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Shallow people and entertainment industry
« on: November 18, 2012, 08:03:00 am »
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Is it wrong to think that people who dismiss a movie because there isn't an explosion every 5 seconds or dismiss a video game because you aren't shooting someone every 5 seconds are shallow?  Most people that I have become acquainted with in life enjoy most varieties of movies and video games.

However, in recent months, I am starting to meet people who blow my mind because they think Lord of the Rings was boring because there wasn't enough action but Harry Potter was fine since there was always something fast going on.  Or that Metal Gear Solid was a "decent" game because it punished you for trying to go commando instead of sneaking around and that there is too much talking but yet they say Assassin's parkour is a fantastic game as well as Call of Duty(insert number).

Am I missing something?  I am not saying that their likes are bad.  Call of Duty is fun in its own way for multiplayer(offline and online).  Action movies are great as well.

FFS, I work with people who claim to be into videogame freaks but never heard of Chrono Trigger... really?  They have never played Kingdom Hearts...  They either never played a MGS game or think they aren't action oriented enough(even though it is a cinematic sneaking game per the damn box/instructions).  They never played a Dragon Age game.  Never heard of Baldurs Gate.  Scoff at Starcraft and Diablo as "nerd" games.  Couldn't get into Resident Evil(any of them).  Think the Megaman franchise was too hard so quit playing.  Final Fantasy has too much text.  etc etc etc

I must be missing something.  I guess all I have been hearing is the best games are apparently the flavor of the day Assassin's parkour III, Halo 4, and Black Ops 2...

To be honest, my mind is still blown that these "gamers" never heard of Chrono Trigger...and it's not even in my personal top 5 favorite games but damn near every game magazine/website usually places it in their top10-20 lists.  Seriously...I heard these words at work "What's Chrono Trigger?  Some kind of time shooter?"

I thought they were trolling...They weren't.  That started the entire discussions on game and movies.
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Re: Shallow people and entertainment industry
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2012, 08:22:44 am »
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<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0CYJNw9YJQ" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0CYJNw9YJQ</a>
Re: Shallow people and entertainment industry
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2012, 08:32:23 am »
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Good talk.

Totally missed the point/question...and though it may take different strokes, that doesn't mean those strokes are healthy for the industry either.  People who think they are "gamers" and what makes "good" movies/games are the people who only purchase what's hot regardless of the actual product and it ruins the industry.  Too much !@#$% floating around in the entertainment industry these days.
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Re: Shallow people and entertainment industry
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2012, 09:05:25 am »
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Indeed TFS. How dare they classify themselves as gamers when they have never experienced Movie Gear Solid, and Chrono Trigger.



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Re: Shallow people and entertainment industry
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2012, 09:24:46 am »
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I do think that there is a lot of pandering to the common denominator happening, however, I think that it's more symptomatic of a highly business oriented consumerist approach to entertainment. Interest is generated through dramatic tension, and in its simplest form, dramatic tension boils down to base conflict. It is far easier for a creative studio to invest a smaller amount of time and money in a more direct approach that will draw more quick sales and be forgotten, than it is to create something that has rich, layered content.

From a consumerist perspective, it makes more business sense to focus on the former model, since it will reliably generate revenue with each successive iteration of the same basic premise. And since many of these ventures are quite forgettable, it makes it easier for it to be rehashed. Ultimately, it comes down to the fact that big release titles get more exposure due to higher advertising budgets, and are more accessible due to their delivery being more widespread. You can make a heart-wrenching tour de force of a film or game, but if it doesn't reach its audience, nobody will care. The same problem pervades politics, but I'm not going to touch that with a barge pole for now.

The main point I'm making here is that nobody is talking about Chrono Trigger in the social circles of these people. Or at least, not enough people. Not enough to get a look in above the noise that everything else makes.
Re: Shallow people and entertainment industry
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2012, 09:37:42 am »
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I'm agreeing with you for the most part, TFS.

The graphics in games are getting better and better and special effects in movies are looking pretty nice as well these days. The industry has found out that lots of people like to look at nice things. The problem with it? Well, having the ability to make games and movies LOOK awesome is a very good thing, except the problem is when the visuals are focused on too much. When that happens, the other important things tend to get looked over or left out. That is what I believe is the main problem with most games and movies today.

