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Author Topic: The Legend of Zelda: The Shadowgazer is dead - long live The Shadowgazer!  (Read 396219 times)

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Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: The Shadowgazer ...
« Reply #500 on: October 14, 2007, 02:09:44 am »
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i agree with hawthorneluke, the movements are kind of slow.  though the animation is so smooth!!  and i love the little details like the octorocks in the barrel like fish, and link messing up the bed when he gets out.


Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: The Shadowgazer ...
« Reply #501 on: October 15, 2007, 03:40:46 pm »
I think he moves just fine. And yeah, I doubt it was lag. My specs are similar to yours.
Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: The Shadowgazer ...
« Reply #502 on: October 15, 2007, 11:22:50 pm »
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Okay, I just played the demo, and I'd say so far it's definitely on the right track.  :) It's definitely  a step up from most fangame demos I've seen.

HOWEVER, I encountered some things that could use polishing, IMO.

1. I encountered a bug that caused the Octorock's pellets to go right through me without damaging me, and for him to just keep bombarding me with pellets.

Basically, I just stood there, and the Octorock was standing facing me and shooting pellet after pellet...not randomly like he normally would. He was, at regular intervals of about half a second, shooting them without stopping or turning to leave. And the pellets went through without harming me...but my shield would not deflect them back. It was only corrected once I took a few steps away from where I had been standing, I think it was once I got out of the path of where the pellets where coming from. Then the Octorock's behavior instantly went back to normal, and the collision with the pellets worked normally again. I have NO idea what triggered it. But I had only been playing the game for a few minutes when it happened. I had gone to Castle Town and come back, and it happened on the way back. So it's probably not something that's hard to trigger again, since it happened after only a few minutes of being around the Octorocks. I haven't tried to trigger it again, though.

2. The way you worked out picking things up, it doesn't pick it up unless you are lined up just right (in fact, sometimes it rolls). The same goes for getting into a bed and several other actions. Maybe it's just my opinion, but I think that it would play more smoothly if you didn't have to be lined up quite as well to perform context sensitive actions. I often found I tried to perform one, but then had to stop and move over a few steps and try it again. This isn't good, especially if you have to do some of these things on the fly, like picking up a vase to use against an enemy.

EDIT: Oh, I see you've already been made aware of this...nevermind. Plus, I think what I posted was innaccurate. I don't think the problem of rolling when you mean to perform a context sensitive action applies to picking things up. I guess I need to go back and check, to make sure what I said was accurate.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2007, 01:18:29 am by legendarylugi »
Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: The Shadowgazer ...
« Reply #503 on: October 16, 2007, 07:18:08 am »
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I noticed you could just roll straight through octoroks without getting hurt if you time it right.
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Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: The Shadowgazer ...
« Reply #504 on: October 16, 2007, 08:23:58 am »
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Hey-just a suggestion- Could I help you make some backstories for the NPC's?  :huh:
Thanks, but I've got it covered. :) If you like doing that sort of thing, there's a need for it in the Community Project... XD

Also, is the game set to be always on top of other windows? O_o
Yes, it is. It doesn't have to be, if people find that annoying. I don't remember why I did that, to be honest! :P

Hmm... to put the game in full screen and/or double the resolution would be nice
You can. The + and - keys on the keypad switch between windowed and fullscreen modes. But there will be more options in the finished game.

Okaaay, regarding the movement speed. Some people think it's too slow, and some people are having issues running the demo at full speed anyway. One is confusing the other, I think.
I personally don't think Link's walking speed is too slow - I certainly don't think it's slow enough for hawthorneluke to say it's "killing" him! :P Which makes me think something's up... Is it really painfully slow? Or just a little slower than you'd like it to be? How does it compare to the trailer, or (accounting for the slight dip in framerate from running FRAPS) is it too slow in that? If it's definitely not a performance issue, I will try to increase Link's walking speed to match that of MC or LTTP - on my computer - and see what that feels like. Bear with me on this, I want to get it sorted once and for all.
For the people who are getting serious lag in the village and possibly the trail, I am trying to optimise the code, but I'm not making much headway and don't hold much hope of improving things significantly. I'll admit I'm not the most efficient coder in the world in the first place, but there's a lot going on in those rooms, and a lot of stuff which is changing as the clock ticks by. I've certainly never seen any rooms that busy or complex in any other GM Zelda game. But I am doing my best to improve it...

