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Mask of the Gods
« on: July 03, 2011, 03:27:13 am »
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The Legend of Zelda: Mask of the Gods

Yeah, the previous subtitle was "The Mask of Ikana", but I think "Mask of the Gods" sounds better.

The focus on this game is more storytelling and visuals, although I've tried to create gameplay as top-notch as I can manage.
The story is set in pre-Link Termina, probably a hundred years or more. It follows two characters, whose plots weave in and out of each other, eventually uniting at the end to conquer their enemy. A character called Kafei, who is most likely the ancestor of the one Link met (you know how characters seem to be continuously reborn through the ages, like Malon or Tingle), and Igos du Ikana, the same one we've met in Majora's Mask. Termina is peaceful on the surface, but age-old rivalries based on theological views between the Clock Towners and Ikanans spill over commonly, causing their dislike for one another to escalate. This tale begins on the night of a carnival, when Kafei is celebrating before he leaves town to visit his uncle, Igos is enjoying the festival with other soldiers of Ikana, and a mysterious, troubled stranger arrives from a faraway, war-torn land to take in the sights and stories of a country heading down the path his knows only too well. The game's story will be darker than most zelda games, sort of following Majora's mask, however it will probably be darker than that. Obviously, Igos is dead by the time Link meets him, so he must not live happily ever after.

Gameplay wise, almost all of the systems are in place. Health and the action battle system are done, along with three enemies and all weapons, except for the optional ones. Also, the characters learn abilities through the story: for example, Kafei is thought to tight-rope walk to gain entrace to the first dungeon.

Systems to complete still are a rupee counter in the corner, and the optional weapons/tools (bottles, bombs, etc...). There are three weapons/tools/abilities for each character so far and one shared ability planned for the second to last dungeon, which may seem small, but so is this game. There are four dungeons Kafei and Igos go through individually, and two, perhaps two and a half, that they conquer together. Kafei's dungeons will be based slightly more on agility and puzzles, and Igos' more toward fighting and magic.

The demo now is Act One of the game, and then a technical demo.

Anyway, if you play this, have fun, and expect more soon.



Newer screens:

Older screens:

menu screen as it is now. from left to right, the icons with zeroes are magic beans, poe souls, and magic potions (returning from the oracle games).

Link to Screenshot Gallery (includes older screens)



<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edtwW_KR_u4" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edtwW_KR_u4</a>

Teaser Trailer...
except, it really gives away a lot, that's a whole bunch of the demo :p ...


Demo Update - posted 10-26-2011

Complete Act 1, with everyplace you should be able to go at the moment finished.
There are no glitches that I'm aware of, but I'm sure people can find some if they were to put their minds to it, haha.

The furthest you can get here is to where Kafei and Igos split up. After that, you'll be taken to a technical demo, as usual.

There are a couple wierd things, that I don't know how to fix at the moment:

-Don't, during a cutscene, just repeatedly rapid-fire on the spacebar. It won't make things go faster, and during my testing, caused the game to freeze a couple times (once it sent a NPC into a wall and froze him there, freezing the whole game)

-A couple times during playtesting, I arbitrarily warped into the adjacent room in the direction I was walking (right)... No idea.

Technical demo features:
Weapons/Enemies system
All main items:
-Magnet Gloves
-Volt Rod
-Ember Seeds (now finished, I think...)
-Jump Charm
-Elegy of Emptiness Mechanic - removed for repairs
All the map features that require use of the items
  (i.e. torches to light, pots to smash, ropes to ropewalk, etc.)
3 types of enemies, that kind of need to be reprogrammed...


Progress of the whole game, in terms of what I'm working on at the moment, more things get added as I start more without finishing other things:

Clock Town:
Carnival of Time: 10/10
Non-Carnival: 6/10

Termina Field: 9/10

Ikana Canyon, and Valley: 9/10
Ikana City:
  -map 10/10
  -population 1/10
  -stores and stuff, 1/20

Ikana Castle:
  -As far as the plot goes now - 10/10
  -Further than the plot takes us - 1/10

Plot Progress: 3/10

HUD: 9/10 (only rupees left)
... but as far as the rupee display goes, I know EXACTLY how far I am... 10/100. Or 1/10, if you prefer reduced fractions...
The rupee system is being rethought as to avoid being such a pain.