And Chrono Trigger is a legend in gaming! In my top ten games of all time for sure. I feel bad for those gamers who haven't heard of it.
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Re: Shallow people and entertainment industry
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2012, 01:50:48 pm »
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Sorry, TFS but your thoughts are rather shallow themselves. Mostly because it does not take age and accessibility into acount. Not everyone is as old that they can remember the games from before they were born. And even when they were born, it doesn't mean that the games were in their interest range. Then people don't have the time to play all the games and they definitely don't have the finance to buy all the games. Thus they focus on what they know will enjoy them.

To me someone is a gamer when they spend most of their spare time playing video games. Even when they play only one game (such as Call of Duty) for their entire life. And the reasoning for making videogames by the industry has not changed since the 80's.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2012, 02:15:47 pm by Zaeranos »


Wake the Beast
Re: Shallow people and entertainment industry
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2012, 02:12:52 pm »
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I have to agree with Niek here. I get what you're saying, you're somewhat angry because people enjoy games like Call of Duty yet don't understand the amazingness of the classics and whatnot. I kind of feel like this is a hipster-like thing to say...does it really matter what people like and dislike? Let them play what they want. Let them think what they want. You like your own stuff, I like my own (which yes, includes the Assassin's parkour series because I LOVE IT). To each their own. Who cares.

I DO however think it's dumb to dislike a game or movie because of lack of special effects lol. That is pretty silly.
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Re: Shallow people and entertainment industry
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2012, 03:03:34 pm »
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Well if you think about it, it is like everyone only cares for FPS games nowadays.

For me I play Battlefield 3 and Halo on the xbox, but at times, I feel like playing something else other then FPS.
Plus it is not like the other games will get their time to shine due to FPS gamers.  :P
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Re: Shallow people and entertainment industry
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2012, 03:53:08 pm »
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Well they don't necessarily have to play those games to be considered gamers, but as long as they have AN OPEN RANGE.  If all they care about are FPS games, then they can't really call themselves a TRUE gamer, because their horizon is too small.  True gamers would actually need to like a wide variety of games, not just one genre, because then they haven't really build up a varied gaming history.

I personally don't even care for FPSes much anymore.  They all feel the same to me, with the only variance being the weapons and stories.  Blowing up everything gets old so fast, I honestly don't see why people have orgasms over Call of Duty and the like.  Where's the part of the games that actually require you to use your brain critically, like a good number of the puzzles in Lufia II?  Critical thinking skills are essential, as they help you when dealing with problems later in life,  and make solving simpler scenarios much easier.  So why is it these kinds of games are lacking that aspect?  Find the answer to this question, and you can pretty much monopolize the gaming industry.
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Re: Shallow people and entertainment industry
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2012, 07:09:11 pm »
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Well they don't necessarily have to play those games to be considered gamers, but as long as they have AN OPEN RANGE.  If all they care about are FPS games, then they can't really call themselves a TRUE gamer, because their horizon is too small.  True gamers would actually need to like a wide variety of games, not just one genre, because then they haven't really build up a varied gaming history.

I personally don't even care for FPSes much anymore.  They all feel the same to me, with the only variance being the weapons and stories.  Blowing up everything gets old so fast, I honestly don't see why people have orgasms over Call of Duty and the like.  Where's the part of the games that actually require you to use your brain critically, like a good number of the puzzles in Lufia II?  Critical thinking skills are essential, as they help you when dealing with problems later in life,  and make solving simpler scenarios much easier.  So why is it these kinds of games are lacking that aspect?  Find the answer to this question, and you can pretty much monopolize the gaming industry.

As long as they play games they can call themselves a Gamer

Damn people, stop acting like being a gamer is some special !@#$% club. They're Video Games.


Re: Shallow people and entertainment industry
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2012, 07:31:20 pm »
Well they don't necessarily have to play those games to be considered gamers, but as long as they have AN OPEN RANGE.  If all they care about are FPS games, then they can't really call themselves a TRUE gamer, because their horizon is too small.  True gamers would actually need to like a wide variety of games, not just one genre, because then they haven't really build up a varied gaming history.

