword thing, I actually haven't played zelda one. I was thinking about sword moves, like in TP and MC. I don't think we'll get too into them here, though.

So, as far as equipment goes:
I'm pretty sure the master sword is a plot thing, found in the FINAL dungeon, if the game plot thus far is still gonna be basically followed. Which makes it not a by applicable thing for helping on the game, so I'd suggest some kinda (maybe optional) sword in between the first and master swords.


Re: ATTN: Items Group: Items Brainstorm
« Reply #139 on: December 01, 2011, 08:59:43 pm »
Kren, you're welcome to pop some ideas up if you feel so inclined. We have already addressed some of the things you brought up, like the slingshot/bow thing...

@Stig, bombs, we're basically gonna use bombs as ammo for the bomb cannon, so I don't think we'll have different types, unless they're part of a side quest, like ALTTP. I'm pretty sure that bomb just blew up part of the pyramid of power, and nothing else. I think that if we have items like that, which relate only to side quests and stuff, we won't decide them here, these are more... General use items.

As for the cloak, I still don't understand how it'd be related to the gerudo, since that part of the game is taking place in the Sheikah area of the game.

About the throwing a sword thing, I actually haven't played zelda one. I was thinking about sword moves, like in TP and MC. I don't think we'll get too into them here, though.
@Bombs: Ah, alright... I was just double checking, that's all. ^^

@Cloak: I just realized I got the whole shadow aspect mixed up with the Gerudo and Sheikahs. Just nevermind here...lol.

@Shells: Well, the Zelda 1 thing was just a neat idea I thought would be pretty cool to throw out there. This idea actually had been reused in even modern Zelda games.. though the most recent I think was Minish Cap. In regards to the skill upgrades, it makes sense you would go that route. Given that there needs to be an upgrade that fits inbetween the normal sword and the master sword.

So, as far as equipment goes:
I'm pretty sure the master sword is a plot thing, found in the FINAL dungeon, if the game plot thus far is still gonna be basically followed. Which makes it not a by applicable thing for helping on the game, so I'd suggest some kinda (maybe optional) sword in between the first and master swords.
Yeah, it is noted in the plot so far that the Master Sword _is_ found in the final dungeon. I think we should probably discuss the game plot sometime soon so we don't have inconsistencies going on between the items and plot or unless what you're saying is that we _are_ following the current plot. If that's the case, then that's fine so as long as we can make any changes in the long run!(Can't rule out the possibility of new ideas coming up)
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