« Last Edit: October 26, 2011, 04:03:11 pm by Donotfeedthemax »
Re: [Demo] The Mask of Ikana
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2011, 07:03:41 am »
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Looks interesting.
I downloaded the demo, all the resources where installed but then I get an error. When opening the Game file I get something like the following message: "Can't find RGSS102E.dll".
Re: [Demo] The Mask of Ikana
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2011, 05:30:13 pm »
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Well, I found RGSS102E.dll for the computer. Aren't people handy. I'll definitely put that in the next demo, in the mean time, I can provide it here, I suppose.

Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?373zcd9r4hgvdic

I'll go in and add that to the first post, too. Thanks for finding this problem for me, Martijn.

Sorry guys if there's any more problems, I won't be able to fix them right away. I'm going out of town... out of civilization, really, for a week but I can start fixing stuff next saturday or sunday. Please tell me if anyone has any other problems.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2011, 05:33:29 pm by Donotfeedthemax »
Re: [Demo] The Mask of Ikana
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2011, 04:47:59 am »
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Make sure u give me credit for my guard sprites :-)
Re: [Demo] The Mask of Ikana
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2011, 05:11:38 am »
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The story is good so far. Who is the main antagonist?
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Re: [Demo] The Mask of Ikana
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2011, 01:32:37 pm »
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RGSTP Standard not found.

Anyway ever thought of inc operating mode 7 into the game?
« Last Edit: July 04, 2011, 03:13:45 pm by masterpaul »
Re: [Demo] The Mask of Ikana
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2011, 07:21:21 pm »
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So has anybody, especially those without RPG Maker XP, gotten this to work? Any attempts to run it, even those met with failure, are a big favor for me.

Also, lil' question, which do you think sounds cooler for a rod that does electricity: The Volt Rod, or the Cane of Ohm. The second one is kind of an electricity joke, so I prefer it, but it sounds kinda silly. Opinions?

Moffett, I've got you written down for when I make credits a part of the game, which would be... the end. But I will probably do them sooner, so they might be able to be in a demo once there's some story done. Also, if I happen to remove your guards, don't be offended. I might change them, because although I like some aspects of yours, they don't completely fit with the image in my head of Ikana guards, so I might alter them to fit more with the Igos character, so he looks more like he's one of the guards. Ahh, I really need to start calling them soldiers, because in the coding of the dudes, I've been calling them guards, but in the story, they're soldiers.

Masterpaul, what is inc operating mode 7?
as fot the RGSTP thingy, I think downloading the "RTP" file will add the resources needed to run this game to your computer. It should allow you to play any game created with RPG Maker XP, and can be downloaded here: http://www.rpgmakerweb.com/download/run-time-package#xp
What I'll try to do for the next demo, though, is make it so that isn't needed. What downloading that does is adds things like graphics and sound that are default with RMXP to the computer. Hypothetically, though, if I remove all the graphics and sound and stuff that are default and replace them with custom stuff, the game should be able to run without it... the difficult part with be locating all the default graphics...

Retrorespecter... that's hard to say. For a few reasons. 1) It's kind of a surprise? I mean, it's not like Ocarina where you know right at the start it's gannondorf, or TMC, where you're like three minutes into the game and Vaati is like, I'm evil! 2) I mean, there is an antagonist, but depending on whose viewpoint you're looking from, there is no bad guy... or everybody is the bad guy? Characters all make decisions based on their ideas about the world, or their past experience, or on what they hold most dear, and sometimes this seems evil to other characters.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2011, 08:40:04 pm by Donotfeedthemax »
Re: [Demo] The Mask of Ikana
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2011, 05:24:37 am »
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So, an opinion kind of post, which do you think sounds more appealing? Or, if you prefer, which is less generic and less likely to make you skip over the game because of the boring generic title? The legend of Zelda:

The Mask of the Gods
The Mask of Ikana

They're both fairly relevant, plot-wise, on a symbological level.