I personally don't even care for FPSes much anymore.  They all feel the same to me, with the only variance being the weapons and stories.  Blowing up everything gets old so fast, I honestly don't see why people have orgasms over Call of Duty and the like.  Where's the part of the games that actually require you to use your brain critically, like a good number of the puzzles in Lufia II?  Critical thinking skills are essential, as they help you when dealing with problems later in life,  and make solving simpler scenarios much easier.  So why is it these kinds of games are lacking that aspect?  Find the answer to this question, and you can pretty much monopolize the gaming industry.

As long as they play games they can call themselves a Gamer

Damn people, stop acting like being a gamer is some special !@#$% club. They're Video Games.
This is the truth. "Casual" and "Core" gamers are merely a marketing term invented by game companies. If you really break it down, both markets are the same. In the States, it should be pretty much a given that a person has played or seen a video game at some point.

This elitism really should stop, though. There's no such thing as being a "true" or "untrue" gamer. Either you play games, or you don't. Its just like saying I like playing football, but I've only been on a football team once in school. Does this mean I don't truly like playing football because I only played on a team once? Its really ridiculous, the whole concept or "true" vs. "untrue" gamer. Its all marketing jargon.

Hell, this entire forum could be called "untrue game developers" because a reasonable portion of this forum cannot complete their own video game or project. I'm going to be called a troll for this, but let's face it: it is the truth. That's all part of learning, though. Even I'm just as guilty of this as everyone. But I digress. The point is, this topic is full of !@#$%. If you want to play the elitism role of calling "people in the entertainment industry" shallow, then you are equally shallow for setting yourself apart from other people because you feel that calling yourself a "true gamer" justifies this nonsense.
Re: Shallow people and entertainment industry
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2012, 07:46:43 pm »
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The people I work with are within a +/- 6 year range.
It just saddens me.  How am I shallow for thinking someone else is shallow because their entire experiences s only involve what is the flavor of the day?
I am open to different opinions but damn.
When I also hear things like ,"I dont game on the pc because it sucks/it's nerdy." Then I ask if they have tried it and they claim that facebook games count...  It's not like they are newer gamers.  They had NES/GENESIS/N64,etc when they were kids.  It's that they make a conscious decision to limit their experience based on media hype and the flavor of the day.

Pretty much the same analogy as sheep...  And sheep are pretty shallow. 

Again,not saying their game choices are bad,but they are limited on stupid "this is hip" mentalities.

I also never said was i a true gamer.  I was mentioning the fact that people wont play titles because they arent "hip", that seems like a shallow mindset to me.  I accept that mindset,but I still think that type of individual is counter-productive to expanding the industry to try new ideas and concepts.

I also reminds me of the people who never played the DS because the graphics were worse than the PSP and the people who claim the Wii sucks because the graphics are worse than 360/ps3 and/or it seems like it's a "kid's" console.  Don't get me wrong: I don't like Wii.  I hate forced motion control.  But, I actually gave the Wii a shot along with about 8 titles or so before I made a choice that the Wii wasn't for me.  I didn't base my decision upon what my buddies said(guys all about the same age as me).  I based it upon my personal experience with the console.

But, whatever.  I guess if I am wrong for wanting people to try to open their minds when it comes to videogames, then I am wrong.  :)

LOL, I originally typed this from my phone.  Sorry, if there are typos all over the place.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2012, 07:57:10 pm by Theforeshadower »
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Wake the Beast
Re: Shallow people and entertainment industry
« Reply #13 on: November 18, 2012, 08:55:14 pm »
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I'm not sure you are shallow for thinking people are shallow...I think this whole thread just generally comes across as you being an elitist. It's just games. We play for entertainment. I just don't see how your life is so ultimately affected by people only wanting to play FPS games.
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Re: Shallow people and entertainment industry
« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2012, 09:27:18 pm »
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It's not.  It just saddens me to see how the industry seems to trend.  Not a huge deal, just something I've noticd.  I did come as elitest, lol.  Need to stop posting when I am really tired.  :)
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Re: Shallow people and entertainment industry
« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2012, 09:51:07 pm »
;p You're fine. I wasn't really intending to direct my post at *you* specifically, but more or less just people who talk like "uber 1337" in general. Its a trend among the gaming community that comes off as annoying to me.

As for the industry "trending", you can't stop that. Its mainstream.
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