1. I encountered a bug that caused the Octorock's pellets to go right through me without damaging me, and for him to just keep bombarding me with pellets.
Hmm. Never seen that. And I've tested it pretty thoroughly. The octoroks are programmed to keep bombarding you if you stay in their line of sight and don't move out of their way, but the rocks obviously shouldn't be going right through you. :P Can you reproduce it? I can't I'm afraid.

I noticed you could just roll straight through octoroks without getting hurt if you time it right.
Really? Is Link flashing (invincible for a few seconds after being hurt) at the time - that's the only circumstance I can think of when something like that could happen. But I'll take steps to ensure it doesn't happen in any circumstances.

I'm putting my booth together for NCFC at the moment, and it will have an more polished version of the last demo, plus a first look at the Shadowgazer himself (finally settled on a design, and finished a piece of concept art that really captures his character!) so I'll update a little before that.


Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: The Shadowgazer ...
« Reply #505 on: October 16, 2007, 09:15:11 am »
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Looking forward to it!
Played the demo again and found out you could go to bed, and then at night Links grandma stood there, because Link was sleeping in her bed. Thats just ... oh well I would need a dictionary to express that  :-*
and then, Ive got a stupid question: will Link be able to pick up the chicken in the final version of the game?  XD thats so cheeky to ask ... sorry.
Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: The Shadowgazer ...
« Reply #506 on: October 16, 2007, 09:51:09 am »
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Looking forward to it!
Played the demo again and found out you could go to bed, and then at night Links grandma stood there, because Link was sleeping in her bed. Thats just ... oh well I would need a dictionary to express that  :-*
They all do that actually, except for the innkeepers whose bed is permanently occupied.

And if you wanted to hear what each of them had to say when they found you sleeping in their beds... Well, it would be 1 hour 30 minutes of your life that you'd never get back... :P

and then, Ive got a stupid question: will Link be able to pick up the chicken in the final version of the game?  XD thats so cheeky to ask ... sorry.
Yes, you will be able to interact with chickens in the finished game. I just haven't worked out how they're going to behave when you throw them yet, or more specifically, when they land... What happens when you throw them against a wall? What happens when they land on something? What happens when you throw them against a wall at point blank range and they land on you?! Just need to get my head round it all.
Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: The Shadowgazer ...
« Reply #507 on: October 16, 2007, 10:06:32 am »
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haha yeah, i was over exaggerating a bit when i said it was killing me :P

but its definitely not performance problems, just used fraps and got a solid 30fps
i couldnt exactly compare it, but his movement speed did seem faster and perfectly fine in the trailer though... but then again it could just be because i was watching short clips and not playing it myself trying to get from A to B as after playing the demo, then watching the trailer, the speeds did seem the same, but after a while the trailer speed seemed ok like i said >_< lol

and thanks for the full screen tip, i thought some of the stuff i said about might actually exist, but i thought i'd comment on it just incase anyway ^^;

as for always being on top, well it's not that bad, but i guess it just being normal would work out better, for me anyway

  • .hack//The World
Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: The Shadowgazer ...
« Reply #508 on: October 17, 2007, 07:10:10 am »
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well I tested the demo again (and with my slow comp took around 15 mins to get to octoroks) and no, link wasn't flashing when i rolled through it. same deal with the pellets. and I didn't test this, but if you swing your sword at the pellets, does it destroy them or whack them back or hurt you? cause on wind waker you can knock them back by swinging your sword too.
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Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: The Shadowgazer ...
« Reply #509 on: October 17, 2007, 10:59:11 pm »
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Update time. :P First of all, I've uploaded a fine-tuned version of the last demo, now christened the NCFC Demo, since that is now only a week off.
Get it here if you want it. It's just the same as the last but with a couple of niggling things removed - in particular that whole stopping-dead-when-changing-rooms thing, but most obviously I've shaved quite a lot off the filesize by compressing the WAVs and it's now a more acceptable 4MB. Also, I toyed with diagonal rolling but I pulled it out. It doesn't look right at the moment and I need to work out why...