Also, since this is going to be a fairly short game, compared to nintendo released Zelda titles, I've made the item system very, very set. When you're Kafei, you have four buttons with which to use items: sword, lantern, jump charm, and extra slot. Same when you're Igos: sword, hammer, Volt Rod/Cane of Ohm (opinions on which?), and another extra slot.
what should I do with this extra slot?
option 1: Have a prompt in the menu to set this as one of the secondary items, such as a bottle or other non-essential item, such as ones you gain in an unnecessary sidequest. This is probably the most versatile option, although it's slightly awkward, as you could only set the keyboard "d" button, and more importantly, this would take away the "quit game" option in the menu. You'd have to close the program to quit. Which I don't guess is too too bad, but...

option 2: have one more set item for each character. This is easier, doesn't mess with the menu, but... I don't know what item it could be. I would most likely be a nonessential side-quest obtained item, but... I don't know what item it would be for Igos, but my plan, should I go down this option, is to have two large sidequests, one that will work only if you're playing as kafei, that takes place in Clock Town and the other in Ikana, involving Igos. Kafei's involves helping the bomb shop and some stuff, and results in an item that you place, backflip away from, and then it explodes in 9-tile square or so, damaging all nearby enemies or weak walls or something. Kind of a super-bomb. I don't know what I'd do for Igos.

I could also have the super-bomb thing be one of the selectable fourth items from option one. Any ideas?

I really, really appreciate anyone who comments on things like this.
Re: [Demo] The Mask of Ikana
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2011, 03:32:15 pm »
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I want to play it , but i dont have rpg :'( maker you should make a video so i can see the game  XD
Re: [Demo] The Mask of Ikana
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2011, 09:53:07 pm »
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Hmm, well, there's a link that I thought I edited into the first post, but I guess I messed it up or something... the internet has told me that if you download the thing on this page, you can play RPG maker games without having RPG maker:

Also, I would love to make a video, at least, at some point, but I don't know how to record things that play on my computer. I could hold my camera up to the computer screen? Haha, that would look bad, how do you make a video for this kind of thing?


Forstride Productions
Re: [Demo] The Mask of Ikana
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2011, 10:04:07 pm »
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Looking great so far, especially for an RPG Maker game (Like how most RPG Maker games always look the same.  This one looks very different though, which is good).

I'm really liking the story as well.  The fact that it's like a spin-off/direct sequel to MM is awesome (MM is my favorite Zelda game.  :D), and it definitely gives off the feel of MM.  The screenshots do as well.

Keep up the good work!
Re: [Demo] The Mask of Ikana
« Reply #11 on: July 19, 2011, 08:04:15 pm »
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Also, I would love to make a video, at least, at some point, but I don't know how to record things that play on my computer. I could hold my camera up to the computer screen? Haha, that would look bad, how do you make a video for this kind of thing?

A colleague recommended me the following program (which is free btw): http://camstudio.org/
Works just fine. Haven't had any problems with it.
Re: [Demo] The Mask of Ikana
« Reply #12 on: July 21, 2011, 04:10:53 am »
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Thanks for the link, Martijn. I'll be sure to try this out and make a video at some point, but... not yet. Probably when there is more to this game, so there will be more scenes. Right now, it's more like a cutscene than a game, with a little walking around.

Slight modifications to HUD, how's it looking?

I also added the magnet gloves for Igos. Right now, my biggest fear is the rupee counter... the only way I can think to make the icon appear is by having 100 different graphics, and depending on how many rupees you have, the program displays the corresponding graphic of the number... but that's a lot of work. Not too hard, but mind-blowingly boring. I can't figure out how to do it any other way with RMXP, though.

Also, the other major change now is this:
during cutscenes, the HUD goes away and letterboxes appear, making it cinema-like. Secondly, during said cutscenes, if there is more than once character who talks, a little speech bubble appears when their text comes up, lasts about a second and a half, then goes away, in order to indicate which character is talking. In these cases, I also had their names written above the text, whenever there could be more than one character talking, but that apparently is not clear enough. I cannot figure out how to make the speech bubble appear and last as long as they're talking...
well, not true, I could do that. But, it would be so much work I don't think it'd be worth it. Let me phrase it this way, I can't think of an efficient way to do that. Perhaps I could if I knew how to script in RGSS, or whatever RPG Maker XP uses, but I don't...

Homegrownpwn, it's more of a prequel.

Just finished termina field, as far as mapping goes. I still need to put in the enemies and treasure and stuff, but that... will probably come in a later phase of the game. I still have a couple items to finish before I make more enemies, and I want to make more enemies before I put any in termina field.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2011, 12:27:15 am by Donotfeedthemax »
Re: [Demo] The Mask of Ikana
« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2011, 06:39:32 am »
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So, I put together a new (prettier) area for technical testing of all the items and stuff (almost all programmed! only the optional items left now!).
I've noticed that the HUD is getting a bit lost in the clutter of the town:

Anyone have any ideas? I'm thinking maybe a thicker white line around the buttons, but I can't decide on a white line around the items...