There is also something those of you who are having slowdown issues might want to try... The / and * keys on the keypad now switch between a 'frameskip' mode, where the screen draw rate adjusts itself if the room speed drops. To counteract it the room *should* remain at 60fps - it just won't refresh that many frames per second. Try it. I dunno, you'll probably just jerk all over the map and it'll be totally unplayable, but it might keep things constant for at least one of you...! :P

Anyway, the real reason for today's update is to give you a first glimpse of Noon, the Sheikah shaman who created the Shadowgazer and originally defeated the Maren long ago. More of his backstory will be revealed in time but he's basically your guide and mentor through the game, and even though his physical body died long ago, his consciousness is doomed to walk the nightmare realm forever, though he can contact Link in the waking world via the Shadowgazer.


Designing him has been probably the hardest thing I've done so far in this project. It was important to get him right since he's such a key character and presence, and I must have done literally dozens and dozens of concept sketches before even getting close to this. That might be a story for another update, but I'm posting it now since he's going to be revealed in some art for my NCFC booth next week anyway.

The idea came from throwing everything I'd come up with so far away and taking a second look at Sheik from OOT. The skin tight costume... Pretty fruity. S & M, almost? :P So I began brainstorming from this point. So he's been a prisoner in the nightmare realm for an eternity with nothing for company but mankind's darkest thoughts... That would send a man pretty crazy, and he'd probably act a little creepy, so it came to me that I should make him jester-like, with long floppy sleeves reminiscent of a straitjacket, but also with some *ahem* bondage gimp overtones. What you see above is very much a toned-down version of that idea. Toned down partly to fit in with the WW style the game uses, but also toned down cause some of it was pretty out there... Yeah, I think I'll save some of those sketches for a rainy day. XD

Thoughts? Like him? I finally do, and I began spriting him a couple of days ago - as you might be able to see from my PI.

well I tested the demo again (and with my slow comp took around 15 mins to get to octoroks) and no, link wasn't flashing when i rolled through it. same deal with the pellets. and I didn't test this, but if you swing your sword at the pellets, does it destroy them or whack them back or hurt you? cause on wind waker you can knock them back by swinging your sword too.
Can't reproduce that I'm afraid. I can walk through the octos when flashing, which I knew about and need to look at, but roll, no. I bounce off every time, and in every scenario. Sorry.


« Last Edit: October 17, 2007, 11:01:25 pm by King Mob »
Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: The Shadowgazer ...
« Reply #510 on: October 17, 2007, 11:15:18 pm »
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Wow, King Mob, u never stop supriseing me. This guy looks awesome. 11/10. Great Work as always.
And the world rolls on...
Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: The Shadowgazer ...
« Reply #511 on: October 17, 2007, 11:39:40 pm »
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haha, i really like his poses and that mask on his face
and that clean, coloured work is amazing O_o

im glad you're putting so much effort not only into the gameplay but the story as well :D

  • .hack//The World
Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: The Shadowgazer ...
« Reply #512 on: October 17, 2007, 11:49:26 pm »
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Update time. :P First of all, I've uploaded a fine-tuned version of the last demo, now christened the NCFC Demo, since that is now only a week off.
Get it here if you want it. It's just the same as the last but with a couple of niggling things removed - in particular that whole stopping-dead-when-changing-rooms thing, but most obviously I've shaved quite a lot off the filesize by compressing the WAVs and it's now a more acceptable 4MB. Also, I toyed with diagonal rolling but I pulled it out. It doesn't look right at the moment and I need to work out why...

There is also something those of you who are having slowdown issues might want to try... The / and * keys on the keypad now switch between a 'frameskip' mode, where the screen draw rate adjusts itself if the room speed drops. To counteract it the room *should* remain at 60fps - it just won't refresh that many frames per second. Try it. I dunno, you'll probably just jerk all over the map and it'll be totally unplayable, but it might keep things constant for at least one of you...! :P

Anyway, the real reason for today's update is to give you a first glimpse of Noon, the Sheikah shaman who created the Shadowgazer and originally defeated the Maren long ago. More of his backstory will be revealed in time but he's basically your guide and mentor through the game, and even though his physical body died long ago, his consciousness is doomed to walk the nightmare realm forever, though he can contact Link in the waking world via the Shadowgazer.


Designing him has been probably the hardest thing I've done so far in this project. It was important to get him right since he's such a key character and presence, and I must have done literally dozens and dozens of concept sketches before even getting close to this. That might be a story for another update, but I'm posting it now since he's going to be revealed in some art for my NCFC booth next week anyway.

The idea came from throwing everything I'd come up with so far away and taking a second look at Sheik from OOT. The skin tight costume... Pretty fruity. S & M, almost? :P So I began brainstorming from this point. So he's been a prisoner in the nightmare realm for an eternity with nothing for company but mankind's darkest thoughts... That would send a man pretty crazy, and he'd probably act a little creepy, so it came to me that I should make him jester-like, with long floppy sleeves reminiscent of a straitjacket, but also with some *ahem* bondage gimp overtones. What you see above is very much a toned-down version of that idea. Toned down partly to fit in with the WW style the game uses, but also toned down cause some of it was pretty out there... Yeah, I think I'll save some of those sketches for a rainy day. XD

Thoughts? Like him? I finally do, and I began spriting him a couple of days ago - as you might be able to see from my PI.

well I tested the demo again (and with my slow comp took around 15 mins to get to octoroks) and no, link wasn't flashing when i rolled through it. same deal with the pellets. and I didn't test this, but if you swing your sword at the pellets, does it destroy them or whack them back or hurt you? cause on wind waker you can knock them back by swinging your sword too.
Can't reproduce that I'm afraid. I can walk through the octos when flashing, which I knew about and need to look at, but roll, no. I bounce off every time, and in every scenario. Sorry.


He looks awesome! you once again did a great job.
Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: The Shadowgazer ...
« Reply #513 on: October 18, 2007, 12:06:28 am »
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Looks great King, but one thing, do the proportions seem a little too realistic for the MC style?  The MC style always seems to me to have short legs and arms in concept art.



Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: The Shadowgazer ...
« Reply #514 on: October 18, 2007, 12:56:51 am »
  • Ghosts can have Aliens too you know.
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Was the first thing I thought of when I saw him. But seriously, its a VERY awesome design. Very proffesional looking. I love the bell hat thing and how he wears it all emo, very creative dawg.
Ghosts of Aliens
Entire project progress: About 20%

My FurAffinity!
Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: The Shadowgazer ...
« Reply #515 on: October 18, 2007, 01:43:31 am »
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Was the first thing I thought of when I saw him. But seriously, its a VERY awesome design. Very proffesional looking. I love the bell hat thing and how he wears it all emo, very creative dawg.

Crazy awesome art KM.
Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: The Shadowgazer ...
« Reply #516 on: October 18, 2007, 02:11:28 am »
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Sorry but jesus christ. Get off the forums. Go work at Nintendo. That's !@#$% amazing.
the a o d c
Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: The Shadowgazer ...
« Reply #517 on: October 18, 2007, 02:53:31 am »
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I really like the design

reminds me of a combination of


thats not a bad thing
Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: The Shadowgazer ...
« Reply #518 on: October 18, 2007, 03:27:56 am »
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Well, you have made all for this game right? How much time have you spent in this amazing project? also, Noon is really cool, how did you learned to sprite/draw/code?

pxl_moon (dotyue)

Team Dekunutz
Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: The Shadowgazer ...
« Reply #519 on: October 18, 2007, 03:38:29 am »
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Well, you have made all for this game right? How much time have you spent in this amazing project? also, Noon is really cool, how did you learned to sprite/draw/code?

Draw = Sprite... maybe at home and NOT on the computer all the time ;)

good work KM, with your skill is this the only project here that could survive until finishing.

- your spriter cant leave, you do it yourself
- your artwork designer cant leave, you do it yourself
- your coder cant leave, you do it yourself

omfg! your music composer could leave!!!oneone uh... wait... there are already enough songs that you could use ;)

*loading 4mbdemo*

bye KM

ps: still hope for a custom game after that, pls start brainstorming already if you havent done it yet ;P

~Minish Cap Style~

Minish Cap Beta:Firerod Icon, Majoras Mask:ChuChu, Ocarina of Time:Gossip Stone, Oracle Series:Link plays the "Herpes of Ages", Impa, Wand Maker: HUD
~GB-Zelda Style~
Ocarina of Time: Deku Caca
Paper Mario Style Zelda&Link, Tetra Trackers HUD-Cleanups

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