ALSO, I programmed in an elegy of emptiness mechanic. It actually... was really easy. The hardest part was the fact that I only have 4 buttons, not counting the action or menu button, to work with, and making a select item screen was too much work considering its only real purpose would be to allow you to shuffle items around as Igos in order to use the elegy of emptiness at some point. So right now, it works if you press D and Shift at the same time... unfortunately, this means the sword and magnet gloves also go off when you create the heartless Igos...
Does anyone know how to make further use of the keyboard in RPG Maker XP, beyond just the ASDZXspace keys? Like, if I could use F or Q, W, or E?

Nevermind, I should go to sleep before I post things like this, I figured out that Q was totally an option to begin with, I just thought it was already taken for... some reason...
I guess the HUD will get an update... Q button!
Which means more item options for Kafei, since Igos' slots are all taken up by plot-required items, and only three of Kafei's are, leaving two extra. I've got one planned out already, so I guess he'll get two optional items. Perhaps I'll also put in W and give each character an empty bottle, that shouldn't be too hard.


Exciting! It's a cause to stay up too late! It's the quest status menu!
The way this works is like this, when you press Esc or x to go to the save, continue, etc menu it looks like this:

The Q and W are item slots that you can set, HOWEVER.... you have to set them at a specific place. you can't just change them wherever. That's okay, though, because these are only taken up by optional items. No item nessecary to the game/plot is assigned here, only optional ones, such as super bombs, empty bottles, etc.
Pieces of heart are obvious, 4 to a container in this game. They're a bit more common here, since there's only 4 (...6?) dungeons, and no half-hearts. If an enemy hits you, the least it can do is 1 whole heart. So this means there need to be more containers, but less dungeons means they need to be in pieces.
The 4 circles are where the plot-advance-er items go. The elements, medallions, crystals, pendants, whatever. In this game they're keys.
The last two boxes are the sidequest items for each character. Trading sequence, etc.

Any thoughts on the design?


« Last Edit: July 28, 2011, 05:08:17 am by Donotfeedthemax »
Re: [Demo] The Mask of Ikana
« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2011, 02:57:29 am »
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So, I haven't worked all that much this week, 'cause I've had so few hours at work that I declared myself on vacation and haven't spent more than a day or two at home, and most of that was spent sleeping and playing Prince of Persia. But I did map out Ikana City. Um, loosely based on Ikana village of Majora's Mask. I mean, if you squint, you can see the well is in the same place, the castle is right to the right of this map, so it's the same, really, the water wheel references the future one from Majora's Mask, and the heights of things are a similar level. It's just a little bigger, and has a lot more buildings.

I also changed the ability to do the elegy of emptiness from Igos to Kafei, ease of having enough buttons and stuff. Kafei "loses his heart" at some point during the story, metaphorically, and gains the ability to leave his body behind.

Mostly this week's been planning.

One question, though, has anyone played the demo?
« Last Edit: August 06, 2011, 03:07:20 am by Donotfeedthemax »
Re: [Demo] The Mask of Ikana
« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2011, 02:37:43 am »
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Did you recently update and we did not know it?
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Re: [Demo] The Mask of Ikana
« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2011, 02:48:43 pm »
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Update what?
If you mean this page, yeah, I update it a couple times a week. If you mean the demo, no, not yet. I'm planning on putting a new one out once I finish a bit more of the story. I'm thinking that will be next week, unless I get less time on the computer than I'm planning. If not, then the following week I'm getting to permanently borrow a laptop, so I'll be able to work on this tons more than I do sharing a desktop with 4 other people.
Re: [Demo] The Mask of Ikana
« Reply #17 on: August 09, 2011, 02:53:25 pm »
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OK. Remeber: Take your time with this one. A rushed project is never good.
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Re: [Demo] The Mask of Ikana
« Reply #18 on: August 15, 2011, 12:14:09 am »
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Nope, but a finished project kicks ass!

Anyway, updates for today, did a bunch on the first post. A few specific things that I would LOVE some response on, though, I'll list here:

Edit: 0) I knew I was forgetting something. This one is the most pertinent. Right now, I have a lantern set up, and it uses fuel/oil as it goes. However, it's only function is to light stuff on fire, exactly the same as ember seeds would. It doesn't make any dark rooms lighter or anything. So I'm thinking of switching to ember seeds, mainly because I think they're cooler. However, the best way, gameplay wise, would be to have an unlimited amount of ember seeds you could use. So I could also make it a magic spell Kafei learns to do lil' fireballs, although I like ember seeds best. I would really like it if anybody has any input on this. Otherwise, I think he might just find an unlimited supply of ember seeds.

1) Should my screenshots be smaller? They seem 2x as big as normal screenshots on this website.

2) Speaking of screenshots:

What I'd like to draw your attention to is the speech bubble. In cutscenes, the HUD goes away, widescreen letterboxes show up, and whoever's talking gets a speech bubble. Actually, any time the hero is talking, or more than 1 NPC is talking, whoever is speaking gets speech bubbles. It was kind of hard to tell who was speaking before, so, does this seem like a good idea?

3) You'd notice this in the demo, but nobody said anything, so probably nobody played it, but there is no animation of the character swinging their sword. When you press the sword button, the animation is merely of a slash in whichever direction the character is facing, the character himself doesn't move. Is this TOO lazy? For me, this is fine, because I don't think it's that important, but it does bug me a LITTLE. I just... don't want to sprite Igos and Kafei swinging swords. Lazy... I'm also not sure Kafei will have a sword... it'll probably just be a dagger, but either way, that's a lot of spriting work, and animation of them swinging a sword in four directions for each of the two characters... I wish somebody else would do it...


What should I do about the vandals who keep spray painting numbers on Ikana Castle!?
just kidding, but which looks better, with the thatched roof, or without?

5) I'm thinking about doing away with empty bottles, for a number of reasons. Basically, they're a bit difficult to program, and here's all the stuff I would have made it so you could put in them:
-fairies ... this is replaced by magic potions, a la Oracle games, except you can carry more than one. Not more than 4, though. Perhaps 2 at first, then 4 later.
-poe souls ... or you could just keep them on your person without a bottle, same as magic beans in OOT or MM.
-magic beans ... or I could do them the way OOT & MM did, without a bottle. Why complicate it?
-water ... but what would you even use it for?
-red, blue, green, etc. potions ... no replacement for this. They wouldn't be in the game, without bottles, I'd actually need bottles.
-bugs ... see water.

So I came to the conclusion empty bottles would be mostly pointless. Any agree/disagree here?

6) Also, still deciding on the title: Mask of The Gods versus Mask of Ikana. I'd really like some opinions on which sounds better, and if you want to hear the plot to help you decide, just let me know. I just don't want to write it all out here, because that would ruin the story.

As always, I really appreciate any feedback.

Also, expect the next demo this week. It'll have at least ten or fifteen minutes of gameplay in it, depends on how fast/if you read dialogue in cut scenes... there are a lot of cutscenes, but this game is really story-centric. Two cutscenes are, at the moment, really text-heavy, but I plan to cut them down a LOT before the demo comes out. The one is a theological argument between two Ikana Soldiers and a well-spoken fisherman, the other is a story teller going WAY to in-depth with the legend of the Stone Tower. The fisherman one is pretty funny, though, I think. And the Stone Tower one has a little really funny cutscene going on underneath the semi-transparent dialogue-box while the story teller is talking, about a completely unrelated thing involving the characters from the other cutscene... was that too confusing?

Demo Progress: 8/10
I'm expecting it done this week, for real. All that's left is Kafei's tutorial dungeon. His is a lot more complicated than Igos's, and more puzzle-centric. The plan is Igos=Battles and Kafei=Puzzles. Like the part in MM where you switched characters, except Igos instead of Link.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2011, 05:15:14 am by Donotfeedthemax »
Re: [New Demo!] The Mask of Ikana
« Reply #19 on: August 18, 2011, 04:24:38 am »
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Guys, new demo! I'm excited!

I did end up going to ember seeds, they're in this demo, although they're unfinished, graphically. In the technical part of the demo, you can still use them to light torches, but the graphics aren't done. Spriter's Resource is down tonight...

I think up next is a video. Probably a pretty short one, but I think there's enough going on thus far to make an interesting teaser.
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